HERALD GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF E THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Some of the eighty-five happy lepers recently discharged, with European medical staff in front. View of Hansenide Colony, Mount Hagen, New Guinea, where hundreds of lepers have received treatment. Hope for the Hopeless in Central New Guinea By L. H. BARNARD, M.D. Superintendent, New Guinea Highlands Leper Hospital HIS week marks the fourth anniversary of the thousand feet. On the other side the mighty bulwark establishment of a Hansenide colony in central of the Bismarck Range, soaring to fifteen thousand feet, T New Guinea. Hansenide is the modern name for put solid cores inside the feathery clouds. Peeps through a leper colony. In retrospect, my mind goes back to our the clouds revealed unending mountains and valleys, humble start, and as I survey what has been accom- with unnamed rivers, all swathed in blue, where live plished here, I cannot refrain from exclaiming, "What teeming thousands of natives, mostly untouched, even hath God wrought!" unseen, by Europeans as yet. My head reeled with the Although we have applied ourselves to the task of mighty challenge of these large, unexplored areas where building and operating a hospital for hundreds of the Christ is unknown and heathen barbarity rules su- unfortunate sufferers of this dread disease, the opposi- preme—one of the last unchallenged strongholds of the tion to our work has been almost overwhelming at times. prince of darkness. The day we packed our tools and living essentials We got through safely, and our plane touched down aboard a little plane, 1,200 lbs. weight in all, and then and rolled to a stop on a grass strip at Mount Hagen, clambered aboard, will live long in my memory. I was a government station opened among the natives in 1935, accompanied by my wife and three-year-old daughter. five thousand feet high in the New Guinea hinterland. Slowly gaining height from the humid coast, our plane We set off down the dirt road by foot, then off into headed inland, but the elements had conspired to force the bush along a mud track shared by the natives and our retreat. Going forward, I talked to the pilot, who the pigs. Finally, the eleventh river in the eight miles was seeking an opening through the soft, billowy clouds. was crossed, and we set foot on the ground previously "In that cloud," he said, "is a mountain eight thousand selected by our medical secretary, H. W. Nolan. Then, feet high." I noticed our altimeter recorded only six in a clearing we saw three (Continued on page 17) VOL. 130, NO. 36 SEPTEMBER 3, 1953 Vol. 130, No. 36 September 3, 1953 Contents The Religious World FRONT PAGE Hope for the Hopeless in Central New Guinea [These news items are taken from Religious News Service. We do not neces- sarily concur in statements made in these items. We publish them simply to give our readers a picture of current religious developments.] GENERAL ARTICLES Page 3 The Shape of Things to Come—"Declaring the End From ► Senate Asks U.S. Push World Disarmament the Beginning"—The Well-balanced Person—The Grace of God—Harnessing Your Imagination—Sing for the Love Religious groups scored a victory in Washington, D.C., when of God—He Loved Us So—Our Health Message Today— the Senate, shortly before adjournment, adopted a resolution Savors,of Life Unto Life calling on the United States to take the leadership in securing world disarmament. Forty-nine members of the House had Page 11 joined Representatives Leslie Arends (R.-Ill.) and Brook Hays EDITORIALS (D.-Ark.) in sponsoring a similar measure, but the House Is This the Christian Hope?—The Medicine for the Foreign Affairs Committee decided against bringing it to the Sickness of Modern Man—Others Have Said—Do You In- floor during the adjournment rush. They felt that if it passed dulge in Criticism? • with only brief debate, it would not have the full effect desired of notifying the world that the United States Congress sup- NEWS FROM THE WORLD FIELD - - - Page 14 ports such a program. Representative Hays said the measure will be on the House calendar early in the session which meets Opening Our Work in Khartoum, Sudan—Ingathering next January. Contacts in Brazil—God's Children—Workers' Meeting in South Africa—Health Evangelism in the London Effort— New Tamil Bible Correspondence School in India— 1 California Teachers Study Spiritual Values in Schools Itinerating in Africa, 2—Welfare Work Wins Friends in Syracuse, New York—Seminary Extension School in Thirty California public school teachers and officials are France—Evangelism Keynote at Texas Camp Meeting— studying the place of moral and spiritual values in the public Relief Aid for Korea Appreciated—West Lebanon, New schools at a five-week research project being conducted by the Hampshire, Camp Meeting—The Review for Former College of the Pacific, in Stockton, California. Dr. Alfred W. Adventists—Brief Current News—Camp Meeting Sched- Painter, director of religious activities at the college, is heading ule, 1953—Church Calendar for 1953 the workshop study. He said the seminar was organized be- cause "there has been little professional assistance to teachers POETRY in the development of moral and spiritual understanding in elementary and high school student life." The meaning of On Wings of Prayer, p. 3; Angel Watchers, p. '5; The these values, and ways of emphasizing them in the classroom, Children With Me, p. 9 are the principal topics of the project's daily schedule of lectures, conferences, research, and demonstrations, Dr. Painter said. ah.a Evi E -anzer W HERALD 1 Protestant Theologian Asks Church-State Cooperation The idea of complete separation of church and state "is com- FRANCIS D. NICHOL, Editor pletely inadequate," Dr. Frederick Whittaker, president of FREDERICK LEE, Associate Editor W. H. BRANSON, Consulting Editor Bangor (Maine) Theological Seminary, told the 37th Isle of D. A. DELAFCELD, Associate Editor J. L. MCELHANY, Contributing Editor Shoals Congregational Christian Conference in Portsmouth, PROMISE KLOSS SHERMAN, Editorial Secretary New Hampshire. "I am convinced that the new Christendom SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS demands the cooperation of Church and State in the realm C. H. WATSON, D. E. REBOK, C. L. TORREY, L. K. DICKSON, R. R. FIGUHR, W. B. Om's, A. V. OLSON, H. L. RUDY, E. D. DICK, PRESIDENTS OF ALL of education," he said. The theologian also suggested that DIVISIONS church members offer themselves as public servants in high BRIEF CURRENT NEWS CORRESPONDENTS and low places as a means of "bringing the State into GENERAL CONFERENCE: MISS THELMA WELLMAN; OVERSEAS: AUSTRALASIA: E. J. partnership with the Church for the cooperative task assigned JOHANSON; MIDDLE EAST: A. R. MAZAT; FAR EASTERN: C. P. SORENSEN; NORTHERN EUROPE: E. B. RUDGE; INTER-AMERICA: A. H. ROTH; SOUTH to them by God. Christians should become active members of AMERICA: L. H. OLSON; SOUTHERN AFRICA: F. G. CLIFFORD; SOUTHERN ASIA: some political party, so that the influence of the Church may J. F. ASHLOCK; SOUTHERN EUROPE: MARIUS FRIDLIN be felt at the grassroots where candidates and policies are NORTH AMERICAN UNIONS: ATLANTIC: MISS LAURA M. DROWN; CANADIAN: MRS. EVELYN M. BOWLES; CENTRAL: MRS. CLARA ANDERSON; COLUMBIA: WARREN chosen." ADAMS; LAKE: MRS. MILDRED WADE; NORTHERN: L. 1-1.. NETTEBURG; NORTH PACIFIC: MRS. IONE MORGAN; PACIFIC: MISS OPAL STONE; SOUTHERN: MISS CLARA CRAWFORD; SOUTHWESTERN: H. C. KEPHART CIRCULATION MANAGER R. J. CHRISTIAN 1 Stones From Sacred Edifices to Adorn Airport Chapel All communications relating to the Editorial Department and all manuscripts Stones from sacred edifices in 100 countries will be used in submitted for publication should be addressed to Editor, Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. the erection of an outdoor shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, which will form part of the proposed Roman Catholic chapel United States Countries Where Extra at Idlewild International Airport in New York. The stones, and Canada Postage Is Required which will be brought from overseas free of charge by the One Year $4.75 $5.25 Six Months 2.50 2.75 air lines using the terminal, will each be one foot square and Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D.C., post office will be accompanied by a photograph showing its origin. (not Takoma Park). Address all business communications and make all drafts and express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Takoma Park, Among the famous places from which the stones have been Washington 12, D.C. In changing address, do not fail to give both the old and obtained are the Basilica of the Good Jesus at Goa, Portu- new address. guese India, where the body of St. Francis Xavier rests; the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico; and St. Hedwig's Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Cathedral in East Berlin. Plans for the chapel and the shrine Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington, have been drawn up by the Catholic Guild of the airport, D.C., under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. One Year, $4.75. Vol. 130, No. 36. which has some 2,500 members among the air lines and cus- Copyright, 1953, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C. toms staffs. 2 REVIEW AND HERALD The Shape of Things to Come By ERNEST LLOYD Long centuries ago a man on the Isle look to some vague organization, some, papers. Bureaus and departments direct of Patmos wrote out the visions that God nebulous concourse of humanity, to pay what we shall hear over the radio, what gave him, and in those visions he saw the their bills and tell them what to do.
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