26384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE December 17, 2001 contained in the Northwest Power Act mendous results. I am pleased to see and his lovely wife Dianne, our very for State and Tribal salmon recovery VA’s efforts being recognized. best as he continues his already distin- programs that get Pacific Northwest f guished career.∑ ratepayer money. f Ensuring accountability for large ex- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS BERNICE FOX penditures of taxpayer money is essen- ∑ Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I rise tial to keep the trust of the American REAR ADMIRAL (SELECT) PATRICK to recognize a long-time New Mexican, taxpayer. W. DUNNE, USN The American taxpayers are entitled Bernice Fox, who is retiring after an ∑ to a fair accounting and an objective Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise amazing record of service in the public review of the underlying science that today to recognize and honor Captain and private sectors. Her work in these supports many of the very expensive Patrick W. Dunne, United States Navy, areas has spanned 63 years, a most re- recovery plans, particularly the salmon as he departs the Navy’s Office of Leg- markable achievement. supplementation and habitat restora- islative Affairs and assumes command Bernice Fox, born in Bloomington, Il- tion programs, that will be developed of U.S. Naval Forces in Guam. Captain linois in 1920, has lived in New Mexico by the States and participating Tribes. Dunne is a Naval Officer of the finest for almost 40 years. In the private sec- The peer review requirement in this caliber who has established an impec- tor, she owned and operated motels and bill will provide the reasonable assur- cable reputation in the Navy and with apartments, and she worked as a legal ances of competency for those expen- the Congress through his multiple secretary for several New Mexican at- sive programs that the taxpayer de- tours as a Congressional Liaison. torneys. serves. A career submariner, Captain Dunne In 1993, instead of enjoying the re- Again, I thank my colleagues from graduated from the United States tirement that most of us would be Idaho, California, and Oregon for their Naval Academy in 1973. As a junior of- seeking at the age of 73, Bernice Fox strong support and commitment to in- ficer, he has served with distinction at began still another career in support of clude Idaho in the quest to achieve suc- sea, both in the fast attack submarines the Department of Energy at the Waste cessful salmon recovery in the West USS Batish and USS Baton Rouge, and Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad, New and for their tireless efforts over the the fleet ballistic missile submarine Mexico. She was present to witness the last several months to draft the appro- USS Nathanael Greene. In May 1985, opening of that remarkable facility, priate legislative framework in which Captain Dunne was selected as Naval the world’s only permanent repository to accomplish the complex task of re- Aide to President Reagan. In addition for transuranic radioactive wastes. covering those marvelous and impor- to his normal duties, he was respon- Now Bernice Fox is planning to retire tant fish. sible for the coordination of all mili- from the Department of Energy at the f tary support for the Reykjavik Sum- end of this year. I salute her for her mit with President Gorbachev. Fol- long service to the citizens of New TOP GOVERNMENT ETHICS AWARD lowing this eventful tour, Captain Mexico and the nation. Whether her Mr. ROCKFELLER. Mr. President, Dunne assumed command of the attack next career involves real retirement or today I am proud to highlight the rec- submarine USS Baltimore, home ported still another challenge, I salute Ber- ognition given to the Department of in Norfolk, VA. During his command, nice Fox on her long history of con- Veterans Affairs for the outstanding Baltimore completed a deployment to tributions. job they have done and the recognition the Mediterranean Sea and the oper- Bernice Fox is being honored with they are receiving for their employee ational evaluation of one of the Navy’s her own special day by proclamation of ethics programs. newest submarine sonar systems. the Governor of New Mexico. It is only The Office of Government Ethics has Captain Dunne then began his first of fitting that Congress further honor her announced that VA’s Office of General three tours at the Navy’s Office of Leg- with this statement today.∑ Counsel received their Outstanding islative Affairs as the Congressional f Ethics Program Award. The award was Liaison Officer for Submarine Pro- presented on December 13 by Amy grams. Following this tour, Captain TRIBUTE TO GEORGE A. Comstock, the director of the ethics of- Dunne returned to sea, assuming com- BANDOUVERES fice. mand of the submarine tender USS ∑ Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. VA has the largest centralized ethics Frank Cable home ported in Charleston, President, I rise today to pay tribute program in the Federal Government South Carolina. Under his command, to George Bandouveres of Rollinsford, and is the second largest Federal de- Frank Cable was awarded the Meri- NH, for being honored with World War partment with 219,000 employees scat- torious Unit Commendation for its ex- II medals for acts of bravery. George, a tered nationwide and hundreds of fa- ceptional support of the submarines as- veteran of the U.S. Army, served his cilities. Ethics issues are administered signed to Submarine Squadron Four. country with honor during World War through the Office of General Counsel, Subsequent staff tours include serving II. both in VA’s central office and through as the Head, Plans and Programs for I admire the many veterans who have its 23 regional counsel office, who re- the Director, Submarine Warfare on served America with courage and devo- view financial disclosure reports and the Chief of Naval Operation’s staff, tion. My own father, a naval aviator, conduct annual ethics training. These and his second tour in the Office of was killed in a World War II related in- efforts are supported by human re- Legislative Affairs, this time as the Di- cident days before my fourth birthday. sources staff. rector of Naval Programs. Captain As a Vietnam veteran, I admire the In addition, VA’s ethics issues are Dunne was next selected to serve as the heroism of George Bandouveres. The particularly complex. VA’s mission is Chief of Naval Operations’ Special As- medals he so bravely earned while serv- so broad and many of its employees sistant for Joint Matters and he then ing in the 103rd Infantry Division are a have outside activities. For example, returned to the Office of Legislative tribute to his service to our Nation. many VA physicians are also on fac- Affairs for the third time as the Dep- George was active in World War II ulty at affiliated universities and con- uty Chief of Legislative Affairs. campaigns including: Sicily, Naples- duct outside research. The Department of the Navy, Con- Foggia, Rome-Arno, southern France, It is critical that our Federal agen- gress, and the American people have Rhineland, and Central Europe. For his cies live up to the expectations of the been served well by this dedicated services he received military medals Americans people, particularly of the naval officer. Members of this Congress including: Bronze Star Medal, Good nation’s veterans whom we serve. This will not soon forget the leadership, Conduct Medal, World War II Victory award demonstrates how a centralized service, and dedication of Captain Pat Medal, American Campaign Medal, Eu- and proactive approach can yield tre- Dunne. He will be missed. We wish Pat, ropean-Middle Eastern Campaign VerDate Aug 04 2004 08:13 Aug 04, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S17DE1.001 S17DE1.
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