Vol.2, No.4, 244-255 (2012) Open Journal of Ecology http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oje.2012.24028 The current state of the plant diversity in the Tlemcen region (Northwest Algeria) Smaïn El-Amine Henaoui*, Mohammed Bouazza Department of Ecology and Environment, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life and Earth Sciences and the Universe, University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria; *Corresponding Author: [email protected] Received 28 July 2012; revised 11 September 2012; accepted 20 September 2012 ABSTRACT The problem posed by the dynamics of non-tree struc- tures (steppe, shrubland and lawns) can however lead to Tlemcen region is characterized by a Mediter- the understanding that their current expansion has been ranean climate, with a remarkable vegetal cover. and is still under the human action impact, mainly through The latter is influenced by the anthropozoo- fire and grazing, but also the clearing [9]. logical action. For that, we realized a phytoeco- In most North Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, logical study based on the minimum area clas- etc.) these attacks are somehow controlled and give a sical method [1] which allows us to have a good biological rise, while in the Southern Mediterranean coun- overview on plant biodiversity and better ana- lyze and interpret the vegetation at different tries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc.) they continue in an levels (systematic composition; biological, mor- uncontrolled manner. phological and biogeographical characteriza- [10] emphasizes that “the analysis of the floristic rich- tions; stratification; and plant species inventory ness of different groups and their biological and chrono- which we hope comprehensive). The results logical characteristics allows to demonstrate their floral show that our ecosystems are disrupted be- originality, conservation condition and, consquently, their cause therophytisation, before last vegetation heritage”. dynamics element [2], settles giving up a few The flora of Algeria is characterized by a remarkable feet of cork and holm oaks species of ancient fo- level of endemism (12.6% or 653 species listed on the rest. 3139 including 7 endemic tree species [11]. However, Tlemcen region is not immune to Circum- Keywords: Phytoecology; Plant Diversity; Minimum Mediterranean natural laws. It has a very diverse flora Area; Anthropic Action; Tlemcen (Western Algeria) and closely linked to various stressors. This vegetation has been largely studied; we can quote [12-16]. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. LOCATION The nature and actual composition of Mediterranean The study is located in the north-western part of Alge- plant communities cannot be understood without taking ria. The study area is divided into two parts: one located into account geological, paleoclimatic and anthropogenic factors that marked the evolution of various ecosystems in the mountains of Tlemcen and the other near the coast specific to that biogeographical zone. with rugged mountainous terrain (integral part of Traras The current Mediterranean region can be defined by Mountains). The stations choice mainly depends on the evident floristic criteria since 50%, of some 25,000 spe- presence of pre-forest formations and shrubland. The cies in the Mediterranean climatic area [3,4] and more so area studied is located between 34˚ and 35˚25' North and in the Mediterranean bioclimatic zone [5], are endemic [6]. 0˚55' and 2˚30' west and covers a 9017.69 km² area. It is Biodiversity includes three levels of biological vari- limited geographically (Figure 1): ability: ecosystem complexity, species richness and ge- ˗ To the north by the Mediterranean Sea, netic variation [7]. ˗ In the north-east by the wilaya of Aïn-Témouchent, Mediterranean plant biodiversity is the product, for ˗ To the east by the wilaya of Sidi-Bel-Abbès, many, of a traditional and harmonious environment use ˗ To the west by Morocco. by man [8]. Despite the constant attacks they have suf- The stations of our study area are: Zarifet, Aïn-Fezza, fered, for over a millennium, Mediterranean forests still Nedroma, Ghazaouet, Beni-Saf and Ouled-Mimoun (Fig- offer, in some locations, a significant development. ure 1). Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS S. El-Amine Henaoui, M. Bouazza / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 244-255 245 N Station of Beni-Saf W E S Station of Ghazaouet Station of Nedroma Station of Aïn-Fezza Station of Zarifet Station of Ouled-Mimoun Figure 1. Location of study sites. The stations were chosen based on the vegetation ho- For our case, the minimum area for Zarifet and Gha- mogeneity. zaouet stations is 128 m2 and for Beni-Saf, Aïn-Fezza, Nedroma and Ouled-Mimoun stations, the area is 64 m2. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS The species recovery rate is theoretically defined as the percentage of the soil surface, which would be co- 3.1. Biological Material vered [17]. This rate, variable from one station to another (See the biological spectrum): biological material. due to the vegetation control, remains very low. 3.2. Method 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Four areas and three strata were defined in the eco- Systematic Composition logical zoning. Areas are represented by the soil, climate, Flora used for identification of taxa collected are: the species composition and topography. The strata are: the New Flora of Algeria and Southern Desert Regions [11], tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer. the Mediterranean Flora [19], The Flora of the Sahara Among the different methods of studying vegetation, [20,21], the Vast Flora of France in colors [22] and flowers we used the phytosociological or stigmatist method [1]. from Algeria [23]. The survey includes the list of all species and for each The flora of the study area consists of 322 species or one with its rating of the abundance-dominance, social- 10.26% of the flora of Algeria. They belong to the sub bility and reliability. branches of gymnosperms and angiosperms, with 62 This minimum area [17] depends on the number of (42.18%) and 193 families (18%) types (Table 2). annual species at the time of survey and therefore the Gymnosperms constitute 1.55% of the study area un- vagaries of rainfall and operating conditions [18]. like with angiosperms which largely dominate. They The plant diversity in the Tlemcen region (Northwest Algeria). constitute 98.45% of shrubland with 84.21% of Eudicots Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS 246 S. El-Amine Henaoui, M. Bouazza / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 244-255 and 13.93% of monocots (Table 1 and Figure 2). 5.90% The distribution between the generic and specific Poaceae families is not homogeneous. 37.27% 16.15% Asteraceae Table 4 and Figure 3 show us that the best repre- Liliaceae sented families, on the generic and specific point of view, Cistaceae are Asteraceae (52), Fabaceae (33), Lamiaceae (25), Lili- Lamiaceae aceae (17), Poaceae (19), the Boraginaceae (7), Cistaceae 5.28% Fabaceae (12), the Apiaceae (10), the Euphorbiaceae (11), Oleaceae Apiaceae 3.73% (8) and Brassica (8). Euphorbiaceae The floristic includes 55 families, 157 genera and 232 Boraginaceae 7.76% species for Zarifet station. We have 67 species and 61 ge- Oleaceae 2.48% nera belonging to 30 families in Aïn-Fezza. For Ghazao- 2.48% Brassicaceae uet station, we have 46 families, 137 genera with 152 10.25% Other families 2.17% 3.42% species. Ouled-Mimoun station includes 23 families and 3.11% 62 genera with 71 species. We have 117 species, 99 ge- Figure 3. Composition of the flora by family. nera belonging to 40 families at Beni-Saf. Finally Nedro- ma station, we have 32 families, 58 genera with 67 spe- 5. BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION cies (Table 3). 5.1. Biological Types Table 1. The rates of angiosperms (Eudicots and Monocots) For [25] analysis of biological type can give us infor- and gymnosperms. mation on the environment influence on the local vegeta- Angiosperms tion. These biological types are considered to be an ex- Gymnosperms Stations perience of coping strategy of flora and vegetation to % Eudicots Monocots % % environmental conditions and allow us to recognize, with Aïn-Fezza 2.99 85.07 11.94 respect to the “vascular plants”, the following five main biological types: phanerophytes, chamaephytes, hemicry- Ghazaouet 1.32 85.53 13.16 ptophytes, geophytes and therophytes. O. Mimoun 2.82 84.51 12.68 [26] Highlights the existence of a good correlation be- Beni-Saf 1.71 83.76 14.53 tween biological types and many phenomorphological characters. Nedroma 1.49 82.09 16.42 [10] Emphasizes on the abundant flora heritage value. Zarifet 1.29 83.19 15.09 Initiated studies, by [27], have focused on the variation of different ethological types in the sclerophyllous for- Study Area 1.55 84.21 13.93 mations in the Mediterranean. N.B: There is only one species of ferns Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn Many other works have been made in order to high- belonging to the family of Dennstaedtiaceae (New classification) [24] or Polypodiaceae (Old Classification) [11]. light on one hand the relationship between the distribu- tion of biological types and environmental factors in par- ticular the climate (temperature and rainfall) [28-30] and, on the other hand, the relations between the biological types distribution and “the altitude and the substrate na- ture” [31]. 5.2. The Biological Spectrum The biological spectrum [32] is the percentage of va- rious biological types. This percentage is substantially the same in regions far away geographically, which show an analogy with living conditions. [26] Recommends the use of biological spectra as in- dicators of the distribution of morphological and proba- bly of physiological traits. Figure 2. Flora composition by class. Table 5 and Figure 4 show clearly that the distribution Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS S. El-Amine Henaoui, M. Bouazza / Open Journal of Ecology 2 (2012) 244-255 247 Table 2. Composition in families, genera and species of flora.
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