Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 29, 2012 OUR 122nd YEAR – ISSUE NO. 48-2012 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield BOE Urges Passage of Roof Bond, Extends School Year By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL bond referendum is approved the roofs these types of cuts affect class size, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader are scheduled to be completed by 2014. classes themselves and programs where WESTFIELD – Westfield Board of Superintendent of schools Margaret cuts have to be made. She said the Education members discussed the up- Dolan reported Tuesday that the rejec- ongoing commitment to technology coming $13.6-million roof referendum tion of the bond would delay the roof would have to stop which would give for a district-wide roof replacement at work and that money would have to the district an additional $500,000. Tuesday night’s BOE meeting. The come from reserve accounts that have Ms. Dolan has said the average age referendum vote is scheduled for Tues- already been allocated to other mainte- of the Westfield school buildings is 73 day, December 11. nance projects. This, she explained, years and years of fixing, patching and Voters rejected a $17-million refer- would mean that other maintenance repairing roofs lasted longer than ex- endum in September that included the projects would be placed on hold and pected. roofs as well as a $3.5-million lighted technology upgrades may have to stop. Board President Richard Mattessich turf soccer field. The turf field does not She added that this type of budget said, “The roofs are getting done re- appear on the December referendum. reductions would include loosing teach- gardless if the bond passes. It is just a Officials have said Westfield High ers, secretaries, paraprofessionals, question of how painful it is going to be School’s is the first priority for the roof counselors, librarians and custodial to the school system.” replacement and that if the December staff. Superintendent Dolan noted that The superintendent said she and oth- ers from the board met with state Sena- tor Tom Kean, Jr. (R-21, Westfield) to discuss funding issues. “He could not promise us a change in funding for us, but did understand why we were at- tempting our bond,” Ms. Dolan said. Board member Ann Cary said she Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS…Hundreds of children and their parents greet Santa and Mrs. Claus as they arrive at the was concerned that a total of 50 staff Westfield Train Station for Westfield’s annual Christmas tree lighting on Sunday. positions could be lost over the next three years if the bond does not pass. Board member Jane Clancy stated, “When we first had to make budget Mountainside BOE Denounces cuts after losing state funding it was devastating. We really felt the loss of our art teachers, librarians, counselors Aid Loss of ‘Fiscal Cliff’ and others. Since then we have felt more on solid ground and to have to By DOMINIC A. LAGANO provides details on the possible effects “I would say it’s even worse,” re- live without them again would be heart Specially Written for The Westfield Leader of the “across-the-board cuts,” which sponded board member Christopher wrenching.” MOUNTAINSIDE – During its “could result in larger class sizes, fewer Minks. “It’s not a refund. It’s a use of In other business, board members monthly meeting Tuesday evening, the course offerings, possible four-day our funds. We pay…part of the federal unanimously voted to bring more emer- Mountainside Board of Education school weeks, loss of extracurricular taxes that we pay are supposed to sup- gency weather days back to the school (BOE) passed a resolution denouncing activities, and teacher and staff lay- port public education. What they’re calendar after losing eight days of school the sequestration of federal funds speci- offs.” If the provisions of the Budget doing is they’re continuing to tax; in for the middle schools and high school fied by the Budget Control Act of 2011. Control Act are activated, New Jersey fact, going forward, many of us are Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader and nine for the elementary schools Signed into law in August 2011, the would lose more than $73 million in going to be paying more…and yet AND THEY’RE OFF...Runners surge off the starting line at the Turkey Trot 5K after Hurricane Sandy. The Board voted Budget Control Act imposes automatic federal funds for primary and second- those taxes are not, call it what you will, race in Tamaques Park in Westfield Saturday morning. the give the students a half day of spending cuts which will be triggered ary education programs. trickled down. They’re not being dis- school on Dr. Martin Luther King Day on January 2, 2013, in an effort to keep “Generally speaking, I am not op- bursed uniformly, equitably or consti- on Monday, January 19 and a full day the U.S. economy from tumbling over posed to federal government cuts,” tutionally in my opinion. Our children WF Council Continues of school on Presidents’ Day on Mon- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben stated Board President James Ruban, are not getting the benefit from what day, February 18. Bernanke’s so-called “fiscal cliff.” “but the problem with a district like us we have to pay.” Sewer Fees for 2013 It was also noted that the school year “In 2013, the federal budget will is basically that’s a refund, refunded A copy of the resolution will be would be extended by three days for reduce the amount of funding to all money they’ve already taken from us.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 By LAUREN S. BARR April 1, 2013. the intermediate schools and high schools,” stated board member Dante Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The council also unanimously passed school and four days for the elemen- Gioia. “Not only does Mountainside WESTFIELD – At Tuesday night’s a resolution allowing the mayor to sign tary schools and that the high school get a very small portion of the state Garwood Council Takes town council meeting, the council an agreement with Lord & Taylor for graduation would be moved to Tues- funding, but New Jersey gets a very passed an ordinance on first reading, the installation of a HAWK pedestrian day, June 25. Ms. Dolan stated that she small portion of the funding from the Action on Cost Ordinances which will continue the sewer fees for crossing signal on North Avenue. The did not think it was a good idea to federal government.” residents for 2013. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 The resolution passed by the board By CHRISTINA M. HINKE officer, $6,000. The MAC position has signal is being installed at a mid-block Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Finance Committee Chairman Sam crosswalk and has been approved by increased about $1,500, Councilwoman Della Ferra said that while he expects Union County for this location. GARWOOD – The Garwood Bor- Sara Todisco said. the town will receive an increase from During the open comment portion of Towns, State Seek Ways to ough Council voted on ordinances Council President Keith Sluka and the Rahway Valley Sewerage Author- the meeting, Scotch Plains resident John Tuesday including those for bonding, Councilman Jim Matthieu voted against ity (RVSA), the fees charged to resi- Dausend addressed the council regard- wages, salaries and benefits. the resolution. Both agreed that raises dents will remain the same as 2012, and ing the need for additional signage in Fund Sandy Revenue Losses An ordinance was passed, 4 to 2, to should not exceed 2 percent. The po- the town will absorb the remainder in the municipal parking lot across from By PAUL J. PEYTON form must be completed and submit- fix salaries as follows: Barbara Tweedle, lice chief salary reflects a 3.1-percent the municipal budget. In 2012, the bill the post office. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ted with any supporting documenta- Municipal Alliance coordinator raise. to Westfield from the RVSA was $3.6 Mr. Dausend said he received a ticket TRENTON – Storm Sandy devas- tion concerning the property and the (MAC), $5,762; Glenn Sytko, director, Mr. Sluka said 2 percent is the norm million. because he did not realize that it was a tated many municipalities in the state referenced damage, to the corre- of the Office of Emergency Manage- in municipal government. Under the ordinance, single-family pay lot. The matter was handled in a month ago. The damage to the local sponding municipal tax assessor by ment, $1,200; Carol Lombardo, librar- Mr. Mathieu noted that last year, homes will be charged $170 per year, municipal court and Mr. Dausend said area, although intense, is mostly from Thursday, January 10, 2013. ian, $44,060; Bruce Underhill, police Kathleen Pender of the recreation while condos and townhouses will be his fine was reduced. “I can’t be fully in fallen trees and loss of electric power “Submission of the assessment re- chief, $122,176; and Leonard commission was told she could not charged $135 per unit. Commercial the wrong when there was a reduction – much of which has been restored view form does not guarantee there DiStefano, zoning code enforcement CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 and industrial properties will be charged on the ticket,” he said. He showed the and repairs are ongoing. will be a resulting change in the prop- $315 per year and apartments will be council photographs he had taken in There will be ripple effects.
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