CENSUS 1961 HIMACHAL PRADESH DISTRICT HANDBOO'K 5 SIRMU_R RAM CHANDRA PAL SINGH of the Indian Administrative Service Sup(1rint,endent of CensUS Opemtions Hlimachal Pradesh u - .~ -; .~- .cw 0 ... "~ ~ o .g-" :: t- r I U If) '<J '3 1 a w 0:: c; \ o .... \-\ Q.~ (/) <.0:: ~~ - ...... _J 0 \()I \ 0>, ~...J0« S:c zu « ~ "J: "' A H ~ v "~ !! ~ 0 ~ ,_~ \) til- 0 ~ 0 "0 C , .W 0 > CD it '~ • • •• iii j: iii d d d d 0 0 0 0 iii C.f) !2- ~ ~ ~ w ~ := ~ ~ ~ ....J w 0 0 w o ~ & 0• 0 '"o 0 ~ ~o~ .. ~ d CD ~. ~ ... '- I- ~ " • o - 3 ~ ~ ~ Q. ~ ~ s o CD c( cr C.f) :E I- If) ..J UJ c( 0 LL z 0 cr I- ::J Q 0 2 z cr Z l/) « V) a:- ~ A H • w ;; w o D " 0 o 0. -o Ww :::; ..., " 0 g ~ It CONTENTS PAGES Preface PART I 1. Iutrbducing the District, Physical Aspects, Population, the People, Distriot Administration, Education, Medical and Public Health, Agrioulture, Animal Husbandry, Panchayats, Lbcal Bodies, Co-operative Societi~s, Industries, Banking, Communications and Road Development, Land :Revenue and Land Tenure, Prioe Trends, Community Development. 1 2. Gazetteer of Important Plaoe Names 32 3. Flora ana Fauna 34 4. Reprint of Extraot 40 PART II S~nDS I-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES I , J.l A-I Area,Houses anp. Population 51 1.2 App I State:qlent showing territorial units'" constituting the present set up of the distriot 52 1.3 App I Number of yillages with a population of 5,000 and over and Towns with a population under 5,000 52 1.4 House l~ss and 1nstitutional population 53 1.5 A-II VaTiation in population during sixty years 53 1.6 A-III Villages classified bypopl1lation 53 1.7 A-IV Towns (and towri-gtoups), olassIfied by population in 1961 with variation sinoe 1901 ~ GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES 1.8 B-I Workers,and non-workers classified by sex and brdad age groups 55 1.9 B-III IndustrialcJ.assificationof workers and non-workers by eduoational levels in Part A urban areaS only 57 1.10 B-UI I~auSit'Pial blassification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in PartB ruPal areas only 59 1.11 B-IV Industrial classification by sex and class of workers of persons at work at Part A household industry 62 1.12 B-IV Industrial classification by sex and class of workers of persons at work in non­ PartB household industry, trade, business, profession or service 63 1.13 B-IV Industrial classification by sex and dlvisions, major groups and minor groups Parte of persons at work other than cultivation 67 1.14 B-V Occ~pational classification by sex of persons at work other than cultivation 72 ],15 B-VI Occupational .Divisions of persons. a~ work other than cultivation b;V sex, .~road age ~roup~ and ed-qcational levels in urban areas only ~I (ii) PAGES 1.16 B-VII Persons working principally (i) as cultivators (ii) as agricultural labourers or Part-A (iii) at household industry classified by sex ~nd by secondary work (i) at household industry (ii) as cultivator or (iii) as agriculturallabom;er 84 I' 1.17 B-VII Industrial classification by sex of persons working in non-house~old industry, Fart -B trade, business, profession or service who are also engaged in household industry " '. 86 1.18 B-VIII Persons unemployed aged \5 anq. abov,e by sex, ):Hoad age group~ and educa­ Part-A tionallevels in Urban areas only 91 1.19 B-VIII Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex and educational levels in Rural Part-R areas only 92 1.20 B-IX Persons not atwork clas&ified by sex, broad age groups and type of activity 92 1.21 B-X Sa,.mplehouse}}olds (i) engaged neither in cultivation nor household industry, (ii) engaged either in cultivation or in household industry but not in both and (i-Gi) engaged both in cultivation and household industry for all areas 94 1.22 B-XI . Sample households engaged in cultivation classified by intereshn land and size ofland cultivated in Rural and U:J;~an.areas separately 95 1.23B-XII Sample households engaged in ctiltivation only classified by size of ~andfculti­ vated and number of family workers and hired workers in rural and urban areas se:parately 96 1.24B-XIII Sample households engaged both in cultivation and household industry $owing size of land cultivated classified by principal household industry in Rural and Urban areas separately 100 1.25 B-XIV Sample households engaged only1n household Industry classified by principal Part-A household Industry in all areas-Households clas~ified by major groups of principal household·Industry and numberofp'ersons engaged 102 1.26 B-XIV Sample households engaged only in household Industty classified by principal Part-~ hOJlsehold Inq.ustry; in all a:r~as-IIouseholM 'classified by 'minor groups of principal household Industry .105 1.27 B-XV Sa}llple }louseholds ~ngag~d both in cultivlttion and household industry olassi­ fied by size of land in rural and wrban areas sepa~ate~y . 106 1.28 B-XVI Sample principal household ind.ustry classified by period of working and total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areaS 110 1.29 B-XVII Sample households, classified by (i) numb13r of male and female members by size of households and (ii) engagement (a) neither in oultivation nor in 'industry (b) in H~useholdindustry only and (0) in cultivationf)ul;>-classified by size of landcultlvate?- •• • • • . • . 118 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES ].300-1 Size and composition of sample households-composition of sample house holds • 120 1.310-II Age and Marital Status 121 1.32 C-III Age, Sex and Education in all areas 126 Part-A 1.3'3 C-III Age, Sex and Education in Urban areas only 127 Part-B 1.34 C-V Mother tongue (alphaltetical order) • • • • 128 1.85 C-VII Religion • 137 PAGES 1.36 C-VIII Scheduled Castes and -tScheduled. Tribes-Classification by literacy ,and Part-A industrial category of workers and non-workers among scheduled casts . 138 1.37 C-VIII Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes-Classification by Literacy and Industrial Part·B Category of workers and nOn-workers am~ng Y'cheduled Tribes 140 HOUSING TABLE~ 1.38 E-I Ce:Q.sus Houses and the uses to which they are pu't • 141 . " 1.39 E-II Ten\ll'e Status of Sample Census houses used as dwelling' 141 1.40 E-III Cens"t\s houses used-as factories and.workshops,classified by in(lustry, power and no\power used and size of emplOyment • -I' • 142 1.41 E-IV Distrib~tion of Sample households living in Census houses used wholly or partly as dwelling by pre(lominant material of wall 'and predominant material of roof • 148· 1.42 E-V Sample households classified by number oj members and by number of rooms occupied \ . .' 149 . \ .. SPECIAL T~~L~S 1!'O~ SCHEDULED OASTES A@ SCHEDULED TRIBES 1.43 SOT-I Industrial ?l-assi;6.c~tion of persons,at work and non-wor~ers by sex for Sc~eduled Oastes and I Sch~duled Tribes . , • • . • • 150 , . 1.44 SOT-II Age and marital ~tatuB for Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes If;8 " . 1.45 SCT -III Education in Urban areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 164' Part-A 1.46 SCT-III Edp.cati~n in Rural areas only. for Sched.~ed Castes a~d Scheduled ~ribes 166, . Part-B 1.47 SOT-IV Rel,igion for Sc\led.ul~d Cas}es an~ Sch~duled.Tribe!l 167 1.48 SCT-V Sample households engag~d in pultiv/1tion. classified py interest in )and and size of land cultivated in Rural areas only for ~<ihedul~d Oastes and Scheduled Tribes . '. , . 170 1.49 SO-I Petsons hot at work' classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Scheduled Castes .....,. , 171 1.50 ST-II Per;!ons n,ot at }Vork 91ass~ed by' sex ap.d type of ~ctivity for Schedpled Tribes. 17~ PARTm SERIES 2--VITAL STATISTICS 2.1 Birthrocord, 1952-53to 1960~61 174 2.2 Deaths registered from various oauses; 1951-5200-1960-61 174 SERIES 3-AGRICULTURE 3.1 Rainfallnnd Rainy days, 1951-60 175 3.2 Normals of rainfall 180 3.3 Mean maximum and highest Mean minimum and lowest temperatures 1951-60 181 3.4: Land utilisation statistics 19()l-61 182 3.5 Area under crops 1951-':'61 18:3 PAGES 3.6 Production of crops • f '1~1 3.7 Gross irrigated area (Crop-mse) 1952..!.!..60 185 3.8 Gross irrigated area fRqurce,wise) 1911-61 185 l' , 3'9 Major and Minor irrigation ,w.9jects 186 3,10 Yield rates o£ prinGipal cJ'ops, 19.5O-.t:-60 187 3·U Agricultural wages 1,952'"7"60 .. 190 3·12 Crop cutting experiments 1~3 S'13 Gratuitbus relief provided by the revenue department from 1953-54 to 1960-61 196 SERI~S ~PRI~ES OF STAP~E, FOOD STUFF~ 4'1 Price of staple food stufts month by. month 1957-60 • 197 'SERIES 5-INDUSTRY 5'1 G~owth of fa~tories, 195i-60 201 5·2 Labour working in factories 1951-60 " ' \ 201 5·3 Jpint stock e,ompa;nies iJ;l H~achal Pradesh as on Ij3t April, 1961 201" 5;4 I.v-dustrial Technical Institutes a:p.d training cum production centres 202 \ 5·5 Registeted factories 2(J3 1 5·6 Registered firms I' 204 5·7 Registered Trade Unions 204 5-8 Issue of certificates of approval and prospeoting licenses in respect of Mines and Minerals '.
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