1 THE DAILY TEXAN Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900 Tunesday serves up reviews ranging Pug Rescue of Austin from R&B to Swedish electro-pop hosts the Pugapalooza LIFE&ARTS PAGE 12 VIDEO ONLINE: http://bit.ly/dt_pug >> Breaking news, blogs and more: www.dailytexanonline.com @thedailytexan facebook.com/dailytexan Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Judicial Court upholds Gardner disqualification TODAY By Jody Serrano Monday, leaving only two candi- to the Office of the Dean of Stu- said he thinks the Board is biased Gardner said while he current- Daily Texan Staff dates on the ballot. dents or a Travis County court. against them because they dis- ly serves as external financial di- After more than six hours of The SG presidential elections qualified Guevara and him twice. rector for SG President Nata- Six weeks ago, the Student Gov- deliberation and testimony from will take place Wednesday and “If you look at it, this is very lie Butler, he did not approve the Calendar ernment presidential and vice multiple parties, the SG Judicial Thursday of this week. The can- unprecedented,” Gardner said. Election Code because he does Blanton hosts presidential races each had five Court sustained the Election Su- didates are urban studies senior “There’s never been a disqualifica- not vote on legislation. The SG candidates. After weeks of delib- pervisory Board’s second disqual- John Lawler and mechanical en- tion like this over a small thing. If General Assembly approved the Bach Cantata eration over the disqualification ification of Gardner and Guevara gineering senior Thor Lund. it were any other year, we wouldn’t Election Code on Jan. 17 with of candidates Madison Gardner Monday. Gardner said the court’s Gardner said his and Guevara’s have gotten disqualified. If it was the association provision that concert decision was tough to hear but options for reinstatement on the any other candidate, we wouldn’t Enjoy a performance of “Gott and Antonio Guevara, the SG Ju- said he did not plan to appeal ballot are limited at this point. He have gotten disqualified.” ist unsre Zuversicht BWV 19” dicial Court gave the final word ELECTION continues on PAGE 2 (God is Our Confidence) in the Blanton Museum’s Rapoport Atrium. Bach Cantata will perform at noon at the Blanton Liberal Arts Museum of Art. I SEE TREES OF GREEN Video Game policy forces Careers Panel The Sanger Learning & Career adviser aid Center sponsors a panel featuring five local Austin By Reihaneh Hajibeigi game developers who work Daily Texan Staff in programming, design, production, art and animation. Policy changes in the Col- The presentation starts at 5 lege of Liberal Arts will force p.m. in Jester A115. RSVP at students to spend more time lifelearning.utexas.edu. meeting with advisers before making any changes to their majors or minors. After March 30, students Terror Tuesday wishing to change degrees with- Alamo Drafthouse is in the College of Liberal Arts showcasing Shakma tonight will no longer have access to at 10 p.m. as part of their online major change forms and weekly Terror Tuesday film will be required to meet with special. Shakma deserves to be advisers within the College to highlighted for its ridiculous make those changes. plot involving a baboon going This change is specific to lib- haywire on a group of college eral arts and ensures that stu- students who decide to role dents have the best informa- play Dungeons & Dragons in a tion before they make the de- medical facility. Admission goes cision, said associate dean for for only $1! student affairs Marc Musick. “The College of Liberal Arts advising leadership teams vis- ited colleges around the Unit- Today in history ed States to see how they worked with students and In 1939 promoted graduation rates,” March Madness is born when Musick said. “Based on those the University of Oregon defeats Shannon Kintner | Daily Texan Staff visits, the thought was that Ohio State University 46-33 Patrick Connolly picks herbs and vegetables from his backyard garden to prepare with his dinner, Monday afternoon. Connolly has been work- to win the first NCAA men’s ing on the garden for about 10 years and suggests planting peppers and cherry tomatoes now in the spring before the temperature rises. MAJOR continues on PAGE 2 basketball tournament ever. Rez Week prepares students for Easter By Samuel Liebl drinks, as well as bands and speakers ent Christian student organizations Daily Texan Staff every night, said Justin Christopher involved. Each evening 500 to 700 of Campus Renewal Ministries, the students gather.” Quote to note Students who identify Easter group that organizes the event. The evening worship draws the Sunday with deep spirituality more Christopher said he expects largest number of students, said Plan It’s about being than dyed eggs and rabbits an- large attendance and broad par- II senior Sonya Chung. So many stu- ticipate the Resurrection of Jesus ticipation from many campus dents participate, in part, because the ready,”‘ Kabongo Christ during the weeklong Chris- Christian groups. event includes all Christian groups, said. “The‘ NBA is go- tian festival Rez Week. “We estimate that 2,000 students she said. Rez Week, short for “Resurrec- participate in some way during Rez “Things that are theological ing to be around. tion Week,” runs around the clock Week,” he said. “We have over 200 Being at Texas is the with 24-hour prayer, daily food and student volunteers from 40 differ- REZ continues on PAGE 2 Pu Ying Huang | Daily Texan Staff best thing for me. Israeli movie director and social activist Yair Qedar conducts a Q&A. Participants of Rez, or — Myck Kabongo Resurrection, Week sing Texas starting point guard Israel advances LGBTQ rights a worship By Hannah Jane DeCiutiis LGBTQ community in Tel Aviv, Isra- song per- SPORTS PAGE 8 Daily Texan Staff el, over the span of 30 years. The pub- formed by lic screening, followed by a Q&A ses- members of LGBTQ members and supporters sion with Qedar, was hosted by Uni- One Chapel in the United States can look to Israel versity Democrats and Texans for Is- Monday evening. as an example of hope for the future rael along with Queer People of Col- of same-sex rights where laws and or & Allies. Israel currently recogniz- culture are more open and accepting es same-sex marriage and allows ho- of other gender identities, said gov- mosexuals to serve openly in the Isra- ernment senior and Texans for Isra- el Defense Forces, said Garber. el president Zachary Garber. “LGBTQ rights in Israel are among Prominent Israeli LGBTQ activ- the most developed in the world, and ist and director Yair Qedar was in- LGBTQ rights groups from across the vited to campus for a screening of his Middle East are based in Israel pre- WATCH TStv ON film “Gay Days,” a short documenta- cisely because of its stellar minority ry showcasing the emergence of the CHANNEL 15 GARBER continues on PAGE 2 Shannon Kintner Daily Texan Staff 9 p.m. Videogame Hour Live VGHL is going live for an Former secretary to speak at commencement entire hour with Call of Duty By Sylvia Butanda 4 on the PS3. Not only can ment ceremony in front of about tary of defense. because in a time of war when Daily Texan Staff you watch us play it, but 8,000 graduates on May 19. Gates served as the nation’s the Pentagon was in a terri- you can join in the fun! Add Military science professor Lieu- 22nd secretary of defense from ble place with violence, death of us on PSN and join in our Robert Gates, the former sec- tenant Colonel Joseph Kopser said 2006 to 2011 under presidents Americans and everything going game to play with us on live retary of defense and former Tex- Gates is qualified to speak to UT George W. Bush and Barack on in Afghanistan, [Gates] came television! Our user name is as A&M University president, is graduates because he was and will Obama and has served under a in and set his vision in a positive VGHourLive. And don’t forget Robert Gates scheduled to deliver the keynote be remembered as one of the best total of eight presidents. to tweet us @VGHL. former Secretary of Defense address at the spring commence- appointees to serve as the secre- “He showed true patriotism, GATES continues on PAGE 2 2 2 NEWS Tuesday, March 27, 2012 THE DAILY TEXAN REZ continues from PAGE 1 Gardner/Guevara Timeline Volume 112, Number 141 ELECTION continues from PAGE 1 differences [among different disqualified Gardner and all the positive things that have CONTACT US Christian sects] usually are not Guevara the first time. been going into our campaign,” preached upon,” Chung said. The Board first disqualified Lawler said. “We’re not con- Main Telephone: The unity of different groups the pair on Feb. 22 for asso- cerned with what’s fair and un- Feb. 15 (512) 471-4591 resonates with the Christian tenet ciating with a candidate from fair at the moment, we’re trying Campaigning begins. of a unified church, said radio tele- another race. Gardner subse- to bring specific issues to light.” Candidates Yaman Desai, Feb. 20 Editor: vision film sophomore Ivy Chiu. quently filed a lawsuit against Lund said a lot of students have Madison Gardner, John Election Supervisory Board Viviana Aldous “The Body of Christ is not UT for violating his First been confused as to what exact- Lawler, Thor Lund and Ryan disqualifies Desai and running (512) 232-2212 something that is fragmented in Amendment rights to associ- ly is going on in the SG presi- Shingledecker are on the mate Whitney Langston [email protected] any sense, but something that is ation, but dropped the lawsuit dential elections.
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