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The divisions are for the master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees Biological Health, Individual and Family Studies, Man- at Harvard and Columbia Universities and received the Environment Relations and Community Development. doctoral degree from Victoria University in 1966. Purpose of the new structure is to provide a frame- Assistant Director of Job Corps work for new teaching and research programs dealing with Gottlieb, a specialist in the sociology of adolescence, man as an individual, in the family and in the social order, joined the Penn State faculty last September as professor according to Donald H. Ford, dean of the College. of human development. He served for two years as assist- ant director of the Job Corps Absorb Existing Programs . Office of Economic Opportu- nity, before coming to Penn State. Ford said that the reorganization will absorb many of He is consultant to a number of government commit- the existing teaching and research programs and enter tees and currently is coordinator for the recently-appointed new areas not presently covered in the College curriculum. Penn State Committee on the Culturally Disadvantaged. The new programs were developed by faculty com- mittees working throughout the last academic year. Uni- Gottlieb received the baccalaureate degree from Wayne versity Senate approval of the undergraduate programs State University and the doctor of philosophy degree in will be requested in time to begin them this Fall Term. sociology from the University of Chicago. Urban earned the master of science and doctor of Directors Appointed philosophy degrees from Penn State and received his first Directors who will head the four divisions will assume appointment to the faculty here in 1956. He did his under- their new duties Monday. They are: graduate work at Princeton University. Marshall W. Raffel, director of the Division of Bio- HUGH B. URBAN RAYMOND G. STUDER JR Coordinator of Psychotherapy logical Health and professor of health planning. MARSHALL W. RAFFEL DAVID GOTTLIEB A specialist in developmental problems of adolescents David Gottlieb, director of the Division of Community and young adults, he has devoted a major part of his time agement, health and environmental planning. the administration of justice system, and new programs. for the last ten years to Development and professor of human development. The other goal is to systematically study man and his the Division of Counseling at Penn Institute Established State where he has been coordinator of the psychotherapy Hugh B. Urban, director of the Division of Individual institutions and to apply this knowledge in seeking solu- To administer research in the College, an Institute program. and Family Studies and associate professor of human de- tions to socia l problems. for the Study of Human Development has been estab- Urban became affiliated with the College of Human velopment. Division Organization lished. Dean Ford said that the Institute will provide a Development last September The Division of Biological Health will include pre- as half-time associate profes- Raymond G. Studer Jr., director of the Division of device for bringing together interdisciplinary teams of sor of human development, working with the former De- Man-Environment Relations and professor of environmental vious work in foods and nutrition as well as new programs. faculty members for research missions. partment of Child Development and Family Relationships. design. The Department of Nursing also will be administered in When a mission is completed, the team will be dis- Theoretical Aspects Current undergraduates may complete graduation re- this division. solved and its members will return to their normal assign- ' The Division of Individual and Family Studies will Studer s professional interest centers on attemots to quirements in their present majors or adjust their sched- ments. Theodore Vallance, associate dean for research in understand how environmental design affects human be- ules to the new programs. use as its base present programs in the former departments the College will serve as acting director of the Institute of child development and family relationships and family havior and how the two areas of study can work together During the coming year, new graduate programs will pending appointment of a full-time director. to achieve desired human results. He has concentrated on economics and home management with new programs to Raffel comes to Fenn State after two years as Chief be developed and it is expected, added to the College's be added in the Fall. the theoretical aspects of environmental design. curriculum Fall Term, 1969. of Program, Research and Development with the Office Studer has done considerable research on environ- Two areas of study are proposed for the Division of of Comprehensive Health Planning of the U.S. Public Two Goals Man-Environment Relations: Consumer-related work, and mental planning including research in consultation with Health Service. He spent the previous four years in New B. F. Skinner, of Harvard. Born in Texas, he earned the The College of Human Development ,has two goals, programs in Food Service and Housing Administration. Zealand as senior lecturer in health planning at Welling- baccalaureate degree according to Ford. One is to prepare students for pro- ' from the University of Texas, com- The Division of Community Development will encom- ton s Victoria 'University.. pleted course work for the master of arts degree at Arizona fess ional careers in individual and family programs, com- pass the Center for Law Enforcement and Corrections Maryland Commission State University and munity development, received the degree of master of consumer affairs, institutional man- whose baccalaureate degree program leads to careers in From 1958 to 1962, Raffel headed a Committee on architecture from Harvard University. ?: &4:: 131IS8P.* * - • _ Hh ,>v>v,,!vK__c;;: - „ , '.' . • • _H__9__ Upward Bound: New S Change for Youngsters By SARA HERTER Each student is required to dia—radio, television, theatre addition al programs will pro- Coi.e iait Staff Writer tak? courses in English, math and the arts—is important in vide counseling and tutorins ,, . , _ , . , , - . and social science _e Upward Bound, n the words . may then achieving self-confidence and services for the Upward Bound , program schedule a number o£ clectivcs self-identity." students. The students will also of James L. Penne in fo . languases, director, is a chance lor 109 eeneral Related to Special Needs be invited to participate in acti- scJ_ ncCi art > television , theatre Courses are related to the vities at the campuses once a '¦*- ' • „ • youngsters to le.rn first hand and photography .- -' . .vj &'f what it means to go to col- . The prime special needs of Upward Bound week. s goal of the academic program students. For example, the so- Each me -.ber of the Upward ' _ s more ease in communication ??•Highi schoolu i studentsi . whou * cial studies course will concen- Bound staff is committed to and se„.expression. trate on minority groups and the goals of the program. The might not otherwise have the -j- common witll aU vou . opportunity for exposure to a their relevance to the develop- committment , however, goes people _ (hcse studcnts n^ d £ ment of the nation. Special beyond the staff members. "We college environment are orient- f ,nd out lvho thov are_ ed to campus life under this " t0 uke attention will be given to the must have the support of the themselves, . and to feci that problem of poverty in the Uni- University, the community and program The purpose, as ex- tbev are worrhu-hile ocrsons " pressed by Pernio is for the ted States. the students," Perine said. Up- Perine said. "Lea.ning to ex- Throughout the year there ward Bound studenlsv must students to bene fit from a sig- press themselves through wri- will be follou-ups to the sum- identify with the University in nificant and educational ex- (ing UPWARD BOUND: "A chance for 109 youngsters to learn Jones. Brownsville High School; . Penne; Carla Davison and speaking, and through mer program. Located at Com- order to dispel their fears of penence. (he mass communications me- monwealth 'Campuses, " is the way pro- Fairchance-Georges High School; Ron Whetsel, Union 60 New Students these college and to develop their first hand what it means to go to college ——— potential talents. gram director James L. Ferine describes it. Above. Ferine town High School; and Monica Barabek. Fairchance- Sixty of the young people, C*—^ The progra m is being oper- rges High School. those from high schools in Fay- greets some of the 103 as they arrive at Penn Slate for Geo elte, Blair and Centre counties. ated by the College of Human eight weeks. Left to right are Thomas Melvin and Terry illC fiPr Development with the help of are new to the program and te# M t*?|d' W \j< were included in the original Susii pect Held a University Advisory Commit- contract, between the Univer- &* k k tee from the Colleges of Agri- sity and the Office of Economic M u culture.
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