Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 144 / Tuesday, July 28, 1998 / Notices 40273 Name Case No. Ben Salamoni Trucking Service Inc ............................................................................................................................................. RK272±01697 Clarke Oil Well Servicing Inc ....................................................................................................................................................... RK272±01871 Excel Specialty Products .............................................................................................................................................................. RK272±04762 Leggett & Platt, Incorporated ....................................................................................................................................................... RF272±4705 National Beverages, Inc. .............................................................................................................................................................. RK272±04677 Personnel Security Hearing ......................................................................................................................................................... VSO±0206 Petrolane Gas Service Ltd. Partnership ...................................................................................................................................... RF340±00169 Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................... RR340±0001 The Brindle Excavating Co., Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. RK272±01477 Weinberg Chemical & Supply Company ...................................................................................................................................... RK272±04716 200 Varick Street Associates ....................................................................................................................................................... RK272±04603 [FR Doc. 98±20128 Filed 7±27±98; 8:45 am] DATES: Comments, identified by the claimed confidential by marking any BILLING CODE 6450±01±P docket control number PF±816, must be part or all of that information as received on or before August 27, 1998. ``Confidential Business Information'' ADDRESSES: By mail submit written (CBI). CBI should not be submitted comments to: Public Information and through e-mail. Information marked as ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Records Integrity Branch, Information CBI will not be disclosed except in AGENCY Resources and Services Division accordance with procedures set forth in (7502C), Office of Pesticides Programs, 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment [PF±816; FRL±5799±3] Environmental Protection Agency, 401 that does not contain CBI must be M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In submitted for inclusion in the public Notice of Filing of Pesticide Petitions person bring comments to: Rm. 1132, record. Information not marked CM #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, confidential may be disclosed publicly AGENCY: Environmental Protection Arlington, VA. by EPA without prior notice. All written Agency (EPA). Comments and data may also be comments will be available for public ACTION: Notice. submitted electronically to: opp- inspection in Rm. 1132 at the address [email protected]. Follow the given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., SUMMARY: This notice announces the instructions under ``SUPPLEMENTARY Monday through Friday, excluding legal initial filing of pesticide petitions INFORMATION.'' No confidential holidays. proposing the establishment of business information should be regulations for residues of certain submitted through e-mail. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The pesticide chemicals in or on various Information submitted as a comment product manager listed in the table food commodities. concerning this document may be below: Product Manager Office location/telephone number Address Bipin Gandhi (PM 21) .... Rm. 707A, CM #2, 703±308±8380, e-mail:[email protected]. 1921 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Ar- lington, VA. Cynthia Giles-Parker Rm. 247, CM #2, 703±305±7740, e-mail:[email protected]. 1921 Jefferson Davis (PM 22). Hwy.,Arlington, VA. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA has including printed, paper versions of may be filed online at many Federal received pesticide petitions as follows electronic comments, which does not Depository Libraries. proposing the establishment and/or include any information claimed as CBI, amendment of regulations for residues is available for inspection from 8:30 List of Subjects of certain pesticide chemicals in or on a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, Environmental protection, various food commodities under section excluding legal holidays. The official Agricultural commodities, Food 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and record is located at the address in additives, Feed additives, Pesticides and Comestic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 346a. ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this pests, Reporting and recordkeeping EPA has determined that these petitions document. contain data or information regarding Electronic comments can be sent requirements. the elements set forth in section directly to EPA at: Dated:July 9, 1998. 408(d)(2); however, EPA has not fully [email protected] evaluated the sufficiency of the James Jones, submitted data at this time or whether Electronic comments must be Director, Registration Division, Office of the data supports granting of the submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the Pesticide Programs. petition. Additional data may be needed use of special characters and any form before EPA rules on the petition. of encryption. Comments and data will Summaries of Petitions The official record for this notice of also be accepted on disks in Petitioner summaries of the pesticide filing, as well as the public version, has Wordperfect 5.1 file format or ASCII file been established for this notice of filing format. All comments and data in petitions are printed below as required under docket control number [PF±816] electronic form must be identified by by section 408(d)(3) of the FFDCA. The (including comments and data the docket number (insert docket summaries of the petitions were submitted electronically as described number) and appropriate petition prepared by the petitioners and below). A public version of this record, number. Electronic comments on notice 40274 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 144 / Tuesday, July 28, 1998 / Notices represent the views of the petitioners. with methyl thioglycolate. The effects on the fertility, fecundity, or EPA is publishing the petition derivative is partitioned into toluene, health and survival of swine dams and summaries verbatim without editing which is analyzed by gas their offspring at an arsanilic acid feed them in any way. The petition summary chromatography (GC) and an electron concentration of 100 ppm. Furthermore, announces the availability of a capture detector (ECD). The anticipated at the 100 ppm arsanilic acid feeding description of the analytical methods Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) is 0.05 level, no gross abnormalities or adverse available to EPA for the detection and ppm. Method development for the effects were found on organ weights or measurement of the pesticide chemical metabolite residues will ensue as the pathology. To the contrary, arsanilic residues or an explanation of why no metabolites are identified. acid in the diet improved the overall such method is needed. 3. Magnitude of residues. Field health, improved weight gain, and residue trials are currently in progress at increased survival of swine. 1. Fleming Laboratories, Inc. several sites in Florida. Mature No developmental effects were found PP 4G4276 grapefruit samples have been harvested in rats exposed in utero to arsanilic acid from trees treated with 6.25 lbs Pro- at levels up to and including that which EPA has received a pesticide petition Gen(r) per acre and are being stored produced overt maternal toxicity. (PP 4G4276) from Fleming Laboratories, until residue analytical method Arsanilic acid was administered orally Inc., P.O.Box 34384, Charlotte, NC development is complete. However, by gavage to pregnant rats at nominal 28234 proposing pursuant to section based on the data from the plant dose levels of up to 60 mg/kg/day. 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and metabolism study, total residues of Reduced body weight gains early in the Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 346a(d), to arsanilic acid in grapefruit are expected treatment period, reduced food amend 40 CFR part 180 by establishing to be less than 0.5 ppm. consumption, and the presence clinical a tolerance for residues of (4- signs (60 mg/kg/day group) were B. Toxicological Profile methylphenyl)arsonic acid in or on the considered evidence of maternal raw agricultural commodity fresh 1. Acute toxicity. Pro-Gen(r)/arsanilic toxicity. No developmental toxicity was market grapefruit grown only in Florida acid is only moderately acutely toxic to apparent at any dose level. A no at 0.5 parts per million (ppm). EPA has mammals. The rat acute oral LD50 values observable effect level (NOEL) for determined that the petition contains were 1,411 mg/kg for males, 976 (646- maternal effects (reduced food data or information regarding the 2883) mg/kg for females and 1,461 mg/ consumption) was considered to be less elements set forth in section
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