Leader Marks 25th Anniversary ' kelstein 1 N 1 ifftflmr If's Been An Exciting NOIim KUt^O Mayor, ^ an xm o d Efforts Quarter Of A Century 9m V 9 9 3 mmzMd r iwfo t Lyndon B, Johnson IVIL Service jobs seemed more Important In those years—a quarter century ago— tc I letter to The Leader when Jerry Finkelstein was Civil Service Editor of the New York Daily Mirror and C from Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and a personal presentation as many'^as 97,000 filed for a single examination. So, It was not surprising that the-23-year by Mayor Robert Wagner to Mr. Finkelstein of a "Certificate old Mirror staff man Jerry Finkelstein and his good friend Seward Brisbane, son of the of Appreciation" led the list of late great editor Arthur Brisbane from 30,000 membership to a cur- Poughkeepsie among others. congratulatory messages received that the CSEA Board of Director! decided that there was room for rent 125,000. Starting in a small office at by The Leader on the 25th anni- had voted unanimously to clt4 a lively civil service newspaper 305 Broadway, they began garner- versary of its founding. The Leader with a plaque, to bt in New York. Today the Civil Service Leader is the largest civil service paper ing material, making plans, estab- Heads of the state's leading presented at the organization'! The Leader started with a cir- In the world and has the 14th lishing pipelines and working out public employee organizations also annual convention next month lE culation of 17,000 In 1939 and cur- largest circulation of any paper. an editorial policy which they sent good wishes and Joseph P. Syracuse. rently has a circulation in excess Including dailies. In New York thought would fit the people of Feily, president of the j?25,000- In wiring his congratulations tc of 150.000. It has seen the Civil State, ranging ahead of dailies In their own age—the agressive member Civil Service Employees Mr. Finkelstein, President Johnson Service Employees Assn. grow Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, (Continued on Page 10) Assn., Informed Mr. Finkelstein (Continued on Page 11) wmmm LiEAPER Promotion Exams Americans Largest WecJdy for I'ublic Employees See Page 18 .Vol. XXVr, No. 3 Tuesday, Sepleiiiher 22, 1964 Price Ten Cents rOAy ision Due Oct. 5 •Sf Broome County Agrees To Reconsider CSEA's S-Point Plan Request (From Leader Correspondent) BINGHAMTON, Sept. 21—At a surprisingly calm meet- rudeness that we found shocking" ing last week the Employees Committee of the Broome at an earlier meeting with the County Board of Supervisors agreed to reconsider a five- Ridley Committee. point proposal for increased pay and benefits for county "I'm going to be perfectly frank," Ridley said. "I didn't apn employees. predate the letter." Officials of the Broome chapt- annual increments Instead of the er of the Civil Service Employees CSEA-requested general pay raise. Disputed Point Assn. were so satisfied with the He said each item in the CSEA The only point of dispute at attitude of the county committee proposal would be reconsidered, the earlier meeting came when they called off a membership but that the committee would county officials refused to accept meetig scheduled tonight. not "go down the line with them." the CSEA viewpoint that a yearly "A committee decision on the increment received by a worker Is (Leader Staff Photo) .Alternate Plan Seen matter is expected by Oot. 5," not a raise in pay, Ridley said. MAYOR CITES THE LEADER — New York CUy« However, Earle D. Ridley, (R- he said. The CSEA takes the positioa Mayor Robert F. Wagner, hands Jerry Finkelstein, publisher of the Sixth>, committee chairman, said At the meeting's outset Ridley that any increment increase is Civil Service Leader, a "Certificate of Appreciation" for the 25 years after the meeting with CSEA of- declared his committee had "been a guaranteed wage and that only of dedicated service the Civil Service Leader has offered the public ficials it is likely his group will done an injustice" by a letter an across-the-board Increase employee. g ^ recommend a system of higher from Joseph F. Feily, state CSEA can be considered a salary raise* president. Benjamin Roberts, CSEA field The letter, sent to Henry M representative explained yester* Baldwin, board chairman, said the day. ^^rse Promotion Titles employee group had been treated "We didn't buy that at our last "with a callous disdain and (Continued on Page 20) germed 'Career Dead ALBANY, Sept. 21—The Civil Service Employees Assn. has protested to the Civil Service Department proposed mini- ttepeatThis! WESTERN UNION miun qualifications for supervising nurse and chief supervis- TELEGRAM ing nurse resulting from the removal of these titles from Civil Service 1 T.««f J ii lOf Al TlMt ,1 the non-competitive class. NK055 (0U;pA050 RA021 -R NL PO THE I/HITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DC CSEA claims that under the present one-year requirement is Vote-Where JERRY FINi<Ei:5fElN, PUBLISHER proposed minimum qualifications, in sharp contrast to the proposed CIVIL SERVICE LEADER 97 OUANE sT NYK nearly all head nurses presently requirements which include a Does It Stand? ON THE OCCASION OF THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY OF THE CIVIL SERVICE in State service would be ineligible bachelor of science degree in nurs- LEADER, I AM HAPPY TO EXPRESS TO YOU AND TO YOL« STAFF MY APPRECIATION UR CURIOSITY to compete for the position of ing and two years of graduate FOR THE LONG EFFECTIVE SERVICE YOUR PAPER HAS RENDERED IN supervising nurse. has been aroused. A nursing experience. O HELPING TO EXPAMD A^O MAINTAIN THE MERIT SYSTEM AND IN ENCOURAGINQ In its protest, CSEA says that According to CSEA estimates, New York Times story of HIGH STAfCAROS OF PUBLIC SERVICE AMONG ALL OUR CIVIL SERVICE these head nurses now find their le-ss than one hundred presently Sept. 13 reporting voter senti- EhfLOYEES, YOUR DEFENSE OF THE INTERESTS OF THESE EWLOYEES way blocked because of the newly emplpyed head nurses will possess ment In the Presidential race at HAS BENEFITED TOT OrjLY THEM EUT ALSO A WIDER PUBLIC t I AM CONFIDENT^ ' Imposed requirements. The Em- the necessary minimum qualifica- one point quoted a policeman as THAT IN THE YEARS AHEAD YOU WILL SUSTAIN THE QUALITIES WHICH ployees Assu. said that "when the tions to compete for promotion suyin'4 "There are 25,000 cops in HAVE MADE YOUR PAPER A LEADEB IN ITS FIELD position of supervising nurse was to supervising nurse under the New York City and I'd say that LYrCON B JOHMSON, In tlie non-competitive cla.'s, one proposed qualifications. With an 23.000 of them are going to vote year of service as head nurse was estimated 1.800 filled head nurse fo- Goldwater." LBJ's MESSAGE: Shown above is the (elesrram President sufficient to provide ellgib'Utv for positions, "this means that some Yd. a Times story three days Lyiidoa B. Joliiisoii sent tu Leader publisher Jerry Finkelstein coiia promoiioa." CSEA claims th.-.t the (ConliaucU un Piise 20) (I'uatiiiued ua Pate 2) ceruing the 25lh •uuiveisary u( the tuunding of The Leader. Tues'dajr, September 22, 1964 Page Fourteen CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Davis, a public relations practl* tloner from Birmingham, Mlc^.j "THE TRUTH IS, our spe- Don't Repeat This! Your Public cialized activity (public relations)", is a necessary one born of the (Continued from Page 1) Our poll Is strictly an Informal enormous and growing complexity later declared Lyndon B. Johnson one and you can let us know your Relations 10 of our society and of the prolif- was expected to carry the state choice by sending a card or letter eration of oui' means of commu- by 1,500.000 votes, a larger mar- to "Don't Repeat This," 97 Duane By UO J. MARGOLIN nication. Its foundation Is the in than' in Franklin D. Roosevelt's St., New York, 7. N.Y. The cards skilled use of tools of communica- 1932 landslide victory, and that or letters do not even have to be viKtiWWiiiaHWHBm^ tion to develop common under- the GOP was going to concentrate signed. Your response could prove standing of the complicated on Assembly elections here, a pre- a surprise to one candidate or the Misconceptions Widespread structures of our society, wheth- other. diction made in this column sev- er corporate. Institutional, .socio- eral weeks ago. Predictions are that ticket- MISCONCEPTIONS about visitors to cool their heels while logical, political, economic or If the sccond Times story is ac- splitting in New York this year public relations, it meanings, he reads down to the last piece of mercantile. By its very nature, will be phenomenal and again an agate type about last night's curate, a good many of those mil- its objectives and its effec- the role Imposes substantial ob- Indication of tftis from the civil crucial" baseball game. lion and a half votes for Johnson tiveness both in government ligations to help shape these servant will be Important. Outside WE'D LIKE TO see a computer would have to come from the civil and in private Industry are as structures and the products and Bervice voter, which together with of the Presidential race the hot- evaluate this agency's public re- widespread as ever. services they yield so that they their families represents some 20 test contest in the country ts the lations! If such a computer were EVEN AMONG knowledge- best sei-ve the public interest." per cent of the State's voting race between Sen.
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