Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Otterbein Aegis Otterbein Journals & Magazines 12-1901 Otterbein Aegis December 1901 Otterbein Aegis Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Aegis, "Otterbein Aegis December 1901" (1901). Otterbein Aegis. 112. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis/112 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Otterbein Journals & Magazines at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Otterbein Aegis by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / I ~""'~"1 CONTENTS ~ Football Number~ Editorial ...............= ...................... ...... 5 Football ..................... ...............................6 Satire-Our Modern Democracy .............. 10 i A l?oll of Honor-Our Presldents ............. l2 The World's Progress ............................. 13 The Small College and the Large ........... 16 Woman's Share in Primitive Culture ........17 ~ Y, M. c. A. Notes ................................... 19 ~ Y. w. c. A. Notes .................................. 20 Dece111ber Alumnals .... : ................................... ......... 21 - Locals .. ......................................... ......... 22 f ...,_,~""'~~ 1901 ~~-~-1~~-~-l~~g~-~~~-~~~~ II~ - ' . - --- - I~ I OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY I ~ ~ I~ I~ ~ ~ I~ I~ ~ ~ I~ I~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I CLASSICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL COURSES LEADING TO I ~ THE DEGREES, ;,.. B. AND PH. B . ~ I -=-== == - I ~ ~ ~ Winter Term begins Tuesday, January 7, 1902. ~ ~ Spring Term begins Tuesday, April 1, 1902. ~ I Summer Session begins Tuesday, June 24, 1902. I :1 --.:::::::::~-- ~ ~ Circulars for the Summer Session will be ready January, 1902. I ~ For information and catalo_gues, addresi ~ ~ I GEORGE SCOTT, President. ~ 1-··~ -&- I~ ~BlRB~~-~H~J~B~~-~Big~Bl~ OTTERBEIN .A!GIS. Now All Thoughts Lead A RAZOR Toward the Holidays And something nice for that time. We will Take it up tenderly, strop it with ca.re, have something sweet in the finest Wipe off the lather, the blood and the hair, Put it back tenderly into tts case, ~Box Candies and Perfumes- And next time you use it you'll not find a trace Of stubble obscuring your beautiful face. Attractive Toilet articles and Stationery. Come and be satisfied in price and quality. Hardware DR. KEEFER, The Druggist W. C. BALE, ~ {]. B. BRUBAKER SOLICITS THE -CALL AT- PATRONAGE OF ALL STUDENTS FOR ....... "W'illihms' Studio, -iCOALt- 527! North High Street, Columbus, o. Special Rates to Students. SEE HIM BEFORE ORDERING. Single or in Large Groups. DR. C. H. WILSON, Dentistry in All Its Branches, MARKLEY BLOCK Ol"FICE HOURS, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Westerville, 0. Headquarters for S • E • FOUTS & Co • Choice Dried and Green Fruit. Our stock is com­ plete in every department. The best grade of Hams, Bacon, Lard and Fresh Sausage in stock. S. E. & A. C. FOUTS, Post Office Corner WBSTERVILLE,t~ ,OlllO 4 OTTERBEIN AIGIS. ·------------------------------------------------·------------------------+ .................................................................................Highest Award Over All .... nu:m&>. Six............ First......... Premiums........................... Out...................................................... of Seven A warded to BAKER ART GALLERY at Ohio State Exposition. These awards include best Cabinet Photos, best Group Photos and best general display. Special rates to Students. ·~----------------------------------------------------------------------· ESTABLISHED 1883 INCORPORATED 1895 PAN BEST CANDY Day's BREAD A AND SPECIALTY Bakery CAKES The Bank of Westerville Co WESTERVILLE, OHIO NORTH OF BANK CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN $30,000 Best Goods at Lowest Prices.- EMERY J. SMITH, President D. S. SEELEY AND GEO. W. BRIGHT, Vice Presidents Bookman's F. E. SAMUEL, Cashier Grocery We receive deposits, loan money from thirty days to six months, buy and sell exchange, United States and other bonds, Coupons, Notes, etc. Do a general banking and collection business. Also Pay Interest on Time Deposits Our store is completely stocked. Everything first-class and fresh. We solicit your trade and shall BANKING HOURS 9 TO 12 A.M. AND 1 TO 4 P.M. strive to please you -DIRECTORS- F. A. Scofield S. W . Taylor Wm. 0 . Beal Geo. W. Bright John L. Miller Em,ry J Smith FRANK BOOKMAN. F. E . Samuel D . S. Seeley 1'h os. Holmes W. 0 . Haker Columbus Dry Goods Co... ~·:· ::~: , ~:·.. COLUMBUS, OHIO ENGRAVING The finest possible grade of work of every character and description --..:=AT CUT PRICES:::::::::::::--- Engraved Monograms and Addresses, Engraved Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Reception and .A t-Home Ca.rds, Embossed Initial Stationery, Dinner and Menu Cards; Guest Card$, and Pro/Jrams1 ~ Bplcnd!ti ~~rssart!l!~~f q( 9a11~gc Sfa#onc?' C~qi~cl ~t illl ~ime~1 · . · · OTTERBEIN A3GIS VoL. XII. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. DECEMBER, 1901. No.4- Published the 20th of Each Month of the College Year. the Spanish-all ran towards monarchy. EDITORIAL ADDRESS: They are all Celtic. They want a chief; and Editor OTTERBEIN lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. when they have one they fight him; and then BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS! when they have got rid of him they fight be­ Business Manager OTTERBEIN lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. cause they have not got one. But the Saxon A. W. WHETSTONE, '02 ................... Editor in Chief stock always ran towards the common people E. A. SANDERS, '02 ........................................... Assistant and the commonwealth. The majority of our W. E. LLOYD, '02 ....................................... Local Editor I. N. BOWER, '02 .................................... Exchange Editor immigrants are at least of Saxon descent. As H. E. SHIREY, '02 ..................................... Alumna! Editor for the rest, the advent of so many people of J. B. HUGHES, '02 .......................... Business Manager different nations, will tend to enliven and en­ W. K. COONS, '04 .. .. ........................................ Assistant C. 0 . CALLENDER, '03 ........................ Subscription Agent rich the social customs of our land. We are A. L. BORING, '04 ...................... Ass't Subscription Agent to look particularly to the immigrants of north­ Subscription, soc a Year In Advance Single Copies tOe ern nations for social wealth. It is to these Rnbscription' Will be continued until tl!e paver is ordered stop­ immigrants coming from the household, and ped b.Y the subscriber, and all arrearages paid. bringing household ideas with them, and not_ REMIT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENT from southern climates, that we are to look Entered at the postoffice, Westerville, Ohio, as second-class mail matler.] for a gradual contribution to the social and ------~~--- decorative customs of our households, for PHILOPHRONEAN PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS. BUCKEYE PRI~TING Co., PRINTERS, Westerville. Ohio. amusements, for graceful imaginations and associations. Not always will these peculiar Blitortal races flow side by side unmixed. Not always will they rigorously keep their manners and 1ft HIS continent has long been the refuge of customs. We shall remit something of our •a' the world. Hither come the best men, rigor and they will add something to theirs. and hither come, too, some of the worst men They will learn self-restraint and we shall see of all nations. The influence of the foreign reason for certain innocent amusements that immigrants upon our social system can hardly are now condemned. We must not expect be overestimated. It is true that there are that immigrants, with their foreign allegiance, some whose influence cannot help but be det­ will also lay down their foreign education. rimental to us. But the great body will cer­ They bring us capital; they bring us labor. tainly add much to the structural framework They bring also opinions. and sentiments and of our national strength. They do not bring customs which are to have a great and enrich­ so much wealth but they bring what is more ing influence upon coming America. There important-brain power, industry and frugal­ will, therefore, come a time when the manners ity. This is especially true of the old Anglo­ and customs and social indulgences of all the Saxon stock-the old honest stock, the sin­ nations of the earth will conspire to construct, cere, the domestic stock. It is the Saxon in Ameaica, a social system richer, purer, stock that always ran towards republicanism. more intelligent and more powerful than any The monarchial stock-the French, the Italian, that has )'et been known if their virtue~ m~1 OTTERBEIN AlGI~. b~ perpetuated without imitating their vices. merit. It may be that there are those who Its tendency will be cosmopolitan; it will be feel that their talents are not appreciated and democratic. that they are bound to waste their sweetness on the desert air. We have endeavored to lay aside our personal preferences or preju­ WIHE fact that our common schools are not •.11.' unfrequently poorly taught is so well dices and decide upon merit alone. To this course we will adhere strictly in the future. known that no proof or discussion is needed It is to be hoped that all will see the justice of here. Men lament that our public schools do not perform the work that we have a reason it. to expect of them. Consequently they say that the fault lies in the system and as the first
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