aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Spectrolebias pilleti, a new annual Killifish (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae: Cynolebiatinae) from the upper río Mamoré basin, Bolivia Dalton Tavares Bressane Nielsen1 and Roger Brousseau2 1) Laboratório de Zoologia, departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Taubaté, Pça Marcelino Monteiro 63, CEP: 12030-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] 2) 8345 Bull Mountain Circle, Elk Grove, California 95758, USA. Email: [email protected] Received: 29 March 2013 – Accepted: 17 June 2013 Abstract posição da nadadeira dorsal, pois possui sua origem ante- Spectrolebias pilleti n. sp. is described from a temporary rior a origem da nadadeira anal. pool from the upper río Mamoré basin, Departamento Santa Cruz, Quimone city, Bolivia. The new species is dis- Zusammenfassung tinguished from all congeners by the unique color pattern Spectrolebias pilleti n. sp. wird von einem zeitweiligen of males:3 to 5 vertical blue bars alternating with a light Tümpel im Einzugsgebiet des oberen Mamoré, Departa- reddish brown background in males (vs. absence of bars), mento Santa Cruz, in der Stadt Quimone, Bolivien, by the presence of an iridescent blue spot on the flank in beschrieben. Die Vertreter dieser neuen Art unterscheiden female (vs. presence of one or more black spots), by the sich von allen anderen Angehörigen der Gattung durch das absence of filaments at the tips of dorsal fin and anal fin in unverkennbare Farbmuster: 3 bis 5 senkrechte blaue males, except Spectrolebias reticulatus (vs. long filaments on Streifen, die sich von einem hell rötlich braunen Unter- dorsal and anal fins in S. brousseaui and S. filamentosus, fil- grund abheben bei den Männchen (bei den anderen Arten aments on the dorsal fins of S. semiocellatus and S. inae- fehlen Streifen), schillernd blauer Fleck an der Seite bei quipinnatus, or filaments in the anal fins of S. chacoensis) den Weibchen (im Gegensatz zu einem oder mehreren and by the presence of scales covering the base of anal fin schwarzen Flecken bei den anderen Arten), das Fehlen von in males (vs. absence of these scales in the remaining con- fädigen Strukturen an den Spitzen von Rücken- und After- geners). Also distinguished from all congeners, with the flosse der Männchen, außer bei Spectrolebias reticulatus exception of S. reticulatus, by the position of the dorsal fin, (S. brousseaui und S. filamentosus haben lange Filamente an which has its origin anterior to the origin of the anal fin in Rücken- und Afterflosse, S. semiocellatus und S. inaequi - males. pinnatus zeigen Filamente an der Rückenflosse, S. cha- coensis an der Afterflosse) sowie Schuppen an der Basis der Resumo Afterflosse bei Männchen (die bei den anderen Arten der Spectrolebias pilleti n. sp é descrita de poças temporárias Gattung fehlen). Außerdem ist die Lage der Rückenflosse da bacia do alto rio Mamoré. Departamento de Santa im Vergleich zu allen anderen Angehörigen der Gattung Cruz, cidade de Quimone, Bolívia. A nova espécie se difer- außer S. reticulatus ein Unterscheidungsmerkmal; sie setzt encia das demais espécies do gênero por possui padrão de bei den männlichen Vertretern der neuen Art vor der coloração único nos machos: 3 à 5 barras verticais azuis Afterflosse an. alternadas com claras barras castanho no corpo dos machos (vs. ausência de barras)pela presença de uma mancha azul Résumé iridescente no flanco das fêmeas (vs. presença de uma ou Spectrolebias pilleti n. sp. est décrit en provenance d’une mais manchas pretas), pela ausência de filamentos nas pon- mare temporaire du bassin supérieur du rio Mamoré, tas das nadadeiras dorsal e anal (vs. longos filamentos nas Departamento Santa Cruz Quimone city, Bolivie. La nou- nadadeiras dorsal e anal em S. brousseaui e S. filamentosus, velle espèce se distingue de tous ses congénères par la filamentos na ponta da nadadeira dorsal em S. semiocella- couleur unique des mâles: 3 à 5 barres verticales bleues tus e S. inaequipinnatus e filamentos na ponta da nadadeira alternant sur un fond légèrement rouge brun pour les anal em S. chacoensis) e presença de escamas cobrindo a mâles (contre l’absence de barres), par une tache bleue iri- base da nadadeira anal em machos (vs. ausência de escamas descente sur le flanc de la femelle (contre une ou plusieurs nas demais espécies do gênero). Também se distingue das taches noires), par l’absence de filaments au bout de la dor- demais espécies do gênero, exceto S. reticulatus, pela sale et de l’anale pour le mâle, sauf pour Spectrolebias reti - 115 aqua vol. 19 no. 3 - 19 July 2013 Spectrolebias pilleti, a new annual Killifish (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae: Cynolebiatinae) from the upper río Mamoré basin, Bolivia culatus (contre de longs filaments sur la dorsale et l’anale According to Costa (2006) Spectrolebias is distin- pour S. brousseaui et S. filamentosus, des filaments sur les guished from all other cynolebiasins by two unam- dorsales de S. semiocellatus et S. inaequipinnatus, ou des fil- biguous synapomorphies: a long (vs. short) aments sur l’anale de S. chacoensis ) et par des écailles cou- hyomandibula and a narrowed (vs. wide) proximal vrant la base de l’anale pour les mâles (contre l’absence des- dites écailles chez les autres congénères). L’espèce se dis- tip of the fourth ceratobranchial. tingue aussi de tous les congénères, à l’exception de S. reti - All species of the genus Spectrolebias are annual cu latus, par la position de la dorsale, dont la naissance est fish and live in temporary water pools where they antérieure à celle de l’anale pour les mâles. lay eggs by diving into the substrate. As the remaining representatives of the tribe Cynolebi- Sommario asini, species of the genus Spectrolebias possess an Spectrolebias pilleti n. sp. è descritto da una pozza tempo- annual life cycle. At the end of the rainy season the ranea dal bacino superiore del Rio Mamoré, Departa- pool dries and all fish die, but their eggs survive mento Santa Cruz, Quimone, Bolivia. La nuova specie si and develop throughout the dry season in the sub- di stingue da tutte le congeneri per il colore unico della livrea maschile, caratterizzata da 3-5 barre blu verticali su stratum. As soon as the rain starts, the pools fill up un fondo marrone rossastro (vs. assenza di barre), dalla with water and the eggs hatch, starting a new gen- presenza negli individui femmina di una macchia blu iri- eration that will on his turn grow, breed and keep descente sul fianco (vs. presenza di uno o più punti neri), the cycle going (Myers, 1952; Costa, 1995; per l'assenza di filamenti sulle punte sia della pinna dorsale Nielsen, 2008). sia della pinna anale nei maschi, tranne Spectrolebias reticu - The present contribution describes an additional latus (vs. lunghi filamenti sulle pinne dorsale e anale in species of Spectrolebias from Bolivia, the third S. brousseaui e S. filamentosus, filamenti sulle pinne dorsali species known for the country. This new species in S. semiocellatus e S. inaequipinnatus, o filamenti nelle pinne anali in S. chacoensis) e dalla presenza di scaglie che was found in the basin of the río San Pablo, a trib- co pro no la base della pinna anale nei maschi (vs. assenza di utary on the right side of the río Mamoré, Qui- queste scale nei restanti congeneri). Si distingue anche da mone city, Departamento de Santa Cruz. It was tutte le specie congeneri, con l'eccezione di S. reticulatus, original discovered in 2011, at the same location of per la posizione della pinna dorsale, la cui origine nei the specimens collected in 2012, which served as maschi è anteriore all'origine della pinna anale. the basis for this work. MATERIAL AND METHODS INTRODUCTION Measurements were taken point-to-point under a The species of the genus Spectrolebias Costa and stereomicroscope with a digital caliper to the near- Nielsen, 1997 is distributed across the tributaries est 0.1mm, on the left side of the specimens, when- of the right margin of Amazon River, with a single ever possible, following Costa (1995, 2007). Mea- exception, Spectrolebias chacoensis which is found in surements are expressed as percentages of standard the río Paraguay basin. Currently, the following length (SL), except subunits of the head, which are species are: S. chacoensis (Amato, 1986), from the recorded as percentages of head length (HL). río Paraguay basin, Paraguay and Argentina; S. In the description, counts of vertebrae and pleural costai (Lazara, 1991) from the rio Araguaia and rio ribs were taken from radiographs of the holotype Tocantins basins, Brazil; S. semiocellatus Costa & and two female paratypes. Terminology for frontal Nielsen, 1997, from the rio Araguaia basin, Brazil; squamation follows Hoedeman (1958) and Costa S. filamentosus (Costa, Barreira & Sarmiento, (2006). For vertebral counts the caudal compound 1997), from the río Madeira basin, Bolivia; S. retic- centrum was counted as a single element. Osteo- ulatus (Costa & Nielsen, 2003), from the rio logical features included in the description are Xingu basin, Brazil; S. inaequipinnatus (Costa & those considered phylogenetically informative by Brasil, 2008), from the rio Tocantins basin, Brazil, recent studies on Spectrolebias (Costa 2006, 2007, and S. brousseaui Nielsen, 2013, from the río 2010). Institutional abbreviations follow Sabaj- Mamoré basin, Bolivia. Pérez (2010), with addition of UNITAU (Univer- Spectrolebias was originally considered a genus sidade de Taubaté) and MNKP- Museo Noel (Costa & Nielsen, 1997). After a phylogenetic Kempff. Comparative material of other rivulids analysis made by Costa (2006), was considered one examined in the present study is listed in Costa of the five subgenera of Simpsonichthys, but latter, (2007). Costa (2010) promoted it back to a genus status. aqua vol. 19 no. 3 - 19 July 2013 116 Dalton Tavares Bressane Nielsen and Roger Brousseau Spectrolebias pilleti, n. sp. covering the basis of anal fin in males (vs.
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