, 1948- = ,plays Campus' Your ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Give Todayl _________________________________________________________Chest ___ Needs__ ________________ ____________ ______________. ______________ Help_______________________________________________ -- ( ee StOry In Columrns 1 and 2) ~ecret Pact GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITYl Ie SOViet rce Yes­ ~ of doc_ gning In Continued cloudy weather with occasional showers ~3, of a military is forecast for today. Tomorrow Vlill be the same owaJll with the addition of lower temperatures. Established 1868 Vol. 78, No. 189 AP News and Wirephoto _ .........r- Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, May 2-Five Cenls , , . • ". ,. Villisca, owes SSCI S men ments to . .Pledges lor ~ Donations Mount First Negro Elected­ SUI Granted ·645 Housing Units Warns Public As ,Drive Hils $1,500 Mark' American * * * • • .. * * * Against Bill . - ' Mother Addition,Brings --.--...-Ouonset Huts-You Mav Be Seeinq "Them Soon 'Compromises' NEW YORK* (AP)-Mrs* * . Emma Clarissa Clement, of Louisville, School,'s Total Stabilization Director Ky., granddaughter of a slave, yesterday was chosen as the Says Capital/s Hotels American Mother of 1946 by the Filled With Lobbyists American Mothers committee of To 920 Units the Golden Rule foundation. Mrs. Clement, the (irst Negro elected, WA. 'III : OTO~ (AP)- is 71 years old and has seven Fred Ambrose Leaves I Che tel' Bowlps last night ad­ children. For Chicago Today '1 ed the public not to be duped Children by "compromise" amendments Mrs. Clement, whose children For FPHA Conference I now bein~ propo!';t'd to replace include the president of Atlanta Itt' nmrndmrntfl fix('d by the University, Atlanta, Ga.; a pro­ Fred W . Ambrose, university hou~ to the OJ> A extension bill. fessor of physics, a professor of busine. s manager, will leave English and an army chaplain, is The public upl'oar over the today for Chicago wherp 11e will "dangerous alld highly Inflation­ former national president of the confer with federal publie hons­ Women's Society of the African ary" house b\\\ has cII.use4 Methodist church. in~ authority officials on the OPA's cpponents io beat a Mrs. Clement's electiorr was an­ allocation of 645 additional seeming retreat, the stabllhatlon nounced by Mrs. Harper Sibley of units of veterans' emel'gency director said In a radIo address Rochester, N. Y., American Mother housing to the university. on the Mutual network. of 1945. The Chlcaa-o rerlonal office 01 "But-and let me make this Telephoning Louisville to notify the FPHA announced the al­ warning absolutely clear-let's not Mrs. Clement of her selection, location yesterday which in­ be fooled by 10rmer opponents ot Mrs. Sibley said she was told by cluded 6,845 units io munici­ firm price control who suddenly a daughter that "Mother is speak­ palities and educational Institu­ protest tho t they are really on ing on a radio program right now." tions in five mJdwestern s"'"t.es. our side." Her subject was "The Family." University officials have re­ Continue Protests Recornltlon ceived no information as to what I He urged consumers to continue Mrs. David DeSola Pool, chair­ type of units will be allotted for their vigorous protests against a man of the Mother's committee, Iowa City, but Orvll R. Olmsted, weakened price act, declaring: Is said: FPHA regional director, indicated "You are opposed by a small but "In selectlng Mrs. Clement as that the units would be barracks well organized group of lobbyists , the American Mother for 1946, with the possibility of a few who are filling the hotels here in rd the commit lee gives recognition Washington right now." not only to the great personal trailers and Quonset hut.s. qualities of Mrs. Clement as a 920 Total A GOO UP 01 Quonset huts, such as the university may receive as part of the allocallo11 of 645 emergency Secretary ()f Agriculture An­ mother of children who are de­ The allo~ IIi the 645 units houslnr lIn·lt.~, Is shown ~ove. The hotJl elln each be divided Into two sep:mlte apartments for married derson said earlier In the day votedly serving their country and brings tne total of telTlPorary students or Into dormitory-type units for slnrle students. that price (:outrol on meat their people; as a partner in her housing accommodations at the should be abandoned unless a husband's ministry In his life university to 920. 90· day lest period showed that PRESIDENT Vlrail M. Uancher yesterday made his contribution to time; as a social and community An area northwest of Riverdale packers could ret livestock In Oampus Chest and received a Campus Che t badge from Jane Hertlein, worker in per own right; but it and south of Park road is re­ Iowa Sheriff Captures Byrnes Urges OPA Allows Extension "somethlnr like normal" volume. 03 of WaverlY, Campus Chest committee member. gives recognition also and pays served for 25 Quonset buts which He agreed, in an appearance at were allocated to the university senate bunking committee hear­ ~ ~ tribu te to the grea t spirit of Amer­ 2 Minnesota Convicts • On Price Regulations Collections. for. Campus. Chest . ica!' two months ago. George L. ings, with the packers' conien­ yesterday had not reached the Goal $6,700 Horner, university architect, said tions that ihose who stayed within that no further information about On Forest City Farm Cut In Forces Of Men's Clothing ceiling prices had been unable to mark leaders had hoped for, bUi tbe transportation or arrival of the get stock for slaughter. pledges for donations were pOur- huts has been received. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Britain Bids fOREST CITY (AP)-Sheri!f PARIS (AP)-U. S. Secretary government acted last night to Experiments ing in. In addition an area west of Riv­ Jack Johnston of Winnebago of State James F. Byrnes urged sweep away an obstacle to deliv­ Later, he told reporters that any The total of contributions erdale is reserved for 20 privately county captured two escaped Min­ the foreign ministers conference ery of men's suits to retail stores. dropping of controls should be ex­ tllrned in yesterday was $242.41. owned trailers. ne ~ oj.a convicts yesterday aCter perimehtal, wllh the government $6,000 Unlvenlty officials indicated yeslerday to reduce Allied occupa- OPA gave manufacturers more • After three days solicitations, all For U. S. Aid wounding one of the men in the time to meet price reguliltiol) re­ retaining power to reimpose them. that barracks could be con­ collections amounted to $1,575.02. hip. tion forces in Austria immediately quirements after clothing industry Anderson said that two things Pledging a $114 donation last verted Inio apartments for both The m~n were identified as and to plan simultaneous Allied may correct the situation: (1) New Desires Joint Policy single and married studenls cor­ spokesmen had contended in New night, the Della Gammus joined ArllQld Bouman, 29, and Joseph evacuation of both Italy and Aus­ York ihat the regulations had quotas designed to route to responding to the need. They the ranks of the "200 percenters." In Palestine as Jews, HOWden, 42, who escaped April tria, a qualified conference source halted shipment of from 75 to 80 slaughlerers the same volume they said, however, that some units Law Commons, with a total of 25 from the state prison at Still- reported. percent of suits on hand. had in 1944 and (2) A' campaign Arabs Assail Report would J)I'Obably be left as bar­ $108 contributed to date from its $4,000 water, Minn. • Byrnes asked that occupation The price agency took its ac- to prevent diversion to black mar­ 150 residents, is driving for a racks. Johnston said Howden was garrisons be limited to 15,000 tion as the Civilian Production kets and other abnormal sources LONDON (AP)-Britain bid Indications are tnat the addi­ 100 percent goa 1. yesterday for United States mili­ captured outside a farmhouse troops in each Austrian zone, and administration called a series of of trade. tional units will not be located on near Forest City and that Bou­ that their complete evacuation conferences with clothing indus­ "This Is about the last effort 'COncentrated solicitation at the tary and financial aid to carry out the east bank of Iowa river but women's larger dormitories, lilJl­ a joint policy in Palestine, as man was taken Inside the later coincide with the with- try representatives in a move to to see if it wUl work," he iold will be used to fill ihe few avail­ house "afler he tried io pull drawal of troops from Italy. boost output of men's suits. Senator Barkley (D., Ky.) in a Cl'I!st and Currier, Were planned an uproar of protest over the able pieces of vacant university fdr Jast night Dnd tonight. How­ British-American inquiry commit­ a pn on me and forced me io The proposals were made dur- OPA revised its "maximum av- discussion of meat control. property on the west side of the ard Hensleigh, L2 of Iowa City, $2,100 tee report threatened to erupt in shoot flnt" ing a discussion of the Italian erage price regulation" to give Barkley had related that a drive chairman, urged all hous­ violence. river. The sheriff said the men were peace treaty. Byrnes said that so suit producers another 30 days­ stockman "in whom I have every ing units to turn in their contri­ Jews and Arabs allke -ned Possible Sites to be questioned in connection long as American troops remained through May 30-to come into confidence" stated that while he The following areas may be con- with robberies at Austin, Minn., in Austria, they would have to compliance with the order. Pre­ normally slaughtered 7 ,OO~ head butions as soon liS possible io Total To bate the report, and In Jerusalem the university blJslness office in the Arab hlrher commltt.ee sidered for the location of the 645 and the $450 robbery Monday of be maintained in Italy to prottct viously yesterday had been tbe week he can now get but 500.
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