SOUTH CAROLINA BIBLIOGRAPHIES • NO. 3K A Checklist of South Carolina State Publications Issued during the Fiscal Year July r, 196o-]une 30, 1961 Compiled by M. HAYES MIZELL SouTH CAROLINA ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT CoLUMBIA, SouTH CAROLINA 1962 S< C. STllTF' ! ; ·. South Carolina Bibliographies No. 3 K is the eleventh number of an annual short-title checklist of the publications of the departments, institutions, and other agencies of the state of South Carolina. The Checklist is compiled from individual lists furnished by the publishing agencies and from copies of the publications furnished by the same sources. Though every effort has been made to produce a Checklist free of error, in some instances the lists furnished by the agencies have not been entirely exact. For this reason, it is not to be expected that the Checklist is entirely complete or accurate. The publications are listed alphabetically according to the names of the issuing agencies, the name in each case being that which ap­ pears in the title of the publication. Whenever the information is available, the entry gives the name of the publishing agency, the title (frequently in short form), the name of the personal author or editor, the volume or other serial number, the date of publication, and the number of pages and the price (if any). Orders for copies of state publications must be sent to the publishing agencies except in the case of the Acts and Joint Resolutions (published by the Code Commissioner) and the Journals and the Reports and Resolutions (published by the General As­ sembly). These publications are distributed by the State Library. Reports and Resolutions is a collection (usually in two volumes) of the annual reports of state agencies originally issued as separate publications. Copies of the Checklist may be obtained without charge from the SoUTH CAROLINA ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT 1430 SENATE STREET COLUMBIA 1, S.C. Checklist of South Carolina State Publications 1960-1961 Adjutant General of the State of South Carolina. Report of . for the Period Beginning July 1, 1959 and Ending June 30, 1960. [1960.] 143p. Attorney General of the State of South Carolina. Annual Report and Official Opinions ... for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960. [1960.] 604p. Board of Commissioners of the Police Insurance and Annuity Fund of the State of South Carolina. Report of . for the Period December 1, 1959 thru Noveber 30, 1960. [1960.] 43p. Children's Bureau of South Carolina. Fortieth Annual Report, 1959-1960. [1960]. llp. --- Services to Children. 1960. [Folder. Multilithed.] Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina. Alumni News: Magazine of the Association of Citadel Men. Hugo A. Pearce, editor. 1960-1961. [Published four times each year.] ___ The Blue Book: Regulations for the Interior Discipline and Police of the Corps of Cadets. 1960. 86p. The Brigadier, 1960-1961. [Newspaper of the Corps of Cadets. Published biweekly.] ___ The Bulletin. 2 nos. Catalogue Issue, 1960-1961. [1960.] 145p. Official Register Issue, 1960-1961. [1961.] --- The Citadel Welcomes You. [Illustrated folder. Issued each year to all cadets upon admission.] ___ The Citadel Winter Sports Program for 1960-1961. By Bill Stewart. [1960.] 27p. ___ The Faculty Wives Handbook, 1960-1961. [1960.] 14p. ___ Football Facts. Bill Stewart, editor. 1960. ___ The Guidon, 1960-1961. [1960.] 121p. [A guide book for new cadets.] --- Information for Prospective Cadets, 1960-1961. [1960.] 12p. r. S'Y AT 1·: ~ l ;: ··. '~ '<\·' S' ·'·.,.I."" --·· 4 Checklist of State Publications, 1960-1961 ___The Shako. 1960-1961. [Literary magazine of the Corps of Cadets. Issued three times each year.] --- The Sphinx, 1961. [1961.] 315p. [Annual of the Corps of Cadets.] Clemson Agricultural College. Blue Key Directory. R. T. Harvin, editor. Vol. No. 24. 1960-1961. 79p. --- The Chronicle. T. C. Wheeler, editor. Spring 1961. 25p. --- Clemson Agricultural College Record. N.S., Vol. 35, No. 3; Vol. 36, Nos. 1-2. Vol. 35, No. 3. Announcements of the Graduate School for 1960-1961. [August 1960.] 72p. Vol. 36, No. 1. Catalog Number, 1960-1961. Preliminary An­ nouncements, 1961-1962. [March 1961.] 299p. Vol. 36, No. 2. Announcements of the Summer Session, 1961. [March 1961.] 23p. ___ Clemson Alumni News. Joe Sherman, editor. July 1960- May 1961. Vol. 13, Nos. 6-10; Vol. 14, Nos. 1-5. [Monthly except June and August.] ___ Progress Report of the President, Clemson College, 1959- 1960. [1960.] 34p. ___ Taps. A. D. Rogers, editor. Vol. 51. 1961. 407p. [$6.00.] ___ This is Clemson-A Newsletter to Parents, Joe Sherman, editor. October 1960 and January, April, and June 1961. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4. ___ The Tiger. G. P. Crotwell, editor. Vol. 54. 1960-1961. [Student weekly.] ___ Clemson College Livestock-Poultry Health Department. Com Cockle, Cockleburs, and Coffee Beans as Poultry Ration Con­ taminants. By Bert W. Bierer and W. H. Rhodes. (Reprint from the J oumal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 137, No. 6, September 15, 1960, pp. 352-353.) ·------ Diseases of Baby Pigs. By C. L. Vickers. De­ cember 1960. 45p. ______ Effect of Age Factor on Mortality in Salmonella typhimurium Infection in Turkey Poults. By Bert W. Bierer. (Reprint from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 137, No. 11, December 1960, pp. 657-658.) South Carolina Bibliographies No. 3 K 5 ______ Evaluation of Water Soluble Nitrofurans in Ex­ perimentas Salmonella Infection in Turkey Poults. By Bert W. Bierer and C. L. Vickers. (Reprint from Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 55, October 1960, pp. 78-82.) ------ Furaltadone Water Medication: Its Use in Avian Salmonellosis. By Bert W. Bierer, et al. (Reprint from Arian Diseases, Vol. 2, No. 2, May 1961. 4p.) ------ Germicide Efficiency of Egg Washing Compounds on Eggs Artificially Contaminated with Salmonella Typhimurium. By Bert W. Bierer, et al. (Reprint from Poultry Science, January 1961, pp. 148-152.) ------ Preparation and Use of an Autogenous Fowl Chol­ era Bacterin. By Bert W. Bierer, et al. (Reprint from the Jour­ nal of American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 138, No. 2, January 1961, pp. 85-86.) ______ Pulmonary Adenomatosis in South Carolina Cattle. By C. L. Vickers, et al. (Reprint from the Journal of the Ameri­ can Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 137, No. 9, November 1960, pp. 507-508.) ___ Department of Agriculture. The Agrarian. J. A. Brittain, editor. Vol. 18, Nos. 1-2 1960-1961. [Student publication.] ___ Engineering School. Slipstick. R. S. Lawrence, editor. Vol. 18, Nos. 3-4. J. 0. Bryant, editor. Vol. 19, Nos. 1-2. [Student publication.] --- Extension Service, Cooperating with the United States De­ partment of Agriculture. Agricultural Progress in South Carolina; Annual Report, Clemson College Extension Service, 1959. [1960.] 40p. ______ Bulletin Nos. 106 and 120. 2 nos. No. 106. Household Equipment, Its Care and Simple Repair. Rev. 1960. 39p. No. 120. Dairy Calves, Care and Management. By C. G. Cush­ man. 1961. 27p. ______ Circular Nos. 275, 332, 360, 377, 387, 388, 389, 390,396,402,407,429,430,432,463,467,468,469,470,472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479. 27 nos. No. 275. Facts and Receipts for Corn Meal and Grits. 1961. 16p. [Reprint.] No. 332. Thinning Pines for Pulpwood. Rev. 1960. No. 360. Peach Pest Control for South Carolina. By J. H. Cochran, et al. Rev. 1961. 19p. 6 Checklist of State Publications, 1960-1961 No. 377. Growing Camellias as a Hobby. By J. M. Napier. 1961. 30p. [Reprint.] No. 387. Home Garden Information for Coastal South Carolina. Rev. 1961. [Folder.] No. 388. Home Garden Information for Central South Carolina. Rev. 1961. [Folder.] No. 389. Home Garden Information for Piedmont South Caro­ lina. Rev. 1961. [Folder.] No. 390. Soil Judging and Land Treatment. No. 396. Raising Bobwhite Quail. By P. H. Gooding. 1961. 15p. [Reprint.] No.402. Goodbye Mr. Roach. By Elizabeth W. Potter, W. C. Nettles, and L. M. Sparks. 1961. 7p. [Reprint.] No. 407. Agronomy Handbook for South Carolina. Rev. 1961. 62p. [Pocket size.] No. 429. Performance Testing of Beef Cattle. No. 430. Care of Ornamental Plants. By W. R. Garren, et al. 1961. No. 432. Steps in Control of Small Grain Diseases and Insects. Rev. 1961. [Folder.] No. 463. Small Grains for South Carolina. By H. A. Woodle, E. C. Turner, and L. P. Anderson. Rev. 1961. 23p. No. 467. 1960 Cotton Contest, South Carolina. By S. A. Wil­ liams. Rev. 1961. 27p. No. 468. Pen and Chute Makes Artificial Breeding Easy. 1961. 8p. [Reprint.] No.469. Performance of Cotton Varieties in South Carolina, 1960. By E. B. Eskew and Alfred Manwiller. Rev. 1961. No. 4 70. Performances of Grain Sorghum Hybrids in South Carolina, 1960. [Rev. 1961.] No. 472. House Plants, Growth and Care. By Margaret Mar­ tin. 1960. 18p. No. 473. Recipes and Commercial Uses, South Carolina Sesame. 1960. 16p. No.474. Performance of Small Grain Varieties in South Carolina, 1960. By E. B. Eskew and W. P. Byrd. [1960.] 26p. No. 475. Mastitis Control Through Herd Management. By C. G. Cushman. 1960. 8p. South Carolina Bibliographies No. 3 K 7 No. 476. 1961 Fertilizer Recommendations for South Carolina. [1961.] ·No. 477. Field, Vegetable, Fruit and Nut Crop Varieties and Lawn Grasses for South Carolina, 1961. No. 478. Bulk Milk Haulers' Guide. By Calvin B. Reeves. 1961. 24p. No. 479. Meat-Type Swine Certification Program. By A. L. Du­ Rant, et al. 1961. llp. ------ Home Demonstration Bulletin No. 173. Cooking is Fun! 47p. 1961. ------Home Demonstration Circular No. 116, 145. 2 nos. HD No. 116. Pruning Shrubs for the Home. 1961. 5p. [Reprint.] HD No. 145. What Happens to Your Property after Your Death? 1961. llp. [Reprint.] ------ Information Card Nos. 79, 82, 91, 94, 97, 99, 103, 104, 105. 9 nos. No. 79. Chemical Defoliation of Cotton.
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