{fiqe <!}ourattt of 19.3 7 1.Ehtteh htr tqe j;fuhettts of Cl1qelm.eforh Jitgq &rqonl W-WWWWWWWWWWW'W'W'WWW CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ]Jr orrtunrb , \II o( us orr cf ,.,.,fined lo climb tl1e loclder o/ /1/e. _ ome will usn•ncl lo more dis/on/ rnn: s 1fw11 other,. ,\ 'one u•il/ lw nbf C' lo /um nbo11/ nnd cf esce11rl 011 cc more tl, c pas,111g step~ o/ youllt. /,u/ tf,e cl1011cc r<' ­ moms /or us /o go:e (I/ sc/100/ da y n1(•111ones i11 tl1 c w ,11blw,cc o/ 1/,is l10ok. 1\ s th e me,11/,er, o/ th e Cl(/.,., o/ 191;- od t•w ,ce lo if,<' succP.,ses o/ thdr cl10SC'11 f;elds. rnov tl, ey olu:a_\';, recall trill, o/Jc•dion tli e 1oys. triol s. und f riC!11ds o/ tf, eir youth! Tu·o 1hthex For<-'\\ orcl 2 lnJr, ) Cl,elm,ford 11,gh ~, 11001 4 I),.,!.. rlllOn 5 ·1o tl,r '-twlrnts of Chrlrn,forrl 11,gh 6 Grorgp '-. \\'right . 7 1 o tlH• Cirl, and Huy.- of Chdm,ford I J;gh 8 I .u, '"" 11. ll11rns 9 r·... u lty 10 Th,• l,111,,p,•n ,abl,, .\,,et , 14 llortnl of l:d,tor, 15 Cl,,-- O,lr 16 ~t'fllOJ:o,. L1 ntlt•1J.!r,1cl11.:1tc:-­ Junior ( ~l.i,i,. 5 opho111 orc· Cl.1:--'.'­ Fr.•,h nrn11 Cl.i s- . \tlilct11, \ rtl\ 1l1t•, llumur . \utogrdpl,, wwwwzw:wwwwww CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL 111111111 11 11 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 .. h",11 rll'/1 w 11I floo r. /ro111 /11 0/i u11</ l<J11 '. /:'(le/, l'<'CII' // 1< •1• crol/'cf ('oc/1 room w,cl fw/1- ) <H111u /,; ·<·s ll'lw~<· /ulurc> 11<111<• cun knou· Sot>c I l ,m \ \'/w murks Ilic ~parrutt,'~ /u/1. Ti., /: c/11rn/1on 's r/1c>risli ecl em/ To cud <'oc/, vrnil/1 Im pince lo fl11c/, '/ /rnl /11•1"/ w,il,w11/ w,cl !l!'url 111(1\' /,/c> II(/ /11 u:;t/u/ ~<'rt'1n· lo 111<111k11u/." ..-Sclccled. -.. V f -· I' - ,/ ~ / / .· ilehicatiou ' ." J - ( to ( I' -· / \. L' IORRIS L. BUDNICK 1', • \\' hose earnesl d l orls a11J splendid gil'l ror organi,alion mnc le our /\Lhletic • Association the success Lha l il is and his classes a pleasure Lo a llcnd. r wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww• CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL 111111 11111111111111 11111111 11 1111 11 11111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111 11 111 1111111111111 111 To the Sludcnts of Chelms fo rd High School : Many sludcnls al this Lime arc choosing subjects or courses for next year. Whelher Lo Lake F rench or geometry, chemistry or economics, a coliege preparator y course or Lhe commercial are questions of the day. Sludenls who intend Lo go Lo college have little freedom of choice, for t hey must plan their work by entrance requirements from the first year in high school, but other s each year may weigh the comparative mer its of the ::;..i bjcc~s offered and should choose as wisely as they can what a ppear s to be most valuable for them. Strange as it may seem, t he var ious subj ects offered do not differ in intrinsic value. It is not the subject taken which matters, but the way in ,vhic'.1 the student takes lhe w bjecl. Tr he has Lo be d riven lo do his wJ rk and is contenl with merely getting by, then the value of the subject is almost ni l. lf, on the other hand, he bcc;)mcs so engrosr.ecl in his wo rl, that 11 eilhcr lime nor effo ;t counts in hi s determination Lo do the Las k well, then he is gelling maximum benefit from that subject, wha tever iL may be. Subj ecls and courses a re of litlle importance when compa red with the spirit in which they are pursued. May each student in Chelmsford lligh School choose subjecls w isely, Lo the encl that he strives willingly and earnestly to master them. - GEORGE s. WRIGHT, Superintendent of Schools GEORGE . \VRlGl IT Superinl endenl of th e Schools of Chelmsford wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL 111 111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111 1111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111 111 To the girls and boys of Chelmsford High School: This spring we heard that we must serve humanity or our services would eventually not be needed. Also, in choosing a vocation we were in­ formed that only those institutions that are making the world a better place to live in a re permanent. We may very easily conclude that service and not material reward should be given first consideration in deciding what we shall select for our life work. We should not be deceived by a fi ckle populace demanding the sensational. This demand is of a comparn­ tively short time, which leaves the performer stranded with nothing to do and, unless a careful handling of finances has been practiced, with no funds lo live on. On the other hand the so called public service jobs ar e not sensational and they do not pay as high salaries, but they a re of a much longer duration, furnishing the public servant with a means of being useful as well as earning a Jiving, fo r a life time. A true benefactor of the people chooses his profession with the spirit of service uppermost in his mind. A selfish person who thinks of his pay check first should not conside r public service for his vocation because he is doomed to disappointment. The satisfaction of being useful during the greater part of one's life is the most importa nt part of the remuneration of a public servant. Some who become disgrnntled because of their comparntively low sal­ a ries do not do their best while working for humanity. Others who hold their jobs because of politics and thereby f eel secure, sometimes r est on that feeling of security and fail to do their du ty. We have known people who, because of conceit and a wrong conception of their intell igence and im­ portance, have been liabilities to their professions. There are those who loaf on their jobs while the boss is not there, thereby cheating themselves as well as the public of the valuable services they could render if they had the spirit of service in their hearts. The world and the professions these selfish people are hindering would be much better off without their half­ hearted attempts to serve. If you would be truly ha ppy, choose a vocation of service, be honest with yo urselves and the public you serve, and by your faithfulness and sin­ cerity crowd out of the service professions those people whose selfish in­ terests stand in their pathways of true success. Sincerely yours, Lucian H. Burns. LUCIA 11. l3l 'R S Principal of the Chie /ms/ord f-f igh School wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 1111111111111111111111 111 lttaculty 0,1 fw111011 hearts 1l1P /ecw/1er work s; 'Tis nu/ l1y cf etw Ir ick, or quirks Tlwt Ecf ucoliur, 's /o sk is c/011 e- T/1 <' ric/1 n' tt•ords o/ /eoc/1i11g won \ \ 'lw /ios the cert/er o/ t/1 e s/oge? ,\ 'ot ll'tl!'l1 l'r or Iii<' prinled po~J(' 8111 bovs 1111d g1r/s-so1111• c/111/. some bright­ \\'/,o n<'ecf lo /c,c,rr, Ii/e's lessom rig/11 . C('/ u·isc/cJ111-'1ts o precious t/111,g : \ \licfe kn otl •ledu1• lo th1• classroom bri11g. l3111 US<' th11t u •eo/th o/ mind CJ/I(/ skill f or u·lwt is more ir11po rlu11/ still- Tu /eocl, vo1mg /,ec,rts um/ C'(l!/t'r minds Tlwt l'irlm• is t/1 1' clwin tl,ot bmcls ,\fun lo 11 11111: tlwt /1ig/1 tlro11ril1t.s. rig/11 oc/s / \re more ir11porlw1/ tlwn co/cf /cwls: Tlwt /ru e succc•ss /i,•s 110/ in 1/(lirt ; T/wt s<' /µ,l,n es., /n11•t>s C'·c·r ii, s /11111 ; T/,ut <' uch m us/ do u-lwt e'er h e run To uic/ thP Bro t/1c•r/1orn/ o/ Mun . .So be lh c> subjC' d 11 •/10/ 1/ mov, In ((Uiel. 111wbtrusil'e u ·uv T c>ac/1 one /essort bv tl'orJ an cl dt•e cf­ That rlwrocter ,s /;/e's Jeep ne,•d. -Seleclecf. T en CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL 111 111111 11 111111 11 11 1111111 1111 111111 1 C l·:1m11 0kC,1<111r. BS. 1~1>. F. C 11 1< 1s 11 NE l\ooTtt. A. 11. \'we• Pri11dpu/ Lotiu ,\/utl,nnulu, Colby /lo.,H,-,.,,.,,u. ·1,·rw1111 111,q ~alt'm l',•,11 ,,..,, c .. 11,.~r PROCTOR I'. \\' 11 .so;,.;. I\.~. ~ ~l'H' '1t't ~ :,.1 .. -- ln,l,tul,· of r,., hnolo~\ ~ · / 0.,1, B. h e l\1nY'II .\ .13. ,\ .:'I. I,,.,/"/, 1\0 .. 1011 l ',ii, ,•r , 11,· / 'i .ii- \ t ' // I· ~· ,J', Jo 11:--- J. L\(:L,L·c11 1.AN. l'tt .B.. ,\ .1' 1. \\'ARRl::S: C'. D F.AN, AB. //,story M ad,emat,cs, f.119/, sh I loly Cross lkston Un1,cr,1ly Bo•ton Uni,er,,ty Twelve n11111111111u11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 THE COURANT OF 193 7 ~., ER;-.;~.s11;,.;1: I·:. 0 L\Y;-.;A1w . HS. l·:ll. ~fwr1/11111tf. '/ ''IH'" nl,ri!J. Oj]u ,. l'.-.11 111 , '.'rllPm T,-... lwr, c .. 11 .
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