<iongrrssional Rrrord United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 82dCONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America prescribed by law i& administered to Mr. prescribed by law was administered to SENATE JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER as a Senator from them by the Vice President. the State of Maryland for the term be­ The legislative clerk called the names WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1951 ginnin& · January 3, 1951, such action of Mr. McMAHON, Mr. MILLIKIN, Mr. The 3d day of January being the day shall be deemed to be without prejudice MONRONEY, and Mr. MORSE. prescribed by the Constitution of the either to him or to the constitutional These Senators, escorted by Mr. BEN­ United States for the annual meeting of right or power of the Senate to take any TON, Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado, Mr. KERR, Congress, the first session of the Eighty­ action it may subsequently deem proper, and Mr. CORDON, respectively, advanced second Congress commenced this day. pending the outcome of the investiga­ to the Vice President's desk, and the The Senate assembled in its Chamber tion now being made by the Committee oath of office prescribed by law was ad­ at the Capitol. on Rules and Administration through a ministered to them by the Vice Presi­ ALBEN W. BARKLEY, of Kentucky, subcommittee into the 1950 election in dent. Vice President of the United States, said State. The legislative clerk called the names called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ of Mr. NIXON, Mr. SMATHERS, Mr. TAFT, meridian. jection to the request of the Senator and Mr. TOBEY. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown from Arizona? The Chair hears none, These Senators, escorted by Mr. Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, and it is so ordered. KNOWLAND, Mr. HOLLAND, Mr. BRICKER, offered the following prayer: The Senators whose names have been and Mr. BRIDGES, respectively, advanced called will come forward and take the to the Vice . President's desk, and the Our Father God, whose approval we oath of office. oath of office prescribed by law was ad­ seek above the hollow applause of men, Mr. AIKEN, escorted by Mr. FLANDERS, ministered to them by the Vice Presi­ with the unwritten record of a new ses­ Mr. BENNETT, escorted by Mr. WAT­ dent. sion open before us we would make the KINS, Mr. BUTLER of Maryland, escort­ The legislative clerk called the names first entry "In the beginning God," as ed by Mr. O'CONOR, and Mr. CAPE­ of Mr. WELKER, Mr. WILEY, and Mr. with contrite hearts we offer the prayer HART, escorted by Mr. JENNER, respec­ YOUNG. that all the deliberations of this historic tively, advanced to the Vice President's These Senators, escorted by Mr. DwoR­ Chamber may be begun, continued and desk, and the oath of office prescril::~ed by SHAK, Mr. MCCARTHY, and Mr. LANGER, re­ ended in Thee. In a world where the law was · administered to them by the spectively, advanced to the Vice Presi­ very foundations seem to be shaken and Vice President. dent's desk, and the oath of office pre­ the mad fury of battle this very day The legislative clerk called the names scribed by law was administered to them assails our senses and tears our hearts, of Mr. CARLSON, Mr. CASE, Mr. CLEM­ by the Vice President. we cherish this hushed and hallowed ENTS, and Mr. DIRKSEN. LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES moment which so long ago the founding These Senators, escorted by Mr. fathers set apart as an altar of prayer SCHOEPPEL, _Mr. MUNDT, Mr. CHAPMAN, Alabama.-Lister Hill and John J. at the day's beginning. and Mr. DOUGLAS, respectively, advanced Sparkman. Grant that those who by the people's to the Vice President's desk, and the Arizona.-Carl Hayden and Ernest W. choice have been called to high places of oath of office prescribed by law was ad­ McFarland. state in this fateful day, conscious of the ministered to them by the Vice Presi­ Arkansas.--.John L. McClellan and J. great tradition in which they stand, dent. William Fulbright. assuming responsibilities as heavy as the ·The legislative clerk called the names California.-William F. Knowland and servants of the Commonwealth have ever of Mr. DUFF, Mr. GEORGE, Mr. FuLBRIGHT, Richard M. Nixon. borne, may be filled with Thy spirit, the Mr. HAYDEN, and Mr. HENNINGS. Colorado.-Edwin C. Johnson and spirit of wisdom and understanding, the These Senators <with the exception of Eugene D. Millikin. spirit of knowledge and the fear of Mr. DUFF). escorted by Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. Connecticut.-Brien McMahon and Thee. On this significant day of be­ McCLELLAN, Mr. McFARLAND, and Mr. William Benton. ginnings like the sound of a great amen KEM, respectively, advanced to the Vice Delaware.--.John J. Williams and J. may there ascend from every Member of President's desk, and the oath of office Allen Frear, Jr. this legislative body, upon which are the prescribed by law was administered to FZorida.-Spessard L. Holland and eyes of the world, the solemn prayer: them by the Vice President. George A. Smathers. "So help me, God!" We ask it in the The legislative clerk called the names Georgia.-Walter F. George and Rich­ dear Redeemer's name. Amen. of Mr. HICKENLOOPER, Mr. HILL, Mr. ard B. Russell. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH HOEY, and Mr. JOHNSTON of South Jdaho.-Henry C. Dworshak and The VICE PRESIDENT. The first or­ Carolina. Herman Welker. der of business iS the administration of These Senators, escorted by Mr. GIL• lllinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett the oath of office to the newly elected LETTE, Mr. SPARKMAN, Mr. SMITH of North M. Dirksen. Senators. Their names will be called in Carolina, and Mr. MAYBANK, respectively, Indiana.-Homer E. Capehart and alphabetical order in groups of four and advanced to the Vice President's desk, William E. Jenner. as their names are called they will pro­ and the oath of office prescribed by law Jowa.-Bourke B. Hickenlooper and ceed to the rostrum where the oath will was administered to them by the Vice Guy M. Gillette. be administered. President. Kansas.-Andrew F. Schoeppel and The legislative clerk <Edward E. Man­ The legislative clerk called the names Frank Carlson. sur, Jr.) called the names of Mr. AIKEN, of Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. LONG, Mr. MAGNU-. Kentucky.-Virgil M. Chapman and Mr. BENNETT, Mr. BUTLER of Maryland, SON, and Mr. MCCARRAN. Earle C. Clements. and Mr. CAPEHART. These Senators, escorted . by Mr. IVES, Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender, Sr., and Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. MURRAY, and Mr. MA­ Russell B. Long. ask unanimous consent that when the LONE, respectively, advanced to the Vice M aine.-Owen Brewster and Margaret oath re4uired by the Constitution and President's desk, and the oath of office Chase Smith. XCVII-1 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-·SENATE JANUARY 3 Maryland.-Herbert R. O'Conor and Chamber, has had to move out of this Mundt Saltonstall Thye Murray Schoeppel Tobey John Marshall Butler. Chamber into its old Chamber, which for Neely Smathers Watkins M assachusetts.-Leverett Saltonstall many years had been occupied by the Nixon Smith, Maine Welker and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Supreme Court. O'Conor Smith, N. J. Wherry Michigan.-Arthur H. Vandenberg and The Chair would like to congratulate O'Mahoney Smith,N. C. Wiley Pastore Sparkman Williams Homer Ferguson. the Architect of · the Capitol and all his Robertson Stennis Young Minnesota.-Edward · J. Thye and associates, as well as the committees of Russell Taft Hubert H. ·Humphrey. the Senate and of the House for the Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce Mississippi.-James 0. Eastland and magnificent work they have done in the that the Senator from Washington [Mr. John C. Stennis. remodeling of this Chamber of the CAIN] and the Senator from Michigan "Missouri.-James P. Kem and Thomas United states Senate. · [Mr. VANDENBERG] are absent by leave of C. Hennings, Jr. Here also in connection with the old the Senate. Montana.-James E. Murray and Chamber were hammered out the pat­ The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Zales N. Ecton. terns of our institutions, our liberties, LODGE] is necessarily absent. Nebraska.-Hugh Butler and Kenneth and our constitutional rights. Here T»"3 VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is S. Wherry. inany historic ·debates took place from present. , . Nevada.-Pat McCarran and George 1859 until the present time. Debates in W. Malone. this Chamber and in the corresponding NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT New Hampshire.-Styles Bridges and Chamber at the other end of the Capitol Mr. McFARLAND submitted the fol­ Charles W. Tobey. made American history. lowing resolution <S. Res. 1), which was New Jersey.-H. Alexander Smith and It seems to me that now when we re­ read, considered by unanimous consent, Robert C. Hendrickson. turn. to this Chamber, which has been and agreed to: New Mexico.-Dennis Chavez and occupied for nearly a century by the Sen­ . Resolved, That a committee. consisting of ' Clinton P. Anderson. ate of the United States, we can very well two Senators be appointed to join such com­ · New York._;_Irving M. Ives and be imbued with a new spirit typified and mittee as may be appointed by the House of Herbert H. Lehman. symbolized by the new appearance and Repres"entatives to wait upon the President North Carolina.-Clyde R. Hoey and the new convenience's not only on the of the United States and inform him that a. Willis Smith. floor, but in the galleries for the benefit quorum of each House is assembled and that the Congress is ready to receive any com­ North Dakota.~William Langer and of our friends and guests.
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