SERVICE CHARTER 2021 THE 2021 SERVICE CHARTER 1. SECTION I - MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND SERVICE CHARTER 1.1 Toscana Aeroporti 3 1.2 Our 2021 Service Charter 4 1.3 Services provided and useful information for passengers 5 1.4 Integrated management system 6 1.5 Environmental policy 8 2. SECTION II - SERVICE CHARTER QUALITY INDICATORS 2.1 Quality indicators 9 2.2 Special assistance 10 3. SECTION III - COMMUNICATION: SUGGESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS 14 4. SECTION IV - COVID-19 4.1 Activities introduced because of the COVID-19 pandemic 16 4.2 PRM passengers 18 GUIDES TO SERVICE 1. Getting to the Airport 19 2. Taxi and Chauffeur ervices 21 3. Car rental 22 4. Airport parking 24 5. In-airport information 25 6. Airport services 25 7.Other services 27 8. Travel advice 32 9. Forms for suggestions and complaints 38 1. SECTION I – MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND SERVICE CHARTER TOSCANA the most important airport systems in the country, capable of acting as a driving for- AEROPORTI ce for the economic development of the territory which is acclaimed as one of the 1.1 Toscana Aeroporti S.p.A., the company most famous and appreciated regions in that manages the Florence and Pisa Air- the world. ports, was incorporated on 1 June 2015 through the merger of AdF – Aeroporto In 2020, Toscana Aeroporti transported di Firenze S.p.A. (the company managing 1,984,552 passengers, down 76% compa- the Amerigo Vespucci Airport of Floren- red to 2019 because of the effects of the ce) with SAT - Società Aeroporto Toscano health emergency caused by the spread S.p.A. (the company managing the Gali- of Covid-19. leo Galilei Airport of Pisa). After the positive start in the first two months of the year (+2.7%), the conse- Following the merger of the two airport quences of the Covid-19 pandemic led to companies, the integrated airport system the near-zeroing of air traffic in the second of Tuscany was set up which, through the quarter (-99%) followed by a partial reco- different specialisations of the Florence very in the second half of the year, albeit and Pisa Airports and their ongoing deve- far from the pre-Covid figures. lopment thanks to important infrastructural Passenger flights decreased by 61.8% du- investments, strives to satisfy the unmet ring the year, dropping to 30,158, while demand for flights in this Region, today cargo traffic remained in line with 2019 estimated as approximately 50%, and to (-0.4%), with a total of 13,000 tonnes. create an authentic gateway into Tuscany. Amerigo Vespucci Airport of Florence With approximately 669,000 passengers The Tuscan Airport system is characterised passing through in 2020, passenger traffic by the perfect integration of both airpor- at the Florence airport fell by 76.7% com- ts that are distinguished by the differen- pared to 2019. This result was due to the tiation of the market segments in which increase in traffic recorded in the first two they operate and their specific air traffic months of 2020 (+8.2%), followed by a dra- specialisation: the Vespucci airport conti- stic reduction (-98.6%) in the second quar- nues to develop business and leisure traf- ter of the year (in application of Decree no. fic through the full-service carriers, con- 112/2020 of the MIT, operations at Floren- necting up to the main European hubs; ce airport were temporarily suspended on the Galilei airport gives priority to tourist 14 March 2020 and subsequently resumed traffic operated by low-cost carriers, in- again on 4 May 2020), with a partial reco- tercontinental flights and cargo flights. very in the second half of 2020, albeit far With 8,3 million passengers transported from the pre-Covid data. in 2019 and 96 destinations served by 34 International airline operations accounted airline companies, Toscana Aeroporti is for about 83% of scheduled traffic compa- 3 1. SECTION I – MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND SERVICE CHARTER red to about 17% of domestic traffic. The controlled by Toscana Aeroporti SpA, main international destinations were Paris in the aim of providing ground handling and Amsterdam, while, at a national level, services to airlines (acceptance, boarding they were Rome and Catania. and disembarking of passengers, loading and unloading of baggage, cargo and Toscana Aeroporti is responsible for the mail, assistance to aircraft during parking) following activities: in line with the quality standards set by the companies, and ensuring the highest • Maintenance of the airport level of quality of the services, constantly infrastructures (runways, aprons), the verified by audits and inspections by terminals and the other infrastructures both customers-carriers and by Toscana used by passengers and operators; Aeroporti itself. • Development of commercial activities As regards commercial traffic, the (stores, bars and restaurants, etc.); handling company Consulta also operates • Other airport services operated by at the airport. third parties (tourist information, VAT Finally, Toscana Aeroporti Engineering is reimbursement service, etc.). active in the design and construction of airport infrastructures (runways, aircraft In the Florence airport, the handling aprons), terminals and other infrastructures activities are mainly carried out by used by passengers and operators at the Toscana Aeroporti Handling Srl, a Florence and Pisa Airports. company established in 2018 and 100% OUR 2021 SERVICE well as for the protection of health, sa- fety, the environment, and for the quality CHARTER management of the services provided. 1.2 The main objective of Toscana Aeropor- Toscana Aeroporti intends to consolida- ti is to guarantee efficient and reliable te its own commitment for the continual services for passengers, as well as to improvement of its performance, and interpret the needs expressed by its sta- for this reason it applies an integrated keholders, and grasp their implicit needs, Quality System in compliance with the taking steps to constantly satisfy them in provisions established by the UNI EN full. Guided by this objective, Toscana ISO 9001:2015 standard for Quality, the Aeroporti adopts the principles, stan- UNI ISO 45001:2018 standard for Health dards and solutions that constitute the and Safety in the Workplace, the SA8000 international “best business practices” standard for Corporate Responsibility for corporate responsibility, equality, and the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 stan- impartiality and non-discrimination, as dard for environmental management. 4 1. SECTION I – MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND SERVICE CHARTER The Service Charter of the Florence Air- of its quality management system and in port is published by Toscana Aeroporti to compliance with the general reference fra- communicate to passengers the quality le- mework set out in the Service Charter of vels of the services offered in the context the Transport sector (DPCM 30.12.1998). SERVICES In the airport, information brochures on Passenger Rights are available for users AND USEFUL in accordance with Regulations (EU) INFORMATION FOR 261/2004 and 1107/2006, as well as all 1.3 PASSENGERS the information required by current legi- slation on air transport (prohibited items, All information regarding the services offe- internal signage for PRM – Passengers red by Toscana Aeroporti are available on with Reduced Mobility, passenger bag- the Company’s website at gage info etc.). In fully operational airport www.toscana-aeroporti.com, in the “Flo- conditions, the airport is open to the pu- rence Airport” section. The complete list blic every day from 4.00 am until 12.30 am of the services offered can be found in the or until the time of arrival/departure of the “Guide to the Services” attached to this last flight of the day. Service Charter. In view of the pandemic emergency still In view of the particular time in history lin- in progress at the time of writing, the Ter- ked to the pandemic emergency, all passen- minal’s opening hours, which are adjusted gers are strongly recommended to consult week by week according to the number the relevant government websites, both and times of flight departures and arrivals, the Italian ones and those of their country are published on the airport’s website. of origin and/or destination, for updates on During 2020, in compliance with the regu- the health and documentation regulations lations in force, access to the Terminal was envisaged for travellers. only allowed to passengers departing and Special attention is reserved for passengers arriving and in specific cases of need, also with disabilities or reduced mobility: on the to any accompanying persons (e.g., those website there is a specific section contai- accompanying minors or passengers with ning all the useful information regarding the reduced mobility). dedicated areas and airport services. At the airport there is a free Wi-Fi con- The airport has short-stay and long-stay nection service for 12 hours of navigation, parking. Short-stay parking is free for the via which it is possible to connect to the first 10 minutes, long-stay parking for the airport website to view the Service Char- first 15 minutes. Reserved parking spaces ter and the Service Guide and to access are available for Passengers with Reduced the flight information in real time. Mobility (PRM). 5 1. SECTION I – MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND SERVICE CHARTER For detailed information on how to get to Switchboard: the airport, times and rates of public servi- Tel: +39 055 30615 ces and parking, including taxis, chauffeur services, and car rentals, please Customer Service: consult the Guide to Service. Tel: +39 055 3061830 For any other information, passengers may contact the airport directly on the fol- Tourist informations: lowing numbers: Tel: +39 055 315874 INTEGRATED • Protecting the health and safety of all airport users, including passengers, em- MANAGEMENT ployees of Toscana Aeroporti, or subsi- 1.4 SYSTEM diaries, contractors, sub-contractors and third-party companies.
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