E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2001 No. 99 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was bluegrass country Monday through Fri- no longer hear Earl Scruggs, ably called to order by the Speaker pro tem- day. At that time the bluegrass pro- backed by Lester Flatt and the Foggy pore (Mr. CULBERSON). gram, as I recall, was aired from noon Mountain Boys as he plays the Flint f until 6 p.m. That time slot subse- Hill Special. During December’s yule- quently was reduced by half running tide season, the Monday through Fri- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO them from 3 until 6 p.m. I did not take day bluegrass fans will be deprived of TEMPORE umbrage with this change and con- Christmas Time A Comin’ by Bill Mon- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- cluded it was not unreasonable. Six roe and the Bluegrass Boys or the fore the House the following commu- hours is, after all, a formidable block Country Gentlemen’s version of Back nication from the Speaker: of time and reducing it to 3 hours ap- Home at Christmas Time. WASHINGTON, DC, peared to be a fair compromise. We, the Monday through Friday July 17, 2001. The recent heavy-handed action group, will have to make adjustments. I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN taken by WAMU is neither fair nor a As a member of Congress, I have con- ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- compromise; and as I told a Wash- sistently contributed to WAMU’s var- pore on this day. ington Post reporter recently, as we ious campaigns. I may have to direct J. DENNIS HASTERT, say in the rural South, I am hopping my future contributions elsewhere be- Speaker of the House of Representatives. mad about it. cause I do not appreciate the manner f The powers that be at WAMU have in which it appears WAMU terminated MORNING HOUR DEBATES eliminated the Monday through Friday the Monday through Friday bluegrass bluegrass that we so much enjoyed programs. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- with Ray Davis and Jerry Gray. What Ray Davis and Jerry Gray deserve ant to the order of the House of Janu- were 3 hours of bliss have become 3 better. WAMU’s listeners deserve bet- ary 3, 2001, the Chair will now recog- hours of painful silence; and it appears ter. These listeners, by the way, are in- nize Members from lists submitted by this silencing exercise was executed tensely loyal. So WAMU may be pur- the majority and minority leaders for abruptly, with precision and with no suing a volatile course. morning hour debates. The Chair will advanced warning. Again, Mr. Speaker, drawing from alternate recognition between the par- Were Ray Davis and Jerry Gray af- my days in the rural South, when ties, with each party limited to not to forded the courtesy of saying good-bye youngsters misbehaved they were exceed 25 minutes, and each Member, to their host of loyal listeners? Obvi- taken to the woodshed. You know, per- except the majority leader, the minor- ously not. haps the WAMU management team ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- I am told that now in the D.C. listen- members need to be introduced to the ited to not to exceed 5 minutes, but in ing area we have two giants of public woodshed. For it is my belief they have no event shall debate extend beyond radio both supported by taxpayers, pre- misbehaved to the detriment of many 9:50 a.m. sumably tax exempt, broadcasting innocent observers. The Chair recognizes the gentleman identical programs an hour apart and f from North Carolina (Mr. COBLE) for 5 both broadcasting these programs minutes. twice to captive drive-time audiences. A BAD OMEN f What became of diversity, the com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under modity so frequently promoted by pub- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- CANCELLATION OF BLUEGRASS lic radio? uary 3, 2001, the gentleman from Texas MUSIC BY WAMU Many listeners of WAMU have con- (Mr. PAUL) is recognized during morn- Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, several tacted me about this matter and most ing hour debates for 5 minutes. years ago when I arrived in Washington of these listeners are versatile in their Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, the trial of as a newly elected Congressman and an musical tastes. They enjoy bluegrass Slobadon Milosevic threatens U.S. sov- unabashed bluegrass and country and country, as do I, but they enjoy the ereignty. The fact that this trial can be music enthusiast, one of my first non- classics as well, as do I. But the WAMU carried out, in the name of inter- congressional, self-appointed assign- decision-makers have made the former national justice, should cause all the ments was to identify the right radio more difficult to receive than the lat- Americans to cast a wary eye on the station. WAMU 88.5 was that station. ter. We no longer hear Jim and Jesse whole principal of the U.N. War Crimes Ray Davis and Jerry Gray, genial and the Virginia Boys play and sing Tribunal. The prosecution of Milosevic, down-home hosts, escorted us through Paradise or Better Times A Comin’. We a democratically elected and properly b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4021 . H4022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 17, 2001 disposed leader of a sovereign country, international community president of We should fear and condemn any effort to could not be carried out without full a sovereign country, U.S. policy was escalate the conflict with troops or money from U.S. military and financial support. designed to support an equally if not any outside sources. Our troops are already Since we are the only world super- worse organization, the KLA. involved and our money calls the shots. Extri- power, the U.N. court becomes our One of the conditions for ending the cating ourselves will get more difficult every court under our control. But it is naive civil war in Kosovo was the disbanding day we stay. But the sooner we get out the to believe our world superpower status of the KLA. But the very same ruthless better. We should be listening more to can- will last forever. The precedence now leaders of the KLA, now the Liberation didate George Bush’s suggestion during the being set will 1 day surely come back Army of Presovo, are now leading the last campaign for bringing our troops home to haunt us. insurrection in Macedonia without from this region. The U.S. today may enjoy dictating NATO lifting a finger to stop it. The Serbs, despite NATO’s propaganda, will policy to Yugoslavia and elsewhere NATO’s failed policy that precipitated not lightly accept the imprisonment of their around the world, but danger lurks the conflict now raging in Macedonia is democratically elected (and properly disposed) ahead. The administration adamantly ignored. president no matter how bad he was. It is their and correctly opposes our membership The U.N. War Tribunal in the Hague problem to deal with and resentment against in the permanent International Crimi- should insult the intelligence of all us will surely grow as conditions deteriorate. nal Court because it would have au- Americans. This court currently can Mobs have already attacked the American am- thority to exercise jurisdiction over only achieve arrest and prosecution of bassador to Macedonia for our inept inter- U.S. citizens without the consent of leaders of poor, small, or defeated na- ference in the region. Death of American citi- the U.S. government. But how can we, tions. There will be no war criminals zens are sure to come if we persist in this with a straight face, support doing the brought to the Hague from China, Rus- failed policy. very same thing to a small country, in sia, Britain, or the United States no Money and power has permitted the United opposition to its sovereignty, courts, matter what the charges. But some day States the luxury of dictating terms for and constitution. This blatant incon- this approach to world governing will Milosevic’s prosecution, but our policy of arbi- sistency and illicit use of force does backfire. The U.S. already has suffered trary interventions in the Balkans is sowing the not go unnoticed and will sow the seeds the humiliation of being kicked off the seeds of tomorrow’s war. of future terrorist attacks against U.N. Human Rights Commission and We cannot have it both ways. We cannot Americans or even war. the Narcotics Control Commission. Our expect to use the International Criminal Tri- Money, as usual, is behind the arrogant policy and attitude of superi- bunal for Yugoslavia when it pleases us and Milosevic’s extradition. Bribing Ser- ority will continue to elicit a smol- oppose the permanent International Criminal bian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, a dering hatred toward us and out of Court where the rules would apply to our own U.S.-sponsored leader, prompted strong sheer frustration will motivate even acts of aggression. This cynical and arrogant opposition from Yugoslavian Prime more terrorist attacks against us. approach, whether it’s dealing with Milosevic, Minister Zoran Zizic and Yugoslavian Realizing the weakness of the charges Hussein, or Kadafi, undermines peace and President Vojislaw Kostunica.
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