Caucus of Women Legislators ROOM 460 STATE HOUSE BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS 02133 617 722 2266 1st Quarter 2009 Leone Addresses Domestic Violence Middlesex victims and victim confidenti- from the DA’s office during District ality. criminal hearings stemming Attorney from domestic violence Gerry DA Leone pointed out that charges. Victims, however, are Did You Know? Leone and dangerous repeat domestic not afforded the same represen- several violence offenders have often tation during subsequent civil In an informal poll of 200 members been previously convicted of a restraining order hearings Boston teens, almost half of his staff violent felony but because whereas the defendants are. In blamed pop-star Rhianna met with assault and battery is a misde- Leone’s view, legislative action for being beaten by her District Attorney legislators meanor charge, prosecutors could reverse this inequity. boyfriend, Chris Brown, in Gerry Leone in January to are not able to fight for in- February. discuss and creased jail time. Adding Lastly, Leone observed that identify gaps in legal services punitive language to the stat- victims are often reluctant to for victims of domestic vio- ute would increase penalties. prosecute their abusers due to lence. The Caucus of Women the mandatory provision that Legislators sponsored the event. Another of Leone’s concerns victims provide current contact was the disparity in legal rep- information to their abusers’ Leone’s presentation detailed resentation for victims of do- defense counsels. Leone be- the legal issues facing victims mestic violence and their al- lieves that it is possible to pro- of domestic violence as well as leged aggressors during civil tect this information while still possible solutions. Leone iden- hearings for restraining order making the victim available to tified three major legal con- issuances. Currently, both the the defense. cerns: charging of repeat of- defendant and the plaintiff Inside this issue: fenders, legal representation for have access to representation CO-CHAIRS MESSAGE 2 Women’s Caucus Welcomes New Members ANNUAL MEETING 2 Caucus Co-Chairs Senator Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D- “I’m glad to see so many GO RED 3 Patricia Jehlen and Represen- Gloucester) and Representative new and enthusiastic women tative Alice Wolf extended a Kate Hogan (D-Stow) who were joining our ranks and look sincere welcome to newly elected to serve in the legislative forward to working with NEW DIRECTOR 3 elected caucus members Sena- session beginning in January of you,” said Co-Chair Senator tor Sonia Chang-Diaz (D- 2009. Patricia Jehlen in praise of CAUCUS MISSION 4 Boston), Senator Jennifer the new Caucus members Flanagan (D-Leominster), Senator Jennifer Flanagan had who are already hard at Representative Jennifer Ben- previously served the 4th work for their constituents. AWARDS 4 son (D-Lunenburg), Represen- Worcester district in the House tative Carolyn Dykema (D- of Representatives. Holliston), Representative Caucus of Women Legislators A Message from the Co-Chairs Dear Colleagues, Staff and Friends, The first three months of the 2009 Legislative Session have quickly passed in the midst of pressing business. The Caucus of Women Legislators welcomed two new women to the Sen- ate and five to the House of Representatives as we ourselves were granted the privilege of co- chairing the Caucus. We look forward to working with new and veteran members alike to fill the coming months with informative discussions and useful forums to meet the present and future Senator Patricia D. Jehlen (D- Somerville) and Representative challenges facing us all. Alice K. Wolf (D-Cambridge) In these tough times, we should do everything we can to work together. Our new Direc- tor, Jessica Leitz, is always available to Caucus members and their staff and will gladly assist with any ideas you would like to bring to the table. We look forward to working closely with you in the months to come, both as Co-Chairs of the Women’s Caucus and as fellow legislators, and anticipate that our efforts together will be worthwhile. With best regards, Patricia Jehlen and Alice Wolf Annual Meeting Kicks Off the New Session SERIOUS DISCUSSION The Caucus of Women Legis- after making her final Treas- Serious discussion revolved lators held its Annual Meeting urer’s Report to the Caucus. around priorities for the cur- REVOLVED at the State House on Febru- Comprehensive task force rent legislative session and ary 3, with over thirty legisla- reports were also duly pre- encouragement by the new AROUND tors and staff attending. sented by Representative Kay Co-Chairs for member partici- PRIORITIES FOR Senator Patricia D. Jehlen (D- Khan (D-Newton) on Women pation on the Caucus Board of Somerville) and Representa- in Prison and Representative Directors. THE CURRENT tive Alice K. Wolf (D- Mary Grant (D-Beverly) on LEGISLATIVE Cambridge), the newly ap- Domestic Violence. Eventful and enlightening, the pointed Caucus Co-Chairs, Annual Meeting closed with SESSION opened the meeting with a Still more pressing business much accomplished and more gracious introduction and a occupied the Women’s Cau- still yet to do for the House full agenda. cus before the much antici- and Senate members of the pated guest speaker, Globe Women’s Caucus. The first order of business columnist Joan Vennochi, included remarks from out- was able to take the floor. going Co-Chairs Senator Susan Fargo (D-Lincoln) and Representative Martha Walz Did You Know? (D-Boston) thanking Caucus members for their continued 2007 marked the second straight year hard work and tireless efforts of increasing teen birthrates after a on behalf of women across steady decline. the state. Representative Har- More babies were born in the US in Representative Kathe- riet Stanley (D-West New- 2007 than during the peak of the World rine Clark (D-Melrose) bury), Caucus Treasurer, then was elected Treasurer War II baby boom. passed her responsibilities on Unmarried mothers bore 39.7% of ba- to newly elected Caucus bies born in 2007. Treasurer, Representative Katherine Clark (D-Melrose) Page 2 1st Quarter 2009 Row 1: Rep. Gloria Fox, Rep. Willie Mae Allen, Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry, Rep. Kathi-Anne Reinstein, Rep. Ellen LEGISLATORS Story, Rep. Lida Harkins, Speaker Robert DeLeo, Senate President Therese Murray, Rep. Denise Provost, Rep. SAVE THE Martha Walz, Rep. Alice Wolf, Sen. Patricia Jehlen, Row 2: Rep. Byron Rushing, Rep. Charles Murphy, Rep. Karyn DATE! Polito, Rep. Susan Gifford, Rep. Lori Ehrlich, Rep. Chris- tine Canavan, Rep. Alice Peisch, Rep. Linda Dean Camp- bell, Rep. Mary Grant, Rep. Katherine Clark, Rep. Kay Khan, Row 3: Rep. William Brownsberger, Rep. Bradford DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Hill, Rep. Marie St. Fleur, Rep. Paul Donato, Rep. David Torrisi, Rep. Danielle Gregoire, Rep. Barbara L’Italien, PRESENTATION Rep. Kate Hogan, Rep. Sarah Peake, Rep. Sean Gar- balley, Rep. James Cantwell, Rep. David Sullivan, Rep. APRIL 1, 2009 Robert Spellane, Row 4: Rep. Paul McMurtry, Rep. Jenni- 12:30 fer Callahan, Rep. Timothy Madden, Sen. Sonia Chang- Diaz, Rep. John Hecht, Rep. John Scibak, Sen. James MEMBERS LOUNGE Eldridge, Sen. Anthony Galluccio, Sen. Benjamin Downing Caucus Supports AHA’s Go Red Campaign The American Heart Associa- that cardiovascular disease is Burns and Dr. Nandita Scott, an tion (AHA) garnered strong the number one killer of AHA volunteer and accom- support from the Massachu- women in the United States. plished cardiologist. setts Legislature and particu- Massachusetts legislators, led larly the Caucus of Women by the Caucus for Women NEARLY ONE Legislators during its annual Legislators Co-Chairs Senator WOMAN OVER Go Red for Women event at Patricia Jehlen and Represen- the State House. The kick- tative Alice Wolf, issued joint THE AGE OF off for American Heart resolution marking the impor- TWENTY DIES OF month was held at the State tance of the issue. House on February 3rd with Highlighted at the Go Red for HEART DISEASE over fifty legislators in atten- Women State House event OR STROKE dance. were noteworthy remarks by According to the AHA, Senate President Therese EVERY MINUTE nearly one woman over the Murray, Speaker Robert age of twenty dies of heart DeLeo, Senator Patricia Jehlen disease or stroke every min- and Representative Alice ute. The AHA’s annual Go Wolf. In addition, legislators Red for Women campaign is heard moving testimony from designed to raise awareness heart disease survivor Lily New Director Welcomed by the Caucus of Women Legislators The Caucus of Women Legislators warmly Jessica and her husband Chris have resided in welcomed Jessica Leitz as its new Executive Melrose for over fifteen years and have three Director at the beginning of March. Jessica boys - one in Melrose Middle School, one in is very familiar with the legislative process Melrose High School and the third in Malden and the inner workings of the Legislature, Catholic High School. Chris and the boys have having worked for close to seven years as an been very supportive of her decision to return to aide to former Representative Paul Casey of the State House. Winchester. Over the past several years Room 460, the Women’s Caucus headquarters, is since leaving the State House she has served always open to all caucus members, staff and in a leadership capacity on numerous com- women interested in government. Please stop munity and school based boards and organi- by! zations. Caucus Co-Chairs Senator Jehlen (l) and Representative Wolf (r) with Page 3 Director Jessica Leitz CAUCUS OF WOMEN LEGISLATORS MASSACHUSETTS LEGISL ATURE CONTACT US THE CAUCUS OF WOMEN LEGISLATORS IS A BIPARTISAN, BICAMERAL GROUP OF Phone: 617.722.2266 FEMALE LEGISLATORS, THE MISSION OF WHICH IS TO ENHANCE THE ECONOMIC Fax: 617.626.0150 STATUS AND EQUALITY OF WOMEN AND TO ENCOURAGE AND FOSTER WOMEN IN [email protected] ALL BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT 2009 Co-Chairs Awards and Recognitions Representative Alice K.
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