September 21, 1995 MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE PARISH OF ASCENSION, DONALDSONVILLE, LOUISIANA SEPTEMBER 21, 1995 The Council of the Parish of Ascension met this day in Regular Session in the Council Meeting Room, Courthouse East, Gonzales, Louisiana, 7:00 p.m. with Chairman Thomas Pearce presiding. The following members were present: Joseph Pierre Robert Odom Milton Vicknair Gilbert Buratt Thomas Pearce Shafter Kling Allison Bourque Jerry Savoy Darnell Martinez The following members were absent: Raymon d Julien Marvin Braud President Tommy Martinez was also present. Opening prayer was offered by Councilman Jerry Savoy followed by the pledge to the flag by all present. Moved by Milton Vicknair, seconded by Robert Odom, the minutes of the August 17, 1995 meeting were unanimously adopted as published. Legal Advisor Ralph Tureau stated that the present Ordinance levying the two percent (2%) hotel/motel occupancy tax would expire October 31, 1995. Mr. Tureau explained two (2) new Legislative Acts passed by the 1995 Louisiana Legislature: 1. Legislative Act No. 776 wherein the State collects a two percent (2%) sales tax in which a hotel/motel occupancy tax is included; this tax goes to the State Bond and Security Fund who in turn disburses the funds to the parish where collected, with the anticipated 1995 share for Ascension Parish being $70,000.00. 2. Legislative Act No. 47 authorizing local tourist commissions to levy a hotel/motel occupancy tax. Moved by Joseph Pierre, seconded by Shafter Kling and unanimously adopted, to open the Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance levying and imposing a hotel/motel occupancy tax. No comments were heard from the public. Moved by Allison Bourque, seconded by Shafter Kling and unanimously adopted, to close the Public Hearing. Moved by Joseph Pierre, seconded by Allison Bourque the subsequent Ordinance was unanimously adopted: ORDINANCE An ordinance levying and imposing a tax of two (2%) percent upon the rental or fee charge for the occupancy of hotel rooms, motel rooms a nd overnight camping facilities within the Parish of Ascension; providing for the collection and enforcement of said tax; providing rules and regulations; providing rules and regulations in connection with the levying, imposition, collecting and enforcemen t of such tax; and providing for the severability and the effective date of the tax and for its immediate promulgation, which tax is to be effective until December 31, 1995, and repealing the Parish tax on the rental or fee charged for the occupancy of hot el rooms, motel rooms and overnight camping facilities within the Parish of Ascension and providing the effective date of the repeal. Moved by Joseph Pierre, seconded by Shafter Kling and unanimously adopted, to call a Public Hearing to be held before December 31, 1995 to discuss with the City of Donaldsonville and the City of Gonzales the possibility of having representation from said cities on the Ascension Parish Tourist Commission. Moved by Shafter Kling, seconded by Allison Bourque and unanimously adop ted, to open the Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance authorizing the Ascension Parish Council to purchase with East Ascension Consolidated Gravity Drainage Board funds land and/or habitat units for mitigation purposes. No comments were heard from the public. Moved by Joseph Pierre, seconded by Milton Vicknair and unanimously adopted, to close the Public Hearing. Moved by Shafter Kling, seconded by Allison Bourque the subsequent Ordinance was unanimously adopted: BE IT ORDAINED, that the Ascension Parish Council purchase with East Ascension Consolidated Gravity Drainage District funds wetland acreage not to exceed ONE THOUSAND (1,000) acres at a cost not to exceed THREE HUNDRED TWENTY -FIVE DOLLARS AND NO/100 ($325.00) per acre to be earmarked for mitigati on in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency Administration Order No. 6 -90 -150A, subject to the approval of the EPA and US Army Corp of Engineers. Moved by Shafter Kling, seconded by Robert Odom and unanimously adopted, to call a Public Hearing to be held Thursday, October 5, 1995, Governmental Office Building, 304 Chetimatches Street, Donaldsonville, Louisiana, to consider an Amendment to the Ordinance appropriating the 1995 Budget for the purchase of land and/or habitat units for mitigation purpo ses. Mr. Adrian Wories, Director of Administrative Services, C.F. Industries, Inc. presented to the Council a Petition for Designation of an Industrial Area of Property of CF Industries, Inc. Moved by Darnell Martinez, seconded by Milton Vicknair and unani mously adopted, to call a Public Hearing to be held Thursday, October 5, 1995, 7:00 p.m. in the Governmental Office Building, 304 Chetimatches Street, Donaldsonville, Louisiana to consider an Ordinance creating an industrial area within the Parish of Ascen sion with respect to a petition submitted by C.F. Industries, Inc. Moved by Robert Odom, seconded by Milton Vicknair, the following proclamation was unanimously adopted: PARISH OF ASCENSION STATE OF LOUISIANA PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Ascension Parish Cou ncil and Parish President Tommy Martinez, acting as the governing authority on behalf of the Parish of Ascension, State of Louisiana, do hereby wish to join the Easter Seal Society of Louisiana, Inc. to pledge our support to the "Safe Halloween", a community service program that offers safe, tamper -proof treats to children on Halloween night; and WHEREAS, the Easter Seal Society of Louisiana is part of the nation's largest and oldest volunteer organization providing direct services to disabled children and adults; and WHEREAS, the goal of the Easter Seal Society of Louisiana is to maximize the independence of the disabled through a variety of services and programs; and WHEREAS, services and aid are provided on the basis of need to individuals with any type o f disability regardless of whether it was caused by an accident, illness or birth defect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Ascension Parish Council and Parish President Tommy Martinez, do hereby declare the month of October 1995 as: EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF LOUISIANA SAFE HALLOWEEN MONTH and urge all citizens of our community to support the Easter Seal "Safe Halloween" so that the Easter Seal Society of Louisiana may continue to provide services and programs to the disabled of our community and throughout Louisiana, and to keep the public informed so they can better understand, appreciate and support the Easter Seal Society of Louisiana. Moved by Shafter Kling, seconded by Allison Bourque and unanimously adopted, to respectfully request Kansas City Southern Railway Company to install a signal light at the railroad crossing on Babin Road (Highway 934). Moved by Shafter Kling, seconded by Darnell Martinez and unanimously adopted, to respectfully request the State of Louisiana, Department of Transpor tation and Development to install turn signals and turn lights at the intersection of Louisiana Highway 73 and Louisiana Highway 74. Moved by Joseph Pierre, seconded by Allison Bourque and unanimously adopted to re -appoint Mr. Lawrence E. Debate to the Asc ension Parish Waterworks District No. 6 Board for a five (5) year term expiring June 4, 2000. Moved by Milton Vicknair, seconded by Allison Bourque and unanimously adopted, to re- appoint Mr. Harry Thibodaux to the West Ascension Waterworks District No. 7 Board for a five (5) year term expiring April 1, 2000. Moved by Allison Bourque, seconded by Shafter Kling and unanimously adopted, to re -appoint Mr. Joe Breaux to the Ascension Parish Board of Residential Contractors Examiners for a four (4) year term expiring June 1, 1999. The following items were introduced under President Tommy Martinez's Report: - RC&D appointments - Shell Chemical Company request for Bond Refinancing - Manchac Plantation Subdivision Acceptance - Seven Oaks Subdivision Acceptance - Spee d Limit Resolution - Pin Oak Street - Darrow Community Center - Re -activation of commission - Federal Grant - Feasibility Study to four lane Hwy 42 Moved by Jerry Savoy, seconded by Allison Bourque and unanimously adopted, to appoint the following Ascensio n Parish residents as members of the Capital Resources Conservation and Development Council, Inc. for the term October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1997: Robert Odom, Prairieville, Louisiana J.O. Berthelot, Gonzales, Louisiana Marvin Braud, Gonzales, Louisiana W.P. Duplessis, Gonzales, Louisiana John Hebert, Gonzales, Louisiana Nikki Sotile, Donaldsonville, Louisiana President Martinez introduced Mr. James Smith of Shell Chemical Company who requested the Ascension Parish Council to consider an Ordinance allowi ng the refinancing of Pollution Control Bonds. Moved by Darnell Martinez, seconded by Shafter Kling and unanimously adopted, to call a Public Hearing to be held Thursday, October 5, 1995, 7:00 p.m. in the Governmental Office Building, 304 Chetimatches Stre et, Donaldsonville, Louisiana to consider an Ordinance refinancing bonds, Shell Chemical Company. Moved by Milton Vicknair, seconded by Jerry Savoy and unanimously adopted, to accept Manchac Plantation Subdivision, (2nd Filing, Part 1) and Seven Oaks Subdi vision (2nd Filing, Part 2) to begin a one -year maintenance period, as recommended by Public Works Director Frank Frederic. A Resolution Establishing Speed Limits or Regulations and Weight Limits on Pin Oak Street, Ascension Parish, Louisiana. ON MOTION of Gilbert Buratt, seconded by Allison Bourque, it was unanimously resolved that Section (1) - Speed Limits or Regulations:
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