ADULT SERVICES AND HEALTH SCRUTINY PANEL Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Date: Thursday, 12 April 2007 Street, Rotherham. Time: 9.30 a.m. A G E N D A 1. To determine if the following matters are to be considered under the categories suggested in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972. 2. To determine any item which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. 3. Apologies for Absence 4. Declarations of Interest 5. Questions from members of the public and the press 6. Health Service - Annual Health Check (report attached) (Pages 1 - 31) 7. Local Area Agreement - Progress Report (copy attached) (Pages 32 - 58) 8. Patients' Hospital Discharge / Transfer of Care (report attached) (Pages 59 - 65) 9. Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Panel - Draft Work Programme and Scrutiny Reviews 2007/08 (report attached) (Pages 66 - 69) 10. Minutes of a meeting of the Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Panel held on 1st March, 2007 (copy attached) (Pages 70 - 73) 11. Minutes of a meeting of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee held on (a) 16th February 2007, (b) 9th March, 2007 and on (c) 23rd March, 2007 (copies attached) (Pages 74 - 99) Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday, 31 May 2007 Membership:- Chairman – Councillor Doyle Vice-Chairman – Jack Councillors:- Billington, Burke, Burton, Clarke, Jackson, Turner and The Mayor (Councillor Wootton) Co-opted Members Mrs. I. Samuels, (PPI Forum Yorks Ambulance Serv), Taiba Yasseen, (REMA), Val Lindsay (Patient Public Involvement Forum), Sandra Bann (PPI Forum Rotherham PCT), Mrs. A. Clough (ROPES), Victoria Farnsworth (Speak Up), Jonathan Evans (Speak up), Mr. G. Hewitt (Rotherham Carers' Forum), Ms. J. Mullins (Rotherham Diversity Forum), Mr. R. H. Noble (Rotherham Hard of Hearing Soc.) and Lizzie Williams Page 1 Agenda Item 6 ROTHERHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL – REPORT TO MEMBERS 1. Meeting: ADULT SERVICES AND HEALTH SCRUTINY PANEL 2. Date: 12 April 2007 3. Title: Annual Health Check 2006-07 4. Programme Area: Chief Executive’s 5. Summary This report explains the Annual Health Check process and gives the Overview and Scrutiny responses to the local health trusts’ declarations. 6. Recommendations a. That the responses agreed by the South Yorkshire Joint Health Scrutiny Committee (in respect of Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and Yorkshire Ambulance Service) be noted. b. That Members consider the draft responses in respect of Rotherham PCT, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust and Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and agree or amend them, as necessary. Page 2 7. Proposals and Details 7.1 Background 7.1.1 In April 2005, the Healthcare Commission launched a new approach to assessing and reporting called the Annual Health Check. This system is based upon measuring performance within a framework of national standards and targets set by Government. 7.1.2 The Annual Health Check has replaced the old ‘star ratings’ assessment system and looks at a much broader range of issues than the targets used previously, and seeks to make much better use of the data, judgments and expertise of others to focus on measuring what matters to people who use and provide healthcare services. 7.1.3 The overall aim of the new assessment of performance, and the information gained through the process, is to promote improvements in healthcare. It will also help people to make better informed decisions about their care, promote the sharing of information and give clearer expectations on standards of performance. 7.1.4 In April 2007, each health trust is required to provide a declaration of its compliance (or otherwise) against the Department of Health’s 24 core standards. 7.1.5 Overview and scrutiny committees (along with patient and public involvement forums and strategic health authorities) are invited to make comments on the performance of their local PCTs. Overview and scrutiny committees are not expected to comment on the trust’s performance against each of the 24 core standards. Instead, comments should be based on the evidence they have gained through their health scrutiny work and, if possible, cross-referenced against the relevant core standard. 7.1.6 The trusts are required to submit overview and scrutiny comments, unedited, with their declarations. The Healthcare Commission takes these comments into account when assessing the trusts and awarding them an overall rating. 7.1.7 This year, the four South Yorkshire local authorities agreed to work together on producing comments for Sheffield Children’s Hospital Foundation Trust, Yorkshire Ambulance Trust and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This was done through the South Yorkshire Joint Health Scrutiny Committee, membership of which is the chair of each Scrutiny Committee, plus two others, from each of the four councils. 7.1.8 The joint committee used a consultant funded by the Centre for Public Scrutiny to help it identify which of the core standards it should focus on and some areas for questioning. 7.1.9 The most relevant core standards were identified as: C6 (essentially, co-operation to meet patients’ individual needs) Page 3 C7 (sound governance), C13 (essentially, dignity) C14 (essentially, information and complaints) C15 (essentially, food) C16 (essentially, information on services) C17 (essentially, seeking patient views) C22 (essentially, reducing health inequalities 7.1.10 Each trust was provided with a brief against which it was asked to provide a presentation, followed by answering questions from members. 7.2 Sheffield Children’s Hospital Foundation Trust 7.2.1 The Joint Health Scrutiny Committee met with senior management from the Children’s Hospital Foundation Trust on 9 March 2007. The members involved from Rotherham’s Children and Young People’s Services Scrutiny Panel were: • Cllr Ann Russell • Cllr Colin Barron • Maureen Morton (co-optee). 7.2.2 A draft response was drafted after the meeting and was amended and agreed at a subsequent meeting of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee on 29 March. The final response is given at Appendix A, for information. 7.3 Yorkshire Ambulance Trust and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 7.3.1 The Joint Health Scrutiny Committee met with senior management from the Yorkshire Ambulance Trust and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on 14 March 2007. The members involved from Rotherham’s Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Panel were: • Cllr John Doyle (Chair of the Joint Committee for the meeting) • Cllr Allan Jackson • Cllr John Turner. 7.3.2 Draft responses were drafted after the meeting and amended and agreed at a subsequent meeting of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee on 29 March. The final response to Yorkshire Ambulance Trust is given at Appendix B, and to Sheffield Teaching Hospitals at Appendix C, for information. 7.4 Rotherham PCT, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust (DASH) and Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust 7.4.1 For the Rotherham health trusts, an Annual Health Check Working Group was set up, comprising members of the Children and Young People’s Services and the Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Panels. 7.4.2 The members involved from Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Panel were: Page 4 • Cllr John Doyle (Chair of the Working Group) • Cllr Allan Jackson • George Hewitt (co-optee) 7.4.3 The members involved from Children and Young People’s Services Scrutiny Panel were: • Cllr Colin Barron (Chair of the Working Group) • Cllr Barry Kaye • Cllr John Swift. 7.4.4 Each trust was provided with a brief against which it was asked to provide a presentation. This was given at a meeting with the Working Group and was followed by questions. 7.4.5 Draft responses have been drawn up based on evidence given at the meeting with each local trust, plus additional information that came from other work of the relevant Panel. They are appended as follows: Appendix D – Rotherham PCT Appendix E – DASH Appendix F – Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust. 8. Finance There are no financial implications arising from this report. 9. Risks and Uncertainties Although it is not a specific requirement, the Healthcare Commission suggests that overview and scrutiny comments may be shared with the relevant trust, prior to submission. By doing this, we can ensure that any comment based on a misunderstanding can be modified, before it is submitted. 10. Policy and Performance Agenda Implications Contributing towards the Annual Health Check process is part of the Panel’s health scrutiny remit. 11. Background Papers and Consultation The Annual Health Check in 2006-07: Assessing and rating the NHS, Healthcare Commission, September 2006 Contact: Delia Watts, Scrutiny Adviser, direct line: (01709) 822778 e-mail: [email protected] Page 5 Appendix A Member of the Council: Councillor L. Picken Office: Town Hall Home: 17 Blackheath Road BARNSLEY Athersley South Yorkshire S70 2TA BARNSLEY S71 3RE Tel: 01226 773452 Tel: 01226 200001 Fax: 01226 773498 Email: [email protected] Our ref: LP/RO/LH/SC/016/00004 rd 3 April 2007 Mr Chris Sharatt Chief Executive’s Office Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust Western Bank Sheffield S10 2TH Dear Mr Sharatt Healthcare Commission Annual Health Check Overview and Scrutiny Comments on 2006/2007 Declaration On behalf of my colleagues on the South Yorkshire Joint Health Scrutiny Committee, I wish to thank you and Mr Reid for your assistance in relation to the Annual Health Check. The Joint Committee has considered the findings and their conclusions for the declaration. I attach a copy of the Committee’s submission. This summarises the key aspects of the evidence, together with the conclusions in relation to the selected Core Standards. I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of the submission. I would also appreciate an outline of your timetable for the Trust’s declaration to the Healthcare Commission.
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