iu L h fty lj - SECRET «ATBR1ALS FOR A CHARGE • ' REPORT NO-10. < Part I. Atrooitios ln Concentration Cain-ps .Heinrich HIMMLER Roichsfuhrer SS Oswald POHL Obergruppenführer. Head of the "W.V.H.A." • • Richard GLUECKS (Waffen SS) Lieut-Coneral. "Commander" •f Concentration Camps Arthur LIEBEHENSCHSL SS Obersturmbannführer ) j Heads o f Gerhard MAURER " " . ) O ffices under ) General GLUECKS Dr. LOLLING " " ) The atrocities committed in the Gerraan-controlled concentration comps are '•- ‘V* 1**,Uy ^/J'- . notorious. If evidence is required ample material is already available in charges • t • relating to a number of camps,filed with the Commission, by the respective National Offices; for instance : the British charge 373/U^C/l03, telling.#f starvation, kicking and flogging of prisoners in the camp at DACHAU;' the Belgian charges Q6/b/g/2, 4, and 5 telling #f a- similar regime of terror: starvation, flogging, hanging by the feetj, wounding with revolver shots, forcing invalids to run till they collapse, and so on in the 3REEND0NCK camp. the French charge 4/F**/G/4, telling ¿f atrocious treatment of Jewish prisoners in the comp at DRANCY. the Netherlands charges 240,241» 242,. 243 and 244/Ne/G/24, telling of systematic and deliberate cruelty, starvation, flogging -to death, experiments in gas chwabors; hanging prisoners by their fingers; submersion in tanks of i*ce cold wator; and so on in the comp at MAUTHAUSEN in Austria. 520/Xc/g/ 2 $, telling of brutalities and beating of prisoners to death, at FESTSRBftOCK camp in Holland. 121/No/ g/8; 129/Ne/G/10, tolling of atrocities in LEUSDER HEIDE camp. 273/Ne/Q/25> telling of sinilar atrocities at VUGHT csmp. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/144568/ the Polish charges 12, 13, 16, 20 , 21, 22 , 24, 25, tolling the same talc ol’ brutal ; treatment; borbaroua medical experiments on men and women; and the mass-killing of " hundreds* of thousands of prisoners in death camps in eastern Europe. In regard- to the lattqr point, reference should also bo made to Report No 11 and to the findings of the Soviet and Soviet-Polish Canmissioas annexed thereto) -*.7* ' ’'»‘7i'j ■ ’ . \ '4V*’-1.'It- -Vv r ; -‘c''";V,: ‘ • • ; * !1 ■ ~ . The evidence in the above-mentioned charges is supplemented by other reports possessed by the Commission, which have not yet beon the subject of charges: For instance, a report on the oamp at DACHAU, relating to the period 1940^3* which describes punishments, such as hanging prisoners by the wrists for hours at a time; beating to death, submersion in tanks of ice-cold water; molrjpg invalids run till they fell dead; confinement in heated or refrigerated cells, and so on. A report on the camp at SACHSENHAUSEN telling of the use of mediaeval tortures, and murders of several thousand Poles. ? : - a. • _ The above-mentioried charges, filed by National Offices, have indicted a number of Commandents and lower officials' of concentration camps: but, it is evident frcan the similarity in theVsgi&£3. and in'the punishments and technical* means of torture employed ¿it the different camp3, that these crimes were not duo simply to the brutality of individuals, but were port of a general system, which' must necessarily have been prescribed by the higher authorities of the AaLninistratim of Concentration Camps at the headquarters at Oranienburg. In thi3 connection . Lieut-Colonel McGrath^ statement, based on his own experience, (See chargc 373/UK/G/103) is significant: "This comp (MAUTHAUSEN) is*a training camp for * * % * * Gestapo SS. The training is Sadism. After completing training they are sent as "try-outs" to DACHAU.” - It is, therefore, the higher authorities who are the principal criminals. ♦ •. Higher Authorities of the Concentration Camp Service The Concentration Camps are organically an element of the Taffen SS, At the head of all SS services is Heinrich 'HIMMLj'R; in virtue of his appointment as Reichsflihrer SS by HITLER on June 17th, 1936. Administratively, the comps are under the ".W.V.H.A.". PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/144568/ '".Y;. :'■ ,’ '. 7 ..7 ^ ' fc‘‘ ‘ - Y \> ,' ■ -^ ^ '^mmm^SSSS¡SSSSSSSS5SS^SSSSSS^^SSSSSSSS!s^,^t - 3 - V # The following extroot from a note supplied by an authorative British ♦ Rjj ••' \ • * * • -i'; ' •./' i . * “ouroe* dcoorlbon th*s organisation and the ohain of responsibility. 4 ;* ■ . ' ’ A r - * •. / - • ' .-'’V-'J 7* ;\ VV•-.1* - i { ;.V,. • • ‘¿ t . \ r. f-V:Ñ- ir >' '>5® ”1, Apart fran the actual imprisonment and release of concentration camp prisoners, the entire administration of the coraps is controlled by the S3 Wirtschafts - und Verbal tungshauptomt (W. V.H.A. )(SS Ecanooic and Administrativo Dept.),. It supervises the administration of the camp3, of camp personnel, * * . 'V .7 v * :* :.V' •';• J+ ‘f- _ guard units, and prisoners. It controls any labour or industrial activity oarried on by the camp inmates and- disposes of the products of such work. It handles.official contacts between, the camps, and the outside world. "2. W.V.K.A. is divided into several Aratsgrttppen or branches.. The branch v which deals with the concentration camps is Antsgruppe D. Tide branch is located at ORANIENBURG (20 miles NORTH 0? BERLIN) whereas the'main, body of '-r'vLv.V' ?V:7 - • V? •.. i ;•f ? VY r%- V'.’-'f;.' V--* V '7 V- « * the W.V.H.A. Í3 in Berlin. Its chief (Amtsgruppenchef) is SS Gruppcnftthror and Lt-Gen. of the Waffen SS Richard GLUECK3. He is responsible for all concentration camp matters to the h¿ad ofW. V.H.A., SS., Ob¿rgruppcnltthivr Oswald POHL, who in turn is responsible to HIMMLER. "3. Within Amtsgruppe D. the following departments (Amter) have been , ‘ identified : . ....... ... Amt I Zentralamt (Central Dept.) Chief: SS Obersturmbanníührer 1 .. Arthur LIEBEHENSCHEL This dept, is responsible for general policy, security arrangement's, public relations,* and co-oriination of the other depts. -within the Amtsgrupps. Amt II General Administration of Prisoners Chief: SS Oberstunribannführer Gerhard MAURER Amt III Medical Administration Chief: SS ObersturmbannfUhrer Dr. LOLLING This dept, is responsible for general medical and health administration of all comp personnel» both staff and prisoners. Amt IV General AdministrationI of comps and camp staff.” t It follows from the above extraet that Lieut-General (?/.SS) Richard GLUECKS (who bears the title "Koniaandeur dcr ¡Concentration Lager") is the high official mo3t immediately answerable for the barbarous regime of the camps; and that, on the next higher level, Oswald POHL, to whan he reports, and finally • * HIMMLER, the Reich3i1ihrer SS, v/ho directs the whole policy, are equally PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/144568/ responsible , ; . The extent to which LIE1ZHENSCHEL and MAURER, the leading officials of GLUECK's office (Amtsgruppo D,) named in paragraph 3 of the nbovo extract, ure to be.hold accountable can probably * not be determined till fuller informtion is • available, after the war, conoeming their functions. The name of Dr. LOLLING, should, however, be specially noted, as his offioe. (A'nt.IIl) deals with nedlsal • services, and he is thcreforo, presumably, answerable for the shamoi'ul ill- treatment of sick and dying prisoners in the concentration oaiaps, and for • authorising the performance of barbarous medical experiments on men and women prisoners« In a recent official report it was mentioned that a milder regime was roported to have been introduced, latterly, in the concentration camps: ' that flogging was now forbidden at Orianienburg; and that HITLER had even intervened on behalf of the inmates of Dachau! Such charges, if confirmed, are obviously duo to the fear of approaching retribution, or to an ntteupt by the authorities to provide rebutting evidence as to atrocities. The3r can mislead no one vrho ,]ins read the reports of the conditions prevailing in the camps at a timo when the Nazis were still confident of success. ’ ; " t PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/144568/ r ■sp aafift I . | 0 - 5 - sECpyr MATERIAL FOR CHARGES I RKP03? TO.'K. Fart II. Barbarous ill-treatment of United Nations citisc?ns arrested by the Gestapo Heinrich HIMMLER Reichsführer SS Kurt DALUEGE Oberstgruppenflihrer SS Dr. Ern3t KALTEHBRUNNER Lleut-Genoral of Police The Officials of the ".R.S.E.A." (Reich Sicherheits Haupt Amt) Brigade führer Erv/in SCHULTZ; Ostubuf HAENEL; Brigodeführur Otto OHLENDORF; Gruppenführer MUELLER; Gruppenführer NE3E; Brigadeführer SCHELLMBERG; Oberführer Dr. SIX; Dr.SIEGSRT. In his fore.Tord to the pamphlet "The Gestapo at Y7ork in Norway" (cop" attached in Annexe I) Lord Simon decalred that "the brutal crimes constantly perpetrated by HITLER’S Gestapo have evoked the horrified denomination of tta ■world". He added that "the facts must be recorded and be capable hereafter of proof", and that thi3 v/a the reason for the creation of the U.N.V/.C.C. The brutal crimos* have token a far greater extension since Lord Sii.ion wrote these words, and sufficient facts are no*/ on record in charges filed './ith the Cocinission and in other reports (including the above-named pamphlet) to render them "capable of proof". Among these records may be cited, by v,*ay of exfjnple: Netherlands chary.es: 1l8/Ne/G/5 Prisoners under interrogation tortured by eleotric cufi-:nt and beaten. ‘ 119/Kc/Q/6 ?.'oaan under arrest hunr up by the arms, with weights: her feet and Ueaten: 335/Ne/G/3# P»is ners under interrogation seared v/ith hot irens. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/144568/ Fronch charges: 53/Ft/g/25; lQ2/FR/o/bO; 1Ô2/FR/G/40; civilians tortured; I88/FR/Q/46 civilians tortured to death; submersion in ice-cold water; soaring with rod hot irons; 189/FI0 VV 7 civilians tortured to.death; eyes put out; fingers broken with hammer blows. The.Norwegian Government’s pamphlet "The Gestapo at Work in Norway", reforred to above, is another reliable source.
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