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KYOTO SUNDAY,APRIL 28TH Post Time 10:05 1 ! Race Dirt 1200m THREE−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:14Nov.09 1:09.1 DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,550,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,000,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 750,000 500,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Kosho Bokujo 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 1 56.0 Shinichiro Akiyama(4.8%,10−18−16−164,42nd) Turf00000 I 00000 1 Tantivy(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 ,Time Paradox(0.58) ,Bubble Gum Fellow C3,ch. Akihiko Nomura(8.4%,7−3−9−64,57th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. -Sea Grace -Sea Daisy 31May.10 Tadashi Nomura Wet 00000 30Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 7 7 1:14.4 8th/16 Kyosuke Kokubun 56.0 488% Buttobase 1:13.4 <NS> Millia Gratia <3/4> Cutlass Ow. Osamu Yoshida 0 S 60006 Life70007M 10001 1 54.0 Shinji Fujita(9.6%,13−10−8−105,34th) Turf20002 I 00000 2 Vert Fonce(JPN) Dirt50005L 00000 ,Durandal(0.61) ,Sakura Bakushin O F3,b. Shinobu Umeuchi(0%,0−1−3−72,200th) Course20002E 00000 Wht. -Chameleon -Hermes Angela 1Mar.10 Shuichi Takeda Wet 10001 30Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 1111 1:14.8 10th/16 Yusaku Kokubun 54.0 388) Buttobase 1:13.4 <NS> Millia Gratia <3/4> Cutlass 9Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 15 15 1:16.5 13th/16 Kyosuke Kokubun 54.0 388) Lucy Bride 1:13.6 <2 1/2> Tamamo Manamusume <1 1/2> Mariner’s Compass 9Feb.13 KYOTO MDN D1200Go 9 7 1:16.1 13th/16 Yusaku Kokubun 54.0 388* Lord Twister 1:13.7 <1 1/4> Amazing Tact <3/4> Kunisaki Zebrika 20Jan.13 KYOTO MDN D1200St 15 14 1:16.8 15th/16 Yuya Mizuguchi 51.0 388* True Colors 1:14.0 <NK> Be My Love <1/2> Spirit Lake 22Dec.12 HANSHIN MDN D1200Sl 12 13 1:14.5 16th/16 Yuya Mizuguchi 51.0 390( Nothung 1:12.1 <1 1/4> Shigeru Oshiza <NK> Kanetoshi Effort Ow. Takao Watanabe 900,000 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 2 54.0 Yuga Kawada(16.5%,39−29−26−142,5th) Turf00000 I 00000 3 Agnes Erie(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 ,Agnes World(0.94) ,Agnes Tachyon F3,b. Ippo Sameshima(7.5%,8−10−6−82,36th) Course10001E 00000 Blk. -Agnes Talaria -Agnes Heroine 28Mar.10 Takao Watanabe Wet 00000 9Feb.13 KYOTO NWC D1200Go 4 3 1:14.3 4th/16 Hirofumi Shii 54.0 492! Eishin Texas 1:12.7 <5> Erimo Toughness <1 3/4> Yuki Jumong 19Jan.13 KYOTO NWC D1400Go S /15 Yuga Kawada 54.0 Artemisia 1:28.0 <3/4> Ange Priere <1 3/4> Nihonpiro Aurora Ow. Shozo Kimura 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 2 56.0 Ryo Takakura(7.2%,17−11−11−196,21st) Turf10001 I 00000 4 Land Mercury(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 ,South Vigorous(1.09) ,Mejiro Ryan C3,ch. Akio Adachi(4.1%,3−4−3−63,149th) Course00000E 00000 Blk. -Mejiro Canna -Mejiro Hotaka 11Apr.10 Hakutsu Bokujo Wet 00000 30Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN T1800Fi 6 6 1:51.0 18th/18 Yusuke Fujioka 56.0 502* Out of Shadow 1:47.7 <NK> Godly <1 1/4> Tolstoy Ow. S.Morinaka 3,100,000 S 50023 Life50023M 00000 3 56.0 Yusaku Kokubun(2.1%,5−15−9−208,56th) Turf00000 I 00000 5 Shigeru Tateza(JPN) Dirt50023L 00000 ,South Vigorous(1.09) ,Genuine C3,ch. Shinobu Umeuchi(0%,0−1−3−72,200th) Course20011E 00000 Red -Shigeru Batsugun -Shigeru Sweet 11Mar.10 Shigeru Morinaka Wet 20002 7Apr.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200Sl 5 6 1:13.4 7th/16 Yusaku Kokubun 56.0 486" Kyowa Arthur 1:11.9 <2> Onward Narcisse <2> Dragon Osamu 16Mar.13 CHUKYO MDN D1200St 11 10 1:14.9 3rd/16 Hiroshi Kitamura 56.0 486! Balzac 1:14.3 <2 1/2> Agnes Cosmos <1 1/2> Shigeru Tateza 17Feb.13 KYOTO MDN D1200Mu 5 4 1:14.7 7th/16 Yusaku Kokubun 56.0 494" Sunkissed Road 1:13.3 <1 1/2> Heartland <3 1/2> Yozorani Negaio 20Jan.13 CHUKYO MDN D1200St 13 14 1:15.1 9th/16 Haruhiko Kawasu 56.0 496! Walen Tine 1:13.4 <1/2> Kikuno Brain <2> Erimo Feather 24Nov.12 KYOTO NWC D1200Go 4 3 1:14.1 3rd/12 Haruhiko Kawasu 55.0 498! Wonder Viva 1:13.3 <NK> Yamanin Bourgeon <5> Shigeru Tateza Ow. Royal Park 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 3 56.0 Kyosuke Kokubun(4.6%,12−10−21−216,38th) Turf00000 I 00000 6 Sakajiro Ryuo(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 ,Gold Allure(1.15) ,Shanghai C3,ch. Toyoji Nishihashi(4.7%,3−2−6−53,155th) Course00000E 00000 Red -Shanghai Sempu -Dosc Dairin 31May.10 Koho Bokujo Wet 00000 30Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 12 12 1:14.0 6th/16 Kohei Matsuyama 56.0 470' Buttobase 1:13.4 <NS> Millia Gratia <3/4> Cutlass Ow. G.Nishio 500,000 S 30003 Life40004M 10001 4 56.0 Hiroshi Sakuma(0%,0−1−0−43,124th) Turf00000 I 00000 7 Nishio Kiboto(JPN) Dirt40004L 00000 ,Aldebaran(0.20) ,Brian’s Time C3,b. Akira Shikato(0%,0−2−0−61,199th) Course10001E 00000 Blu. -Saratoga Venus -Lady Danzig 21Mar.10 Inoke Bokujo Wet 10001 24Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 4 3 1:15.5 11th/16 Hiroshi Sakuma 56.0 460& Jolly Fellow 1:13.4 <1 3/4> Risshin Rocket <1 3/4> Kunisaki Zebrika 3Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200Mu 3 2 1:14.7 14th/16 Hiroshi Sakuma 56.0 464% Kaishu Yamato 1:12.4 <2> Meisho Lambda <1/2> Amazing Tact 9Feb.13 KYOTO MDN D1200Go 1 1 1:14.5 5th/16 Hiroshi Sakuma 56.0 466$ Lord Twister 1:13.7 <1 1/4> Amazing Tact <3/4> Kunisaki Zebrika 1Dec.12 HANSHIN NWC D1400St 8 9 1:27.9 10th/14 Tetsuya Kobayashi 55.0 466% Miyaji Elvis 1:25.1 <6> Lorraine Cross <1 1/2> King’s Weather Ow. Yushun Horse 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 4 56.0 Suguru Hamanaka(14.7%,43−29−31−189,2nd) Turf00000 I 00000 8 Regalia City(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 ,Roses in May(0.78) ,Silver Hawk C3,b. Hiroshi Miyamoto(5.8%,5−3−6−72,103rd) Course00000E 00000 Blu. -Yamato Nadeshiko -Lady Danzig 19Feb.10 Shimokobe Farm Wet 00000 31Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1800St 99910 1:56.7 11th/15 Tsubasa Iwasaki 53.0 480' T My Dream 1:54.6 <6> A T Talant <1 1/4> Blue Bollywood Ow. S.Morinaka 0 S 10001 Life20002M 10001 5 56.0 Shinji Kawashima(1.7%,2−2−1−114,87th) Turf00000 I 00000 9 Shigeru Ryokenza(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 ,South Vigorous(1.09) ,White Muzzle C3,br. Kiyoshi Tani(3.9%,3−5−3−65,143rd) Course10001E 00000 Ylw. -Shigeru Kiitos -Moss Phlox 13May.10 Shigeru Morinaka Wet 00000 9Dec.12 HANSHIN MDN D1400St 3 5 1:29.6 14th/14 Shinji Kawashima 55.0 470& Hokko Joyful 1:26.6 <NK> Namura Bakusai <4> Meisho Lambda 10Nov.12 KYOTO NWC D1200St 5 6 1:16.2 10th/14 Shinji Kawashima 55.0 476& Best Warrior 1:12.7 <2 1/2> Deep Juju <4> Purple Eyes Ow. Seiho Tanaka 0 S 30003 Life40004M 10001 5 54.0 Yuichi Kitamura(4.5%,10−16−18−177,43rd) Turf20002 I 00000 10 Taisei Blonde(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 ,Orewa Matteruze(0.90),Nashwan F3,ch. Tomohiko Hatsuki(8.2%,6−4−5−58,77th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. -Shakalaka Baby -Party Doll 10Apr.10 Hatakeyama Stud Farm Wet 00000 23Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 4 5 1:14.5 9th/16 Hiroyuki Uemura 54.0 460( Miracle Rumor 1:12.9 <NK> Dragon Osamu <3/4> God Dream 9Mar.13 CHUKYO MDN T1400Fi 16 18 1:24.4 16th/18 Makoto Okabe 54.0 460+ Rio Grande 1:23.2 <3/4> Hagino Sophia <NK> Brother Wind 9Dec.12 CHUKYO MDN D1200St 1111 1:16.4 12th/16 Yuji Nakai 51.0 462% Champagne Rouge 1:13.1 <3 1/2> Hyugamizuki <3/4> Mienai Tsubasa 11Nov.12 KYOTO NWC T1200Fi 12 8 1:12.2 13th/16 Kosei Miura 54.0 460# Meisho Homare 1:10.7 <1 3/4> Emeral Hayabusa <1 1/4> Maruichi Squirt Ow. Yoshimitsu Itaka 6,400,000 S 40031 Life60132M 20101 6 56.0 Hideaki Miyuki(4.1%,11−16−33−210,39th) Turf00000 I 00000 11 God Dream(JPN) Dirt60132L 00000 (Precise End(0.70) (Lammtarra C3,ch. Sachio Yukubo(6.7%,5−6−4−60,96th) Course20011E 00000 Grn. )Perla )Ancestral Dancer 24Jan.10 Itaka Bokujo Wet 20101 13Apr.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 3 4 1:12.8 3rd/16 Shinichiro Akiyama 56.0 494" Millia Gratia 1:12.7 <NK> Lion’s Bites <1/2> God Dream 23Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 4 3 1:13.0 3rd/16 Hideaki Miyuki 56.0 486! Miracle Rumor 1:12.9 <NK> Dragon Osamu <3/4> God Dream 2Mar.13 HANSHIN MDN D1400Sl 3 2 1:24.9 2nd/16 Hideaki Miyuki 56.0 492! Sunrise Vader 1:24.8 <1/2> God Dream <1 1/2> Donikanaru Boy 10Feb.13 KYOTO MDN D1200St 8 6 1:13.2 3rd/16 Hideaki Miyuki 56.0 492$ Deep Juju 1:13.2 <NS> Lorraine Cross <NK> God Dream 19Jan.13 KYOTO MDN D1200Go 9 10 1:13.8 5th/16 Hideaki Miyuki 56.0 494# Touch Shitai 1:12.8 <HD> A Shin Yeager <2 1/2> Zenno Big One Ow.

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