FAMILY Centriscidae Bonaparte, 1831 - razorfishes, shrimpfishes SUBFAMILY Macroramphosinae Bleeker, 1879 - razorfishes, snipefishes [=Siluridi, Orthichthyinae, Macrorhamphoidei] Notes: Name in prevailing recent practice Siluridi Rafinesque, 1810b:35 [ref. 3595] (ordine) Macroramphosus [no stem of the type genus, no available, Article] Orthichthyinae Gill, 1862j:234 (footnote) [ref. 1663] (subfamily) Orthichthys [family-group name never used as valid after 1899] Macrorhamphoidei Bleeker, 1879a:14 [ref. 460] (family) Macroramphosus [Macrorhamphus inferred from the stem, Article; name must be corrected Article 32.5.3; stem corrected to Macroramphos- by Gill 1884c:156, 162 [ref. 17660]; family-group name used as valid by: Schultz with Stern 1948 [ref. 31938], Kamohara 1967, McAllister 1968 [ref. 26854], Lindberg 1971 [ref. 27211], Lagler, Bardach, Miller & May Passino 1977, Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Smith & Heemstra 1986 [ref. 5715], Whitehead et al. (1986a) [ref. 13676], Paxton et al. 1989 [ref. 12442], Quéro et al. 1990 [ref. 15946], Nelson 1994 [ref. 26204], Eschmeyer 1998 [ref. 23416], Menezes et al. 2003 [ref. 27192], Nelson et al. 2004 [ref. 27807], Hoese et al. 2006, Nelson 2006 [ref. 32486]; family name sometimes seen as †Rhamphosidae] GENUS Centriscops Gill, 1862 - bellowsfishes [=Centriscops Gill [T. N.], 1862:234, Limiculina (subgenus of Macrorhamphosus) Fowler [H. W.], 1907:425] Notes: [ref. 1663]. Masc. Centriscus humerosus Richardson, 1846. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Centriscops Gill, 1862 -- (Mohr 1937:53 [ref. 15290], Heemstra 1986:459 [ref. 5660], Paxton et al. 1989:407 [ref. 12442], Duhamel 1995:264 [ref. 21927], Gomon et al. 1994:436 [ref. 22532], Keivany & Nelson 2006:S84 [ref. 28978], Paxton et al. 2006:853 [ref. 28994], Gomon 2008:481 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2009:310 [ref. 30404]). Current status: Valid as Centriscops Gill, 1862. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. (Limiculina) [ref. 1377]. Fem. Centriscus humerosus Richardson, 1846. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Objective synonym of Centriscops Gill, 1862 -- (Mohr 1937:53 [ref. 15290]). Current status: Synonym of Centriscops Gill, 1862. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Species Centriscops humerosus (Richardson, 1846) - banded bellowsfish [=Centriscus humerosus Richardson [J.], 1846:56, Pl. 34 (figs. 5-6), Centriscops obliquus var. maculatus Pozzi [A. J.] & Bordalé [L. F.], 1936:410, Figs. 2-3, Centriscops obliquus Waite [E. R.], 1911:170, Pl. 26, Centriscops sinuosus Regan [C. T.], 1914:21] Notes: [Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror v. 2 (2); ref. 3740] South Australia. Current status: Valid as Centriscops humerosus (Richardson, 1846). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Distribution: Southern circumglobal. Habitat: marine. (maculatus) [Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural "Bernardino Rivadavia" v. 38; ref. 23680] Off Argentina, 36°47'S, 54°55'[or 54°06']W, depth 182-219 meters. Current status: Synonym of Centriscops humerosus (Richardson, 1846). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (obliquus) [Records of the Canterbury Museum v. 1 (no. 3); ref. 14826] New Zealand. Current status: Synonym of Centriscops humerosus (Richardson, 1846). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (sinuosus) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 13 (no. 73); ref. 3662] New Zealand. Current status: Synonym of Centriscops humerosus (Richardson, 1846). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. GENUS Macroramphosus Lacepede, 1803 - snipefishes [=Macroramphosus Lacepède [B. G. E.], 1803:136, Centriscus Cuvier [G.], 1816:350, Macrognathus Gronow [L. T.], in Gray, 1854:147, Orthichthys Gill [T. N.], 1862:234] Notes: [ref. 4930]. Masc. Silurus cornutus Forsskål, 1775. Type by monotypy. Also spelled Macrorhamphosus, Macramphosus and Macrorhamphus by authors. See Paxton et al. 2006:851-852 [ref. 28994] for discussion of nomenclatural problems. •Valid as Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803 -- (Mohr 1937:30 [ref. 15290], Wheeler 1973:273 [ref. 7190], Ehrich 1976 [ref. 13863], Brethes 1979 [ref. 13850], Fritzsche 1984 [ref. 13658], Clarke 1984 [ref. 6811], Araga in Masuda et al. 1984:84 [ref. 6441], Ehrich in Whitehead et al. 1986:627 [ref. 13676], Heemstra 1986:460 [ref. 5660], Paxton et al. 1989:408 [ref. 12442], Gomon et al. 1994:437 [ref. 22532], Fritzche & Thiesfeld 1999:2280 [ref. 24793], Fritsche 2003:1229 [ref. 27045], Keivany & Nelson 2006:S84 [ref. 28978], Paxton et al. 2006:851-853 [ref. 28994], Paxton et al. 2006:853 [ref. 28994], Bilecenoglu 2006:57 [ref. 28825], Gomon 2008:482 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2009:308 [ref. 30404]). Current status: Valid as Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. (Centriscus) [ref. 993]. Masc. Balistes scolopax Linnaeus, 1758. Type by monotypy (with synonyms mentioned in footnote). Not Centriscus Linnaeus, 1758. Cuvier did not propose this as new (citing "L." after the genus), and it could be regarded merely as a subsequent use of the name. •Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803 -- (Wheeler 1973:273 [ref. 7190]). Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. (Macrognathus) [ref. 1911]. Masc. Balistes scolopax Linnaeus, 1758. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Macrognathus Lacepède 1800 in fishes and by Macrognathus Burmeister, in Hope, 1845 in Coleoptera. •Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. (Orthichthys) [ref. 1663]. Masc. Centriscus velitaris Pallas, 1770. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803 -- (Mohr 1937:30 [ref. 15290], Wheeler 1973:273 [ref. 7190]). Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Species Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839) - slender snipefish [=Centriscus gracilis Lowe [R. T.], 1839:86, Centriscus brevispinis Kner [R.] & Steindachner [F.], 1867:374 [19], Pl. 3 (fig. 9), Macrorhamphosus hawaiiensis Gilbert [C. H.], 1905:613, Fig. 237, Centriscus japonicus Günther [A.], 1861:522, Macrorhamphosus molleri Whitley [G. P.], 1930:117, Centriscus valitaris Gmelin [J. F.], 1789:1461, Centriscus velitaris Pallas [P. S.], 1770:36, Pl. 4 (fig. 8), Centriscus velitaris Cabrera, Pérez [A.] & Haenseler [F.], in Machado, 1857:24] Notes: [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1839 (pt 7); ref. 2829] Madeira, eastern Atlantic. Current status: Valid as Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Distribution: Circumglobal (including Mediterranean Sea, Hawaiian Islands). Habitat: marine. (brevispinis) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 54 (pt 3); ref. 2640] Samoa. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (hawaiiensis) [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Near Laysan Island, Leeward Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 3940, depth 59-70 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (japonicus) [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 3; ref. 1964] Japan; China. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (molleri) [Australian Zoologist v. 6 (pt 2); ref. 4669] Maroubra Beach near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (valitaris) [Caroli a Linné ... Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae v. 1 (pt 3); ref. 18139] Ambon Island, Molucca Islands, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. (velitaris) [Spicilegia Zoologica v. 1 (fasc. 8); ref. 12293] Ambon Island, Molucca Islands, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Habitat: marine. (velitaris) [Catálogo de los peces que habitán ó frecuentan las costas de Cadiz y Huelva con inclusion de los del Rio Guadalquivir.; ref. 17320] Western Andalusia, near Cádiz, Spain, eastern Atlantic. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Species Macroramphosus sagifue Jordan & Starks, 1902 - sagifue snipefish [=Macrorhamphosus sagifue Jordan [D. S.] & Starks [E. C.], 1902:69, Fig. 2] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 26 (no. 1308); ref. 2525] Enoura, Suruga, Japan. Current status: Valid as Macroramphosus sagifue Jordan & Starks, 1902. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Distribution: Japan. Habitat: marine. Species Macroramphosus scolopax (Linnaeus, 1758) - longspine snipefish [=Balistes scolopax Linnaeus [C.], 1758:329, Silurus cornutus Forsskål [P. S.], 1775:66, xiii, Macrorhamphosus scolopax var. elevatus Waite [E. R.], 1899:59, Pl. 7 (fig. 1), Macrorhamphosus gallinago Ogilby [J. D.], 1908:92, Macrorhamphosus lancifer Ogilby [J. D.], 1910:90, Macrorhamphosus otteri Fowler [H. W.], 1934:353, Fig. 1, Macrorhamphosus robustus Ogilby [J. D.], 1910:91, Amphisilia velitaris Cuvier [G.], in Guérin-Méneville, 1828:no page number, Livraison 13] Notes: [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] Mediterranean Sea. Current status: Valid as Macroramphosus scolopax (Linnaeus, 1758). Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae. Distribution: Circumglobal (especially in temperate latitudes), including Mediterranean Sea
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