• + + 1 4* - T .j- Be a booster. Don’t knock. ^ 4 . Let’s make Belmar Beach the X 4 . finest resort along the Jersey^. Buy in Belmar 4* Coast. Spread the news of its 4. attractions everywhere. 4* vv*K**h*F*J**F+*F*fc4**i**K**fr*F'i"*P,,k Single Copy Four Cent* MRS. O’CONNOR GIVES TALK ON COUNTY TO ASSIST IN NEW STERNER DEMONSTRATES THAT j MANY CANDIDATES TO MRS. ROCKEFELLER FOUND­ RELIEF ROUTE CONSTRUCTION HE IS THE KIND OF MAN WHOM ATION WORK MONMOUTH SHOULD DELIGHT ! Commission Government Definite steps were taken by the TO PUT IN OFFICE SEEK BORO OFFICES Mrs. Peter O’Connor, leader of a Board of Freeholders at their semi­ child study group, spoke on the monthly meeting at Freehold, Wed­ E. Donald Sterner, commander of j BELMAR IS SEVENTH COMMUN­ nesday, in a million dollar project, the American Legion in Monmouth ; Wins By Almost 3 To 1 Mrs. Rockefeller Foundation Juve­ ITY ALONG SHORE TO ADOP1 one of the largest, and as character­ county, cannot receive too. much nile Work” before the members and ....COMMISSION FORM OF GOV­ ized by Direvtor Bryant B. New­ credit for his recent attempt to re-! guests of the home Kiwanis club in sign that position because of hisI ERNMENT comb, one of the most valuable A Vote Of 662 Was Totaled In Favor the American Legion home, Wed­ works that has ever been undertak­ candidacy on the Republican ticket for the assembly. Of Form Of Government And It is likely that more than twenty nesday. en at one time in the county. This N ew I In her talk, Mrs. O’Connor stress­ was the adoption of plans and speci Very properly, Mr. Sterner’s fel­ candidates will be in the field to fications, as prepared by state high­ low veterans refused to accept his j 240 Aganist win at the' election to be held on ed the necessity of letting children way engineers, for the construction resignation. The ract, however, j Tuesday, Nov. 29th. It is antici­ do things themseles, so as to make Voters decided by a poll of al­ of the proposed'shore relief route that he was anxious that there j government compares with thp pated that one of the most stirring possible a speedier knowledge of most three to one in favor of the extending from Eatontown to As-( councilmanic government”, he said- elections to elect three comission- those things essential to the com­ adoption of the Commission form bury avenue, Asbury Park, a dis­ The ration of victory for the ers is predicted. The names of the fort and happiness of the children of government, on Tuesday. tance of about five and a half miles. adoption of commission system was candidates already mentioned to as they grow' older. The State Highway commission, oh Out of a total of 913 votes, 662 practically the same In all three dis make a bid to be a commissioner in She declared that, although par­ Tuesday, awarded contract for the were cast in favor of the new form tricts. In the first district, which eludes Former Postmaster Cyrus B. ents themselves, having had years paving of another section of this re­ of government, and 240 in opposi­ has its polling place in the Good­ MAY RUN of experience, could do numerous lief route, from the new overhead tion to it. Eleven ballots were will Hose company building on 7th I little duties in a fraction of the thrown out. avenue, the vote was 178 for and 65 time required for the same work by bridge at Avon to Asbury avenue, a distance of two and a half miles As a result of the decision of the against adoption, making a total of the juvenile, the better idea was to voters, before the close of the pres­ 243 votes cast. This was the only let the child take the longer time' While the county is to grade, in­ stall drainage and pave this five and ent year, the boro will he under district in which every vote cast and become adept by actual exper­ the rule of commission government. successfully passed examination. ; ience and practise in his or her a half uhle section of the relief j route, il will not the county | Those members of council avail­ In the second district, located in early years- able for statements, in the majority, (he boro hall, the vote was 205 for Other women guests at the din­ any money, the work being done' under an agreement with the State i looked upon the vote of the people and 75 against the change. A lotal ner included Mrs. Edwin R. Smock as evidence that they wanted to of 285 votes was cast in thig 0is- and Mrs. George H. Jenney. An im­ Highway commission whereby the: county will he reimbursed for every 1 abandon the “hor#e and wagon for trict, but six of the ballots were promptu quartet consisting of the the auto” type of rule. thrown out. Messrs. Merritt, Hyer, Heyniger and penny of outlay and the state, after j necessary legislation is securetl Mayor George W. VanXote, how­ Voting was heaviest in the third Harris sang several selections. The ever, considered the vote as show­ and biggest district, which had its attendance prize was won by Leon­ next winter, will take over the en-| tire system. It is expected that both ing “dissatisfaction” of the people voting headquarters located in the ard Newman; another will be do­ with the administration headed by Volunteer Hook and Ladder com­ nated next week by Edwin R- sections of the road, some over cx-| him for the past two years. pany building on Eleventh avenue. Smock, President George II. Jen­ isting roads and some portions on “The people having passed judg­ Out of a total of 38s votes cast, 279 ney presided at the session. an entirely new alignment, will be graded this winter and drainage in­ ment on what they wanted”, he said. were in favor and lOr votes in op­ position to the adoption. Five bal­ WOMAN’S CLUB stalled so that as ^joii as weather “Apparently they were dissatisfied permits in the spring, the work of with the present administration. lots were thrown out. ’*■ Altogether, 913 were cast in the At the November meeting of the laying concrete wit; begin and the His views are not shared by Woman’s club, next Friday, dona­ road will be open to traffic early in E. DONALD STERNER Councilman Edwin R. Smock, presi election. The total reflects the in­ terest of the voters *n the question', tions of dry groceries will be re­ the summer, probably by July. dent of council, and Councilman ceived for the Toms River home. coidd he no suspicion of his use of John Hillig, the only other two mem in the opinion of the sponsors of The speaker will be Mrs- William YOUNG PEOPLES’ MEETING his position for political advantage bers of the present administration the-change. About 1,200 votes yvere IT. Peters of Rutherford on the sub­ stamps him as the sort of man to who could be reached for state­ cast at the last general election, ject, “ American Citizenship”. This All young people of this vicinity be entrusted with responsibility. ments this morning. and the vote, based on this figure, is an open meeting and guests will are invited to attend the Epworth He has the delicate sense of ethics Asked for his opinion, Council­ shows that more than 75 percent of the voting strength of the borough be welcomed. League meeting to be held, Sunday which peculiarly fits a person to man Smock said: “It is inot a reflec­ tion on the present administration. was out. CYRUS B. HONCE evening at 6:30 fit the First M. E serve his fellow-voters in office. It is a case of outside capital refus­ The voting over, the victors in Honce, Boro Collector Thomas D. BELMAR HOUSE BREAKER SENT church. Mr. Heckman will have One who would shrink from gain ing to enter the town under a coun- the election celebrated by staging a Joeck, Former Mayor Joseph E. Ma­ TO REFORMATORY charge and Mr. Frank Lyons of this ing political preferment by reason cilmanic form of government. 1 long noisy, colorful auto parade yer, Borough Assessor Thomas S. place will be the speaker. The mu­ of his connection with an organiza­ thru the streets of the boro. About Dillon, former Freeholder William Alexander Crawford, Jr., 28 years sic will be furnished by the Young tion is one who would naturally be believe the present members of the council performed tlielr work very 60 autos in line coursed up and Bergen, Dr. Chester Bennett, Wil­ old, was sentenced by Judge Stein- Men’s orchestra. expected to manifest the same sen­ down the streets for more than an liam B. Connelly, Councilman John bach, last Friday, to the state re­ sitive honor in whatever he might crditably. They agreed on prac­ hour spreading the news of victory. Hillig, Councilman Edwin Smock, formatory at Rahway on Crow- LEGION TO HAVE ARMl/TICE do in office. tically deverything and rendere Some of the more exuberant of Councilman Edwin Bigelow, Leon ford’s previously entered plea of DAY DANCE It is very fine and inspiring to good service to the public”. the celebrators started a big bon­ Abbott A. S. Rosen, Councilman Ed guilty of breaking and entering four find entering the political arena a Councilman Hillig used the com­ fire on F street, between Tenth Shd •win Taylor, Police Chief Cook How houses at South Belmar and larceny The ninth annual Armistice dance young man who is not self-seeking parison between a “horse and wa­ Eleventh avenues in the center of land, George W.
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