Restricted '( } \ i . ' f à > DFO - Library / MPO CAd^ PS - Bibliothèque 41- * ' 09071508 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BRANCH MANUSCRIPT REP KJULH/ ^" «% V % v " ? No. 47-1 - %. CA tPV V % l»\i "4 • \ ft «y \ * *> DISTRIBUTIONS NOVA SCOTIA by FISHERIES SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND FORESTRY OF CANADA HALIFAX, N.S. DISTRIBUTIONS « NOVA SCOTIA. 1947. Qatohery . No. LP. O B « Stocked. No. ooked. Antipionish 57 36 Bedford 3 7 Cobequld 26 31 Coldbrook Ponds 11 11 Kejlmkujlk Ponds 33 19 Llndloff 44 15 Grand Lake 29 12 Margaree 21 58 Mersey P0nds 3 4 Middleton 64 25 Nlotaux 0 2 Yarmouth 16 106 Totals 307 326 i P WATERS STOCKED 1947. Antigonish Hatchery- . Tributary Lakes. vrlbutary to. trearoa. to* MoGillivraya Lk.L. south R. Plnovale Br. south River Antigonish Hbr MacMillan Lk. Loohaber Lk* West* River * Giants Lk. South R. Lk* Beaver Meadow Br. West R. - Kennedy Lk. do. Brlerly Br. do. ' Sullivan Lk. do. lack River Pomquet R. - Maolnnis Lk* do. eadow Green R. do. - Gaspereaux Lk. West R. Afton River Bayfield - St.Joseph Lk.- do. Big Brook south R. Cameron Lk. - do. South River- Antigonish Hbr. - Eight Island -Lk. Country Hbr.Porter River Salmon R. - River Goshen Lake do. salmon River -Guyoboro Hbr. - Taylor Lake - E. R. st. Mary Poison Br. south River Lk. - - Middleton Lake Loohaber Lk. Springfield Br. Pomquet R. - Two Mlle Lk. -E. R. St. Mary Glenroy River do. Jellows Lake - Har. Boucher R.Barney River -Kerrlgomish Hbr. - - Morrison Lake do. French River Br. French R. - Pinevale Lake south R. Scum Seoum R. -cum eoum Hbr. - - MacDonald Lake do. East River Pietou larbour - Donahue Lake Larry River West River do. Canter Lake -New Harbour six Mile Brook- West River Dobson Lake - Cole Hbr. oLellan Brook - East tiver - - Coose Coffre Lk. do. Sutherland R. Merrigomlsh Hbr. - Hazel Hill Lake -Dover Bay Country Hbr. R. Country Hbr. - Three Mile Lk. - do. Hydro Dam Harbour Boucher R. - - Narrow Lake Salmon River Guysboro River Guysboro Hbr. - - Mannasette Lk. Chedabuoto B.Sast River st. Mary* s River - MaoPherson Lk. Pt. Shoreham «right's River- West Run - North Lk. st.-George Bay Maryvale Br. Malignant Cove - - South Lake do. West R. St. Mary's st. Mary's l Sherbrooke -Lk. St. Mary's R.James River West -River - - Cudahy Lake Guysboro R iddle River Pic ou Hbr. > i - - Linwooâ Lk. Monastery R. Traoadle River îrrcadio br. - Pringle Lk. - Country Hbr. R. North River t. George Bay - - (Over) 2 WAFERS STOCKED 1947- - Antlgonlsh (con'-d) Lakes Trlb. to Streams Trlb. to Long Lake salmon River French River Merrigomlsh Kbr. ft - Grand Lake-Rearing Ponds Went Branch Br» East River - Delhanty Lake » Afton R. Afton River St. George Bay ft - Coldbrook Lake Seal Hbr, Indian Hbr, Lk.- Indian Hbr. w jt - - Fitzgerald Lake— Guysboro R. Brora Lake Barney- 's River Calder Lake- East River 0 Black Lake -Monastery River Round Lake *- Musquodoboit Hbr . f Shephard's Lake Monastery River - Cambbell Lake Frenoh River McPherson Lake- East River ft - Desbarves Lake Salmon R• Guysboro • r Dam Lk - do Beaver . 9 A ? Harbour Lk- Seal Hbr Seal . ft Goose Harbour Lk - Goose Hbr . ft Landsdowne Lake -Middle R., Plctou - Mason's Lake « Country Hbr R. * Nelson's Lake do. ft Lake -Monastery River Dunphy % - Glencoe Lake Salmon R., Guysboro Lavlor Lake -Salmon R . ft -* * snows Lake -st. iaryts River a - ft ft (57) (36) ft ft ft ft k ft « *L WATERS STOCKED 1947 » Bedford Hatchery-. Lakes. Tributary to treams. Tributary to Cameron Lake t. Croix a* Carter's Brook tewiacke R. - Coxcomb Lake - Herbert R. Nine .Mile R. hag Hbr. - - Sheldrake Lake .« is1er a. Ingram Run St. Margaret Bay - - Little : almon R. Cole Hbr. Middle River Mahone- Bay Gold River - do. - Musquodoboit h. Musq. Hbr. (31 (7) - Coldbrook leering Ponds. urke Lake Sherbrooke River randywlne Brook Cornwallis R. Maok Lake -LaHave River Cambridge Brook - do. - - Lake George Aylesford Lk. Cornwallis River lnas Basin - - Lake Paul Sherbrooke R. Crosby Brook Cornwallis R. - Murphy Lake- Gaspereaux R. Tupper Brook do. - Armstrong Lake LaHave R. Trout River -Murphy Lake - - Crooked Lake Four Mile Lk. Annapolis River Annapolis Basin Torment - - Lake L*Have R. North River Gaspereaux Lk. Aylesford Lk.- Gaspereaux R. Upper sixty - LaHave R. - Silver Lake - Canard River Minas Basin Gaspereaux Lk-. Gasp. R. Habitant Run - do. (11) - (11) - (Over) r WATERS STOCKED 1947 - . Cobequld Hatchery, Lakes• rib. to streams. Trlb. to McLeod Lake Pugwash R. East Branoh River Philip - Webb Lake - do. allaoe River North strait - - Isaac Lake Portaplque R. Tillies Creek R. Philip - Newfound Lake- * Isaac Lk. Maocan River Cumberland Basin Little Lake Newfound Lk. West Br. Wallace- R. Wallace R. - - Poison Lake R. Philip Shlnlmloas River North Strait - - Simpson Lake conomy R, Mountain Brook E. BR. R. Philip - - Gilbert Lake R. Hebert W. Br. R. Philip R. Philip - McAloney Lake Parrsboro R. Pugwash River North- strait - - Vickery Lake R. Thlllp Brownell Brook shinlaiioas R. - - Barbour Lake Wallace R. W. Br. Maocan River Maocan R. - - Leaks Lake Parrgboro R. Frenoh River North strait - Parrsboro Aboit. Minas Bn. Amherst Reservoir- Nappan R. - - Silica Lake Bass River Calhouns Brook Silver Lake - - Fountain Lake Portaplque R.jenks Brook T’mar Run - * - Bulmer Pond Frosty Hoi. Br.Robinson Brook do. - Coulter Lake- and r. Waugho River North strait - - Black Lake R. Phill Pollett River Petitcodiac R. - - snare Lake Debert River Beaver Brook LaPlanohe R. - - Whirlawaw Lake French R. Mcl.ellan* a Brook do. - - :hatter Lake shatter Br. Atkinson Brook R. Hebert - - Ramshead Lk. Bay Fundy Carters Brook Westcook Brook - Economy Lake Economy R. Little River -Stewlacke R. - - Newton Lake do. Biswanger Brook « Tillies Creek - Dead Lake E. BR. R. Philip Two Rivers Chlgneoto Bay Dewar Lake- Dewar River ShulieRiver- do. - East Brook -Maocan River - North Brook Ttmar River - East River Bay of Fundy sugarloaf Brook- E. Br. R. Philip Chlganols River - cobequld Bay (26) (3D - r ^ _ WATERS STOCKED » 1947 Grand Lake Ponde » Lakes. Tributary to Streams. Tributary to Lake Major Little Salmon R. Sackville River Bedford Basin - - 5 Island Lake Osier River Beaverbank River Rawdon River - - Ragged Lake Prospect Run Kennetoook River Avon River - - Goose Lake Porter Lake Stewiaoke River Shubenaoadle R. - - Conrad's Lake Chezzetoook R. Chezzetoook R. Chezzetoook Hbr. - - Ahderson Lake Bedford Basin Tangier River Tangier Hbr. - - Lewis Lake Ragged Lake Salmon River Port Dufferin Hbr. - - MoGrath Lrke Pennant River Ship Harbour R ship Hbr. - . Klley Lake Ingram River Big Salmon River- Echo Lake - - Lewie Lake Beaver River West River Sheet Harbour - - Sceohan Lake Pennant River Rawdon River Shubenaoadle R. - - Otter Lake Big Indian River - Long Bridge Lake Chezzetoook R. - Little River Lake Ship Harbour Tittle Lake Salmon- River - Spider Lake Little Salmon River - Barren Lake stewiaoke River Sheldrake Lake- Osier River Long Lake - do. - Albro Lake Halifax Hbr. - Kelly Lake Grand Lake - Pookwook Lake st. Margaret Bay - Grand Lake shubenaoadle River - Northwest Lake Stewiaoke River - Cole Harbour Lake Cole Harbour 2nd Pratt Lake Musquodobolt- River Bell Lake Chezzetoook- Harbour - "A" Lake Lake Thomas Spootaole-Lake via Lunenburg Exhibition - (29) (ID (Over) WATERS STOCKED « - 1947 Hatchery Mar^eree . Lakes. Tributary to Streams. Tributary to Scotch Lake Braa d'Or Leke Harris Brook Baddeck River - - Jackson Lake Sydney Hbr McDonald Brook River - . - Middle Grand Lake Indian Bay Barrasoia River St Anne Bay - - . Ferruson Lake Mira River Cart. Allan Brook S. W. Margaree - - Widows Lake do. Irdlar Brook Middle River - - Giovanettl Lak* do Weebaback River Braa d Or Lake - . - ' McIntyre Lake do Gillla Brook Baddeck River - . - MoPhereon Lake Catalone R Beaver Brook Middle River - . - Forester Lake Leeches Creek Campbell 3rook Braa d'Or Lake - - Molnnla Lake Mir* Bay McLean Brook do - - . McMillan Lake - do. McKinnon Hbr. Brook do. Dalem Lake Aconi River Cold Brook Middle River - - Carey Lake Atlantlo 0 Peter Brook Baddeck River - . - Tarbot Lake Church Brook Black Brook Indian Brook - - Kilkenny Lake Indian Bay Farquhar Angus 3r Baddeok - . - R. McKinnon Pond Gulf St L. Strathlorne Br Gulf St Lawrence - . - . Smiths Ponds Briton cove Big Brook Margaree River - - French R. Ponds French R Levis Brook do - . - . McDonald Pond Bras d'Or Lk. Black Brook Mira River - - Morrison Lake Aspy Bay Forest Glen Br Margaree River • - . - Plaster Ponds Nil Plateau Brook Gulf St Lawrence - - . Big Brook River Denys - Trout Brook Mira - River Skye Brook - Bras d'Or Lake McFhee Brook do - . Middle Rlvor do - . Baddeok River do - . Island Brook Margaree River - Salt do Brook - . Stewart Brook do - • Ingraham Brook do - . Rock Pool do - . Mxill River Gulf St Lawrence - . (Continued) WATÜR3 STOCKEE - 19 7. * Margaree Hatohcry (Con’d) ( ) Streams con’d # North River at Anne Bay - * S Margaree R Margaret R . W. * - * Grand Etang Br Gulf St Lawrence * - . Brook do * Farm - Chet1camp River do M - . spy Bay Middle Aspy River - A North Aepy River do. f - Ingonish Ingonish , ay River - Ross Bridge Margaret River * - Granton Br. do. - Matheson Glen Br 3 W Margaret R * - . MacDonald Brook do - . Galant River ;argare« River - - Egypt Brook do - . hatson's Brook do. a - Rough Brook River Inhabitants - McPherson Brook River Denys - Glen Brook do - . Gfcenora Brook N E Habou River - . Margaret Manoini Pond - River Coady Ponds do «PV . • - McKenzie 3rook River Denys - » • r > Brook River Inhabitants MeColl - eod Brook Ingraham Brook MoI. - t # ( 57) 4 WATERS STOCKED 1947. - Yarmouth Hatchery. Lekea. Tributary to Streams• Tributary to* Courtenay Lake Roseway River Deans Brook Salmon River - Long Lake Metefjhan- River Mill Brook Meteghan River - Amirault Lake do. Fluid Lk. Brook- do. - Whistler Lake - Tuaket River Comeau's Brook Bay of Fundy - - Bedford's Lake Duffy's Brook do. - Sloane'o Lake Carleton River Church Polfit 3r-. Meteghan R. - Rodney Lake Chegoggin River Gatun Thibead. Br.- do. Doctor's Lake- Bartlett's R. Hanf Brook Carleton- River - - Coggins Lake Bay Fundy Pond 3rook do. Dunn’s Lake -Atlantic Ocean Bullerwell -Brook do.
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