: , J Yngvar & Bertha Laws/ Wayne & Corinne McAllister House 4 357 Ridgeway Drive San Diego, California 92116 Report Prepared By: Kathleen Flanigan May 2002 State of .California - The Resources Agency Primary #----------~--c:--:-- DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# __________~--------------------- PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial NRHP Status Code --"-3,_8,_1_:------------ Other Listings----..,..-----------------------~ Review Code Reviewer Date May 2D02 Page._1"-_of__ 6__ *Resource Name or#: (Assigned by recorder) Yngvar & Bertha Laws/Wayne & corinne McAllister House P1. Other Identifier: *P2. location: o Not for Publication l8l Unrestricted * a. County: San Diego and IP2b and P2c or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.( *b. USGS 7.5' Quad La Mesa Date: 1975 T...l..§.§_: R_li!L_ l-o of Sec; S.M.: c, Address: 4357 Ridgeway Drive City -,.,.-"s"a"n-"D.±i-"e-""o'-----.-----Zip: 92116 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large or linear resources) Zone; Me/ mN e. Other Locational Data (e.g., parcel#, directions to resource, elevation, etc., as appropriate): APN # 440-031-18, Kensington .Heights Unit No. 3, Lots 295 & 296 *P3a. Description (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setti.ng, and boundaries): The Kensington Heights Unit No. 3 development, undertaken by the Davis-Baker Real Estate Company of Pasadena, commenced in May 1926, and promoted minimum building costs of $5,000 each with a minimum of 1,500 square feet per dwelling in this area. All the home·s constructe-d during this time period exceeded both ·requirements, and lot prices ranged from $900 to $4,000. This property originally contained three lots, with lot 297, to the south, utilized as a rose garden. (See Continuation Sheet) *P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) Single Family Property - HP-2; Women's Property - HP-38 .--===========--=--====------=======--==,., P4. Resources Present: ell Building D Structure D Object D Site D District 0 Element of District D Other (Isolates, etc.) P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date, accession #) West facing facade, 1-28-2002, lf2l *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Sources: L81 Historic . D Prehistoric DBoth 1931 per Southwest Builder & Contractor J.-12- 193L a·nd Notice of Completion filed 6-10-1931 * P7. Owner and Address: Andris & Kellie Inveiss 4357 Ridgeway Drive San Diego, CA 92116 *PS. Recorded by (Name, affiliation, and address): Kathleen Flanigan 1927 Chicago Street, Unit B San Diego, California 92110 *P9. Date Recorded: Mav 2002 *P10. Type of Survey: (Describe) _ N/A *P11. Report Citation (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter "none" ._!!!N!.!OJ.!D-"e--~---- Attachments: DNONE Dlocation Map DSketch Map ell Continuation Sheet ell Building, Structure, and Object Record DArchaeological Rec.ord DDistrict Record DLinear Resource Record DMilling Station Record [;:I ROck Art Record DArtifact Record DPhotograph Record D Other (Listl: DPR 523A 11/95) *Required Information State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#----------~--,-------­ HRI#~--------------------------------­ Trinomial ---------------------­ Page~ of_6_ *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) Yngvar & Bertha Laws/Wayne & Corinne McAllister House *Recorded by Kathleen Flanigan Date May 2002 181 Continuation D Update *P3a. (Description) This 1-story Spanish Eclectic U-shaped wood framed stucco house featured a variety of irregularly laid Mission red tiled low pitched hipped, gabled, and shed roofs, and rested on a conCrete foundation. Carved wood rafter tails extended below soffie moderate roof overhangs. The interes.ting fenestration included a multitude of three- and four­ paned wood sash arched and rectangular_ casement windows and solid pane fixed windows at the rear. A small round bottle bottom glass window admitted light to a bathroom on the right side of the courtyard near the front door. Wrought iron grilles artistically covered one rear and one courtyard window, and wood shutters decorated two pai-rs of casement windows facing the courtyard. Especially noteworthy are the pair of casement windows on the left wing of the front facade which are separated by an Ionic column and surrounded by beautiful decorative inlaid tile, perhaps from Gladding-McBean, the tile creator and supplier for the Agua Caliente Resort. french multi-paned wood doors opened to the courtyard and the patio and pool area at the rear on the south side of the home. five different and unique stucco, stucco· with brick, or stucco and tile chimneys emerged from the roof line, but only two functioned .as fireplaces; the rest were decorative only. Two engaged Tuscan columns on either side of the original garage continued the Spanish/Mediterranean theme on the right wing of the front facade. · Entrance to the house was through a wrought iron gata attached to a low stucco wall with an interesting red tile design atop, then through a tiled courtyard with decorative tile fountain in the center, and then finally through a porch arcade which shielded the large redwood inlaid front door which faced north. The interior continued the Spanish Eclectic theme with decorative tile on walls, tile floors, painted wood closets, doors, and ceilings, wro"ught iron scOnces and chandeliers, and a lavish 1,000 sq. ft. "Great Room" constructed of redwood with a grand copper-hooded fireplace. The garage, enclosed for living space in 1969, retained its original double arched design with windows inserted below the arches. The current owners, who needed garage space, added a sympathetic two-car garage with storage area on the south side in 2000 which sits back and does not detract from McAllister's original design. DPR 523L (1/95) *Required Information State of California - The Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD Page_,_3__ of 6 *NRHP Status Code 3Sl *Resource Name or# (Assigned by recorder) Yngvar & Bertha Laws/Wayne & Corinne McAllister House 81. Historic Name: Yngvar & Bertha Laws/Wayne & Corinne McAllister House 82. Common Name: Dr. Emma Webb Clarke House 83. Original Use: Single family residence 84. Present Use Single-family residence *85. Architectural Style: -.,.,§SD2-'a!JnL1"''S;Lhl!,-&ESic"cl"eC>c'"t"i"\c"-,.-,--,=c::---.....-.--;--:----,=c----c-c--,----------------­ *B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations) This !-story Spanish Eclectic style house, built in 1931_, has undergone few changes since its erection. A rear south facing porch was enclosed in 1931 to form a dining room, the garage was converted to living space in 1969, and a garage on the sout;h side was added in 2000-. *87. Moved? l8l No o Yes o Unknown * 88. Related Features: 89a. Architect: Wayne McAllister 89 b. 8uilder: ___,o,_,v"'a'---'F~.'-'E"'c~k"'l"'e"-s"---------------­ *B10.Significance: This house is si nificant under Criterion A event because it re resents an integral part. an exce ent examp e o t e -1 M1ss1on Span1s Ec ect1c themed Ba er-Davls subdivision. This house is si nif1cant under Criterion B eo le because it was associated with: the earl Mission s anlsh Eclectic eriod of master architectural desi ners Wa ne & Corinne McAllister's careers; Alp onse A. Burnand.Jr. who owned the home and utilized it as a "town house" (1952-1957) when he was actively involved with the development of Borrego Springs as a maior resort area; George J. Kuhrts III. Burnand's stepson, who succeeded him as owner (1957-1959), and was also actlvely involved ln the development of Borrego'Sprlngs. along with the operation of the Desert Inn which became La Casa del Zarro; TV broadcaster and producer. Robert E. Lee. who started his televislon career wh1le living in this house (:..959-1962), and or; Emma Webb Clark. a promlnent anesthesiologist who founded Sharp Hospital's "Stork Club" and assisted with the delivery of babies for 30 years during her ownership of this home (1962-1997), .This house is sign1f1cant under Criterion c (architecture) because it is an excellent example of Spanish Eclectic architecture des1qned by prominent arch1tectural des1gners, Wayne & Corinne McAllister, and bu1lt by master builder Ova F. Eckles. Area: Kensington Period of Signi'ficance 1931-1997 Property Type Single-Family Residence Applicable Criteria A B C (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) Harrison R. Baker and 'Richard D. Davis, past Pasadena Realty B6ard presidents and builders of that city, came to San Diego in 1926 to develop their newly acquired 115 acre Kensington Heights subdivision located on a ridge above th8 historic MissiOn San Diego de Alcala. The men created an int_erestirig \\island position" map, installed high grade utilities, laid wide concrete streets with ornamental lighting systems, and established architectural controls over the district. "Minimum honse costs started at $5,000 and. plans had to be approved by Richard Requa, head of the Kensington Heights architectural committee. Utilizing the old 1774 mission for inspiration, Baker-Davls (See Continuation Sheet) 811.Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes,-----------------------, HP38 -Women's Property (Sketch Map with north arrow required.) * 812. References :_~(.cSc;e;_,e'---'A"""o"p"e"-n"'d'"i"'x;u_l---------- B13. Remarks: N 1f * B 14. Evaluator:~K""'-a.c,t,_,h_,l,ecseccnc-=F-'l"'a'-'n'-'i"g"a"'n"------------ Date of Evaluation :_.!:M!Ea;_y__,2,_,0!J0,_,2;_ ____________ (This space reserved for official comments.) DPR 5238 11/95) State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#____________________ _ HRI#~---------------------------------- Trinomial _____________________ Page __4 _ of_6_ *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) Yngvar & Bertha Laws/Wayne & McAllister House *Recorded by Kathleen Flanigan Date May 2002 181 · Continuation D Update *B10 (Significance) restricted all properties erected in the area to the Californian types, namely, Spanish and Mediterranean styles which featured stucco exteriors and mission tile roofs.
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