YOU E.V M*'V HE NEED8] RIHHHHIIliiliillS xvTx.—No. 10 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1945 PRICE THESE CENTI It. Hank, Fret Of Nazis, Fimcet Of Otticer Iweetness Won't Discuss Treatment And Introduction Of Radio For Borough's Police War Bond CARTHRET — Lieuten- ant Francis Haiek, ton of Mr. An Example Of Coming Trend. .F-M Broadcasting and Mrs, Francis Haeek, Charles AND Siekierka CARTERET—For at least thret efficient in a world organised Frank Under, toll, lean, food- Sales Now Street, returned to Fort Dlx last yen™ now we've tried to And «ot to thn Bppflri of the automobile. looking Irian who not only installed night after a ithort leave. He D*wn at Carterel police headquar- the new radio hook up for thh will be given a longer leave >ibout F M radio because wt knew ter* we met the man who installed borough's police department, but Light noon, Are Victors it wan the coming thing, People $299,811 who know tell as that in not too F-M radio for the borough, and in embodied into it. original features 'Reported mincing in action in ,,1,, E. many years any other tjrp* of r»- • few well chosen words he ex- which resulted from his technical August, he was « prisoner of Toth Defeated 5-1 In Race riio than F-M will be strictly old plained : knowledge and his experience. Rally W«ek From Ti the Naei« for nine month*. A hat. The equipment now used by navigator on a Liberator B-24, Backed By Resko; Flynn Simple Definition Ottert Chance T« Wn Carteret's law enforcers is of be wan taken prisoner when he But these same people who "In amplitude modulation (pres- I* High Democrat Link manufacture, nf F M or Fre- 6; Other Prizes ;,. mash notes late- was shot down over FerraTra, know all abont It couldn't tell tn flltt type of radio) the power in- jCrtages and decreases to suit the quency Modulation type, as men* Italy. He wa» freed by the Al- •CARTERKT—T h e Republican what F-M radio is, at least not w CARTKRKT- Preparation* d ,ny correspond- voice of the speaker or singer. In tioned above. Under Mr. lander's lied Forces and sent to the Organization ticket made an easy we could understand it. After be oompK'tr within the n*»t f«r3 , wistfully of my frequfney modulation broadcast- supervision the entire cost was fttatea on a plane to Bangor, win over the opposition presented much patient listening we always dayr, for the War Bond Rally *•: way with words ing the FULL POWER is on con kept under |2,000, regarded by Maine, and from there to Fort in the Primary Election Tuesday wound up with a brain in which be held here a wtek from to Btantly, but the FREQUENCY experts as a most moderate out- i,r why fmnotiun- Dix and home. by former Borough Attorney Mi- whirled megacycles, antennae, re- Starting at 7:30 o'clock. Th sonances and polaroidg, well sea- changes with the rise and fall of lay for this added protection to „, time. There are Asked about his treatment ctiael Resko and Stephen J. Toth. be in- the Rita Theater in Wt soned wtth utter confusion. the Round being broadcast, adjust- the lives and property of the bor- ,,, binder why I »p» by the Naiis he aaid, "I don't. Mr. Resko ran for county com- ington Avenue and the • ing to the rates of vibration as ^ some of the time •want to talk abot", it." mitteeman in his own district but But we've found out what ough's residents and ment will include the ihow needcit." , arc still others, lost, and Mr. Toth, backed by Mr. makes F-M so much better than Everybody Pitched In a new motion picture. In addition to Mr. Linder's con ,,,1, who simply Resko, sought'a place as candi the kind of radio we now have, The one who gave us this un- Clock," starring Judy Ga date for Councilman. which, like the hors* and bufgy derstanding in a way our unmath tribution, a great factor in this and Robert Walker, tnd Richards 3rd The places expiring are held had its day, but isn't going to be ematirat mind could grasp it is (Continued on Page 3) Mist Vera Ginda by • U, S. Coast Guard Band, i vilh the help of a nowby Frank Haury, president of CARTKRET—Mi»s Ginda's en- touring to perform at War ,.,'HI microscope, the Council, and John A, Turk, wment to Lt. Alfred Breuche I Rallies in the Eatt. Mttaben «t| 11,,, proud possessor To Get Honor who won over Mr. Toth iby a vote Gruhin-Brown Councilman's Daughter Bride of the Army has been announced I the band will be entertained a|| ndtion for being a of 3&9 to 64. by her pnrenta, Mr. and Mrs. John dinner,by those in charge of tltf CARTERET — Lieut, Stanley i,t now, I'd swap The other candidate for a place Gindn of 11 Jeanette Street. Lt. rally, who also have provided G. Richards, son of Mr, and Mrs. on the ticket was School Commis- Broui'he, now stationed at Mont- transportation from Newark. ,1, Kit! microscope Gilbert Richards of Pershing Ave- Rites Sunday At Church Ceremony Saturday p sioner Frank Siekierka, who CARTBRFTF --• Miss Dorothy gomery Field, Ala,, is the *on of Admission t« the rally 1 nue, ha» been awarded the Silver Mrs. Bertha Breuclie of 42 Stuy- ill. '•< I tation for a pair polled 351 votes to make him and C ARTERBT—,Miss Edith Brown, Elizabeth llaury, daughter of only on presentation of Star by the War Department for rentz performing the ceremony. A vesant Avenue, t>Jpwark, and a ,l.rr boota, the Mr. Turk the candidates for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Councilman and Mrs. Frank Haury tickets, given purchasers of I heroism in action during the eception followed at the Cokini graduate of Plains High School. ., nfT your lunch two jeats on the Borough Coun- Rrown, nf Roosevelt Avemtp, and of Lfxwrll Street, and Harry H. for cash, Thr«e tickets are a* Euiopean campaign. Lt, Rieharrla| cj| to be fillet* at the General Country Club. Mim Ginda ia n graduate of Car- ahle at the Fosi Ulrlct and ,r's seed cata- Max J. Gruhin, son of Mrs. Sophie Conai' Jr., son o,f 'Mr. and Mrs. ; ia the third man from Carteret. Election next November. • The church was decorated with teret High School and is em- two local banks. Gruhirc of Jersey City, were mar- Herrj ill. Conay, of Rahway, were , Miild fill up this to have received thii medal. pdnis and spring flowers. Tho ployed at th<> Motor Ordnance Re- Bonik To Whim Tlie Line-ity ried Sunday afternoon at 12:80 marr) undHy afternoon at 4 ,,, to bed. I know The other two are 8/Sgt. Paul Messrs. Tunk and Siekierka in Clinton Manor, Newark, with soloist waa Mrs. Herbert L. ception Park. War Bonds also will b« awa|*.| o'clo the First Presbyterian Strandberg, Jr., accompanied hy lii jrot plenty of Mueha, recently discharged, for will oppose Joseph Synowiecki Rabbi Charles I. Blodi of Jersey ~ r ed at the rally, along with heroism at Pearl Hart»or, and T/5 Churl with the R«v. D, E. Lo- Miss Lois Doacher, organist. I change my des- and William Sitar, Democratic City performing the ceremony. merchandise being donated for I Joseph Kesko, medical corps, for The bride, given in marriage by nominees, who werc_iunopposed in The bride, given in marriage purpose by local hui ii [ could hardly heroism in the invasion of the her father, wore a white gown of the Primary. by her pairen'ts, • wore a white Captain Weds To date six bond* have been ; u ..rid of a great coast of Normandy. satin and lace Her veil, of finger- About 400 votes were cast here. mousseline de soie (fown wity an Wild West vided, by Emit Stranlan, ,v thus accomo- tip length, was attached to a coro- The citation accompanying the Alexander Combn, incumbent embroidered yoke. Her veil was man of this Seventh War . net of «eod .pearls and she cawied medal read* In part: "Lt. Rkrh- tax collector, was the unopposed arranged from a Juliet cap and Lillian Toth Frank Srmdato, William an, arm bouquet of gardenias and ardis was jtiven the mission of Republican party nomination for she •carried a white Bible marked Planned By No. 2 Maurice Spewak, Lovu sweet peas. Mrs. John Orban, the iCARTEROT -MiBS Lillian Toth, includes a capturing an airfield, despite a re-election to that post. Michael with an orchid ft n d ribbon and the Carteret Prese. Fire Company As bride's sister, was matron of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael gevere wourvd he continued to Shutello was the unopposed Dem- streamera. Total sales reported thii j on which honor. She wore a, blue gown and Toth of Edwin Street, and Cap- lead his men and inspired them ocratic party nominee for election Miss Florence Brown, sister of Service Aid by Mr. Stremlan are for :i kcil to get funny. 1 carried ai bouquet of pink roses. hy his ibravery and determina- to that office. the bride, was maid of honor. She tain Clause E. Barnholdt, son of all. They are divided u foDow:', (l ,i a wide range, tion; he consented to be evacu- Carl Meier, of Union, served as Edivanli Barnholdc of Iowa, were The borough's vote in the three- wore a yellow net gown andi car- iCART.ERET flans have "E" BondJ, (206.389, "V i, oi'A to that worn- ated only when his mission had best man and Charles Reidcl, Jr., married Wednesday night at 7:80 way county contest for Demo- ried a bouquet of Spring flowers.
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