U - MANCHESJIgR HERALD. Thursday. July 23, 1W7 CMS CASS l ^ m a s / v A N s I q^TMICKS/VMIS Monkey business: RmSALE FMSM.E FMSALE in9|TRUCK8/V/UI8 IEI fo r sa l e IS £ | FOR SALE Pontend; Yves talks about Marilyn / page 11 SUBARU 1W4. 4 door. Japan TV crew in Blue, 5 speed, stondord FORD M Ranger XL, 5 transmission. Air con- CLYDE TIib OM/«r You Can CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. speed. Loaders. Lynch, dltlonlne, cassette Oaaf Wtth.. GENEVA 500 W. Center Street, Coventry /.page 3 Plover. 47,000 miles. ROUTE S3, VERNON M an ch e ste r. 443- Pavla Cup: Jelin, Mayotte in opener / page 15 Asking SS200. 742-9743. 92CavalllErtEr. '34BS 4321.PF SSCEiituryoEr. •S90S LUXURY VANS DODGE 65 D-50 pickup, 4 i W R M t d N SSSkylEilcoEr. 1499S speed, cop. Lynch, 500 W. Center Street, 64 C a m E ro va. a c * 8 4 9 5 20 VANS a CAMPERS Moncheiter.t^ AND SCIECT USED CARS... 94CalEbrlly4* We '72S5 SOM E S.E% nN AN CIN O OR LESSI 94 Sk yh aw k 4 ar. w a * 5 9 9 5 I N S f O C K TOYOTA 851 ton pickup, 5 speed. Lynch, 500 W. «7 DOOQE CARAVAN >13.906 94 0ldaClara4 4r *7495 IMMEDIATE Center Street Mon- 0 7 L e BARON Q T S Turbo >12.396 64 RIvara Coupa *11,695 TRUCKS “R" US IS A WEEKLY FEATURE APPEARING EVERY OTHER 2 ?:T.''0YA0ER >16.696 . OELIVERYI chester. u44-432l.>^ 95 Chav. Caprica 4 o, *M 95 TUESDAY AND THURSDAY IN CLASSIFIED. MOST OF THESE ADS ARE .07 CARAVAN >16296 C M C 05 pickup, V-4, 07 RAMCHARQER 4>4 >17.696 66 Eacon HTMCk *6195 HURRY IN DEALER ADS, BUT INDIVIDUALS WISHING TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARE 07 CARAVAN >14106 66 Subaru QL XT *9495 FOR BEST ENCOURAGED TO PHONE 643-2711 TO PLACE THEIR ADS... standard. Lynch, 500 W. Center Street, Mon- 0 7 V O V A O E R >16.996 96 C a iR u ry 4 ar. * 1 0 , 2 9 5 SELECTIONI O O T H U N O E R B IR O >9,096 cheiter. 444-4321. 96Cavallar4ar *U95 0 0 D O O Q E P/u LopdMi >11,496 TOYOTA 85 4 X 4 pickup. 00 RELIANT S.W. >9 096 67 Spactrum 4 ar *6495 ^ route 83 0 6 D O O Q E 4«4<wbiow >12,996 87Chavalla2dr *5495 Lnch, 500 W. Center aurlirfitrr HrralJi 0 6 U S E R Turbo >11,696 VE^NCON N Street, Manchester. Manchester A City o( Village Charm W D O O Q E C H A R Q E R >7,696 67Baralla2ar *10,995 444-4321.1^ 6 0 L a B A R O N Turbo >12,406 0 0 D O O Q E R O Y A L PU >10.695 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 ^ MOTORS. INC. M A ZD A 1987 B2200 SE5. O O L lB A R O N o D r .T u ib a >12,496 C4NI.UC • OLDSMOBILE • PONITkC • CMC TRUCKS Dover white. «11287. Friday, Juiy 24,1987 01 C A D D Y D e V IL L E - NkM >6.206 Morlortv Brothers, 315 06 BIHCK REQAL 2 Or.. >12,096 30 Cents I, IHio now CAMPERS/ Center Street, M an­ RBCELEBRITY >7,796 chester. 443-5135.1^ «e PLY. HORIZON ( >6.996 TRAILERS CAMPERS/ MOTORCYCLES/ B6 CHY. QTS >10296 TRAILERS MOPEOS M A ZD A 1967 B22lio SE5. 96.600 Conv. (9) >13.895 CH EVY VAN 1979 with olr Ondo blue. #11311. aSVO Y A Q ER >9.096 conditioning. Am/fm CHEVROLET 1975 Cus­ Tanker SB COUQ AR WILL TrocinrTpeed Morlortv Brothers, 315 >0.496 cassette. Captain's tom open rood camper Center Street, M an­ More trouble 44 PLY. RELIANT >4,906 boy's Raleigh Touring 64 CH ARQ ER 2 ar >2596 choirs. Soto, Ice box. von. Loaded. Good bike for used Moped. chester. 443-5135.1.' Coll 742-0744. Sam-Spm, 82 PONTIAC J2000 >2,905 condition. $4995. 444- Coll 443-9279. MAZDA 1967 B2200'sis 6 0 FORD CUSTOMIZED >6496 ask for Georoe. 1030. hits mine V A N - S4.000 ml., ihow troupvr cob plus, 5 speed. T 9 B IH C K S K Y L A R K >2.796 White. #11319. Blue. CARS #1316. Morlortv possible as 8 7 5 -3 3 1 1 FOR SALE m i M u |5T1“”H lliM E Brothers, 315 Center Street, Manchester. in gulf 443-5135.>'._________ M A ZD A 1967 B2200 SE5 By John Rice cob plus. Automatic. The Associated Press Sliver. #11295. Mor- heat persists lortv Brothers, 315 Cen­ ter Street, Manchester. KUWAIT — A Kuwaiti tanker 443-5135.*'__________ flying the Americanflag under U.S. Bv Alex GIrelll M A ZD A 1987 B2200 SE5 quarrels. Navy escort hit a mine in the cob plus. Luxurv 4x2. and Bruce Motzkln "Right now, we’re having the Persian Gulf today as it passed an Block. #112S3&#11277 The Manchester Herald usual complainU that go along with island fortified by Iranian Revolu­ #11327. M o rlo rtv heat, such as breathing problems,” tionary Guards. Brothers, 315 Center Manchester people will continue said Wood. "But soon domestic No injuries were reported among Street, Manchester. to swelter this afternoon and quarrels will increase.” the 26 people on board the giant SSS-SISS.i' Saturday, with today’s tenipera- Manchester Memorial Hospital tanker Bridgeton, but the vessel M A ZD A 1987 B2200 Lux­ ■tures expected to climb to 95 reported complaints of shortness of took on water. After a brief delay, it urv 4x2. Red. #11248. degrees, and more heat and humid­ breath, but there have been no proceeded toward Kuwait, its Morlortv Brothers, 315 ity in store for the weekend. cases of heat stroke so far, said destination. Center Street, M an­ There may be scattered thunder­ In Tehran, Iranian Prime Minis­ chester. 443-5135.1'’ Andrew A. Beck, a hospital showers for relief, but no guarantee spokesman. ter Hussein Musavi called the M A ZD A 1987 B2200 luxurv that if some rain does fall, any of it Manchester is not the only incident an “ irreparable blow to 4x2. Ondo blue. will fall on Manchester. America’s political and military #11274. M o rlo rtv Connecticut town that is having Brothers, 315 Center And if the heat wave continues as trouble pumping water fast enough prestige.” He said the mine was Street, Manchester. expected, water won’t be the only to supply the extra-heavy demand, planted by “ invisible hands.” SSS-SISS.*'____________ problem townspeople can expect to as people water lawns in an attempt Iran’s Islamic' Republic News M A ZD A 1987 B2400 4 x4 face as a result. to keep them from browning up in Agency, monitored in Nicosia, base. Silver. #11272. Police spokesman Gary A. Wood the blazing sun. quoted Musavi as saying he hoped Morlortv Brothers, 315 predicted today that if the torrid Water systems in many parts of “ the wise men in the United States Center Street, Mon- temperatures don't subside within the state are taxed, even ^ough have learned a lesson and (will chester. 443-5135.*' a couple of days, there will be an most reservoirs are in pretty g o ^ now) put an end to their tension- TOYOTA 85 Cargo von. increase in the number of domestic shape, despite the drought. Iliat is creating adventures in the Persian Automatic. Power because heavy rainfalls earlier this Gulf.” FouOTfTne Leader steering , power year filled reservoirs to capacity or , In Washington, White House brakes. Lvneh, 500 w. near it. spokeswoman Leslye Arsht said Center Street, Mon- President Reagan was awakened at ^1000 Chester. 444-4321.1' Heat causes Some communities in the state, iTruck Saleli including Farmington, Walling­ 2 a.m. EDT by national security TOYOTA 85 longbed We’re Steering Yon StroighUo hecr^-dut7 ford, Southington and East Lynie, adviser Frank Carlucci and noti­ pickup. 4x4. Lvneh, 550 have started voluntary conserva­ fied of the explosion. She declined to REBATE servings on new cma used trudes!' W. Center Street, Mon- three deaths chester. 444-4321.1' tion measures. characterize Reagan's reaction to ^ > O B MEW 1987 F-2S0 NEW 1987 BRONCO II the report. NEW 1987 FO RD 84 F-150 Club According to the National ♦ « 4 nCKUP 4x4 Weather Service at Windsor Locks, U.S. officials have not said how I s " F-350 PLATFORM wogon. 4 evlinder, au­ tomatic. Lvneh, 500 W. across U.S. the weather will stay hot and humid they would respond to an attack on Center Street, Mon- today and Saturday, with the a vessel flying the Stars and chester. 444-4321. By The Associated Press possibility of scattered thunder­ Stripes, but have hinted that '5 0 0 FORD 84 F-150 pickup. 4 showers Sunday. But there was no military retaliation is a possibility. speed, olr. Lvneh, 500 Heat and humidity that over­ prospect in sight for the daylong The convoy was about 120 miles iS S T j - V W. Center Street, Man­ came dozens ,of people at a kind of rain that would satisfy the southeast of Kuwait’s Mina al- S T ^ chester. 444-4321.*' thirst of lawns, and cut down on the Ahmadi oil terminal when the V-a, Automatic, H.O. Front Suapcnslon, Pennsylvania rock concert and REBATE Y 4 l XLT Trlffl.
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