- .. ~'~ Thursday, l\.!ay ~8, ,1953 THE olEWISH POST Thursday, May 28, 1953 THE JEWISH, POST, Page Seven ' "Page' Six .. ',.' ' - , ;1 . inner str~ngth .which issues forth: b~ys and girls from 8 to 16. I MENOR~ ,CH~TER, ~;mAS. onation Day, and any day between lty rings were presented to ,the torium were Mrs. D. S. Kaufroan, " DEDICATION of loyalty. It is 'not the loyalty Perfect Accommodations " from feelings of profoundest loyalty. A well-'balanced program has been., sah WIll hold aCheck-m meet_ now and September when Winrti- ',graduates, Rertie Grosser, Toby first vice-president; W. Suther,land ':, " , ' "I" (Cont. from page 2) achieved Iby superiority of, power. Welfare Women " I ' I At Clear Lake's gives us assura~ce of a' better and planned including Hebrew activities, ing for Givecor-Get at the home of peggers turn to fun and relaxa~on. Helman, and Esther Telpinsterin. Nominations to the executive secretary and Mrs. L, Trepel, treas- ~', ' ','Differing profoundly ,from an other 1t is a loyalty that comes forth from '. , of a brighter tomorrow. I sports, swhnming, scouting, hikipg, Mrs. H. Wiener, 224 Perth avenue" Buffalo Drive Motel Contact genial Alex Doner for reSer- Mrs, Hershberg presented giftS to hoard of Women's Division, Jewish urer. C. N. Kushner is past presi- i:. ' , empires of history, the British Em- the inne1' beings of a multitude of I,, . Let us therefore conform to Her' recreation, drama, arts and crails, on Wednesday evening, June 3. ' Situ/,ted just facing Doner's Ta­ vations, "t Ta"Wa-Pit Lodge, Clear the graduates from the mothers club. 'pire has not remained static. Inner peoples who are moved by acom-, Welfare Fund, may 'be submitted dent. \ Majesty's wishes. May we unite in singing and dancing. Wa-Pit Lodge at Wasagaming, Rid­ Lake. Berna Studnitz made a presentation until next Thursday,' officials' an- Second vice-president and remain­ ,'I': . ,change has taken place in accord- mon feeling of love, respect and Musical Club -..• , , prayer on Her behalf and on ,behalf Eddie Yuditsky has been engaged ing Mountain National Park, are -' to the sorority. Sue Bogdonov was nounce. Names should be sent to ing members of the executive 'will il - . , ance with the needs of the times. admiration and who are aware that all peoples that Her reign might as director. Information can be ob­ Annual Meet \ the Buffalo Drive Motel accommo- Delta Phi Epsilon awarded,the pledge cup which, is Mrs. Max Wolinsky, nominating be elected in, the £a}l from the par­ We have seen the Empire assume fhose 'feelings go out to Her 'Majesty 'I prove fruitful and' hawy and that tained by phoning 59-8389. Jewish ilVIusical Club 'of Winnipe~' tions ; . the ultimate in comfort , Honors G, rads at awarded annualJy .to the outstanding committee chairman, care of J ew- ents of incoming St. John's students. I, " ,tbe new form of the British Com- and who in turn symbolizes for all - I:' will hold its annual meetitrg and appearance, and cleanliness. Erected pledge. Leah Fisher and Sandra Welfare Fund office, 370 Hargrave " , " ' peace and plenty be granted to all. _ i- :; 'monwealth of Nations. that 'great Commonwealth, which is HANlTA CHAPTER, PIONEER just a year ago to providedesira!ble Parent's Banquet i ", musicale on Wednesday, June 3, at Brodsky were, in charge, of arrange- street. The nominating committee Shaarey Zedek Notes ' . t \ t' I bod . '. the Empire in the present phase , Women, wlll meet on Wednesday, 8.30 p.m., at YMHA auditorium, accommodations for families, couples K.appa, chapter of ,the Del!a Phi Summer schedule of the Winni­ ThIS merna lana y IS umque 'd I' t ments. will be meeting at the YMHiA Com­ .1 ' ' I' t'fi . eve opmen . Registrations for June 3, at the home of Mrs. D. and groups" each motel offers two Epsllon sorority held its first annual peg Sketch Club indicates that the and 'diff erent. t tes 1 es. to natLOns The everting's program will in­ murtity Centre on Thursday after­ I Thomson, 104 Inkster boulevara. bedrooms, large sitting room, fully parent's banquet on May 20, at the Aug, 11 session will be 'devot~d to ' I and. peepl",s separated by oceans and The day. of coronation moves us Heb'rew Camp clude: president's report of year's Elmwood Giants Baseball' noon (June 4) to consider' recom­ equipped kitchenette, sink, electric orne of Mrs. M. Zaslavsky, at 5 sketching the Shaaery Zedek syna­ vastness of space, yet united by the, deeply. We recognize the major Now Accepted • YOUNG WOMEN K. L SISTER- activities; nomination and elc'ction Club Spring Silver Tea mendations. i symbolism of' the crown. And rto all problems w'hich 'are as yet unsolved. Keren Hatarbut iHebrew Cultural hood will meet Thursday, June of officers;, and,' by courtesy of the range, ice box, dishes, cutlery, pro-' SIt. Johns avenue. Clhairman of the gogue ' ':\- pane gas heating, r60my slilling door evening was Barbara Permack. l'Umual spring silver tea of the 'i these 'peoples, 'wherever situated, But we are firm in the conviction organization is receiving registra- 4 at 8 p.m. at the horne of Mrs. S. Jewish Women's' Music and Drama Rabbi .Milton Aron, spiritual leader .I closet spal)e ... and extra accom- 'Guest speaker was Rabbi J. Starnp­ Elmwood Giants Baseball club will Dr. I. Wolch Heads ! the Coronation of Her Majesty will that the type of leadership which 230 I the .; tions for its Hebrew-speaking camp Bassovsky, Perth avenue. groups, the presentation of be held at Elmwood building, Kel­ of Shaarey Zedek, was last week ,afford the opportunity for the con- Her Majesty's Government gives to modations adding up to total of six fer. The toast to the, fathers was St. John's H"S Group "ilVIasad", at the Keren Hatarbut MIRIAM CHAPTER, HADASSAH, "Seven ,Golden Buttons," the Chas­ vin street, Friday, June 5, from named Chaplain of the Canadian tinued and Iheavtfelt expression of the truth of diplomatic affairs will adults. !Hot and cold water showers given by Barbara Permack, and ¥r. Dr. I. Walch has been, elected I.I office, 285 St. Johns avenue. will meet at the home of Mrs; sidic legend set to music and dance 2.30 to 5 and 7.30 to p.m. Club. I ~d a taste, and quality i~ furnish~ 1Studnitz gave the reply. Isabel p.~. 10 president of the, St. John's High this' feeling of inner loyalty to' the help materially ,in tlhe re-esta:blish­ , Camp Masad will operate at Sandy J: Atrtikov, 315 Cathedral avenue, by Judith anp. 'Ira' Eisenstein, The 1, mgs makes 'Buffalo Drive Motels Poskar gave the toast to the mothers Alex Turk, prl'Si\1ent, extends an ,School Horne and School association. Modin, birthplace of the MacaJbees, :~, ' Crown and to the Comfnonwealt.'1. ment of an orderly world. Hook,.Man., for five full weeks, from Monday, June ,I, at ,2 p.m. Give-or- choreography, for this legend by iIwitation to dub friends and' sup­ Coronation day with its sense of the best guarantee for a pleasant and the reply was given by Mrs. N. Other officers named at the group's Israel's liberator-kings, will be re-, Ahd this is ,the most superior type July 5 to Aug. 9, and is open to I Get tickets will be distributed, I Mi,eille Grandpierre. porters to attend. Pouring tea will , summer for the entire family at Helman. Dolly Shnoor gave the annual meeting in the school audi- settled - named for Itzhak Ben Zvi. Clear Lake. The ten suites ha';'e toast to the sorority and the reply be members of the Blue Bombers, • already accornrnod'ated cap a cit y was given by Faye Gruber. The the Ink Spots of Don Carlos, Mayor IN NORTH WINNIPEG ELECT for Winnipeg Centre toast to me graduates was given by Garnet Coulter and Perrnier D. L. crowds ove~ the Victoria Dayweek- Arlene Hershberg and the reply was Campbell. Proceeds in aid of Junior, • • Elect LEN AYLEN end, and WIll welcome more on Cor- made by Esther Telpinsterin. Soror- J uvertile an:d Midget hall teams. for the Fund-Raising Director of the National Conference • for Israel and Jewish Rehabilitation, with headquarters , JOSEPHSTEPNUK 1 Re-Elect M.' A. GRAY ,in Montreal, to start June 1st. Must have full kl,lOwledge EXPERIENCE STANDS FOR • of sElCretarial duties and be capable of assuming, respon­ • 8 years Alderman, City of Wpg. • Increased Grants by Manitoba sibi!iJty during field-travel absence of director. Please 81 Chairman. Zoning Board 2 years. Government to City Schools . He-Elect J. M. HAWRYLUK ., Chairman of Safety Committee. reply stating age, experience and salary expected to: • Member. Finance Corom. 2 ye~rs. o $2,500.00 Subsidy Per Classroom VOTE 1, 2, 3, IN ORDER OF YOUR CHOICE • Member of Public Utilities Com­ for New Schools. :v es, we need .• A. Gray National Fund-Raising Director mittee 6 yearS. • $1.000.0Q~ Per Mile Per Year for Maintaining Trunk Highways N.C. I. J. R. VOTE C. C. F. SERVICE Passing through the City. President of Greater Winnipeg &- ' 2025 University St., Montreal • Referendum for' Mixed Beer Par­ 80dated Clubs. lors. In· the Legislature' , Pres., Winnipeg Taxpayers Assn. I ELECTORS OF WINNIPEG CENTRE, Chairman Grievance Coml)l., F .O.E. • Swe~stakcs for 'Hospital Funds. WORK' FOR, SUPPORT VOTE CONSERVATIVE VfuEFOR WINNIPEG ; I and "And let it also be noted here that, so far as Manitoba is PLAYHOUSE ,• REDUCE TAXES concerned, ,a considerable part, of the educational work was per­ ELECT formed by M.
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