Episode Nine Cue Sheets

Episode Nine Cue Sheets

Worldwide Clogging Fun Dance Number Nine SYLLABUS BANJO FANTASY Wickline Band Left Foot Lead Easy Intermediate Clogography: Barry Welch 16291 Anaconda Rd. Madera, CA 93638 (559) 259-9904 Email: [email protected] www.cagroundpounders.org SEQUENCE: Intro – A – B – C – A – Bridge – B - A - A - Ending 32 beat wait Intro: (32) 8 Stomp Doubles Stomp DS DS RS (turn ¼ R on each of 1st 4, ¼ R on each of 2nd 4) Part A: (8) - 1 Clog Over Vine DS DS(xif) DS DS(xib) DS DS(xif) DS RS (4) 2 2 Basics DS RS (4) - 1 Fancy Double DS DS RS RS Part B: (4) - 1 Slur Vine DS Slur(xib) St DS RS (4) 2 1 Push Off DS RS RS RS (move R) (8) - 4 Basics (Full turn L) Part C: (8) - 2 Triples DS DS DS RS 2 (8) - 4 Rock Steps DS R(xib) St Repeat: A Bridge: (4) 2 Basics (4) 1 Triple (32) 16 Toe Heels Toe Heel (start w/R foot) (make two boxes turn R, then L) (4) - 1 Rock Back DS RS RS RS (R foot lead) (moving back) 2 (4) - 1 Triple (L foot lead) (move forward) (2) - 1 Basic (R foot lead) 2 (2) - 1 Rock Step (L foot lead) (4) 1 Triple (4) 1 Fancy Double Repeat: B – A – A Ending: (8) 2 Triples (1) 1 Stomp ************* Black & White (feat. Superfruit) (Pop) Artist: Todrick Hall Album: Straight Outta Oz (Deluxe Edition) Time: 4:14 Level: Intermediate Foot Lead: Left Speed: Normal Choreo: Barry Welch Email: [email protected] Website: www.cagroundpounders.com SEQUENCE: Intro – A – B – C - D – B – C – D – B – E – D1 – A – B – Ending WAIT 32 COUNTS CUES Step Breakdowns: Intro: 1 First Step First Step 4 Stomps ST ST ST Pull Step ST Pull Step ST ST ST Pull Step ST L R L R R L R R L R L R R L Part A: & a 1 & 2 & a 3 & a 4 & a 5 1 Layover Pull Step ST ST ST Pull Step ST Pull Step ST ST Stomp 1 Kirate Turn (½ L) R R L R L R R L R R L R L 1 Fancy Double & a 6 & a 7 & a 8 & a 9 &1 Repeat all three steps Stomp Stomp Stomp R L R Part B: &2 &3 &4 Line Dance Repeat 3 times back to Layover Karate Turn front (xif) (xif) (ots) DS DS/Lift ST RS Kick Kick DS RS DS Kick/Turn ST Kick Part C: L R L L RL R R R LR L R R L 1 Rocking Chair (to corner) &1 &2 & 3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &1 &2 &3 &4 1 Vine (Left)/(Right) 1 Samantha (1st time, R ft) Fancy Double Rocking Chair Vine Repeat all three steps (xib) DS DS RS RS DS Br DS RS DS DS DS RS Part D: L R LR LR L R R LR L R L RL 3 Toe Heel Basics &1 &2 &3 &4 &1 &2 &3 &4 &1 &2 &3 &4 1 Joey ( ¼ R) Repeat 3 more times Line Dance Toe Heel Basic ST ST ST Tch ST ST ST Tch Kick Toe Heel Lift DS RS Repeat B: L R L R R L R L L L L L L RL Repeat C: & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 &3 &4 Repeat D: Repeat B: Samantha Joey (ots) (xib) (ots) (ots)(xib) Part E: DS DS Dg ST Dg ST RS DS DS RS DS ST ST ST ST ST ST 1 Ghostbuster Turns R L L R R L RL R L RL R L R L R L R 4 Dbl Steps (fwd) &1 &2 & 3 & 4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &1 & 2 & 3 & 4 1 Drag Back & Turn ( ½ R) Repeat all three steps Part D1: 3 Toe Heel Basics Ghostbuster Turn 1 Joey (½ R) (xif) (ots) full turn R on 4 ST) DS DT DT ST ST ST ST Kick DS RS Repeat A L R R R L R L R R LR Repeat B &1 &2 &3 & 4 & 5 &6 &7 &8 Ending: Drag Back & Turn Step (b) (b) (turn R) (fwd) (fwd)(fwd) (fwd) Dg ST Dg ST Sl ST Sl ST R L L R R L L R & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 Blame It On The Boogie Artist: Michael Jackson Level: Easy Intermediate Choreo : Paul Melville Intro: 32 beats Sequence – Intro, A, Chorus, A, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, B, A, Chorus, Break Part A McNamara - H RS H RS L RL R LR Triple - DS DS DS RS R L R LR High Horse - DS D(Over) D(Out) Run Run Toe Slide DS DS RS *Turn ½ to your right, repeat. L R R R L R R L R LR Chorus Disco Roll Left - S S S Touch S S S Touch L R L R R L R L Disco Guns – S S S S S S L R L R L R Disco Point – Point(R Up) Point(L Down) Point(R Up) Point(L Down) Repeat Bridge Kicks - Kick Step RS Kick Step RS L L RL R R LR Basics - DS RS DS RS *Turn a ¼ to the left on the basics to face all four walls, repeat. L RL R LR Part B Touches – Out Out In(XIF) In Out Out In(XIB) In Out In (XIF) Turn 180 Repeat L R L R L R L R LR RL Break Scissors - D Out Together Out Together Out Together Chug L LR L(IF)R LR R(IF)L LR LR L Slider – DS DOut RS Toe Slide *Turn a ¼ to the left to face all four walls, repeat LR R RL R L Fancy Double – DS DS RS RS L R LR LR Paul Melville – [email protected] Fireball (feat. John Ryan) (pop) Artist: Pitbull Album: Globalization Time: 3:56 Level: Easy Intermediate Foot Lead: Left Speed: Normal Choreo: Barry Welch Email: [email protected] Website: www.cagroundpounders.com SEQUENCE: Intro – A – B – C – D – A – B – C – D – A – Bridge – A – A WAIT 16 Clapping CUES Sashay (moving L) INTRO: ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST Sashay, Pivot Turn (1/2 L), Basic & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 Repeat 3 more times L R L R L R R L Booty Shake (Heel Clicks) Let Your Butt Catch Up Pivot Turn ( ½ L) Basic Repeat 1 more time (pivot ½ L) ST ST DS RS PART A: &1 &2 &1 &2 Cha Cha ( ¼ R, then full L) R L R LR Triple Repeat 3 more times Booty Shake (hands up in the air) HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL PART B: 1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 Mtn Goat, Catawba, 2 Twists L R L R L R L R L R L R L ( ½ L) Karate Turn Mtn Goat, Catawba, 2 Twists Let Your Butt Catch Up Walk Around ( ½ L) Stand still and look over your shoulder while your back side PART C: stops shaking 8 Toe Heals (moving L) Big Turning Chain ( ½ L), Triple Cha Cha ( ¼ R, then fuLL turn L) Triple Repeat 1 more time ( ¼ R) ( ¼ L) ( ¼ L) ( ¼ L) ( ¼ L) ST ST ST ST ST DS DS DS RS PART D: &1 &2 &3 & 4 &1 &2 &3 &4 3 Macnameras L R L R L R L R LR Booty Shake (Heel Clicks) Let Your Butt Catch Up Mtn Goat DS ST ST ST ST Split Lift PART A: &1 & 2 & 3 & 4 Cha Cha ( ¼ R, then full L) L R L R L RL L Triple Repeat 3 more times Cawtaba PART B: DS/HL HL HL HL HL HL Lift Mtn Goat, Catawba, 2 Twists & a 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 Karate Turn ( ½ L) L R R L L R L L Mtn Goat, Catawba, 2 Twists Walk Around ( ½ L) 1 2 Fireball Cue Sheet (page 2) PART C: 8 Toe Heals (moving L) Twists Karate Turn ( ½ L) Big Turning Chain ( ½ L) (L) ( ½ L) Triple DS/Twist HL Lift DS Kick Turn ST Kick Repeat 1 more time & a 1 & 2 &1 & 2 &3 &4 L LR L L L R R L PART D: 3 Macnameras Booty Shake (Heel Clicks) WaLk Around ( ½ L) Toe HeeLs Let Your Butt Catch Up ST ST ST ST Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL PART A: &1 &2 &3 &4 Cha Cha ( ¼ R, then full L) L R L R Triple Repeat 3 more times Toe HeeLs (xif) (xib) (xif) (xib) Bridge: Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Toe HL Take It Down (back) & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 Bringing It Back (fwd) L R L R L R L R PART A: Cha Cha ( ¼ R, then full L) Big Turning Chain ( ½ L) Triple Repeat 3 more times DS RS RS RS &1 &2 &3 &4 PART A: L RL RL RL Cha Cha ( ¼ R, then full L) Triple Macnamera Repeat 3 more times HL RS ST HL RS ST HL RS ST ST ST 1 &2 & 3 &4 & 5 &6 & 7 8 L LR L R RL R L LR L R L Take It Down (backing up and dance softer) ST ST ST RS &1 &2 &3 &4 L R L RL Bringing It Back (moving fwd and getting Louder) ST ST ST RS &1 &2 &3 &4 L R L RL 2 TITLE: GIDDY ON UP CHOREO: Barry Welch (Fresno, CA) By: Laura Bell Bundy Cue Sheet by Ginny Bartes [email protected] LEVEL: Beginner Time: 3:30 More cue sheets at www.letsdoclogging.com (16) Wait PART B: 1:36 INTRO: (16) 4-Stomp Doubles--1/4 Left Each (L) (8) 4-Basics (L) DSRS DSRS DSRS DSRS (8) 4-Rock Steps (L) PART C: 1:44 DS Rock(xb) Step (16) 2-Clogover Vines (L) L R L &1 & 2 (4) 1-Triple Brush--Forward (L) (4) 1-Triple--Back Up (R) PART A: (4)-- 2-Basics (L) (16) 4-Rocking Chairs--1/4 Left Each (L) (4)-- 2-Rock Steps (L) DS Br-Up DS RS REPEAT above two steps L R R R LR &1 & 2 &3 &4 BREAK-1: 2:06 (4) 1-Triple Brush--Forward (L) (4) 1-Stomp (L) and Hold 3 counts DS DS DS Br-Up L R L R R (8) 4-Basics--Circle Left (L) &1 &2 &3 & 4 (4) 1-Triple--Back Up (R) DS DS DS RS PART A: 2:13 (4) 2-Basics (L) (16) 4-Rocking Chairs--1/4 Left Each (L) (4) 2-Rock Steps (L) (4) 1-Triple Brush--Forward (L) (4) 1-Triple--Back Up (R) PART B: 0:35 (4) 2-Basics (L) (16) 4-Stomp Doubles--1/4 Left Each (L) (4) 2-Rock Steps (L) [Lift] Stomp DS DS RS L L R L RL PART B: 2:31 [&] 1 &2 &3 &4 (16) 4-Stomp Doubles--1/4 Left Each (L) PART C: 0:44 PART C-1: 2:40 (16) 2-Clogover Vines (L) (16)-- 2-Clogover Vines (L) DS DS(xf) DS DS(xb) DS DS(xf) DS RS L R L R L R L RL (4) 1-Triple Brush--Forward (L) &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 (4) 1-Triple--Back Up (R) (4) 1-Triple Brush--Forward (L) (4) 2-Basics (L) (4) 1-Triple--Back Up (R) (4)-- 2-Rock Steps (L) (4)-- 2-Basics (L) REPEAT all above (4)-- 2-Rock Steps (L) Add: 2-Basics & 2-Rock Steps REPEAT above two steps ENDING: BREAK: 1:07 (4) 1-Stomp (L) & Hold Wave "Goodbye" (4) 1-Stomp (L) and Hold 3 counts (8) 4-Basics--Circle Left (L) (8) 4-Rock Steps (L) PART A: 1:18 (16) 4-Rocking Chairs--1/4 Left Each (L) (4) 1-Triple Brush--Forward (L) (4) 1-Triple--Back Up (R) (4) 2-Basics (L) (4) 2-Rock Steps (L) Grandfather's Clock Level: Intermediate Album: Ralphs Clog Cue Records RR891103 Choreo: Marge Callahan Sequence: Intro A B Chorus C Chorus A B End Intro: Wait 8 beats, Left Foot Start Quick Cues Intro (8 beats) Chorus (32 beats) Part A (32 beats) 8 8 Toe Heels (Full L) 16 2 Triple Swings 4 Triple Rock Heel 4 2 Basics 4 Stomp Double Part A (32 beats) 4 Fancy Double 4 Hillbilly (1/2 L) 4 Triple Rock Heel 8 2 Hard Steps 4Triple 4 Stomp Double 4 Triple Rock Heel 4 Hillbilly (1/2 L) Part C (64 beats) 4 Stomp Double 4Triple 4 Wind the Clock (Full R) 4 Hillbilly (1/2 L) 4 Triple Rock Heel 4 Triple (Fwd) 4Triple 4 Stomp Double 4 Chain Back 4 Hillbilly (1/2 L) 4 2 Basics Part B (32 beats) 4Triple 8 2 Back Step Brushes 8 Clogover Vine (L) 4 Karate (1/2L) 8 Moonshine Part B (32 beats) 4 Fancy Double 8 Clogover Vine (R) 8 Clogover Vine (L) Repeat to face front.

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