Illinois Christian Praise & Worship

Illinois Christian Praise & Worship

Idaho Directory of Radio Broadcasters Inc. (group owner; acq 9- 24 -93; $700,000 with KFIF(FM)- Coowned with KBRV. Sept 10, 1982: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. (83303-1238). (208) 736-3046. (888) 859 -5278. Fax: (208) 736-2188. co- located FM; FTR: 10.11.93) Rep: Art Moore. Format: Sp. Spec -174 ft. TL: N42 38 30 W111 36 40. Stereo. Format: Hot country. Web Site: Licensee: College of Southern prog: Sp. Kim Lee, gen mgr. Idaho. Format: Div, educ, Sp. *Don Wimberly, gen mgr. Sun Valley KEZJ Mar 15, 1977: 95.7 mhz; 50 kw. 670 ft. TL: N42 43 45 KKMV(FM)-- Co-owned with KFTA(AM). Dec 5, 1978: 92.5 mhz; 53 -FM- W114 24 55. Stereo. Box 1259 (83301). 415 Park Ave. (83301). (208) kw. 2,466 ft. TL: N42 37 08 W113 39 31. (CP: 3 kw, ant 205 ft.). KBSS(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 91.1 mhz; 700 w. Ant Format: Country. 733 -7512. Fax: (208) 733-7525. Licensee: Citicasters Licenses Inc. 1,870 TL: N43 23 49. Boise State Radio, 1910 ft. 38 36 W114 (NEW). Group owner Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 5 -99; University Dr., Boise (83725. 1915). (208) 426 -3906. Licensee: Idaho grpsl). Net: ABC. Rep: Christal. Format: Country. Target aud: 25 -54. State Board of Education. Saint Anthony Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Terry Tana, VP & gen mgr; Janice Degner, gen sis mgr; Brad Holstrom, progmg VP 8 progmg dir; Kelly KIGO(AM)- July 10. 1966: 1400 knz: 1 xw -U. TL: N43 58 23 W111 KECH -FM- Nov 21, 1988: 95.3 mhz; 100 w. 2,168 ft. TL: N43 39 42 Klaas, news dir & chief of engrg. 39 28. Hrs opn: 24. Box 17 (83445). 2458 Radio Rd. (83445). (208) W114 24 07. (CP: 5.9 kw). Hrs opn: 24. Box 2158, 221 Northwood 624 -3387. E -mail: Licensee: Fremont Way -300, Ketchum (83340). (208) 726-5324. Fax: (208) 726 -5459. KLIX(AM)- Dec 12, 1946: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 kw -N, DA -N. TL: Broadcasting Co. (acq 10 -1 -94; $85,000: assumption of previous sales Web Site: Licensee: Alpine Broadcasting Ltd. N42 33 30 W114 26 40. Box 1259, 415 Park Ave. (83303). (208) contract) Format: Country. News staff: one; news progmg 14 hrs wkly. (group owner; acq 6-24 -94; $215,000) Net: CNN. Wash atty: Cahn 733-1310. Fax: (208) 733 -7525. Web Site: Target aud: 35.64. Ted Austin Jr., pres; Fritz Ashauer. gen mgr; & Marks. Format: Classic rock. News staff: one; news progmg 6 hrs Licensee: Citicasters Licenses Inc. (NEW). Group owner: Clear Connie Austin. sis dir: Dave Plourde, news dir & pub affrs dir. wkly. Target aud: 25 -54: upscale adults. Spec prog: Alternative 5 hrs, Channel Communications Inc. *Net: ABC. Format: News/talk. News Mues 8 hrs, jazz 6 hrs wkly. *Scott Parker, gen mgr; Gary Slivers, staff: one; news progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 -54. Spec prog: Saint Maries opns mgr & engrg mgr; Larry Flynn, sis dir; Bob Thompson, progmg Farm 2 hrs wkly. *Terry Tado, gen mgr; Brad Weiser, opns mgr & dir, Carmin Ross, mus dir: Don Mussel, chief of engrg. *Rates: $18; progmg dir; Janice Degner, gen sis mgr; Kelly Klaas, chief of engrg. 15: 18; 6. Rates: $16; 22; 16; 10.. KOFE(AM)- Mar 1, 1970: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D. 500 w-N. TL: N47 19 201 N. 14 W116 32 50. Hrs opn: 24. Box 278, 8th (83861). (208) 15, 1974: mhz; 100 kw. 130 KSKI -FM- Aug 3. 1977: 103.7 mhz; 53 kw. 1,905 ft. TL: N43 38 36 KLIX -FM- June 96.5 ft. TL: N42 33 05 245 -1240. Fax: (208) 245 -6525. E -mail: koferadio Web W114 23 49. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 2158, 221 Northwood Way, W114 30 59. Stereo. Web Site: *Net: Site: Licensee: Campbell River Holding Co. Suite 300, Ketchum (83340). (208) 726 -5324. Fax: (208) 726 -5459. ABC/SMN. Format: Oldies. Target aud: 18-49. L.L.C. (acq 5.3 -01: 81,000 for 70 %). *Net: ABC /I. Rep: Tacher. Licensee: Alpine Broadcasting LP. Group owner: Alpine Broadcasting Format: Country. News staff: 2: news progmg 9 hrs wkly. Target aud: Ltd. (acq 7- 10 -98: $900,000) Wash atty; Chon & Marks. Format: AAA, KMVX(FM)-See Jerome 25.55. Spec prog: Paul Harvey. toc sports 3 hrs wkly. Frank Janda, adult contemp, rock. News staff: one; news progmg 2 tirs wkly. Target CEO; Sherry Janda, gen mgr & opns dir: Jim Sheldon, chief of engrg. aud: 18-49; affluent, upscale consumers. *Scott Parker, gen mgr; KTFI(AM)- October 1928: 1270 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. TL: N42 33 30 Gary Slivers, opns mgr & engrg mgr; Susan Mahan. gen sis mgr; Bob W114 32 00. 21361 Hwy 30 (208) 733 -1270. Fax: (208) 733 -4196. Salmon Thompson, progmg mgr, Tony Menro, mus dir; Don Mussell, chief of Web Site: Licensee: FM Idaho Co. L.L.C. (acq 3- 11 -99) engrg. *Rates: $18; 12; 18; 6. Nel: AP, ABC /SMN. Format: Lite hits, roc talk. Target aud: 35 plus. prog: Farm hrs, relg 5 hrs, sports 3 hrs wkly. Larry Johnson, KSRA(AM)- Mar 1, 1959: 960 khz: 1 kw -D. TL: N45 11 02 W113 52 Spec 3 pres 12. 315 Hwy. 93 N. (83467). (208) 756 -2218. Fax: (208) 756 -2098. KWRV(FM)- July 29, 1993: 91.9 mhz; 100 w. -512 ft. TL N43 40 59 & mus dir; Mark Meyer, gen mgr; Stephanie Johnson, gen sis Licensee: Salmon River Communications Inc. (acq 6- 19-00: $345,000 W114 2052.45 E. 7th St., St. Paul, MN (55101). (651) 290 -1212. Fax: mgr 8 progmg dir; Carol Stevens, news dir; Allen Sklar, chief of engrg. with co- located FM). Net: ABC/I. Format: Country, adult contemp. (651) 290 -1295. Web Site: Licensee: Minnesota Public Spec prog: Farm 4 hrs, class one hr wkly. Jim Hone, pres; Rick Radio. Net: PRI: Minn. Pub. Format: Class. *William Kling, pres; Wallace Sessions, gen mgr; Leo Marshall, gen sis mgr; Colby Smith, progmg Craig Curtis, VP; Anne Hovland, dev VP; Ginger Sisco, mktg VP; Vic dir; Tom Loucher, engrg VP. Bremer, progmg VP; Ralph Hornberger, engrg dir. KSIL(FM) -Not on air, target date: Nov. 1, 2000: 100.7 mhz; 82 kw. 2,171 ft. TL: N47 33 44 W115 50 33. Box 2158, Ketchum (83340). 221 Northwood Way, Suite 300, Ketchum (83340). (208) 726-5324. Fax: KSRA-FM- September 1979: 92.7 mhz; 1.5 kw. -880 ft. TL: N45 11 KYZK(FM)-Not on air, target date: unknown: 107.5 mhz; 100 kw. (208) 726-5459. Licensee: Alpine Broadcasting, Inc. (group owner, 02 W113 52 12. Stereo. Hrs opn: 6 AM -10 PM. E -mail: 1,734 ft. TL: N43 16 50 W114 09 08. Box 2158, Ketchum (83340). acq 7- 24 -01). Wash airy: Cohn & Marks. Scott Parker, gen mgr. Format: Country. adult contemp. (208) 726 -5324. Fax: (208) 726 -5459. Licensee: Alpine Broadcasting L.P. Group owner: Alpine Broadcasting Ltd. KTWD(FM)- December 2000: 97.5 mhz; 1.6 kw. -2212 ft. TL: N47 33 Sandpoint 49 W115 50 01. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 8000. Costa Mesa, CA Twin Falls (92628). Licensee: CSN International (group owner: acq 2ß4.00; KIBR(FM)- 1994: 102.5 mhz; 3 kw. 177 ft. TL N48 15 22 W116 30 $50.000 for CP). Dale A. Ganske, pres & stn mgr. 46. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KICR(FM) Coeur d'Alene KART(AM)-See Jerome 100% 327 Marion Ave. (83864). (208) 263 -2179. Fax: (208) 265 -5440. KWAL(AM)- May 1938: 620 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N47 30 29 W116 E -mail: dylanb Licensee: Benefield Broadcasting Inc. 00 17. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box U, 120 First St., Osbum (83849). KAWZ(FM)- Apr 13, 1988: 89.9 mhz; 33 kw horiz, 100 kw vert. ant (acq 3- 31.95; $250,000; FTR: 5- 22 -95). Net: ABC. Format: Classic (208) 752 -1141. (208) 752 -1142. Fax: (208) 753 -5111. E-mail: 991 ft. TL: N42 43 47 W114 24 52. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 271 country. News staff: one. Target aud: 25-54. Bob Witte. gen mgr & Licensee: Silver Valley Broadcasters Inc. (acq (83309). 4002 N. 3300 E. (83301). (208) 734 -4357. Fax: (208) gen sis mgr; Dylan Benefield, opns mgr & progmg mgr. 1 -1 -73) Net: AP; Jones Satellite Audio Rep: Tacher. Format: C &W. 736-1958. E -mail: Web Site: Paul E. Robinson. pres 8 gen mgr; George White, gen sis mgr & Licensee: Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls Inc. Format: Christian praise adv mgr, Larry Crigger, progmg dir; John Davis, mus dir; Darren KPND(FM)- Listing follows KSPT(AM). & worship. Bible teaching. News progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: Warren, news dir; Don McPeak, chief of engrg. General; 18-80. Don Mills, stn mgr, ()ens dir, opus mgr & progmg dir; Mike Kestler, pres, gen mgr & dev VP; Kelly Carlson, chief of engrg. KSPT(AM)- Mar 23. 1949: 1400 khz: 1 kw-U. TL: N48 18 16 W116 Weiser 32 32. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KBFI (AM) Bonneers Ferry 100% 327 Marion Ave. (83864). (208) 263 -2179. Fax: (208) 265 -5440. KBSW(FM)- May 15, 1989: 91.7 mhz; 1.95 kw. 492 tt. TL: N42 43 KWEI- FM-(Fruitland).

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