LoriJoan Goodson Kaywell & Jim Blasingame Honoring Ted Hipple by Keeping YA Literature Alive for Future Generations In Memory of Ted Hipple (7/2/35–11/25/04): Survey Results to a Special Collection in His Name USF, ALAN and Authors Wish You Well Eternally! Facts about Theodore Hipple award, for notable service to advance the teaching of the language arts in Florida? It is fitting that Ted Hipple passed away on Thanksgiv- •A prolific writer—having published numerous ing morning as his is a life that so many of us give books, countless journal articles, and more con- thanks for, both knowingly and unknowingly. Ted’s gratulatory notes and/or ones of thanks that would quick wit, jovial nature, great laugh, and dedication to surpass the net worth of Donald Trump and Bill the profession were infectious and his service record, Gates combined? humbling. • Department Chairperson and Professor at the Did you know, for example, that Ted was . University of Tennessee at Knoxville (went to UT • One of the founders of the Assembly on Literature the fall of 1984) where he mentored new doctoral for Adolescents (ALAN) of the National Council of students like Amy Maupin (Transylvania U) and Teachers of English (NCTE), an organization for ALAN President-elect David Gill (UNCW) as well which he served for more years “than most of us as new assistant professors like Lisa Scherff (UA) have been teaching” and was the first recipient of while continuing to mentor his former doctoral its service award—named in his honor—in 2000? students, the likes of Jeff Kaplan (UCF) and me • Department Chairperson at the University of (USF) here in Florida? Florida, joining UF fall 1968, and was colleagues My relationship with Ted went back 30 years, with former ALAN President, Authors4Teens though we got close beginning around 1983. I have creator, and the Godfather of YA short stories Don been so blessed by having him as a mentor. He was Gallo for as many years as “the earth’s been the one who showed me the way life could be in a cooling”? myriad of ways as he was the model professor, •Presented the Florida Council Teachers of English colleague, friend, and father figure. I was fortunate to Honor Award in 1980, FCTE’s most prestigious be able to attend his memorial service, which oc- 6 THE ALAN REVIEW Fall 2007 c6_15TAR_Fall07 6 10/2/07, 3:03 PM curred on Thursday, 12/2/04, in books go out of print just about as Knoxville, Tennessee. The service One of Ted’s concerns was quickly as they come into print.” was a moving display of the far- Although admittedly unscientific, reaching effects of a gifted teacher keeping YA literature on June 21, 2006, I e-mailed ALAN and an awesome human being. members this question: Is there a There were well over 200 people in readily available and he young adult book you absolutely attendance and so many more who used to say, “It seems that love that has gone out of print? sent cards and gave testimonials as From then until September to how their lives were so posi- YA books go out of print 2006, individuals could name one tively influenced by his passion for out-of-print young adult book they teaching, integrity, life, and service. just about as quickly as would love to see reissued. This Here is a sample: they come into print.” message was forwarded by ALAN • The world of young adult members and posted on message literature has lost a giant. (Bill boards, and responses were Mollineaux, 2003 ALAN President) obtained from librarians, educators, authors, parents, • Shakespeare gave his highest praise to one of his editors, and one teenager. Respondents were asked to characters, a person he wrote, for whom “age provide three bits of information: the name of the cannot wither, nor custom stale.” Such was true of book, the author of the book, and whether they would Ted, vibrant, outgoing, always interested in life and most identify themselves as a librarian, educator, in us, his colleagues and friends. He is irreplace- parent, or student. able, and he will be missed. (Leila Christenbury, 2002 NCTE President) The Results •I admired his passion and knowledge for young In short, responses were obtained from 116 adult literature. (Linda Rief, author and middle people: 68 educators, 28 librarians, 10 parents, 7 school teacher) authors, 2 editors, and one teenager. • He was a model for everything that was good and The following 12 books received more than one honorable and worthwhile in our lives and in our nomination in descending order: profession. .To paraphrase a line from • (4) The Quartzsite Trip by William Hogan (3 Shakespeare: “We shall not soon see his like pass Educators & Librarian) this way again.” (Jeff Golub, 2002 FCTE Honor • (4) The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen Randle Award recipient, USF Professor Emeritus) (2 Educators, Editor, & Parent) • He was always a stand in a river of indifference . • (3) The Dog King by Paul Collins (2 Educators & with a voice that resounded with clarity. I so Parent) appreciated that from him and trusted his views. • (2) Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John by Pearl S. (Carol Pope, English Education Section Editor) Buck (Parent & Educator) To read more about Ted Hipple, read “In Memoriam: • (2) Sex Education by Jenny Davis (2 Educators) Ted Hipple” by Donald R. Gallo and Joellen Maples in • (2) The Magic Meadow by Alexander Key (Educator English Journal, Volume 94, Number 3, January 2005, & Author) 10-12. • (2) Kinship by Trudy Krisher (Educator & Author) • (2) Othello: A Novel by Julius Lester (2 Educators) Deciding How to Best Remember Ted • (2) Miriam’s Well by Lois Ruby (Educator & Librarian) Hipple • (2) A Couple of Kooks and other Stories about Love It was during the memorial service that I decided by Cynthia Rylant (Educator & Librarian) that we needed to create something in his name so • (2) Making Up Megaboy by Virginia Walter (2 others could be inspired by his many contributions. Educators)* One of Ted’s concerns was keeping YA literature • (2) Sparrow Lake by Carol Beech York (Educator & readily available and he used to say, “It seems that YA Librarian) 7 THE ALAN REVIEW Fall 2007 c6_15TAR_Fall07 7 10/2/07, 3:03 PM The following five authors received more than one the same PowerPoint shown at ALAN 2005 was nomination for different books: (4) Gordon Korman*, playing in the background. (To see this visual tribute (3) Sue Ellen Bridgers*, (2) Margaret Mahy, (2) to Ted Hipple developed by USF doctoral student Jim Barbara Shoup, and (2) Betty Smith. See Appendix 1 Sams, please visit my website at http://www.coedu. for the remaining list of 87 titles, receiving one usf.edu/kaywell/). nomination. NOTE: Those bolded items that have an Next, award-winning novelist Lois Duncan asterisk beside them are now available in the Ted graciously addressed the audience with her wit and Hipple Special Collection (see Appendix 3). charm, expressing the importance of such a collection Initially, I was going to see about finding these to the field of adolescent literature. She also shared books and getting them digitized until I found out how some of her poetry from her newest book, Seasons of complicated the copyright issues had become regard- the Heart (a print-on-demand book available from i- ing that process. Finally, with the help of Mark universe 1-800-288-4677), and helped us all believe Greenberg, the Director of the University of South that a new spring will come after those winter periods Florida (USF)’s Special Collections Department, and of grief and sorrow. Lois Duncan generously donated Jamie Hansen, the USF Special Collections Cataloguer, the proceeds of the night’s sales as well as her talk for the idea for a Ted Hipple Special Collection was the continuation of this Special Collection. Since my conceived. For the next year, I solicited donations from first edited trade book Dear Author: Letters of Hope people via e-mail, phone calls, personal letters, blogs, was actually dedicated to Ted Hipple, a portion of the and “various and sundry” means. royalties has been donated to the Ted Hipple Fund established by the ALAN Board of Directors after his The Dedication death; a match has also been given by Philomel for On May 23, 2007, The Ted Hipple Special Collec- this cause. tion of Autographed First-Edition and Out-of-Print Finally, a plaque was given to the Hipple family Young Adult Books was officially dedicated (See Poster and they were invited to do the actual ribbon cutting Session at 2007 ALAN for the 333 donated books. Of these 333 first-edition Workshop in New York). autographed books, 25 were advanced reading copies, Ted Hipple was a true Ted’s wife of 49 years, 12 included both an advanced reading copy and its Marge Hipple, flew in from first edition, and 2 were original manuscripts prior to advocate of professional Tennessee for the event as publication. Forty-nine authors sent me their personal well as two of their three copies for inclusion and eight colleagues—Dick service and practiced children—Kathy Hipple Abrahamson, Chris Crowe, Don Gallo, Sarah Herz, from New York City and Teri Lesesne, Alleen Pace Nilsen, Cinda Snow, and what he preached. In Betsy Hipple from Los Alan Teasley—contributed. Three publishers—Farrar, addition to serving as Angeles. Besides USF’s Straus and Giroux; HarperCollins; and Peachtree Assistant Provost Dwayne Publishers—donated, and both of my sons—Christo- President of ALAN from Smith, Dr. Lisa Scherff pher Maida and Stephen Kaywell—gave many of their came from Alabama and personal “association copies” to this Special Collec- 1977 to 1979, Hipple was Dr.
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