
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018 No. 124 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was benefits of the monument designation, Congress will do its job. Mr. Speaker, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- benefits for Native Americans, for until we get fair districts, we will have pore (Mr. PALAZZO). wildlife, for the local economy, and for to rely on renewed, energized voter en- f the environment. gagement to elect a Congress that will The only way we found out about this do its job. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO manipulation is because they inadvert- The good news is that the evidence TEMPORE ently disclosed the entire memo- all across America is that people are The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- randum, exposed for everybody to see responding to a new generation of po- fore the House the following commu- how they blatantly manipulated the litical leadership. They are getting in- nication from the Speaker: process. But this is just another exam- volved in unprecedented numbers— WASHINGTON, DC, ple. more voters, more activism. They are July 24, 2018. This last week, we have seen attacks going to elect, as leaders, new Members I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVEN M. on our long-time friends and allies in who will provide the accountability to PALAZZO to act as Speaker pro tempore on Europe, undermining the NATO alli- hold in check this reckless administra- this day. ance, questioning the integrity of our tion. PAUL D. RYAN, American intelligence service, and as- It is too bad it looks like we will Speaker of the House of Representatives. saulting American business and con- have to wait for the election for the f sumers with this ill-advised trade war next Congress to do its job. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE and the tariffs, which are just taxes on f American families. This is, in part, due The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to the fact that we are not getting any HOUSE COMMITTEE ON EDU- ant to the order of the House of Janu- pushback on these outrages from most CATION AND THE WORKFORCE ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- Republicans in Congress, not standing TO HOST INNOVATION FORUM nize Members from lists submitted by up to Trump for America and for our AND SHOWCASE the majority and minority leaders for values. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The morning-hour debate. It appears that most of my Repub- Chair recognizes the gentleman from The Chair will alternate recognition lican friends are held hostage to the Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 between the parties. All time shall be most extreme elements in their dis- minutes. equally allocated between the parties, tricts. They are given enhanced influ- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. and in no event shall debate continue ence because of the practice of partisan Mr. Speaker, tomorrow the House Edu- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other gerrymandering, drawing boundaries to cation and the Workforce Committee than the majority and minority leaders enhance the power of the Republican will host innovators from across the and the minority whip, shall be limited majority, so you only have to worry country for the bipartisan Innovation to 5 minutes. about voters in the primary. Forum and Showcase. The Innovation f I have long supported independent Forum will begin at 10 a.m. in room commissions to draw these boundaries, 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Build- NEW LEADERSHIP IS NEEDED IN have proposed legislation federally. Al- ing. Five panels of innovators will CONGRESS though there appears to be little appe- speak and answer questions from com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tite in Congress, luckily, people out in mittee members about their work. Chair recognizes the gentleman from the States are taking matters into From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., members of the Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- their own hands. We are watching cit- public are invited to tour the Innova- utes. izen initiatives in Michigan, in Utah, tion Showcase in the Rayburn foyer, Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, it and in Colorado. Voters, this year, will where the innovators will be available seems every morning we are greeted by have a chance to vote on fair and hon- to share information about their work. another outrage from the Trump ad- est redistricting if the U.S. Chamber As a senior member of the com- ministration. Today, we find that the and the Republican Party are not able mittee, I am so proud of the bipartisan Department of the Interior deliberately to block it from being voted on, as they Innovation Forum and Showcase. This manipulated the information sur- are trying to do in Michigan. event will certainly highlight hard- rounding the decision to amend the When voters, again, pick the politi- working American innovators from all boundaries of national monuments. cians instead of politicians picking the walks of life. Tomorrow, there will be They withheld information about the voters, it is much more likely that 24 innovators who have traveled to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7089 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:53 Jul 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.000 H24JYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2018 Washington to discuss how they run ca- Career and Technical Education for the We, as leaders of the free world and reer and technical education and work- 21st Century Act. I look forward to guarantors of the international, rules- force development programs in their ironing out just a few minor dif- based order, have a duty to stand by communities. ferences, some good refinements that these sovereign states. In some cases, I am incredibly honored to have Joe the Senate made, and we will see about Mr. Speaker, we have signed pledges to Luther, from the Central Pennsylvania getting that to the President’s desk, do so. Institute of Science and Technology lo- quite frankly, providing greater access Their struggle for freedom is not cated in Pleasant Gap, Centre County, to more effective, skills-based edu- some distant battle that does not con- Pennsylvania, be there. Mr. Luther is cation for all Americans seeking the cern our well-being. Their fight for the horticulture and landscaping in- American Dream of opportunity. self-determination is a battle for the global order and the survival of democ- structor at CPI. He is well loved by his f students and has received numerous ac- racy in the face of foreign tyranny, colades for his performance in the WORKFORCE CHALLENGES ON specifically Putin’s tyranny. classroom. GUAM Nations and the people they rep- In 2014, Mr. Luther was named the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The resent have the sole right to determine ACTE New Career and Technical Edu- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from their own fates. Foreign bullies like cation Teacher of the Year for Pennsyl- Guam (Ms. BORDALLO) for 5 minutes. Putin should not threaten or dictate vania. In December, he was awarded Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise their way of life or the futures of those the National Career and Technical today to introduce the Guam Tem- children. If we allow Russia to so blatantly Education Teacher of the Year from porary Workforce Act. A near 100 per- break international law, particularly NOCTI, which is presented annually to cent denial of temporary H–2B peti- the fundamentals of sovereignty and tions on Guam has hindered our is- recognize career and technical edu- territorial integrity, where will it end? land’s ability to grow the economy and cation teachers for their outstanding When will the Russian bear march in service. provide affordable and timely services the streets of some other friend, a I visited Mr. Luther in his classroom for our civilian population. NATO ally, perhaps? at CPI and out in the community, While our community fully supports We must recognize their courage in where his students routinely work on providing job opportunities and career the face of such a daunting challenge projects or participate in competitions. advancement for those already living and send a message to the Kremlin In January, Mr. Luther’s landscaping on Guam, we do not have the popu- that we stand with our Eastern Euro- students secured their fourth consecu- lation or the organic workforce to fill pean friends on their quest to be a free tive first place win at the Pennsylvania the labor demands of our island. Local nation and more integrated into the Farm Show as a part of the agricul- companies have tried to recruit from West. That is why I have introduced H. tural education landscape exhibits. other territories and mainland United Res. 955, to affirm U.S. support to the Mr. Speaker, the Pennsylvania Farm States, all to no avail. nations of Ukraine, Georgia, and Show is the Nation’s largest indoor ag- I am pleased that we made some Moldova in their effort to retain polit- riculture event, and the CPI students progress in alleviating these workforce ical sovereignty and territorial integ- beat a total of seven other schools to challenges in the defense bill that we rity. take the top prize for their exhibit.
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