THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 6 15, 1889. HANKINU HOUSES. Wanted to be an Angel. LINER Or fHtVKI,. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ST. VINCENT MARKET. to procure Lilly Spiizerer's endeavor COAST A Dew Building to be Erected by wings by the morphine route. Late PACIFICGoodall, Perkins A Co., General Agents. Architect Young;. Saturday evening she went to coltons San Francisco. completed MAIN BTREET ! Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, for tbe exchange, hundred and MAISON DOREE Plans have been furniture two SAVINGS BANK Ore.; Victoria, B. C, and Puget Sound, Alaska, s«w market building of Major B. W. two south spring etreet, and finding it A3ST33 TRUST CO. and all coast points. RESTAURANT. Jones and Hervey Lindiey, on Fort closed she took a duse from which she 526 SOUTH MAIN STREET. street, between Sixth and Seventh. Mr. has recovered, and will get there Mon- SOUTHERN ROUTES. Private Saloons. offices in the Breakfasts, Dinners and Suppers la R. B. Younz, whose are day. Time Table for November, 1888. a carte. Bank building, Is the archi- CAPITAL, $200,000 California For IZU and ISI West First tect. Sale. LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO Street, frontape Fine, stylish, polished oak cart, made by R, President, J. B. Laukershim; Vice-Preßideut. Chas. Forman; Cashier, F. W. DeVan. For Mwttg Spring and Fort. The structure will have a of N. T.j front and Forman, Pott Harfoul M. Bingham «fc Co., Rome, Dibbctobs?Chas. A. H. Uenker, J. J. Bohallert, Q. J. Griffith, J. B. Laukershim ... 1 8. 8. Santa Rosa, Nov. 1, 0, n4tl V. IJOE, Proprietor. 192 feet, and will extend back from Fort back seat, carrying two to fonr lightpersons; J. H. Jones, I. K. Van Nays, Geo. H.Pike, F. Sabichi. Santa Barbara... 1 17, '25; Dec 3 street 144 feet. It will be of pressed height of wheel, 42 inches; height of body San Pedro fB. 8. Queen, Nov. 5. 13, 21 trimmings, from floor. 80 inches; length ol shaft front of Five per cent. Interest paid on Time Deposits. San Diego J aud 29. brick, wit.h stone and will be iuches; for small horse, 13 15 ' bar, 0 Itet 2 to >loriov to Loan on Real JCst.Hte. se2Bl For 18. 8. LO9 Angeles, Nev. 3, three stories in height, although the hands high; has been Blighllyused; is ottered Redondo I 11, 10 and 27. part of the building in which the Armory st a bargain. Ban Pedro and fS. S. Eureka, Nov. 7. 15, Belvedere Co., -::- Restaorant, Hawlry, Kino a . 1, only two Way Ports 23; Dec. Hall is located will contain Los Angeles and Rcqueua streets. J 40 N. etories. The entire ground floor will be LEAVE SAN rfcDRO MAIN STREET, cement, floor, Surprise the Surprise. SECIIUTY SAVINGS HANK. AND For 8. 8. Banta Rosa, Nov. 3,11, Makes a specialty of Fresh Clams and Oysters one large room with a in A at XKIIST:CO., \I 19 and 27. A large millineryhouse In New York just in daily. Game oi ail kinds always on hand which there is space for over 100 market San Diego (8. S. Queen, Nov. 7, 15 28: Oyster Cocklsib. best Cook of building bankruptcy soads U8 100 dozen fancy feathers 40 South Main. Capital, Dec. 1. In the stalls. The front the is so each; goods worth SO cts $200,000. J city. it entirely at 5. 10 anil -JS cents LEAVEBAN PEDRO arranged that can be thrown to $1.00 cich. 100 dozen bunches ottrich tips G per cent paid FRANK J. GOTTA. folding buck of the each; worth to 75 cents interest on deposits. Eor ) 3. P. Queen, Nov. 1, 9, 17, open, the dcora out at 10 and 15 cents 50 San 25; Sole Proprietor' way. each. 100 dozen felt hats at 30 to cents Stockbolubbs; Francisco.. I Dec. 3. each. Allgoods sold at these vices for one Rbsidrht ?I, w. Hollraan, O. W. Childs. Port Harford.... fB. 8. Santa Rosa, Nov. 5, MP-Tbe best oflWiL-es and Liquors. oC lm The hall, which will be used by the week only, at the SUaPRISE, \u25a0ageno Germain, J. A. Graves, S. A. Fleming and others. Banta Barbara.. J 13,21 and 29. Seventh Regiment for drill purposes, 125 144 S. Spiing street. Wholesale Milliners. LEAVE SAN PEDRO AND BEDONDO by feat, the largest hall For I 8. 8. Eureka, 2, 10, 18 144 will be in Surely Cured. Nor. C. lE. Southern California. The floor space is Consumption San Fratici-co 1 and 26. Q. To the Editor:?Please Inform your readers and [ 8. 8. Los Angeles, Nov. 6 perfectly clear, the roof being a complete that 1 have a positive remedy for Consumption. Way Poiitts J 14, 22 and 30. RESTATJR^NT, span and the galleries being upheld by By Its timely mse thousands of hopeless eases Court St. bet. Iftnlu and spring. supports from above. Connecting with have been permanently cured. I shall bo g»»d Cars to concoct withoteamors leavo 8. P. R.R (0 send bottles ol my remedy st.kb toany depot, Fifth Los Angolos, With ROOMS FOR LADIES. rooms, two they THE BANK street, ««follows: PRIVATE if NATIONAL the hall will be tbo officers7 a of your readers w?>o havo consumption OF CAIIFOMIAfthe Queon of the Pacific and Banta Rosa at billiard room, parlors nnd ihe Signal willBend me thoir Express and P. O. Address 9:50 o'clock A, at.; with Lob Augelos snd Tho cooking is hy A. Testa, one of the oldost Service corps' apartments. The head- HcEpectfnllv, T. A. SLOCUM, M. 0., 181 Pearl Corner of Spring and Second Streets, Los Angeles, Gal. Sareka, going north, at 5:10 o'olock p. M. and most noted cooks of the city. iit.,K.Y. Passengers per Los Angales and Eureka via Meals at all hours, and served cither th quarters of the brigade will be in this Redondo leave Banta Fe depot at 6:00 r.B. French, Italian or American style. bridge For Anything: Good to Eat, CAPITA!,, SS.VJ.OOO. Plans of steamers'cabins part of the building. An iron at agent's 1fuco. A TESTA, ( ??,?? story Or oyßters served in any style, go to Spencs, where bertiio may he secured. °1 lm P. GIULIANI,!Pr °P g will connect this with the second Open Tho South Spring street. till12 p. m. n F6<lfore7ery kludone !,im4t3 baukil and solicits steamers ix>B Angeles and Enreka wli story of the St. Vincent's building, needing a bank = «- the accounts of all call regularly at Newport pier for and with which lies directlybehind the armory. Unsurpassed?Elgin brand condensed e^ freight and passengers. milk. BOARD OF The comoniiyresorvo the right to chunge ths - DIRECTORS: PUBLIC OFFICERS: steamers ortoo! r days of sailing. WORKS. Opening Day, November 2d. J. M. C. Mvrble President formerly of Bisbeo & Owen UHTJBCHILL. .Vice-President. r^,r; Br. W L. Graves, freight The stejular ttcekly Tour of In- Mr. Ed. Wenger. H. (.apt, George is. Lemon, E. E. rj. Klokke £Bjr-For pnsiago or as above or fc RESTAURANT - ! Parlors, will Hvphes Wenger, proprietors of the Opera W. O. Cashier. M lan<i Fred Hotels to aud from all important points in spection. open a tirst class stock of wives nud liquors at Pekby Wildjian Assistant Cashier. P,%TerryiU Wiidmau,wTM Eaten? Europe, apply to of yesterday after No. 0 Court about November 2d. W. G. Hughes. Agent. The Board Facile Works street, J. AT. C Marble. n4 M W. PARKIN, noon took itiregular about the city. It Office: No. 8 Commercial Bt.. Los Angeles. J tour are the visited the viciui'y of Ninth street, and will Shcrwlu-Wllllamni' floor aiuts most reliable. P. H. Mathews, Second AND MERCHANTS' BAKI/ BANK!!. recommend thatcrossings placed the corner Of LOS a:'...:..\u25a0:.-. CAL. ' ' ice at in- and Maiustreets. lIABMEE3' tersection of Fort, Hilland Eppc streets with I'nexccllcd?Elgin jsaias w. hellman ANGELEB N Ninth. It willalso recommend tint Eighth branaoondensed milk rimifiaui kT Mkm flic tap? L. 0. Goodwin Vloo-PrealdenS 008. FlasT street, between Grand avenue and Pearl, fee Mirrwin.VVlliiuiut.' prepared house, AND SPBIHS Bra. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF \u25a0 >'\u25a0' Capita; (paid TOTA graded. On Tenth street, near Grand avenue, pain's at P. H.Mathews', cor. Second and Main, up) SSOO.OOO. Capital thore a portion Barplus ana Reserve Fnnd- - 800,000. 81500 000 Go Sunday, October 27, 1889, is 6f the street ungraded in Sdeplusaitd Uromnan PaOTTW. 60,'rjoo M Trains leave a.id are dno front of lot. The Street Snpcrintendsnt Notary Public and Commissioner to arrive at . a will Loa (fscir Depot) New YorK and Arisoua, 6. A. Dotlnsoi: Total, £1,300,000. T< AL Anireles Arcatlc be instructed to notify the owner of the lot to - - - $6f^,00o"oo FIPTH STRItET,DAILY. AS FOLLOWS! grade the street. Steps will he tf.keu 114 South Fort street. Twelve years' experi- DIBJtOTOSa,- also to GEO. Foi.j prevent the dirt wagons from spoiling the ence. O. W. ChUdß, C. E. Thorn, Joss MasoareLJ " B. BONHBRAKB President Leave DBaimiTion. lArr. Fioxa newly graded iv the vicinityof Orange stieets Tneo. Rapp, Wood Engraver, B. Lankershiru. C. Uncommon, Philippe Gsr- «? HOWSB |!3:50 p. aud Bixel streets. uler, L, C. Goodwin, L. L. Bradbury, W, *< Cashier. m Banning ||10:04 a.x The board drove out to Westlake Park and No. 32J» South Sp ing street. Satisfaction Hoilman. 8:00 p. as Banning !):31 r. w inspected t';e cable traci. whi'h is grade guaranteed. Ktas.>;i»o'e prlcon.
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