![1944-02-11, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
; S: u 1 1 ' l •*< , H^-4, f* " * , • * * \ V ^ 4 y r . H '' '£v $. *- *-\V? %^JSf 1 "/ , " "' V ; v*; . ' : !•- ', *\;v > * v4^ '« Iv, ^ 1 } ' } •»' , *,: . * 1 •r'A % ' >>*W JJ r-. vi Wi U; A"v i ".'S^z* . 'fci v » - J * '1st :y ,\vV *-V- "\* 'V •' ;. • ^** ^' '"The Human Aa&k Mas P>is&n On Protest" r, '.R. >r*»M^ii VOL. XXXII No.*r FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1044 PRICE FIVE CENTS i [T"> r ^V- * FEB.12 WILBERFORCE INTERNATIONAL DAY i --• <i SAYS BETTER TREATMENT, FOR NEGRO SOLDIERS SEEN , •' WILBERFORCE OBSERVES LIBERTY SHIP SELLS WAR BOHDS TO WASHINGTON, D. C., SIGHTSEEING CROWDS IKTKRKATION DAY ON LINCOLN'S MKTllUAY, Liberia's Declaration of War On l- FEBRUARY VI . ^4 Wilberfore, Ohio: —- The Fourteenth Annual Interna­ Axis Powers, Moral Aid To U. N. tional Day celebration will be held on Lincolns' birthday, Saturday, February 12. The program for this year will be Congressional, diplomatic the purpose of destroying for­ bered, long ago offered its oo» and public representatives this ever the militarism of Japan ,v^ ;f devoted to the discussion of operation to the Allies and has WBm* >, post-war problems "dealing week hailed the action of the and Germany." been the locale for the train­ with attitudes and problems Republic of Liberia in declar­ The Honorable Andre Liau- ing of American soldiers for W ing war on Germany and Ja­ taud, Ambassador of Haiti, war against Germany and Ja­ of races and nations in rela­ pan. tion to industry, economies, i stated : pan. polities, and-religion in world Congressman William L. "We are extremely happy "From a political as well as service as a way of life" with Dawson, of Illinois, declared: to learn that the Republic of economic viewpoint, the coop­ emphasis upon'-..international "As the first African nation Liberia has joined the ranks eration of the Republic of Li­ appreciation. to welcome an American Ex­ of the Uliited Nations in the beria v^ill be - of inestinable Rev. Don Hawkins, educa­ peditionary Force to its shores defense of human liberties value ^ the Allies. True to its tor, minister, traveler, Rhodes in this war, and as a political threatened by the mad forces tradijaBRof cooperation with scholar, one-time professor at democracy which early identi­ of totalitarianism and racism. Ame^ft interests, Liberia the University of Nebraska, fied itself with our cause by The Negro, wherever he may takes-ofiSR place as she did in and now pasturing in Itowers- cooperating fully with the be, owes it to himself to align orld war when she villt*, Ohio, and l)r. Abraham United Nations, it is only log­ his forces against those who German diplomatic Cronbach, world student and ical that Liberia should form­ aspire to dominate the world group on its way—for which traveler, holder of the 1,'hi ally join the military forces on the fallacious theory bf * son, it will be recalled,. Beta Kappa key, author of now dedicated to the complete their racial superiority." nrovia was shelled by , a several books, and now serv- ierman gunboat. Harmon Kennedy, 44 South Orange Avenue. .Newark. N. J., u|*ii#t destruction of the Axis Dr. Emmctt J. irg as head of the department powers. special assistantJ "Tojo will be no happier left, and Francis Jones, 1618 Harlem Avenue. Kultiqioi'e. Md.. wore thf of social studies at Hebrew? tary of War a |Plcan than Hitler to learn that his only two Negro trainee# aboard the American Mariner when th<» Ubertj Union College in Cincinnati "Liberia's Infusion of Ja­ Commission .tq IT de effort to unite the colored pan as well as Germany in her ship, first ever to appear in Washington, poked ita proud none up th| will be the main speakers. Dr. clared: v peoples of the world on the Algo Henderson, president of declaration of war is signifi- learn side of the Japanese empire Potomac River la»t week in «4»ijiuiet^ witli the -Fourth )\[pp !<b«4 Antioch College, will- preside ciiiit. With Ethiopia, Haiti and glared war has failed. The moral effect of 'Drive. The ship is in use its a trainer for the Merchant Marine Servie* at the morning and noon ses­ other freedom-loving peoples, upon Japan, be- Liberia's action because of its ,% t } she gives the lie to the Nip­ + S" iKennedy and Jones, who hope to qualify as engine-room men, have »hi1j sions. About two hundred stu­ the Nations to geographical location will be dents and teachers from var­ ponese claims that this is a the Axis pow- appreciably felt throughout more week to complete the 19-week training course before going on« racial war and that Japan is '«* *• ious colleges in Ohio and near­ it will be remeni- »the world." . v < 6-month trial trip at tea.. The American Mariner was a tnccca foi by states are exacted to at­ the purported savior of the • i tend thti coiiiertM^ darker races. ;*ightg«ejng crowds which averaged 5,000 daily and who bought Itondt "Liberia was colonized by fto the amount of $17,500 during the first 2 days. The Bonds were sold American freemen in 1822. In at Itond booths manned by WAVES aboard the ship. Kennedy and becoming the 35th belligerent ;Jones are members of the ship's Komi-buying club, Thly hcortllj STATEMENT OF GOVER­ member of the United Na­ tions, she joins the fight for ..*; <: • . endorsed the Fourth War Losn Drite^tl. S. Treasury Photos, NOR JOHN W.BRICKER •Uc. .•.Ji J the maintenance of free and SsSiflimi democratic ideals throughout the world." THIRD ARMY-NAVY COLLEGE The Army Specialized Train­ Senator Arthur Capper, ing Program is aimed to meet songs of "Porgy and Bess," | member of the Senate Foreign ..TEST ADMINISTED AT W. U. the Army's needs for special­ the folk-opera in which he han j Relations Committee, stated: ists and technicians in certain starred for the past two years. "The decision of the Liber- Wilberfore, Ohio—Feb. 6— Intent to take the test stiould fields of study. Academic work This recital is one of the main i tn Government to declare w The Third Army-Navy College oe made known immediately is at the college level at gov­ features of the University's war on Japan and on Japan's Qualifying Test for the Army to the Oflie of the Dean qf ernment expense. Eighty-Eight Founders Day isolated partner-in-crime, Ger­ - Specialized Training Program Men in order that the neces­ The Navy Colleg Program program devoted to the cele­ many. has been hailed in the andthe Navy College Pro­ sary test supplies may be or­ also enables students to Con­ bration of the hundredth year United States as a further gram V-12 which will be ad­ dered. { tinue academic training at of the Wilberforce idea and demonstration of the con­ ministered at Wilberfore The same examination will government expense. Success­ will see in full swing the drive structive thinking of the peo­ University, Dr. J. Aubrey be taken by both Army anil ful completion of the pres­ to raise $118,000 for the liq­ ple of Liberia as shown in the Navy candidates. The exam­ uidation of the mortgage on Lane, Armed Service Repre­ cribed courses may, following 1 responsive acts of the Liber- sentative, announced today. A ination is designed to test the further officer training, lead a Shorter Hall, the University's ian Government. aptitude and general knowl administration office and girls •J'' * (5 f ...| , •» t leaflet of general information commission in the Navy, "Liberian officials have been S 'Twhich contains an admission- edge required for program of dormitory, in constant close touch with *£\ v - ' - Est'' ' ,r „-v A identification form may be ob­ college training and all qual- TODD DUNCAN,, world affairs. President W. V. tained at Wilberforce Univer­ iied students are urged to take NEGRO 80I.DIERS ARE S. Tubman of Liberia recently sity. This form properly filled the test. At the time of the. Wilberforce, Ohio — Todd visited the United States. His test each candidate will be Duncan, the famous baritone, CREATED BE1TER IN THIS '.V^i out will admit to^he test stu­ WAR SAYS POLL views on international rela­ dents between the ages of-17 given a choice of service pre­ will appear here in a recital on tionships are in accord with 1 Thursday, February 24,f at mnd 21 inclusive who are high ference, but taking the test Chicago—That the Negro friendly association of our two " School graduates or who will does not obligate the candi­ 8:30 p. m. in Jones Auditor JOHN W. BR1CKER the highest expressions of ... ium in a program featuring soldier in the present war is bo graduated by July 1,1944. date to enlist in the service. getting better treatment than American thought. The As Governor of Ohio, I urge countries over a period of i the soldier in 1017 is the belief housewives and meat dealers of Negro and white persons in nearly a century is responsible EDWIN EMBREE May Set Race Relations Pattern. Story p. 2 of this state to redouble your for this remarkable accord. , the North and South, ques­ efforts to salvage used house­ tioned on the subject in the "Free Americans colonized hold fats. A larger portion of Liberia. Liberian independ­ Negro Digest poll which ap­ the used household fats is pears in the January issue of ence, set up in 1847, was necessary for the production modeled about a constitution the magazine published here. of explosives, medical prepar­ The poll also revealed that and a government similar to ations, and essential civilian that of the United States.
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