The- UNIVERSITY· THEAtl\E Present's ULYSSES .IN NIGHTTOWN By JAMES JOYCE Dramatized and Transposed by MARJORIE BARKENTIN Under the Supervision of PADRAIC COLUM Direct~ by GLENN ·cANNON Set and ~O$tume Design by RICHARD MASON Lighting Design by KENNETH ROHDE . Teehnicai.Direction by MARK BOYD \ < THE CAST . ..... .......... .. -, GLENN CANNON . ... ... ... : . ..... ·. .. : ....... ~ .......... ....... ... .. Narrator. \ JOHN HUNT . ......... .. • :.·• .. ; . ......... .. ..... : . .. : ...... Leopold Bloom. ~ . - ~ EARLL KINGSTON .. ... ·. ·. , . ,. ............. ... .... Stephen Dedalus. .. MAUREEN MULLIGAN .......... .. ... .. ......... ............ Molly Bloom . .....;. .. J.B. BELL, JR............. .•.. Idiot, Private Compton, Urchin, Voice, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, Citizen, Bloom's boy, Blacksmith, · Photographer, Male cripple; Ben Dollard, Brother .81$. ·cavalier. DIANA BERGER .......•..... :Old woman, Chifd, Pigmy woman, Old crone, Dogs, ·Mary Driscoll, Scrofulous child, Voice, Yew, Waterfall, :Sutton, Slut, Stephen's mother. ~,.. ,· ' DARYL L. CARSON .. ... ... .. Navvy, Lynch, Crier, Michael (Archbishop of Armagh), Man in macintosh, Old man, Happy Holohan, Joseph Glynn, Bloom's bodyguard. LUELLA COSTELLO .... ....... Passer~by, Zoe Higgins, Old woman. DOYAL DAVIS . ....... Simon Dedalus, Sandstrewer motorman, Philip Beau~ foy, Sir Frederick Falkiner (recorder ·of Dublin), a ~aviour and · Flagger, Old resident, Beggar, Jimmy Henry, Dr. Dixon, Professor Maginni. LESLIE ENDO . ....... ... Passer-by, Child, Crone, Bawd, Whor~. An elector. Millionairess, Crab, Prison gate girl, Nymph, Morn­ ing hour. - ~·-· ·-- PRODUCTION STAff'= ·-~z.~.:_ Assistant to the Direct~i: :~~ Uctuda Assistant to· the Designer: Peggy Egbert Stage Manager. Kathryn Uchida -· Stage Crew: Donna .. Fly, Pat.Sweet " Sound and Light Crew: Ka~~ Hunt, Jim Takajwhi, Rou Nakahara, Geri Sai, Laune Wf'iaht, · -· Mer Gionaon -· · - · Costume Crew: Peggy Egbert Tecl'mic:ians: Kenneth Rohde, Kevin Murphy and the students of Drama 2AO and Drama 299 · Photography: Franci~ Haar. Properties: Elizabeth Wichmann Publicity: Jemm Kerr, Kitty Heacox · Box Office: Condelita Alamzan, Bo~ie . -Killin/ Kathleen M()ri.sliige .. House Managers: Far:ouk .Wang and PhyJlia Look assist~ by Nincy Castle;_Aileen Hamai, Carol Ann Hce, Ji.m .F~rmer, Patti Najita, Ann Nishiguchi, .Alberta ·Nobu, Debra Ridenour, Donna Ridenour !Jshers:. Aiea_High School (NHS), Casile. Hisb..,Sctlool Th~~n Tr.oupc S66, ~eyettes ~rvice Club, lolani Drama Gt.otip; ~alani ltigh School (NHS), Ro68evelt High School, Sacred l{carts f'Mdemy (.N;tiS), Waipabu Hi~ - \ ' School "(NHS) . ~ · · . -·;.. • •... I ·- • .. ' ~ ' DEPARTMENT' OF DRAMA AND THEATRE ·- FACULTY: Qernard F .. Dukore, Chairman; Mark Boyd, ""James·Brandon, Glenn Cannoti, Dennis Carrol, Elizabeth. Cole, Sarldra Flriney, Tamaij Hunt, .Terence Kli~tp.P... ·Edward Langhans, Richard Mason, Yaauki sa.sa. Jt?CI -Trapido, Carl.Woli q ... - · stAFF: Art catdeira, Takeo Miji.-Nanc~ Takei .... GRADUATE ASSISTANT& Paul Cravath, Dennis .Dubin, Peggy Egbcrc, NeU FUson, . Catherioc. Heacox, Tomas ··Hernandez, Jemm Kerr, RiehMd·.Romcr, Young Sayjor, Bli.z&- bctb Wichmann, Kozaburo Yukihiro · · - ..•. ~~~ . , ~· ~· ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS fa. .. ~ ~ ~· The University Theatre wishes to thank. SUzanne. &wen of Graphic Mema~gn"for the· :· poster design, and Oay Burk, Masao MiyaniOto and Michaef Tatnahl o.f the -~~ver,ity Re- ::\.. ~ . ·· ~ ,- lations Office for their genero~ 'cooperatio!l and assistance. rtte ~ Dii-ector .wi,~ea to:thank t: . Profes~or Margaret Solomon for her assistance in working on the text. of the play, and fol"· t' ber comments in this proaram. · · · COMING EVENTS IN KENNEDY·....THBATRE· .. _ ...__ . 0 • • ~ • February 14, IS, 16, 17 ...... : ..•.... :·. DANCE GONC~RT 1. - :·:<·... .... ..... .. ....... ... < . ·(La:o Theatre) Feb~ 28, March 1, 2, 3 . .............................. Jules Feiffers GOD BLESS ,_ · · · · · · (t@rheatre) •.- March 15, 16, 17, 21, ~~. 24 ._. ..... : .. .... ·........ Bbasa~s- ancient Sanskrit" drama. ·· · ···=-·"'--- :.- ·= ~--- _:- -- ·.. ·.. -:· .. 1'nE:mioN:-6P.YA:S.ivAD.ArrA . - . ~ .· ~ ..::·~·-:-:-:-.~· :;···. - .-, \niainstage) ........;: -· -NOTICE-Smoking is not allowed in ·,~ auillt~ ·nor may pho.t.ogrizp~:o.,. (eCO.tdings be made durlng tfit .~ortntllfCe: . ~: =·:.. ~ . ....,· .;· HAROLD OLIVER FINl-EY . ... Voice, -Martin Cunningham, American evangeli~t, · Bloom's bodyguard, Professor MacHugh, Lord John Fanning,- Bard,, L9rd Mayor Harrington, Paddy Leo­ nard, Hornblower·, Mr. Vincent O'Brien, Cavalier, 1st watch. PATIY FURER . ......... ..... Child, Gnome, Cissy Caffrey, Whore, Bellhanger, Hollybush, Yew, Waterfall, Slut, Morning Hour. JOAN GOSSETT ... .. Call, Slut, Mrs. Yelverton Barry, Noblewoman, Fe­ male cripple, Deadhand, Prison gate girl, Kitty Ricketts . LEO NEIL JONES . Passer-by, Drover, -RabaiP,tti, Form/drunken navvy, ~ Voice, H. Rumbold (hangman), Bloom's boy, Bishop \ . of Down and Connor, ~ · Kernan, Fat policeman, Nosey Flynn, Or~t~r. Lt.' Myers, Bleam's bodyguard, Elijah/ A.J. Christ Dowie :~ . • · LES MAU . .. .......... .• . .. Blazes Boylan, Passer·by, Idiot, Urchin, Bloom's body­ guard, Davy Stephens_{newsboy), Joe Hynes, Citiun, Bloom's boy, Blind stripling, Citizen; 2nd watch. · ~Ef:D MIN ......... .... .. ·. .. Passer-by, Answer, Private Carr, Larry O'Rourke, Dr. Madden, Civil power. KEVIN C. MURPHY . .. ....... • Dr. Malachi .. Buck" Mulligan, Sandstrewer, J.J. O'Mol­ Ioy (defense counsel), Citizen, William (Archbishop of Armagh), Palsied veteran, Chris Callinan, Crofton, Cavalier. MARGIE PETERSON .. .... .. Passer-by, Child, Bridie, Whore, "Martha" I Peggy Griffin, Mrs. Mervyn Tal boys, \Vidow, Mother Grogan, Prison gate girl, Bella-Bello Cohen . I JUDIE SEAL . .............. Child, Bandy-scrofulous child, Mrs. Josie Breen, Fem­ inist, Female infant, Prison gate girl, Hobgoblin, Yew, Waterfall, Slut, Noon hour. GAIL STEGMAIER .. .. ... Bawd, Whore, Mrs. Bellington, Applewoman, Mrs. Thornton (midwife), Florry Talbot. ••••••• Tbe action. of the play takes place in Dublin on Thursday, June 16, 1904 . ••••••• There are two acts, with one ten-minute intermission. l L\'SSI:.S TN ~IGIITTOWI\ Jame~ Joycl··, L/J:.ses ts not a conventional nmel. In tb lingui ... uc cornplex.tty, .10\'1."~ brJ!>hl) encumpa~.,e~ all tradiuonal litcraq genre,. In .tddnion, he parodtel> the techm4uc... and st} les of Jolll nalhrn, sentimental magazine-!Jctum. ftlm. enc}dopcdta and catectmrn bc~tdes origi nattng lt'chntques n nd "t) les of h1s 0\~ n. The Nighttown l'ptsode, [he only '>cellon of tlw novel pnnted in the fotm of a scnpl, pr11 odies dnuna tn a manner wlu~:h compels the imagmalton to move to por genres as\\ ell. In the balloons of cmn1c stnps. or 111 the mck.•; of tantl'ra and sound ttat·k, t'\en a fan, <t hoot. a bar ol ... oap 01 a waterf,dl can h.ne m sa) '\nd \\here else but tn ~cicnce fiction, ''here the futurt· I'> a IJntastic }CI fugtcal extenston ul man's 1-nowkdgc ol the pac;t 111 the condition:-. ul t tw pre..,ent. can 1\\ o llll'n look 111 the mtrror :..nd :.ec onc lace, absorb b\ O'lmusu, each other·~ memones .wd ntminallons, and c,\pericnce together the atorntzation of the world? (Or, a'> .Joyce pms n. the '\:tymisation of the Word." which, to a lttcrary artt:-t at lt:ast, amounts to the same thmg) fhe adaptation ol such a pa~llche to the stage ~~ a bold venture lot hoth pla}v.light and dtrector. \-1aqonc Barkt·nun. in ( /l's:;e:; in \ 1gl11toH n. h:h -,k till ull\ tncorpuratt:d enough marcrwl lrnm other ept-;ot.ic-; 111 the OO\CI 111 gtw the pla\goer a sem.e of the op­ ptNng personalittc' prereqw:-.tte to the subltmtnal irnp.1ct of the ··cm:c" ~cctton Some ol Lht: ":.tagt! duectton~" 1n the te\t. impo~1>1ble to render in actmH theatre, .llt bandied b) the usc of fl. narrator. Ot hers prc~rnt a challenge to the dt1ecto(s tmnginatt\C u<;e of Vt&unl and sou'nd ellech ruxtaposmg ·'real" and hallucinator\ imagd The play abstracts from the nmel th chmax. in "htch all the ~tructural rh.,thrm of the book arc gathl·red to play in nmcert. Joyce came 10 belie' e. 111 ht:. dl'~thruc~. that th~ comic mode sut pa,,cd I raged~ in th capactt) lor ptoduc1ng "~tatic )0\." I ragedy ~~ real. lot eH:t} human hctng is aware of the trrevers!l.>lc.: "progrc::.&IOn'' tn tunc !rom btrth to death. On the other hand. man's 0b­ ~er vat ions of the n.:~t of Natm1.., ft om whtch he i" ~cparated by hi~ \ I ngular awarenes~. tell him that -.pringtime and rebirth follow winter and death; the sun rises out of darknc!.s; C\cn m h~:. O\\ n hod\ he see:. C\ ide nee ol life m dt'at 11. in the pet si~tcncc ol tumcsccnCl' .titer ~l":>.Ual dtm 1\ Poeb tor agc~ h.ne equated thl' :-.e'l.ual expt..ncnt·c \\llh ecstattc d\'111!!. n los:. ol ~dt II I'> not remarJ..ablc that se'\ btcorncs the :.ubject ot toJ..e-.. lor the m)Mcnc:. of resurrcctwn (rc-crection?) belong to the stull ol <'Mnedy. not tnegcdy. The "pure" form ol comedy de.ib wrth the irrational segment of the life cycle· a return to paradtse from hdl, a simplificllti on out of comphcalton. a putting a:.id1· of logical inc\llabillt\ in favor of fantH'>Y and romarH:e \\ e don't bellen• comcd) tnt e ll eciUall~, hut it remams the mode in \\h1ch all out unconscio11~ lk~1re~ and perhap' our deepe:.t belief" ltnJ e~pre~~ton Leopold Bloom. lherefore, p~.:r~ontltcatton 01 the cn-.rnlt.JOke lootm larger than Sll.:phcn I kdalu:. 1 n tht !\ tghllO\\n Jrama ~tt•phen ~~ ~c lf-~c.11ching. self-con..,~:lnus. wary; a~ .t would-be anist ltl Jlo seeking control of lbe Wotd <~nd tts mysterious origin-,. In gUJity memory, h~.o Js trapped hy his mother\ death, for. l'rorn that other impt•nclrablc wOJld, 'lhc cannot reveal th S{t'JCt \\rord \\hich tould make htlll a Creator on h" own. A rejector ot the lairh-but not the relentle~~ logtL o1 the Jesu11s ~lephen ha .. all 11onic \JSJon of the human predic.1ment; to tt,e poml ol hcing sell-duht\c :1:, well a~ mockmg of other:.. hl· ~t't:' the unt\crsal joke as crueL and he \·erhahze, the \\f\ humor 111 cll'\Cr \\,}td-pla\. !11., tntcllectual oh-.~.:-,swn hO\\'C\er, nHI[.;l., tllm a protagont!>l belonging mort~ tn !raged~ than to comedy.
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