ANNUAL REPORT Department for Victorian Communities CONTENTS Secretary’s Foreword 2 Highlights 2006–07 4 SECTION 1: ABOUT THE Department FOR VICTORIAN COMMUNITIES 6 The department’s ministers 8 The department’s organisational structure 9 The department’s senior executive 10 Organisational values and priorities 13 SECTION 2: MEETING OBJECTIVES 16 Objective 1: Communities that shape their future 18 Objective 2: Communities that encourage participation 22 Objective 3: Communities that embrace diversity 26 Objective 4: Communities that gain lasting benefits from major sporting events 30 Objective 5: Government that is easier to work with 34 SECTION 3: OUTPUT PERFORMANCE 40 Local Government Sector Development 42 Adult and Community Information 44 Community Information Services 46 Community Strengthening 48 Sport, Recreation Sector Development 50 Commonwealth Games 53 Employment Programs 54 Indigenous Community and Cultural Development 56 Youth Affairs 58 Multicultural Affairs 60 Women’s Policy 62 Disability 63 Seniors and Veterans 64 SECTION 4: FACTS AND FIGURES 66 Corporate Service Support 68 Workforce data 70 Executive Officers reconciliation data 72 Financial summary 2006–07and future outlook 73 Balance sheet 76 Cash flow statement 77 Notes to the Financial Statements 79 Appendixes 134 Contacts 155 Disclosure index 158 DEPARTMENT FOR VICTORIAN COMMUNITIES ANNUAL REPORT / 1 Secretary’S FOREWORD The department has also continued to lead the development of INTRODUCTION whole-of-government strategies in a number of important areas. The last year was significant for the Department for Victorian A major achievement for this year was the development of Communities as a number of major departmental projects moved A Fairer Victoria: Building on our Commitment. For the second from planning to delivery phase, and other important new year, the department was the lead agency on this $3 billion policy initiatives commenced. framework. We are now responsible for A Fairer Victoria initiatives worth more than $310 million. Underpinning these activities has been the department’s ongoing work with different government agencies developing new We continued to work with other agencies in the reform of family partnerships and initiatives to tackle important community issues. violence services and introduced the first common risk assessment framework. This tool will strengthen our capacity to plan and deliver services that respond to family violence which is the main ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES contributor to death, disability and illness in women aged 15 to 44. Many of the department’s activities have had a strong focus on the In May, the Victorian Parliament passed the Aboriginal Heritage needs of particular places and groups of people. For example, 15 Regulations 2007. The department’s development of this legislation new Transport Connections projects were launched to help make means there is now a balanced framework ensuring Aboriginal better use of existing local transport infrastructure by harnessing traditional owners have a role in protecting their cultural heritage, the skills, resources and knowledge of local communities. without impeding appropriate economic, environmental and social investments. Eight new Community Renewal sites in areas of high socio- economic disadvantage were announced, bringing together The department made a major contribution to the delivery of the government, community organisations and local residents to set FINA World Swimming Championships. Two thousand two hundred local priorities and take action to help transform their communities competitors from 171 nations made the championships the into places of opportunity and activity. biggest in the 34-year history of the event attended by more than 200,000 spectators. The department worked with the Bendigo Bank to establish the Youth Foundations Victoria project to provide funding for three local As well as offering extensive funding for new local community youth activities and give young people a voice in the decisions infrastructure through the Community Support Fund, the about which initiatives were funded. department provided increased funding for Neighbourhood Houses to help meet capital works and staffing costs. During the year, we also reinforced our presence outside the metropolitan area. There are now over 100 staff working in our In December 2006, after the state election, the department Local Teams who are gaining respect and recognition for their assumed responsibility for new functions involving elements from ability to broker local solutions and help local communities navigate the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Multimedia Victoria and the maze of government. the Adult Community and Further Education Board. We have also been active in supporting those communities These new additions to the department offer the potential to affected by drought. The department has provided extra assistance substantially improve the way services are provided across for sport and recreation facilities in areas hardest hit by the drought government through new technology and to further develop the and new support for rural women, recognising their pivotal role in reach and scope of community education services. their communities. GOING FORWARD LETTER OF TRANSMISSION In August 2007, the new Premier of Victoria, John Brumby MP, Dear Ministers, announced further machinery of government changes resulting In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, in the creation of the new Department of Planning and Community I am pleased to submit to you the Department for Victorian Development. Communities Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2007. The new department combines most of the responsibilities of Yours sincerely DVC with the divisions and authorities that currently report to the Minister for Planning within the Department of Sustainability and Environment, along with related urban development functions from the Department of Infrastructure. The Premier announced the major focus for the new department is to improve the liveability of Victoria’s communities. He placed Yehudi Blacher particular emphasis on reducing delays in planning, managing Secretary urban growth and improving housing affordability. The Department of Planning and Community Development provides a unique opportunity to meet this challenge. In closing, I would like to acknowledge the commitment and support we have received from all our Ministers over the past year. I would also like to express my thanks to our staff whose work makes a significant contribution to the wellbeing of Victorians. DEPARTMENT FOR VICTORIAN COMMUNITIES ANNUAL REPORT / 3 HIGHLIGHTS 2006–07 JULY OCTOBER · Transport Connections Program joins the department as part · Participants record 4,125,870 steps (2,061kms or the distance of the Victorian Government’s $10.5 billion Transport and from Melbourne to Sydney and back) at the Victorian Seniors Liveability statement. Festival ‘Go for your life’ YMCA Seniors Walk. · More than 150 young people and 30 representatives from · 11 members are appointed to the Aboriginal Heritage Council. government and faith organisations attend the Multicultural Multifaith Youth Forum. · The department supports more than 400 people participate in the Melbourne Walk21 2006 Conference, the seventh international · 26 Local Area Planning Support program grants worth conference on walking and liveable communities. $3.08 million are distributed to 61 Victorian councils. · A grant of $500,000 helps The Big Issue win the bid for NOVEMBER Melbourne to host the 2008 Homeless World Cup. · Disability Awareness Training pilot program is delivered to 14 staff who provided feedback to help refine the training program. · The department’s Community Facility Funding program delivers $2.5 million to Casey–Cardinia Shire to develop the LIFE Aquatic · Machinery-of-government changes to the department are and Recreation Centre in Pakenham, which includes swimming announced following the state election. pools, warm water therapy pool and a creche for patrons. · Women living in rural communities affected by drought receive a $675,000 grant from the Community Support Fund. AUGUST · More than 200 women attend 2006 Premier’s Women’s Summit, where a grant of $250,000 is announced to promote racial and DECEMBER religious harmony. · The department joins other government agencies supporting a free community event in Federation Square to celebrate the · The 11 members of the Victorian Veterans Council, created to International Day of People with a Disability. advise the Premier on veterans’ issues, convene for the first time. · Mordialloc manufacturing company, Form 2000 Sheet Metal, · 43 Women’s Community Leadership Grants worth $155,200 assisted by the department and VECCI, receives the Grey Matters help Victorian women develop their leadership skills. Employer Award at the 2006 Diversity@work Awards. · The Office for Youth’s Advance program and the Country Fire SEPTEMBER Authority win a National Award at the 2006 Australian Safer · The department convenes a workshop for 30 providers of the Communities Awards in recognition of their partnership in No Interest Loans Scheme to expand their service delivery. teaching young people about fire safety. · 500 people attend Flexible Transport Solutions workshops to explore opportunities to better use local transport infrastructure. · Two new skate parks in Toora and Welshpool open with the assistance of grants totalling $42,000 from the Community Facilities Funding program. · The new
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