Dorm Lottery Results Today The Weather Today: Cool, 70°F (21°C) Tonight: Cloudy, 58°F (14°C) Tomorrow: Showers, 65°F (18°C) Details, Page 2 Cambridge, Massachusetts O~139 Wednesday, August 28,2002 Quantum,. MIT Press Accept Card EO Protest Displays By Nathan Collins Quantum Books and the .MIT campus dining locations. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Press Bookstore have joined the "We've been asking for it for The MIT card is gaining in' TechCASH program, an improved fourteen, fifteen years," said Fissures Over Rush acceptance among local business- version of last year's meal card LaVerde's manager Marc Semon. es, but restaurants and the MIT system. LaVerde's Market began "As pleased as we are, the students By Sandra M. Chung mail sent to various dormitory Coop will not soon be joining their accepting TechCASH near the end CIIA IRMA N mailing lists Monday morning. ranks .. of last semester, along with all TechCASH, Page 9 Tempers flared after members Young declined to comment. , of East Campus and Senior House protested a scheduled Orientation Protest prompts meeting . event on Sunday, and the dormito- East Campus' residence mid- ry's presence at that day's resi- way space was not revoked, after dence midway was briefly imper- an emergency meeting immediate- iled. ly after the PlayFair and before the The clashes have revealed deep Residence Midway Sunday night. fissures between students and the The meeting included midway MIT administrators responsible for coordinators Sherri E. Davidoff .Orientation, who say they feel '03, Grace R. Kessenich '03, and betrayed by the unraveling of Tyler J. Bronder '03 as well as agreements with student leaders. Associate Dean for Student Life The students, meanwhile, Barbara A. Baker, Residential Life expressed frustration with an Associate' Anthony E. Gray PhD administration they perceive as '01, and Assistant Dean of Resi- trying to eviscerate rush. dential Programs Katherine G. Senior House President Daniel O'Dair. E. McAnulty '04 said that Assis- Baker said she and the other tant Dean of New Student Pro- administrators used the meeting to grams Elizabeth C. Young became express their feeling of betrayal upset after he and other protesters because, in their view, an agree- handed 'out flyers at Sunday's ment reached with student leaders PlayFair asking freshmen, "[Alre in the Residential System Imple- you a fucking baby? [T]h~n what mentation Team had unraveled. the hell are you doing at a play- . In an, open letter to freshmen, fair?" published in The Tech Sunday, According to McAnulty, Young Dormcon wrote that it "will not then threatened to revoke East limit the times at which dorms can NATHAN COLUN~THE TECH Campus' space at the Residence hold events - even if they conflict Rebecca A. Kurnlk '03 makes a purchase 'at LaVerde's Market using her MIT card. Quantum Book~ and _ Midway: McAnulty described the with other scheduled Orientation the MIT Press Bookstore have also joined the TechCASH system. " incident in a widely-circulated e- sessions." "} was very disappointed that some of the agreements that had PassRate Freshinen Meet FSILGs at Rush Midway been reached in the RSIT team By Brla~ LcJux' Independent Living Groups. "[The freshmen] have nothing process, as I understood them, NEWS EDITOR " Despite initia! worry that the . else to do ... and everyone heard were not honored," Baker said. OnFEE Freshmen swarmed the first three FSILGs would spark little interest abput ,it during the [Welcome Din- But Kessenich, who was a floors of the Student Center last this year, the building was mobbed. ner]," said Amy R. Lam '06. member of the RSIT, registered night while attending the Welcome "I came to see wh'at the fraternities In addition to a.midway with 32 displeasure with the way Rush has Dinner Post-Party sponsored by were like and to meet the people," , unfolded this year. The protests HitJJ30f4 MIT's Fraternities, Sororities, and said Timothy C. Davenport '06. FSILGs, Page 10 weren't "a personal attack against any people,':' she said. "It's about By Eun J. Lee the way Orientati~n was sched- :FEATURES EDITOR ouled. Since the beginning we kept Three-out of four freshmen who saying, 'We need more time for took this year's Freshman' Essay .dorm events,' and they said no or Evaluation received passing didn't listen." . grades, up from 59 percent. last year. Housemasters meet on protests In addition to t~e MIT fresh- Senior House Housemasters men who took the test, students Henry and Cynthia Jenkins attend- from several othe,r colleges took ed anoth~r impromptu meeting the online essay evaluation' this with Baker, Redwine, and Dean year, as the' result of a project 0 for Student Life Larry G. Benedict sponsored by the MIT -Microsoft on Monday morning .. iCampus Alliance. During the meeting, Benedict ."There's significant national and Baker discussed the right of interest in the online system devel- the students to protest, Henry oped here, be~ause it is a highly Jenkins later wrote in an e-mail to effective way for colleges to evalu-' dormitory mailing lists ate incoming students online," said "Clearly 0 MIT is the kind of Leslie C. Perelman, director of place where the right to protest is writing across the. curriculum and part of our community," Baker principal 'investigator for the said in an interview. iCampus p~oject. "The central concerns are not with the protest per se but with Three of four freshmen pass FEE. AARON D. MIHAliK-THE TECH when, where, and how it is con- In total, 592 ()f the 816 fresh- Jeremy A. Conrad '06 provides Andrew W. Houston '05 and Christopher C. Simeone '05 of Phi Delta ducted," Jenkins wrote. men who took the FEE, or 73 per':' Theta with his personal Information at Tuesday. night's FSILG-sponsored Welcome Dinner Post-Party. "They stated that they would Fraternities collected Information from freshmen In order to Inform them abo~ future rush events. FEE, Page 9 Protest, Page 8 A rape victim discusses sexual Comics OPINION abuse and rape prevention with Andrew C. Thomas and Allison C. World & Nation 2 members of the Class of 2006. Lewis discuss dating prospects , for freshmen at MIT. Opinion : 4 Events Calendar. '.' 6 Page 7 Page 6 Page 5 Page 2 THE TECH August 28, 2002 WORLD & NATION u.s. Developing Bush Fails to Capture Saudi Post-Castro Contingency Plans LOS ANGELES TIMES WASHINGTON Support for Possible Attack The Bush administration, convinced that Fidel Castro's regime could collapse at any time, has begun developing plans to help Cuba By Edwin Chen have thought through all of the con- with Bandar, insisted he has made manage a change in government and nudge the aging president's suc- LOS ANGELES TIMES sequences of that," Jubeir said on no decisions about how to proceed CRAWFORD. TEXAS cessor toward a U.S.-style system. CNN. against Hussein, White House Press Administration officials say they are trying to chart how they President Bush met with Saudi He said the Saudis agree that Secretary Ari Fleischer said. would react if the Cuban leader's death, for example, opened the way Arabia's ambassador Tuesday to Hussein is a threat, but added: But, Fleischer added, "The presi- for a leadership more sympathetic to the United States. And they are mend frayed relations between their "What exactly will it take to deal dent made very clear again that he considering what they would do if it set off a mass migration toward two governments but failed to win with it? How many troops? Who's believes that Saddarn Hussein is a Florida that the United States would have to head off. Saudi support for the possible use of going to pay for it? Where are they menace to 'world peace, a menace to From President Bush down, the administration "has come to a military force to oust Iraqi President going to land? How many years will regional peace." realization that we need to be more vigorous in thinking through what Saddam Hussein. they have to occupy Iraq? How do Cheney, in an address Monday we would do in any number of contingencies," said a senior adminis- A day after Vice President Dick you stabilize the country? Are the to veterans in Nashville, said.on1y a tration official who asked to remain unidentified. "We have a number Cheney made the administration's Kurds going to seek their own state? pre-emptive strike against Iraq of interests in play." most compelling case yet for a Is this going to make the Turks ner- could prevent it from acquiring Many analysts say the government that succeeds Castro might "regime change" in Baghdad; the vous? Is this going to destabilize nuclear weapons "fairly soon." He permit additional limited free enterprise - perhaps focusing on small Saudis forcefully stated anew their Iran?" . also argued that ousting Hussein businesses - as a way of turning around the impoverished island's opposition to achieving that aim Many U.S. lawmakers of both could, bring more stabiJity to the economy. But many also believe that it would resist political reform . through military action. partie's - and American allie's Middle. East and 'enhance the Even before .the president wel- around the world - are posing sim- . chances of peace between Israel and comed Prince Bandar ibn Sultan and ilar questions even as the adminis- the Palestinians. \ Jet Gets 'Military Escort six of his eight children to his Texas tration this week escalated its saber- Cheney's comments were wide- ranch, a senior Saudi official in rattling. ly seen as' an administration After 'Misunderstanding' Washington declared that the' Bush Jubeir's coriunents also stressed response to skepticism some law~ TIlE WASfIINGTON POST administration still has not made a that the Saudis, who 'were key par- makers and former foreign policy WASHINGTON cogent case for a pre-emptive strike ticipants in the 1991 Persian Gulf officials have expressed about the Two F-16 fighter jets escorted a US Airways jet to Baltimore- against Hussein.
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