ZTMBABWEAN GOYERhIMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORI}IlTARY Published by Authority Vol. XCVI, No" 71 3lstAUGUST,2018 Price US$2,00 General Notice 680 of 2018. HARARE PROVINCE Corutihtency Candidare Sex Par$ ELECTORALACT {CHAPTER 2 : I 3l Budiriro Machingarua Coster M MDC-Alliallce Chihmgwiza North Sithole Godfrey Kamhdzayi M MDC-Alliance Election to the Office of President: Chitngwiza South Itdarhunga hfiaxwell M MDCrAiliance h{ame of Candidate Elected Following Poll Dzivarasekwa Muslroriwa elwin M MDC-Afliance Qworth Kureva EafiIuage I!{ IvIDC-Alliance IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 110(3)(i) of the Electoral Glen Norah Chikomb Wellingon M MDC-Alliarce Act 2:131, that Mnangagwa Emmerson Dambudzo of lChapter Glenview North Dintr Kennedy M MDC-Alliance ZANU (PR Party has, with effect from 3rd of August, 2018, been Glenview South Tsvangirai Jara Vimbayi F MDC-Alliance duly elected as the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Ilarae Central Zwizwat Murisi M MDC-Alliance P M. CHIGUMBA, fhrareEast Biti l-axtonTendai M MDC-Alliance Chairperson, I{amre Nort}r lvfadcharn Allan Norrtan M MDC-Alliance 31-8-2018. Zimbabwe Electoral Commi s si on. Harare South tv{nangagwa Tongai hdafidi Ivf ZAT'{UPF Harare West Mamombe Joanah F MDC-Afliance General Notice 681 of 2018. Hatfield MashakadaTapiwa M MDC-Atrliance Highfield East lvItrai Erick M MDC-Alliance : 31 ELECTORAL ACT ICHAPTER 2 I IlighfieldWest Chidziva Happymore M MDC-Alliance Kanrbuzurna Madzimure Willias M MDC-Alliauce General Elections: Narnes of Candidates Elected Following Poll Kurradzano h/firshayi Mir{am F MDC-Alliance lr IT is hereby notified, in terrns crf section 68 of the Electoral Act ltunadzana East Hweude Chalton rvl IvIDC-Allianre 2:13), that each person whose narne is specified in the lChapter Iv{abvuku-Thfara Chidakrva James M MDC-Alliance second column of the Schedule has, with effect from 3rd of August, Chamisa Starman M MDC-Alliance 2018, been duly elected as a mernber of the National Assembly for Ivlbare the constituency specified opposite to his or her name in the first Mount Pleasagt Banda Samuel M MDC-Alliance column of the Schedule. lv{ufakose Matsunga Susa[ rF MDC-Alliance U. SITAIGWA}.trA, Southertsn Moyo Petor M MDC-Allianco Acting Chief Election Officer St h{ar5rs Thruseuga Ungami Dickson M MDC-AIIiance Srnmingdale IftnkudWinnie F MDC-Alliance 31-8-2018. Zimbabwe Electoral Commis si on 'Waren Pa* I{amauswa Shakespear M MDC-Alliance Ss+eout-p 7-*geza?Faslt Chimbaira Goodrich M MDC-Alliauce I.traues or CewuDATEs Emcrso ro rHE N.qrioNal AsssMetv T*ngazaWest Siklmla Job M MDC-AIliarce EULAWAYO PROVINCE MANICALAT.ID PROYINCE Constituency Candidnte Sex Parly Cowtiilrcncy Candi.date Sex Party Watson Nicola.[aue T: MDC-AItian@ Bulawayo Central r Buhera Central Nyastramr lvlatherp M ZAhTU PF Bulawayo East Nyoni Ilos M MDC-Alliance Buhera North Mutoryrba'Williarn M ZA}TU PF Bulaw'a5ro Souttrt Modi Rajestrkumar. Edukaff M ZANUPF Buhera South Chinotimba Joseph M ZANUPF Emakhaudeni-Edumbane Tshuma Dingilirwe M MDC-Alliance Buhera West Dzuma Soul M ZA}[U PF Banda MDC-Alliance Lobengula Gift M Chimanimani East Sacco ]oshua Krrrt M ZANU PF Luverre Ndlovu Stella F MDC-Alliance Chimauimani'W'est Matsikenyae Noloftrula F ZAI.TUPF hdagwegwe Ndebele Anele M MDC-Alliauce Chipnrge Central Machingura RaJrmore M ZANUPF Ir{akokoba Sithole James M MDC-Alliance Chipinge East Mlambo lvfathias ldafestr M MDC-Alliance Nketa LdasukuPhelela hd MDC-Alliarc€ Chipirye South Porusingazi Enock IU ZA]I{U PF MDC-Alliance Nkulumane Phulu Kucaca [vurnile M Chiping" West Nyamudeza Sibosile M MDC-Alliance Pelandaba-Mpoporna Moyo Charles M MDC-Alliance Daryamwua/ChikangB Mutseyami Chapfi wa Prosper M IrdDC-AIliance Rrmula Matrlangu Sichelesiie F MDC-Alliarce Headlands Chirymho Ckistopher Peter M ZAI..iU PF I 118 Zh,rsnBsrEAN GcvsnNMENT Gazsrrs EITTRAoRDINARy, 3Lsr Aucusr, 2018 Constiluenq Candidate Sex Party Cortstifrrcncy Candidate Sex ParA hfakoni Central Tekeshe David M MDC-Alliance Hurrrngwe Central Ndiweni Doutfi M ZANU PF h{atrcsni North Muuetsi James M ZAI.{.UPF Htrnrrywe East Masenda Ngoni T h,( ZANUPF Makoni South h,{ataranyika Dudzai h{isheck M ZANUPF' Hunrogwe North C'asdawa Musavaya Ability IvI ZANTI PF Makoni West Muswere Jenfan M ZAI'.ruPF Hunrugwe West Mliswa IvIary T F ZANLT PF Musikavafihu lvftrirr Joshua M Z,ANUPF Kadorna Cental Chinyangauya Muchineripi M MDC-AIliance I{utare Central Gonese Innocat Tlnashe M MDC-Alliance Kariba Houglrton Jolar Roland M MDC-Alliaace Mutare ltlorth ldadiro }vfichael M ZANUPF Maguqie Kashfui Cecil M ZANU PF' h{utare South Ngome Jefry M ZANLT PF h{akonrle Paradza Kindness M ZAI.TUPF Mutare West Muchimwe Perry Teedzai M ZANUPF Ir{hangura Ir{asaugo Chinhamo Precious F ZANUPF Mutasa Cental Sanrwalca Trevor fones l-ovelace M MDC-Alliance Mhondoro Muhira Kapuya Freddy M ZAI.{UPF Mutasa North lv1adiw,a Chido F ZA}.{UPF Mhondoro-Ngezi Mulnftlald Thveugwa M ZAI.IU PF Mutasa South Tsurya Rega, M MDC-Alliance L uarezve Haritatos \rangelis Pe{er M ZANUPF Nyarga Nolttr Sanyatwe Chido F ZANUPF Norton Mliswa Temba Peter M Independent Nyanga Soufh hdaodiwauzira Supa Collins M ZA].{U PF Sarqati Kambamwa Polite M ZANUPF Zvimba East Trnrganirali Tawanda M ZANUPF MASHONALAND CENTR AL PROVINCE Zvimba North Chombo lv{arrian F ZA].{U PF Constituency Candidate ,Selc PaW Zvimba Sor*h Clriyangwa Philip M ZANUPF Bindura North Musanhi Kenneth. Shupikai M ZA}IU PF Z.vimbaSrest Ziyanbi Ziyambi M ZANUPF Bindura South Matangira Toendepi. Remigious h{ UqNUPF MASVINGO PROVINCE Gurrrue North Dzepasi Girovah h4 ZAN{.] PF Constifiienq Candidate Sex Party Guruve $outh Dutiro Patrick M ZANU PF Bikita East Madhuku Johnsol I\{ ZANU PF Mazowe Central Chidamba Sydney M ZANUPF Bikita South Sithole Josiah M ZAhIU PF Mazotre North Mugweni Campion Takura M ZANUPF BikitaWest h{usakwa EIia M ZAI.{U PF Mazowe South Chasi Fortune M ZANUPF Chircdzi East Ivfasiya Denford M ZANU PF Irdazowe WH Kazembe Kazembe M ZANU PF Chiredzi Nor& Billah Royt M ZANU PF Irt{bire Karoro Douglas M ZANUPF Chiredzi Scuth Gwaetsa Kalisto Killion M ZANU PF Jrdt Danpin East Marihisi Norman M ZANUPF West Musikavarrtru Dumo Augtrstine I\4 ZANU PF hdt Darwin North I,v{ttponora Novsti M ZA]\]"("JPF Chiredzi M ZANU PF Mt Danrin South Kabozo Stepben N,I ZANUPF Chivi Central Gwanongodza Eplraim \r[t Darwin West Seremwe Bannwell M ZANUPF Chivi }fofih Torgpfa Mathias M ZAhTU PF Muzarabani North Zhemu Soda M ZANUPF Chivi South Zivhu Killer M ZANU PF \duzarahani South Tapera Saizi Nd ZANUPF ftfu Cenkal Chitando'Winston M ZAhIU PF Rushinga Nyabani Tendai KI ZANUPF Gffii East Chikwama Berta F ZANU PF Shamva North Gorerino Oscar M ZANUPF Grfu Nort& Simbanegavi Yeukai M ZANU PF Shamva South Bushu Bramwell M ZANUPF Gutu South Togarepi Hrpurzi M ZANU PF Gufu West Pamdza John M ZANU PF MA,SHONALAND EAST PROYINCB L{asvingo Centual h{here &hnond M ZA}IU PF Constituenq Candidate Sex Parry Masvingo North N{arapira Davison M ZAITIU PF Ctrikqnba Central Mtrona Felix Tapiwa tor ZAhI{.] PF h{asvingo South IMaronge Cladious M L{NU PF Chikorrrba East Kauhrhrlrene Nzenza F ZANU PF' N{asvingo Urban Nyokanhete Jarob M MDC-Alliance Chikcnnba'West L{angwiro John Chamu4mwa M ZANUPF Masvingo West Chadzarnira Ruvai EEra M ZA}TU PF Gorommzi North Brute Ozias M ZANUPF Mwemzi East Omar Joosbi M ZANU PF Gorpmmzi South Chikudo Rueben M b{DC-AIliance Mwenezi'West Moyo Priscilla F ZAhTU PF Goromonri West Mutodi kerry M ZANU PF T;rka Central Svuue Davison M ZANU PF tvlarambaPftrqgwe Iftrwuazondo lrrlakuwi Jf cluwona M ZA}iU PF Zaka East Gunrbwanda Kastou Ringirisai M ZAI.{U PF It{amndera Cenhal Ndatewu Caston M Iv{DC-Atliance ?,grka,I^[orth N{avenyengwa Robson M ZANU PF l./f 7 ol.o Tf,Iaot t/I l f,---l^* E^^+ fr!"i t{^!.cn'!D^+.i t t fv-t ZANU PF -Lvtiuuuutita -ElauiI \-r[uitttwa rauluh'-lt lvl ZAM] PF a-rGLILaa WOt Mura^:rrbiwa Qpldas bdaronderaWest Mulunyaidze Spiwe Elizabeth I F ZANU PF M.ATABELELAI{D NORTH PROYTNCE Mudzi !{ordr Kachepa Newton M ZANU PF Corctitttency Candidate Ser, Party Mudzi Soufli Samr*xrge Jonathan Tawonana M ZANU PF Biuga North Sibanda Dubeko Prince M MDC-Alliaace Mudzi West Mudyiwa ltdagna F ZANU PF Binea South Gabbuza Joel Gabtrza M MDC-Alliance Mtrnena Nordr Crarwe Dasiel M ZANU PF Bubi Mguni Soury Key M ZA}{U PF Murewa South Matiza Biggie Joel M ZANU PF Hwange Central Mdokela-Tsiye Formne Daniel M MDC-Alliance Jvluuewa\firest Sewera Jmah Nyikadzi.no L,{ ZA}iU PF Hwange East Saosole Tose Sredey M MDC-Atliance N{utoko East Musi5'iwa Richard M ZAI.fl"i PF Hwauge'Weet Drbe Godfrey M MDC-Alliance Mr,rtoko North ChinomoraMabel Memory F ZANU PF Lupane East Gunrbo Sithernbile F ZANUPF Mrsoko South Shurnbamhiri Hebert h,{ ZANU PF Lupane West Klmrralo \{afin ld ZAI.{U PF Se&e Keshrmhe Mrmyamdzi Tottr os M ZANUPF Nkayi North Nyoni Sithembiso G. G F ZANUPF Uzunrba lv{udarikwa Sirnbaneuta M ZAI.{U PF I.r'kayi South Mathe Stars F ZANU PF 'Wedza North Musabayana David M ZA}{UPF Tsholotsho Notth Khumalo Sibangrnruzi Sixtone a{ ZAI{U PF Tiiedza So*th L{aclrakarika fiuoda I\.f ZANUPF Tisholotsho South Sibanda Zeazo IVI ZANUPF MASHONALAI{D WEST PROVINCE Urnguza Moyo Richard h,I ZANU PF Constituency Candid*te Sex Parly MATABELELAND SOUTH PROVINCE Chakari Ntffirri Andrew t\{ ZANU PF Candidate Sar Pat'ty Chegutu East Shamu\ilbbster Kotiwad M ZA},iU PF Constituency Nguluvhe Atrbert M ZAhIU PF Cheg$u'E/est Nduna Dexter NI ZAI.TU PF Beitbridge East West i Ruth lt{*vhungu F ZANU PF Ctrirhoyi Matanrse Peter M htlDC-Alliance Beitbridge Mabof Ztusl.ewEAN GoveRNMENT Gezerru E:rrnaoRDINARy, 3 1 sr Aucusr, 2018 1119 Constituency Candidate Sex ParA Chiefs, respectively, are members of the Senate in terms of section 120(1Xc) of the Constitution.
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