PHARMACEUTICAL BOTANY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Minsk BSMU 2017 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ БЕЛОРУССКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ КАФЕДРА ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ФАРМАЦИИ ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧЕСКАЯ БОТАНИКА ДЛЯ ИНОСТРАННЫХ СТУДЕНТОВ PHARMACEUTICAL BOTANY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Учебно-методическое пособие Минск БГМУ 2017 2 УДК 615.1:581(075.8)-054.6 ББК 52.81(81.2 Англ-923) Ф24 Рекомендовано Научно-методическим советом университета в качестве учебно-методического пособия 21.12.2016 г., протокол № 4 А в т о р ы: проф. Н. С. Гурина; доц. О. А. Кузнецова; доц. О. В. Мушкина; ст. преп. М. В. Волочник Р е ц е н з е н т ы: канд. с.-х. наук, доц., зав. каф. ботаники Белорусского государственного университета В. Д. Поликсенова; канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. биологии Белорусского государственного медицинского университета Л. М. Сычик Фармацевтическая ботаника для иностранных студентов = Pharmaceutical Ф24 botany for international students : учеб.-метод. пособие / Н. С. Гурина [и др.]. – Минск : БГМУ, 2017. – 112 с. ISBN 978-985-567-648-6. Содержит теоретический материал по фармацевтической ботанике, схемы, рисунки и представ- ляет собой краткий курс лекций. Предназначено для иностранных студентов 1–2-го курсов, обучающихся на английском языке. УДК 615.1:581(075.8)-054.6 ББК 52.81(81.2 Англ-923) ISBN 978-985-567-648-6 © УО «Белорусский государственный медицинский университет», 2017 3 LECTURE № 1 BOTANY AS A GENERAL DISCIPLINE. BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. ALGAE Pharmaceutical Botany is a general discipline, which is forming theoretical knowledge and practical skills which are necessary in a future pharmaceutist’s working. Botany, as a science, studies external and internal plant’s structure, features of processes of vital activities, classification, intercommunication with environment conditions, spread in nature, meaning in the nature and human life. Complex study of the plants caused a necessity in selection from Botany some fundamental disciplines: Morphology of plants, Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology, Systematic, Geography and Geobotany, Ecology of plants, Paleobotany. Meaning of Botany in Pharmacy: 1. Anatomy of plants as a basis of microscopical analysis of medicinal plant raw material. 2. Morphology as a basis of macroscopical analisys of medicinal plant raw material. 3. Physiology of plants is necessary for studying the metabolism and the accumulation of biologically active substances. 4. Systematic of plants is necessary for identification of plants in nature. 5. Botanical Geography as a basis of rational storing of medicinal herbs. 6. Ecology of plants (phytocoenology) for the introduction of plants into the culture. Botany as a science appeared under the influence of practical human needs. It developed along with human society. First scientific knowledge about the plants is found in the works of Greek classics in the 4th–3rd centuries BC — Aristotle and Theophrastus considered as a ―father‖ of Botany as he was the first to classify plants into trees, shrubs, subshrubs, herbs (perennial, biennial, and annual). Plant is a living organism. Every vegetable organism is an open, autoregulated, self-replicated system, which is characterized by streams of matter, energy and information. The stream of matter lies in the basis of metabolism. Metabolism is a totality of assimilation and dissimilation reactions, known as anabolism and catabolism. Vegetable metabolism may be subdivided in primary and secondary ones. Primary metabolism includes synthesis and disintegration of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, ascorbic acid; secondary metabolism includes formation and transformation of organic compounds of other chemical classes (alkaloids, tannins, glycosides and others). The stream of energy is connected uninterruptedly with the stream of matter and is realized through synthesis and disintegration of ATP, which occurs on assimilation and dissimilation accordingly. 4 Organism is an open system, as it cannot exist without external energy supply for most of the plants the source of energy is the Sun, and this energy is stored in the form of chemical bonds in the process of photosynthesis. Such organisms are called autotrophs (phototrophs). Unlike the plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria use for their vital activities energy, which frees on disintegration of organic substances (these substances are absorbed by these organisms). The organisms are called heterotrophs. The stream of information lies in the basis of self-replication of organisms and is connected with nucleic acids functions. Plant, as an integrated organism, has all the characteristic biological levels of organization on the le vels of molecule, cell, tissue, organ, ontogene, population, species, ontogenesis, and biosphere. THE BASIS OF LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFICATION. ALGAE Systematics is a science which studies the variety of all existing and extincting organisms. Scientists consider that about 500 thousand species of plants and about 2 million species of other living organisms exist on the Earth at the present time. The purpose of Systematics is revelation, description and classification of organisms into the system. Divisions of Systematics are Taxonomy, Nomenclature and Phylogenetics. Taxonomy represents theory and practice of organisms’ classification, i. e. distribution of all the present known organisms by a certain system of a subdominant categories on the basis of their similarities and distinctions. Similarities and distinctions are determinated with the help of different methods. They are estimated by specially developed criteria. Nomenclature is a totality of all existing names of taxons. Phylogenetics studies historical development of the world of living organisms (Phylogeny) and congeniality of organisms during this development. Basic terms of Systematics are is taxons and taxonimical categories. Taxonomical categories desgribe certain levels in the hierarchic classification. Taxon is a certain group of organisms, existing or extinct. The basic taxon, which unites species most connatural to each other — is a specie (species). Plants, which are used by a human, must be determined until specie, sometimes even more exactly. The first determination of specie was given by C. Linnaeus. Linnaeus considered species permanent and changeless. There is no one and generally accepted determination, which is equally suitable for plants, amphimicticing, and plants, agamogeneticing or reproducing vegetative, of a specie until the present moment. We will introduce one example from the modern determinations. 5 Specie is a group of units similar by morphological, physiological, biochemical and other features randomly mating with each other, giving a fertile offspring and living on the certain territory called areal. There are varieties inside the specie, subspecie, which can give new species in the process of evolution. There is a continuous raw of forms within the specie, no matter how big the intraspecies variability is. At the same time discretisation exists even between the closest species. There are no transitional forms. Species have distinctions not only in external features, but in living conditions too. There are barriers for crossing. Genuses can be monotypic, oligotypic and polytypic. They can be divided into sections and subgenuses. Species unites into the genuses. Genus (genus) is the highest taxonomic category, uniting groups of relative species. For all taxons, beginning from genus, the scientific names exist. The names consist of one Latin word (uninominal). Binominal names, consisting of two Latin words are accepted for species: the first word is a name of genus, which belongs to the specie; the second word is a specific epithet, e. g. plantago major, or broadleaf plantain; urtica dioica etc. This binary nomenclature was introduced by C. Linnaeus in 1753. Taxonomical categories of a higher rank are as below: Family (familia) includes one or two genuses. The name of the family derivesfrom the name of genus with the inflexion ―aceae‖, for example: Convallaria – Convallariaceae. Order (ordo) is a systematic category, which includes several families. It is called with the inflexion ―ales‖. Class (classis) is a higher taxonomical category. The number of classes is not big. For example, angiosperms have two classes, Monocotyledones and Dicotyledones. The inflexion ―psida‖ is accepted for classes, but names that were used long ago are also acceptable. For example, Dicotyledones can be called Magnoliopsida or Dicotyledones. The biggest taxonomical unit in The Kingdom of Plantae is division (division). Divisions are called with an inflexion –phyta and distinguish from each other by fundamental features. They are stated in the order of an evolutional complicacy. MODERN SYSTEM OF THE LIVING NATURE All the variety of organic world is divided into two empires: The Empire of Noncellular life, i. e. Noncellulata The Kingdom of Viruses, i. e. Virae The Empire of Cellular life, i. e. Cellulata The Domain of Procaryote, i. e. Procaryota The Domain of Eucaryote, i. e. Eucaryota 6 The differences between representatives of the domains Procaryote and Eucaryote: Procaryote Eucaryote 1. Cell size Under 10 µm 10–100 µm 2. Formalized nucleus Nucleoid Exists 3. DNA In nucleoplasm In nucleus 4. Mitochondria, plastids, Goldgi complex and etc. None Exists 5. Ciliae (if exist) Simple structure Complex structure (from flagellin) (undolipodium) 6. The cell membrane consists of: Mureine Cellulose or chitin 7. Proteins Without histones With histones
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