1362 "CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 22 Second Lt. Joseph Louie Coleman, Quar~ Second Lt. James Grover Holland, Jr., In• Second Lt. Rob.ert Mayer Hamilton, Infan- termaster Corps (temporary captain). fan try (temporary major). try (temporary major). _ Second Lt. Paul Millman Morrill, Infantry Second Lt. Glenn B. Daughton, Signal Corps Second Lt. Elbridge Lee Snapp, Quarter­ (temporary major). (temporary captain). master Corps (temporary captain). Second Lt. Paul Frederick Lawson, In· s-econd Lt. Jose Antonio Andino, Chemical Second Lt. Leonard Charles Miller, Chem­ fan try (temporary captain). Warfare Service (temporary major). ical Warfare Service (temporary lieutenant S ::! cond Lt. Hugh Porter Stubbs, Jr., Field Second Lt. Raymond Geyer Jones, Field colonel), subject to examination required by Artillery (temporary major). Artillery (temporary captain). law. Second Lt. Elmer Schmierer, Infantry Second Lt. Ralph Scott Johnson, Infantry Second Lt. J ames Edwin Foley, Air Corps (temporary major). (temporary first lieutenant) • . (temp01~ary captain}. Second Lt. Frank Ovid Hamilton, Field Ar- Second Lt. Robert Warren Perkins, Coast IN THE NAVY tiJlery (temporary major). - Artillery Corps (temporary first lieutenant)~ Second Lt. Charles Albert Jones, Jr., Corps subject to examination required by law. Capt. Henry M. Briggs, United States Navy, of Engineers (temporary captain). Second Lt. Edward George Uhl, Ordnance to be a commodore in the Navy, for tempo~ Second Lt. Maurice Clavelle Holden, In- Department (temporary major). rary service, to continue while serving as fantry (temporary major). · Second Lt. Howell Edward Cobb, Coast Ar· chief of staff to commander, Caribbean Sea Second Lt. Warren Grant Leonard, Ord­ tillery Corps (temporary captain). Frontier, and until reporting for other per­ nt.nce Department (temporary captain), sub­ Second Lt. Henry Koepcke, Jr., Infantry manent duty. Capt. Johri Perry, United States Navy, to ject to examination req~ired by law. (temporary major). Second Lt. Robert Holmes Pettee, Infantry Second Lt. Albert John Wetzel, Jr., Ail• be a rear admiral in the Navy, for temporary (temporary captain). Corps (temporary captain). service, to rank from the 19th day of Octo· · Second Lt. Edward Thielens Peeples, Coast Second Lt. Louis Arthur Waple, Coast Ar­ ber 19~3. Artillery Corps (temporary captain). tillery Corps (temporary captain). Capt. Davenport Browne, United States Second Lt. Martin Jack Manhoff, Infantry Second Lt. Jack Helm Remele, Coast Ar­ Navy, to be a commodore in the Navy, for (temporary captain). _ tillery Corps {temporary captain) . temporary service, to continue while serving Second Lt. Paul V. Hannah, Coast Artillery Second Lt. Robert Elwood Kimball, Signal as assistant chief of staff (personnel) to Corps (temporary captain). Corps (temporary major). commander, Western Sea Frentier, and until Second Lt. William .Friedman, Infantry Second Lt. William Edward McBride, In· reporting for other permanent duty. (temporary captain). fantry (temporary major). Capt. Paul F. Foster, United States Naval Second ·Lt. Richard French Cox, Coast Artil­ _ Second Lt. Rex Applegate, Infantry (tem­ Reserve, to be a· commodore in the Naval Re~ lery Corps (temporary captain). porary lieutenant colonel), subject to_exam­ serve, for temporary service, to continue Second Lt. Harry Babcock Brown, Field Ar­ ination required by law. while serving as Assistant Naval Inspector tillery (temporary captain). Second Lt. Jesse Thomas, Jr., Corps of General. Second Lt. Jesse Melvin Charlton, Jr., In­ Engineers (temporary captain). fantry (temporary major). · Second Lt. Arden Wirth Dow, Infantry CONFIRMATIONS Second Lt. Robert Sigman Regenstein, (temporary lieutenant colonel). Executive nominations confirmed by Quartermaster Corps (temporary major). Second Lt. Frederick Allen Hippey, Field the Senate February 22, 1945: Second Lt. Daniel Campbell Brawner, Air Artillery (temporary major). Corps (temporary lieutenant colonel). Second Lt. Herman Martin Volheim, Infan­ THE JUDICIARY Secord Lt. Robert Frank Garner, Jr., Chem­ try (temporary captain), subject to examina­ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ical Warfare Service (temporary major). tion required by law. Bolitha .J. Laws to be Chiet Justice of the Second Lt. George William Smith, Field /_r .. Second Lt. Roger Jerome Aull, Field Artil­ District Court of the United States for the tillery (temporary captain). lery (temporary captain) . District of Columbia. Second Lt. Walter Ferson Tucker, Field Second Lt. Patrick Joseph Gibbons, Jr., Artillery (temporary captain). Infantry (temporai:'y major). DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Second Lt. Thomas Nugent Courvoisie, Second Lt. William Walter Harvey, Jr., Capt. Ezra G. Allen to be Director of Budget Field Artillery (temporary captain). Infantry (temporary lieutenant colonel). and Reports in the Department of the Navy, Second Lt. Carl Morrison Allen, Jr., Coast Second Lt. James Edward Hammer, Field with the rank of rear admiral, for a term of 3 Artillery Corps (temporary captain). Artillery (temporary major). yejlrs. Second Lt. William Cecil Crawford; In­ Second Lt. Victor Lee Cary, Quartermaster PosTMASTER fantry (temporary major), subject to ex­ Corps (temporary lieutenant colonel), sub~ ~W YORK amination required by law. ject to examination required by law. Albert W. Rogers, Franklinville. Second Lt. William Woodrow Cozad, Quar­ Second Lt. Clare Norton Lyke, Field Artil­ termaster Corps (temporary first lieutenant). lery (temporary captain). Second Lt. George Herbert De Chow, .In­ Second Lt. Allen William Rodeheffer, Fiel~ fantry (temporary major). Artillery (temporary captain). Second Lt. Howard Marquard Hansen, Sig­ Second Lt. Thomas James Camp, Jr., Field HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nal Corps (temporary major). Artillery (temporary major). Second Lt. John McAdams, Infantry (tem­ Second Lt. John Locke Cheney, Field Artil~ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1943 porary major) . lery (temporary captain). Second Lt. George William Carter, Infantry Second Lt. Charles Raymond Graham, Ord­ The House met at 12 o'c1ock noon and (temporary major). nance Department (temporary captain). was called to order by the Speaker pro Second Lt. Robert Callen Russell, Quarter­ Second Lt. Wallace Erwin Bjornson, Signal tempore, Mr. McCoRMACK. master Corps (temporary major). Corps (temporary captain). The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ Second Lt. Milton Clark Hess, Quartermas­ Second Lt. Jerald Morris Davies, Air Corps ter Corps (temporary major). (temporary captain). gomery, D. D., offered the following Second Lt. Thomas Furman Spencer, Corps Second Lt. Anthony Pierre Bonnaffon, Field prayer: of Engineers (temporary captain). Artillery (temporary captain). The Lord God omnipotent reigneth, Second Lieutenant William Walter Sedr, Second Lt. Stuart Campbell Williams, Field early will we seek Thee and pray that Corps of Engineers (temporary major). Artillery (temporary major) . Second Lt. Donald Palmer Boyer, Jr., In­ Second Lt. Thomas Raymond Cross, Infan­ Thou wilt hear our humble prayer. We fantry (temporary major). try (temporary major) . are Thine by creation and redemption, Second Lt. Kenwood Ross, Ordnance De­ Second Lt. Philip Clare Calhoun, Infantry and we ·rejoice that all mortals over partment (temporary major), subject to (temporary major). whom the skies bend are in the folds of examination required by law. · Second Lt. Ferdinand Herman Flick, Coast the Father's love. Our times are in Thine Second Lt. Dayton W1llis Eddy, Infantry Artillery Corps (temporary captain). hands; if there be things we cannot help, (temporary lieutenant colonel). Second Lt. David Lane Aldinger, Cavalry may we leave them to Thee without Second Lt. George Edwin Bucklin, Infantry (temporary captain). (temporary major). Second Lt. Robert Rorbach Fisk, Ordnance anxiety and unhappy contemplation, be~ Second Lt. Charles Gilliland Renfro, Field Department (temporary major). lieving that all things work together for Artillery (temporary major). Second Lt. Benjamin Paul Blasingame, Sig­ good to them who love the Lord. Second Lt. Viron Edward Bird, Finance De­ nal Corps (temporary captain). Almighty God, today we honor him partment (temporary captain). , Second Lt. Ben L(lmar Anderson, Infantry whose dust sleeps on the banks of yonder Second Lt. Leo Martin Kane, Quartermaster (temporary major). river; we praise Thee for the genius and ·Corps (temporary captain). Second Lt, Orwin Clark Talbott, Infanti:y sacrifice of our forefathers. Through Second Lt. John Kearns Muller, Corps of (temporary major). Engineers (temporary captain). Second Lt. James Dunceith Beckett, Infan­ . faith in a God of justice they widened the Second Lt. Jack wesley Streeton, Air Corps try (temporary major). bounds of freedom for all time. 0 keep (temporary captain), subject to examination Second Lt. Charles Woodburn Matheny, Jr., . us true to our trust and responsibility and required by law. Field Artillery (temporary major). animate us with the same power that the Second Lt. Alton Davis Arnold, Corps of Second Lt. Ira Christian Rumburg, Infan­ foundations of our Republic may remain Engineers (temporary lieutenant colonel), try (temporary lieutenant colonel), secure. to bless mankind forever; lead .1945 'CON_GRESSIONAL RECORD---:-HOUSE . 1363 us all up the hills of time until Christen­ public voice, that I should now apprise tunities I have thence enjoyed of mani~ dom conquers and civilization triumphs you of the resolution I have formed, to festing my inviolable attachment, by through Christ, the sinner's friend. decline
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