Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Student Newspapers University Archives & Special Collections 7-8-1920 State Normal School Journal, July 8, 1920 State Normal School (Cheney, Wash.). Associated Students. Follow this and additional works at: http://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation State Normal School (Cheney, Wash.). Associated Students., "State Normal School Journal, July 8, 1920" (1920). Student Newspapers. 205. http://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/205 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Special Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact jotto@ewu.edu. State Nor01al School Journal VOLUME IV. CHENEY, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920 NUMBER 32 TASK Of TEACHER LETTER MEN OF 1919-20 GEOGRAPHYCLASSJAUNT PHILLIPS HOUSE You di<ln 't bear about t'he big ban­ At last t'he first rc;tl event of the IN A DEMOCRACY quet given in honor of the letter season for the review geography class ENTERTAINS men a few weeks ago~ ~;·bat's fun­ occn.rred. It was the long-put-off and. (By Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi of ny. You sure missed it. So did the · postponed excursion aTOund Cheney Boys Present a Varied Repertoire the Free Synagogue, New York). letter men! Well, anyway, if they and vicinity. With a Punch or Chuckle in didn't have a big feed with fixin 's Every Line. H I were asked to name the re­ Two hundred and fifty students as­ and toasts and speeches et cet~ra, sembled at the pillar of t'he Normal quirements of the true teacher, 1 somebody sajd that. somebody else The boys of the Phillips house •have shonld say but ~wo things, and I t8;k<3 and cast anxiou ~ eyes skyward, so as further established their reputation thought 'that ~therei oug·ht to !have to catch the first glimpse of a dust it that you will marvel at the m­ been a dinner or tea party or some­ beyond their usual haunts where are exig·ency, of my own demands upon. the storm ,or any other sign of a cloud: given tberir nightly performances that thing so that the school could ·show' so that Mr. Cooper might be frus­ teacher. There are only two t.hrng!-> its deep gTatitude •and appreciation keep the neighborhood awalrn and in \Vh ich the true teacher ought to have trated in this attempt to lead his frenzied fits of anger. T,hey are ,just of the boys' efforts to put the Nor­ flock on its long· anticipated ,jaunt. - must have-t'b'e one preparation, mal on the map in at:hletics. There naituTally full of life and "pep," and ]!"; But ev.ery attempt of the pessimists and the other consecration. T'bat '~ as no such soiree, however-.but the thii:; mu st be given vent in some form we1·e futile and at 3 :15 the ma.in all. No'\v, what is preparation, some boys g·ot their letters. They sure are of activity. ·rr!hey are to he founu of vou may ask. I shall define pret body moved in the direction of thc; 0 dandies-great big red W's with on any nig'1,t from 8 until 11 o'clock a1 ·ation a.s the never-ceasing task of white borders for major athletics an<l brick yard. Of cour e a f:ew strag­ plus, singing ( 1), telling stories of gler. tagged alono· behind, but in the fitting one's self from day tto c1 :1.y for s i.x-ineh block plain red "\V's for ten- adventu.re, romance and escapades, main everyone '' o·ot in'' on Mr. the ever increasingly difficult work of: nis. 1 true and otherwise, each with zeal and teaching. And if I should be asked to Mr. Fcrtscb bas ·coach'ed all the Cooper's lectures. cnth usiasm endeavoring to outdo the define consecration, I hould sa.v that boys' athletics for the year. and he 'l'brce different stops wert made; otFo·er fellow and all faking their be­ consecration is a sense of devotedness is to be conoTatuJated for the hig'h one at . the brick yard, another be­ ing amused •by bellowing forth to the teacber's respo.nsibility. Tbat standard of sportsmanship of which hind it ,to observe the ancient and thunderous p€alr o.f laughter which is all. If you have these two things, he has been exponent. The feilows honQred rock(s). The presence of: please the neighbors about as much as prepa.raltion and consecration, you hwe found him at all times a tme such a..n august pioneer humbled and the I ittle boy was "'ho 1sait on a have eve.rytbing. Jf: you have prep­ friend, and one that wears well. hushed the multitude as they 0 ·azed clover blossom on whic'b was perC'hed aration without cons€cration, you are Miss Pauline Peterson was the one upon its· weathered features and ob­ at the same moment one of the insect not a real annointed teacher. Com­ girl to reooive the small W for ten­ served its renowned O']acial scratches. species bertter known as a '' hUililbl"' mittees may appoint you and boards nis, having; won one ,point in th<> The last stop, on the top of ''Water jacket.'' However, be that as it may, may endorse you and approve you, mi.·ed doubles in the Spl'ing tourna­ 'Tank Hill,'' acquainted us as to the as was said before, the Phillips boys but the a.nnointed teacher is · the ! ent. Berquist won a similar 01i... use of: the little house with the ''do­ haYe extended their fame. Now thev teach r with preparation behind and ali:;o f0tr the same event. funny" on top, and the ancient lake are known to all who pass thru our by .the si<le and consecrwtion ever r:r110 boys wbo won large W's for beds of .this region, and the fossils corrirlors, and rig·h•tly so after their l aditip- onward and upward. basketball are: "Hank" Kleweno, w hi.c'h inhabit them. appearance in assembly last Wednes­ Tf you ask me to name the four George Buc'banan, ''Baldy'' Leac11, day. It was-a pleasant trip, on the whole. pnrposes of teaehing·, what the tasks "Whitie" Wynstra and Jess West. · Messrs. Hopf and Horn, those in­ The students enjoyed seeing the cow) of t11e tea0her are, I think I can. name ':rh ose who · won letters in baseball imitable artiJSts in the piano and uke meeting the thisles and eaitin'O' green th m in rather few words. There are are: J e~s West, Bill Durland, Ford. 1 world, started the show with a se1- t hree objects: First, the t.eacbe1· Berquist, Wynstra, Typhus, Kella1> g·ooseberrie·s. So no one bothered ection entitled . 'We '11 feed the babv must tress and accentlllaite the indi­ Leacb, Buchanan, Vandy Vander about picking the burrs from their garlic so we can find it in the <lark.;, viduality of the child. Second, the Meer and Kyle PuO'h. garments, but hastened \home to the ''I his was peppy and to appease the teacher must · liberate or emancipat0. There is one thing in particular for Hall to make hands and faces clean uproarious multitude before i1hem they Third, the teacber mu t magnify and which the Normal can be well prouil for the evening meal. rame back with a beautiful little bal­ e'alt the moral na.tnre of children. aud that is tb·at the follows have al­ P. S.-Mr. Cooper is to be congraitu­ lad ent1tle·d "P€eping thru a kno·t'hQ'Je I am sure that your law of educl'l­ ways played the deanest of games and in Daddy's wooden leg." ®i.ereafter l ion g-ovcrnino- t11·e affairs of youT' are so held in esteem by every op­ lated on '.his successful mothering of appeared the "whole bunch," in­ . tate agrees with President Eliot of posing· lineup of th past season_. so laro·e a brood. cluding Staff of Life, Bloom Blossom, Fiarva1·d- that no teacher ouO'ht to Goodrich Tires and Phillips the '' ' ~"e in his or her classroom more. Great. At the request of "Staff" t11an fifteen or twenlty children. In CHAUTAUQUA IS IMPROVEMENT all eg 0 ·s, over-ripe fruit, tomatoes et Now Y or1k, the teacher faces the taRk ceteTa we:r:e removed from the audi.­ of stressing the individuality of ENTERTAINED IN PLAY HOUR torj um. 'Then followed ''Go Easy forty, forty-five, fifty and sometima<J If Yon W'ant to Make Lo.ve to Me.'' even si_' ty •hildren in our classroom. Charter Members Qualify Before Much Favorable Comment Heia.rd Goodrich and Horn here featured in It is the brnsiness o.f a teache>r never M~mbership. About Last Tuesday Evening. foot work (they maike good uise of: to repress 'tho child. It is your busi­ their lower extremities) and proved ne s to help the child to express it­ The regular meeti.Ilg of the Junio:: T.he informal dance gwen on that if they hadn't been they should self; not rcpres ion, but expres.sion Chaut.auqua was held on Tucspay Tnesday evening last week was the bave. been members of Lew Dock­ Realization i · the first aim of the night, at which time the Ancient and best of fue summe;r session, if the stader's company of '''hoof-sbr..kinJ teacher in a democracy.
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