\l1\11111\\1\\\\\111111\\\\ W m m my U N mu 000019391 la l BEFORE THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION 2 COMMISSIONERS TOM FORESE - Chairman 3 BOB BURNS ANDY TOBIN 4 BOYD DUNN JUSTIN OLSON 5 6 7 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION DOCKET no. L-00000C-18-0283-00181 OF TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER 8 COMPANY, IN CONFORMANCE WITH CASE no. 181 THE REQUIREMENTS OF A.R.S. §40-360, 9 et seq. , FOR A CERTIFICATE OF DECISION no. 76964 10 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY AUTI-IORIZING THE SONORAN ll SUBSTATION TO WILMOT ENERGY ORDER APPROVING CERTIFICATE OF CENTER 138 KILOVOLT (kV) ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY 1 2 TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT, WHICH WITH MODIFICATIONS INCLUDES THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 1 3 138 kV TRANSMISSION LINES AND 1 4 ASSOCIATED FACILITIES ORIGINATING AT THE SONORAN SUBSTATION, 1 5 SECTION 02, TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 14 EAST, AND TERMINATING AT Arizona Corporation Commission 1 6 THE CISNE SWITCHYARD, SECTIONS 14 DOCKETED AND 15, TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 14 1 7 EAST, EACH LOCATED WITHIN PIMA NOV 2 7 2018 1 8 COUNTY, ARIZONA DOCKET 1 9 Open Meeting 20 November 7-8, 2018 Phoenix, Arizona 2 1 22 BY THE COMMISSION: 23 Pursuant to A.R.S. § 40-360, et seq, after due consideration of all relevant matters, the 24 Arizona Corporation Commission ("Commission") finds and concludes that the Certificate of 25 Environmental Compatibility ("CEC") issued by the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line 26 Siting Committee ("Siting Committee") is hereby approved as modified by this Order. 27 The Commission, in reaching its decision, has balanced all relevant matters in the broad 28 public interest, including the need for an adequate, economical and reliable supply of electric Page 2 Docket No. L-00000C- 18-0283-0018 l 1 power with the desire to minimize the effect thereof on the environment and ecology of this state, 2 and finds that the CEC for the above-captioned application for siting approval is in the public 3 interest as modified by this Order. 4 The Commission finds that it is in the public interest to modify the CEC to change 5 Condition No. 1 of the CEC to read as follows: "This authorization to construct the Project shall 6 expire ten ( 10) years from the date this Certificate is approved by the Arizona Corporation 7 Commission, with or without modification. Construction of the Project shall be complete, such 8 that the Project is in-service within this ten-year timeframe. However, prior to the expiration of 9 the time period, TEP may request that the Commission extend the time limitation." 1 0 The Commission further finds that it is in the public interest to modify the CEC to delete l l Condition No. 24. 1 2 The Commission further finds and concludes that in balancing the broad public interest in 13 this matter: 1 4 1. The Project is in the public interest because it aids the state in meeting the need for 1 5 an adequate, economical and reliable supply of electric power. 1 6 2. In balancing the need for the Project with its effect on the environment and ecology 1 7 of the state, the conditions placed on the CEC as modified by the Commission effectively E 18 minimize its impact on the environment and ecology of the state. l 1 9 3 . The conditions placed on the CEC as modified by the Commission resolve matters 20 concerning the need for the Project and its impact on the environment and ecology of the state 21 raised during the course of proceedings, and as such, serve as the findings on the matters raised. 22 4. In light of these conditions, the balancing in the broad public interest results in 23 favor of granting the CEC as modified by the Commission. 24 25 26 27 28 Decision No. 76964 Page 3 Docket No. L-00000C-l8-0283-00181 1 THE CEC ISSUED BY THE SITING COMMITTEE IS | 2 INCORPORATED HEREIN AND IS APPROVED AS MODIFIED BY ORDER OF THE 3 ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION 4 c 5 A 6 CHAIRM FORESE COMMIS IONER DUNN 7 / 8 /5: / M£ 9 COMMISSIONER TOBIN 9 ' MISSIONER OL 0N COMMISSIONER BURNS 1 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I MATTHEW J. NEUBERT, 11 Interim Executive Director of the Arizona Corporation Commission, have hereunto, set my hand and caused the 12 official seal of this Commission to be affixed at the Capitol, in the City of Phoenix, this Q 7 day of 13 _Mcn§n¢L;&L`_ ,2018. 1 4 1 5 \lf\ _ 1 6 A _ MATTH J. NEUBERT 17 Interim Exec five Director 1 8 19 DISSENT: 20 DISSENT: 21 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 28 Decision No. 76964 1 BEFORE THE ARIZONA POWER PLANT 2 AND TRANSMISSION LINE SITING COMMITTEE 3 In the matter of the Application of Tucson DocketNo. 4 Electric Power Company, in conformance L-00000C-l8-0283-00181 via 1> with the requirements of A.R.S. §40-360, r:=> , n 5 CaseNo. 181 <2> et seq., for a Certificate of Environmental CJCD <7) . "UIU Compatibility authorizing the Sonoran <"'> 6 - 4 revs Substation to Wilmot Energy Center 138 I G 1 \ ) r \ f T )M 7 kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line Project, ;) \" < which includes the construction of new 138 U T g-*C]1';r" l 1: u p /) 8 kV transmission line and associated F (Ef f ) facilities originating at the Sonoran m » 3 w 9 Substation, Section 02, Township 16 South, Range 14 East, and terminating at the Cisne 10 Switchyard, Sections 14 and 15, Township l l 16 South, Range 14 East, each located within Pima Count , Arizona. 12 13 CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY 14 Introduction 15 Pursuant to notice given as provided by law, the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission 16 Line Siting Committee ("Committee") held public hearings on September 24 through September 17 26, 2018, in Tucson, Arizona, in conformance with the requirements of the Arizona Revised 18 Statutes ("A.R.S.") §40-360 et seq. for the purpose of receiving evidence and deliberating on the i 19 September 26, 2018 Application of Tucson Electric Power Company ("TEP" or "Applicant") for | 20 a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility ("Certificate") in the above-captioned case. 21 The following members and designees of members of the Committee were present at one 22 or more of the hearing days for the evidentiary presentations, public comment, and/or for the 23 deliberations: 24 25 26 Decision No. 76964 L-00000C-18-028300181 l Thomas Chef al Chairman, Designee for Arizona Attorney General 2 Leonard Drago Designee for Director, Arizona Department of Environmental Qualit 3 John R. Riggins Designee for Director, Arizona Department of Water Resources 4 Laurie A. Woodall Designee of the Chairman, Arizona Corporation Commission 5 ("Commission" Russell Jones Appointed Member, representing the general public 6 7 Jack Haenichen Appointed Member, representing the general public 8 Patricia A. Noland Appointed Member, representing the general public 9 Mary Han way Appointed Member, representing the cities and towns 10 James A. Palmer Appointed Member, representing agriculture l l 12 The Applicant was represented by J. Matthew Derstine, Snell & Wilmer and Megan J. 13 DeCorse of TEP. The following parties were granted intervention pursuant to A.R.S. § 40- 14 360.05 : 15 • South Wilmot Land Investors, LLC ("South Wilmot") represented by Lawrence 16 V. Robertson, Jr. and 17 . Tucson Airport Authority, Inc. ("TAA") represented by Christopher Schmaltz. 18 19 At the conclusion of the hearings, the Committee, after considering the (i) Application, 20 (ii) evidence, testimony, and exhibits presented by the Applicant, and (iii) comments of the 21 public, and being advised of the legal requirements of the A.R.S. §§ 40-360 through 40-360.13, 22 upon motion duly made and seconded, voted 8 to 0 to grant TEP, its successors and assigns, this 23 Certificate for construction of the Sonoran Substation to Wilmot Energy Center ("WEC") 138 24 Kilovolt ("kV") Transmission Line Project ("Project") as described below. l 25 26 ... 2 Decision No. 76964 L-0000%18_028300181 l Overview of the Pro'ect 2 The Project is being developed to interconnect a 100 megawatt ("MW") solar and 30 3 MW battery storage facility (the Wilmot Energy Center) to TEP's system. Specifically, the 4 Project will consist of two (2) distinct portions, a northern portion and a southern portion. The 5 northern portion of the Project will connect three (3) existing 138 kV transmission lines into and 6 out of the planned Sonoran Substation. The lines will be supported by three (3) double circuit 7 138 kV transmission structures within a common corridor. The southern portion will connect the 8 planned Sonoran Substation to the planned Cisne Switchyard via a single 138 kV transmission 9 line. Structures for this line will be designed as double circuit capable structures, but this 10 Application requests approval for construction of one (1) 138 kV circuit for this portion of the l l Project. The Cisne Switchyard is a point of interconnection for the planned Wilmot Energy 12 Center ("WEC") to the TEP 138 kV transmission system. 13 The Company proposed two alterative routes for both the norther and the southern 14 portions of the Project. In addition, TEP proposed the Cisne Switchyard as part of the Project. 15 The routes were designated as Northern l and Northern 2 Preferred for the norther portion, and 16 Southern l Preferred and Southern 2 for the southern portion. As a result of its deliberations, the 17 Committee approved Northern 2 Preferred and Southern l Preferred as well as the Cisne 18 Switchyard.
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