. ., ; I. I -, .............. ... , .. Volume 43. , : ! :.:, ,. I/j . .:, , . Indiana Central College, Indianapolis; Indiana, Friday, March ,22, '1963j ' : ' ; ! . .,.,. N;;;lber. ,3' -- . .- ., ~. ., ., ................................. ... , " ........... - .I ... ....', I .. ........ , . i ' :' ., ... ..~. ., ,. , .. !. .. ,. I. , ..# .. , .. ........ ............... ,. .. 8 I -.'' .. , Thirteen students represented In- this year with s .. diana Ccntral at the ninth annual consider. session of thc Little United Nations ' , politic .- - Assemb1y:"at : 'Indiana : ,University, tee:, .,, , .... I Eioomington, I March ~ ,13-16; 1963.' :, i;Disarmamcnt and ,arm; j bo,,- .,/. ~ ... : This ; was. the . third 1 consecutive . ~, :tiel,. .... ,, year that Indiana Ccntral was rep- ,. ' i..Peaceful of outer space. resented at LUNA. .'' ' :" * andatomic cncrgy. ' ' Each year delegations from.In- . 3, ~~d'uN. diana Ccntral have'grown in size force. ... and scope, from one delegation in Economic and Social Committee: 1961 to four in 1963. ' 1. Human-rights: ' ' The 1963 LUNA delegates f??' . ; 2. Decnde of development - Cambodib were Joe Rankin, Mun- Communications,. education, cic; Dcanna Bcplay,' Attica; ,Jim . indust,.i&ation, land reform Rcber, Dayton, Ohio ...and J!ff Ir- and agricultural .. development vin, Indianapolis. .:.- and public administration. The Jordan rCPreSCntatiVeS WCrC Adminlgration , and . Financial Nazar Hindo; Bagdad, Iraq; Tom' '&mmittce;, ~ Aithonyj ,Indianapolis, and Khal- '' 2. ~i~~+,~the . .and its' doun.Pharaon; Damascus, Syria: . special.' agencies regular Lahal Soghandi from Kangama, contributions, borrowing and ICono, Sierra 'Leone:, represented ' ' speciii' contributions. Lis homeland. : He was'jofned by. 2. The -&cret&at ' - functions' Vera Blinn Rebcr, .Dayton,- Ohio'.. .. and and Jim McDonald, Paoli. This year LUNA was attended by Syria wa$"the fourth nation rep* hlmost four hundred students from by Indiana thirty-five different colleges and two Of from ' on1vcrsiti&. located in nine differ- 'Pia. They are Sukkar cPt states.,, The LUNA now ranks a.nd Said,' Mahassen. The other as of the best,,, for'there are Celcgate was Tom Short, Indian- c,nly th;c;; *other..model : intercol- .. .. .. Joe.Rankin informs LUNA delegates of their duties and responsibilities in a meeting held r.polis. .. lcgiate as8emblies that can be com- : hefore the Assembly. (Back rnw,!l r):Vera Blinn Reber, .Jim Reber, Khaldoun Pharaon The many committees of the to i>aredwl& It ...'.:, , . ~ LUNA in the past were consoli- and Riad Bizri. (Front row, 1 to r).Jeff Irwin, blamoun Sukkar, Tom Short, Tom Anthony, The..Little' United Nations As- Nazar IIindo, Prof: Roland Nelson an& Lahai Sogbandi. .. dated into main .. .' .. sembly;; +onsored. by. the student -. government of Indlana University, '., ts. designca' to acqyaint particl- , L;, ; t. , ,.; , ~ ,, , , , . .,>, :.Junior..ClassPlans Carnival ,,. ,' , ','::: :'.:WUSAuctiqfi-April 8 .' . ,: ~ - _c_ .--.-..-. ...-- -..>----_-: -.-. orld ~antp~tltfitfrrrun'tcd'-NationsandT i.Th'e'J&Er -C&' i~-~la~&gn,recorddance sponxb$%rTKnir\VUS auct!on' will be and Hong Kong ' under t to give,them a better undcrstand- Junior.Class Carnival for the 11th Class of 1964 will.begin, in the nee,. &day; April 8. Auctioneers hi- Iinivcrsity Service Program. ing, through experience, of its May. Carnival will be held, Room. ...... .. of The ~.-~: ry . Thompson-. and--Jcrry'-Debrth- -from 6x30 to 9% p.m. around the Any organizations interested ,in A total of $362 was raised as a -functions, its accomplishments and will auction off items donated by ... top of the Gym. All clubs or organi-: operating a concession should'con; . result:of the last auction In No- its :draw,bpcks.:' After. spending four,:. frustrating da+ trying :to ~ vcmbcr. ;,Twenty dollars of this zntions who wish. to have a,con-: tact John Houlihan, Junior Class ' .. cession are urged to do so'. President' It is hoped 'that' went to pope pius XICollege in: ,pas? ?., res?!utlon, an adroit pro-. There will be'a.S concession fee: club will sponsor at least one : The purpose again .wili be. to ~asutoland,,South Africa and s171 cess, entailing......... considerable propa- are.... not '80 quick. for ,each, stand. operated .by the, booth in order .to make the Car- raise, more money for,student aid each to projects in Hong Kong and l.?nd?, St!!!! ... various oraanizations. At 930 o.m., nival a.success. ... ... and educational projects. in 3 India. India. .. : v''. (&timed on page 4) ; ..... ... !. '-. .. ,. ............ ...............,. '"Five athl.etes_were..honored last ~ryco-caqtains:for the. past- sea- :wing Pup with an engraved trib-' interests and n cash love offering.. hloran. Itodney; Overpeck, ,Doug zlght at the winter sports banquet son xte to his athictic leadership: from I ' .Dick ' D enn y. an. Indianapolis ~irteiarid Ray Trisler: ..... of Indiana Central. but the big- T of the basket- -' "Friends, Fans and Associates;". News sports . w r iter, made the 'Dave ',Green .and Tom nrcNa- zest. event- of the evening was a' bail team, its two trainers and two . a certificate enumerating his sew- presentation to Nick. ....... mara,' trainers. :Ed Clark and Dale. Epply, man- purprise recognition of Angus Nic- managers and four cheerleaders ices to the college, the alumni, John Koontz, Indianapolis jun- .~ oson. the. Greyhound's athletic' di-' received individual trophies emble- the community and his other civic ior football player, introduced the agers. :, , rector, head basketball coach and matic of the .HCC championship,. ..... ' toastmaster and presented the CIEERLEADERS .. .. track coach. ' . aiong with the nwarding of letters. four-letter-winner plaque to Beas- Becky Bowman, Karin Dornfield, . The election of junior forward. to: the;players. and the . wrestlers. ley. Dr. William P. Morgan, pro- Georgia Hieb and Nancy Turner.' Tom Moran, top scorer in the 1 The. conferenec championship tro- fcssor emeritus, who donated the . ' ' IVRESTJJh'G Hoosier College Conference; as, phy :and ,another for the Capitol: mast. valuable player award tro- :hIauricc . Barnes; Dick Beeson,: Central's most valuable basket- City Tournament. title also were ', phies, made that presentation. Dr. George Bohlin, James Giles, Ken' ball player and of senior guards. handed out at the,dinner in the '. Robert E. hrcBride. dean'of men Graves, John Gruncr,' Steve. Nc- Cleo Norm Beasley: and Fred ' Belser Heritage Cafeteria, '3325 Madison end ' professor of philosophy, pas- Gee and Moore. Dale Bancroft, 'manager. as honorary eo-captains of the' Ave.: ' ,. :: :.: .. sed out.the championship trophies. :. team which won the 1963 league But the fact that special honors ' . Nicoson: made the. letter and ..The Hoosier Conference Champ-. <hampionship-war.announced.-.-.were ,to be-aceorded-"Nlek""for certificate awards to the varsity Ionshlp. individual trophies were I!easley also received n .special ! his : 16-years M coach, physical basketball team; Coach Bill Bright presented to the 12.letter. winners; plhque as the only memb edueat!on teacher and athletic di- to: the,freshman team and. Coach the. trainers, the managers; the. rteFor ?t his alma matcr,was well- Paul', E. .Vel& to the wrestlers. four..'chcrleaders. Coach :Nicoson. ....... ." kept secret:',until' :the master, of, Those-re&4ving- varsity awards: and his-assistant Bright and two BASKETBALL oiher members of. the basketball ..........ccremonles, ~H.'~W,illinrn''Flsher,: "I squad Steve David and'Andrew nounced . that':the wrestling ' teaf".-- president: of ..the:colleges ,'Alumni; Bill Asdell, No r ma n Bcasley, - had chosen Ken Graves -and. Cleo Aisdciation, ', called Nic o s o n to; Fred Belser, Clark Crafton, Jim hloore. David ahd Moore substitut ' el during. the season but did not hroore as its most'valuable mem::"'com$ forward;.' ~ , ;: '- ' ._ Cummings, Darrcll Hoyer,. Dave ~ ' hers and also elected.them honor-. :.. Nicoson.: was given' a' beautiful,' NIC€ISOlJ , ' Huffman; Jack Johnson, Tom play enough to, qualify for letters. .. ., .I, ' ... ._., ,_ ~ i I' .I...C , ih: .j. .. .. 7 , . .. ('.,T-.1 I::,! -. -- ... .... > rriday;_'Ma~c~~~2;~1963-. .. ..REFLECTOR: . .- ... ._.I_.___._._..-.___.-- -.._.-.. PaaE.3. to a close. The Central's wrestling team finished with a 5-5 record for the past semn:'Coach Paul Velez's napplers were all underclassmen. Front row (I 10 r) Steve MeGee. Larry McCloud, Cleo - Moore, Floyd Kirby, Dick Beeson and Tim Giles Back row (I to r) Coach Vela, Maurice Barnes. Dick Cummings, Ken Graves, George Ibhlin, John Gruner and Dale Bancroft. W I. :How 'does ' thin' year ' shape up? Dailey No. 1 5 0 It~~wili~go :ds'.':thc, veterans go: Daiiep No. 2 4 1 Many ofi them-'went''last year. Cafeterla 3 2 irtee .. .. .. .. Central~ 'has"a p1tchlni:stgf- . thls IVlimore No. 3 , 2 b year that-boasts of no'man with 3: Dailey No. 3 , 1 more than one yeah experience. .. 4. Delta Gamma Rho 0. 5 Four of the starUng poslttons from hmrican hglle ."em ,. 1 isst yeah brldesmalds are vacant. Tom Bforan .hit for 574 polnts In twenty-flve games 'for a 22.9 averabe to lead ICCa Greyhounds to. Center,.field wlll .he ahsent. the Ave. an 18-7 season mark. Noran also led the free throw shooters., sinking 'SO. per cent 'of -1% attempts. bark tesm'q leading hitter (wlth a 325. slesslng, Buton. 21 Crafton the leading rebounder for the, Hoosier College Conference Champions. snGginp 253 rebounds batting. average).. in, the personage \'Os% Faculty 20.4 .. was .- of ,. Pete ,KlmmeL'. who: has' since SPurgwn, Facultv. 20
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