Sty? SUnjal (Saztftr mtft (Momat iattij INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 18—NO. 43 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1933 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM JAPAN DELIVERS ULTIMATUM TO JEHOL CITY HITLER REGIME DE­ FAR EAST SITUATION | SUNDAY TRADING PRINCESS HOTEL TENNIS THEY SAY Preparations for Conflict—Lloyds In view of the controversy on TOURNAMENT Sunday Trading, it may be inter­ NOUNCED Cancels Risks — Japan's That the need for more police is esting to compare our law on the Finals of Singles on Saturday again manifested. League Relations subject with that of other places * * * where conditions are somewhat That a policeman can't be looking similar, with a view to adopting Miss Gladys Hutchings won from PEKING, Feb. 19.*—The Japanese for burglars and buyers of choco­ New York Welcomes Roose­ any improvement or introducing Miss Le Boutillier in the final of military have sent an ultimatum lates at the same time. any restriction that may be desir­ womans singles by the score 8-6, to the Chinese commander at * * * able. 6-0. Both players showing top velt Kailu in Northeast Jehol to evacute form though somewhat bothered That the Welfare Society meeting the city immediately or be attacked. In the Bahamas, for instance, we was most interesting. by the cross court wind. In the This information is contained in an find the following exemptions from * * * first set Miss Hutchings played a Drifting Aviator's Experience—Porto Rican official Chinese report. the law prohibiting the sale of That a successful society must goods on Sunday. consistent though somewhat de­ The Chinese have decided to fensive game, converting what expect opposition. Demonstrations—British Industries Fair— (11 the sale of any drugs or medi­ ignore the ultimatum. Meanwhile many times appeared to be ace * * * cines. the Japanese troop movements placements by Miss Le Boutillier That its own record should refute German Debts—Mollison's Plans—Mic­ (21 the sale of ice. continue and the long impending into earned points by a masterly allegations. (3) the sale of fresh fish, butchers' higan Money Situation—Awards to crisis in Jehol seems nearer than anticipation of the return. Game * * * ever before. meat or fresh fruit, not later after game went to deuce. Miss Le That the Princess tournament British Airmen—Southern Battles Enormous numbers of troops than noon. Boutillier put up a fine defense and opened the tennis season splen­ of both sides are being mobilised (41 the sale of bread or milk. while unable to offset the accurate didly. —British Railway Loss—South in the Jehol region and it is report­ (5) the sale of cooked food in hotels, placing service by cross court re­ * * * African Pound—Canadian ed that the Chinese have 100.000 j inns or taverns. turn was able to force the play by That the Championship event, men under arms to meet the Jap- j (6) the sale of any article required using in a most effective manner should be thrilling. News—Sports anese, the latter mustering 60,000. for the burial of a dead body, or a flat drive down the side line to * * * The latest advices from Tokio | in case of illness of any person Miss Hutching's back hand. That tiie local players deserve much or animal, where the sellers credit. states that Matsuoka will be in- j In the final of the men's singles thereof has reasonable grounds * * * DRIFTING AVIATOR'S EXPER­ SOUTH AFRICAN POUND structed to return to Japan at the j Mr. Avory won from Dr. Cooper by 'or believing the article to be IENCE CAPE TOWN. Feb. 19.— A second end of this month for a discussion i the score of 6-2, 6-1, 7-5. The large That the Pageant Committee meet­ required for either of those reading was given in the Assembly of questions of procedure before gallery were suprised at the dis­ ings today should be well-attend­ MAROTJ HOOK, Pa.. Feb. 19.- purposes; the reasonableness ed. to the Currency Bill which will the Government finally decides on j patch of the first two sets, both whereof is to be determined * * * Leon Brink, the aviator who was link definitely the South African tiie question of withdrawal from j players scoring their games quick­ picked up after drifting in his pound to sterling. The Bill now is the League. The question of with- j by the magistrate before whom ly, not more than two [games in That costumes can't be obtained machine for fifty-two liours. ar­ referred to a select committee which drawal by Japan raises a complies. the complaint is heard. these sets going to deuce. Cooper at the last minute. rived here aboard the oil steamer will examine it in detail before re- ted issue since the Covenant of the | tried unsuccessfully to change pace * * * which rescued him from the watery recommending a third reading. League stipulates a two years' • LIQUOR LICENSE and not until tiie third set was he That the Director has to make a waste off the Bahamas. He told of The Bill also empowers the Govern­ notice of any withdrawal, so that if ! able to break up the steady return trip to New York soon to get all his "narrowing experience, how he ment to frame a regulation or Japan withdrews she will still re­ Tiie Liquor Act of the Bahamas from Avory. Both players were the costumes impossible to make was forced down and riad only a regulations regarding any matter main a member of the League sub­ covers a lot of ground, but refer­ quick to react to openings in de­ here. canvas sheet between him and The directly or indirectly concerned ject to the obligations of the Cov­ ences to hotels are few and very fense, Avory earning most of his * * + sharks which swarmed around him. with currency banking or exchange. enant and the decisions of the similar to our own. points by short returns at a most That already the Pageant has League for two years. 17. ill No licensee other than tbe difficult angle off a back hand re­ meant much to the local stores. FUF.RTO RICAN DLMON- » , . i holder of a hotel license shall turn. In the third set the games * * * STRATION Lloyds Cancels War Risks sell, expose for sale or otherwise went to deuce after The first game That slight amendments to the HITLER REGIME DENOUNCED dispose of any intoxicating li­ and from then on was a stiff con­ Sunday Trading A''t are being SA1 .TAX p.R., Feb. lit. Coin- quor on Sunday or before tin LONDON. Feb. 19. From Febr- • test- Avory playing match point considered. munis staged a demonstration hour of five o'clock in the morn­ Catholic Paper Suppressed uary 20th Lloyds is cancelling j not less than eleven times before * * * here before The Legislature which ing or after the hour of nine winning the final set. This match That hotel men would like to know was in session. Thej demanded war risks in all open cover con- ! o'clock Ln the evening on any BERLIN. Feb. 19.- The Catholic tracts on voyages to. from and j is the first in many years to bring exactly what a 'guest' means. work and food. newspaper "Germania" principal week day. together in t he finals of the Princess * * * through China anci Japan. This ( Under the Section "Offences," > * * organ of the Centre Party lias been tournament two English players, That the Bridge Tournament looks BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR step is a precautionary one which } ; e ixaci; suppressed for three days for pub­ will enable ;> readjustment to v- and the excellence of play and 11 ke being a huge affair. "* Holding a hotel license only. sportsmanship in todays matches * * * LONDON. Feb. 19. Tne Brhi: i lishing the manifesto of the Ger­ made including the reinstatement | either personally or by a ser- . has won for them many friends in That bidding for slam will be popu­ Industries Fair which will open man Catholic People's Union de­ of the risk at a special rate. ioi' or other person on his Bermuda. on Monday again records an in­ nouncing the Hitler Government. oo lar. crease in the area occupied, lucre The manifesto deplored the fact behalf, sells, or disposes of any * * * intoxicating liquor to any per­ is a 1?', increase over that of 1932, thai "might had triumphed over ROOSEVELT IN NEW YORK The Semi Finals of the Mixed That perhaps a prize should be son other than a guest or a per­ with 27 mile:', >1 stands in the right" in German politics and de­ Doubles offered for the most modest- son residing within the hotel bidder. special Empire Marketing Board clared that "arbitrary and faction­ Welcomed by Populace — Mr. and Mrs. Brunnie won from or boarding house kept by him. 00 section ai Olympia. All the Domin­ al measures had been substituted Police Precautions Miss Le Boutillier and Gander- ions and Colonics are participating for justice." It condemned Hug- Although not pertinent to the (Continued on page 12) and during tne course of ihe next enburg's agricultural policy as giv­ "QUEEN OF BERMUDA" NEW YORK. Feb. 19.-President­ sale of liquor, an interesting clause ——00 week the Fan will be visited by tne ing a "one-sides preference to cer­ elect Franklin D. Roosevelt arrived is found in the Public Holidays Act. Queen, the Duke of York and Prime tain interests." It went on to here on Friday evening guarded by 7. If a customer is in a simp al the GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Speed Trials Successful Minister Ramsay MacDonald.
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