Qryholdings Scientific Name Species Code Common Name Number of Licensees Acquired Bred Disposed Hoplocephalus Bitorquatus W2675

Qryholdings Scientific Name Species Code Common Name Number of Licensees Acquired Bred Disposed Hoplocephalus Bitorquatus W2675

qryHoldings Number of Scientific_Name Species_Code Common_Name Acquired Bred Disposed licensees Hoplocephalus bitorquatus W2675 Pale-headed Snake 14 7 314 Hoplocephalus bitorquatus x H. stephensii X2001 Pale-headed X Stephen's Banded Snake hybrid 1 Hoplocephalus bungaroides A2676 Broad-headed Snake 7 4 0 6 Hoplocephalus stephensii C2677 Stephens' Banded Snake 21 9 9 21 Pseudechis colletti W2691 Collett’s Snake 41 18 18 Pseudechis porphyriacus C2693 Red-bellied Black Snake 80 39 55 66 Vermicella annulata M2734 Eastern Bandy-bandy 2 3 Acanthophis antarcticus A2640 Southern Death Adder 59 76 105 95 Acanthophis praelongus Y2804 Northern Death Adder 24 41 0 23 Acanthophis pyrrhus C2641 Desert Death Adder 8 1 0 6 Austrelaps ramsayi W2615 Highlands Copperhead 20 3 0 26 Austrelaps superbus E2642 Lowlands Copperhead 12 14 0 25 Notechis ater Q2680 Black Tiger Snake 8 9 0 9 Notechis scutatus S2681 Common Tiger Snake 45 40 23 55 Pseudechis australis U2690 Mulga Snake 31 23 19 29 Pseudechis butleri M2814 Butler's Snake 1 1 Pseudechis guttatus A2692 Spotted Black Snake 20 12 5 16 Pseudonaja guttata G2695 Speckled Brown Snake 2 4 4 Pseudonaja modesta K2697 Ringed Brown Snake 1 Pseudonaja nuchalis M2698 Western Brown Snake 4 5 2 Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens E2650 EasternSmall-eyed Snake 3 6 Oxyuranus microlepidotus K2689 Western Taipan 25 10 12 21 Oxyuranus scutellatus Y2688 Taipan 17 20 24 45 Pseudonaja textilis Z2699 Common Brown Snake 32 28 35 41 Tropidechis carinatus G2723 Rough-scaled Snake 12 10 11 16 Crocodylus johnstoni K2001 Freshwater Crocodile 2 Amphibolurus burnsii T2037 Burns' Dragon 5 6 1 5 Amphibolurus longirostris G2247 Long-nosed Dragon 1 3 Amphibolurus muricatus M2194 Jacky Lizard 49 48 23 68 Amphibolurus nobbi Z2195 Nobbi Dragon 3 1 Chlamydosaurus kingii K2221 Frilled Lizard 63 60 22 68 Ctenophorus cristatus A2180 Crested Dragon 4 10 8 Ctenophorus decresii C2181 Tawny Dragon 4 9 5 Ctenophorus fionni Y2184 Peninsula Dragon 5 14 8 Ctenophorus nuchalis Q2196 Central Netted Ground-dragon 86 111 130 167 Ctenophorus pictus W2199 Painted Ground-dragon 25 53 24 41 Page 1 qryHoldings Number of Scientific_Name Species_Code Common_Name Acquired Bred Disposed licensees Ctenophorus reticulatus A2200 Western Netted Dragon 1 3 5 Ctenophorus vadnappa G2203 Red-barred Dragon 8 11 4 Diporophora australis Z2223 Tommy Roundhead 1 1 1 Hypsilurus boysii W2243 Boyd's Forest Dragon 11 23 28 17 Hypsilurus spinipes C2245 Southern Forest Dragon 46 32 13 59 Lophognathus gilberti E2246 Gilbert’s Dragon 3 2 3 Physignathus lesueurii A2252 Water Dragon 507 491 460 705 Pogona barbata K2177 Common Bearded Dragon 514 424 332 560 Pogona barbata X P. vitticeps X2003 Eastern / Central Bearded Dragon hybrid 3 1 3 Pogona henrylawsoni G2775 Downs Bearded Dragon 327 374 399 596 Pogona microlepidota E2190 Small-scaled Bearded Dragon 2 2 Pogona minor minima G2191 Western Bearded Dragon 5 5 22 12 Pogona minor minor Y2192 Dwarf Dearded Dragon 5 10 8 9 Pogona mitchelli K2193 North-west Bearded Dragon 2 8 40 26 Pogona vitticeps Y2204 Central Bearded Dragon 1108 1298 1430 2000 Rankinia diemensis E2182 Mountain Heath Dragon 25 12 18 48 Tympanocryptis cephalis C2253 Blotch-tailed Earless Dragon 1 2 2 Tympanocryptis lineata G2255 Lined Earless Dragon 2 3 Christinus marmoratus M2126 Marbled Southern Gecko 9 17 5 14 Cyrtodactylus louisidensis S2049 Ring-tailed Gecko 5 4 3 Diplodactylus conspicillatus M2054 Fat-tailed Gecko 1 1 Diplodactylus steindachneri Z2071 Box-patterned Gecko 2 8 4 Diplodactylus stenodactylus Q2072 Pale-snouted Ground Gecko 1 2 1 Diplodactylus tessellatus A2076 Tessellated Gecko 1 1 Diplodactylus vittatus C2077 Eastern Stone Gecko 12 1 6 6 Gehyra australis C2085 Top-end Dtella 1 Gehyra dubia U2082 Dubious Dtella 5 0 2 0 Gehyra monitum W2083 Centralian Dtella 1 1 2 0 Gehyra variegata A2092 Variegated Dtella 7 6 6 6 Hemidactylus frenatus A2104 Asian House Gecko 3 1 3 Heteronotia binoei C2105 Bynoe’s Prickly Gecko 24 25 19 30 Heteronotia spelea E2106 Desert Cave Gecko 1 Lucasium damaeum K2109 Beaded Gecko 1 2 Nephrurus amyae K2777 Centralian Rough Knob-tailed Gecko 27 23 30 35 Nephrurus laevissimus W2111 Pale Knob-tailed Gecko 5 10 2 Nephrurus levis A2112 Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko 63 79 137 114 Page 2 qryHoldings Number of Scientific_Name Species_Code Common_Name Acquired Bred Disposed licensees Nephrurus stellatus C2113 Starred Knob-tailed Gecko 1 Oedura castlenaui Y2116 Northern Velvet Gecko 20 18 15 34 Oedura coggeri K2117 Northern Spotted Velvet Gecko 3 2 2 1 Oedura filicipoda G2131 Fringe-toed Velvet Gecko 5 3 4 Oedura lesueurii M2118 Lesueur’s Velvet Gecko 27 8 7 30 Oedura marmorata Z2119 Marbled Velvet Gecko 13 17 56 94 Oedura monilis A2120 Ocellated Velvet Gecko 4 1 8 0 Oedura robusta G2123 Robust Velvet Gecko 6 6 4 6 Oedura tryoni Y2124 Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko 17 11 0 8 Phyllurus platurus S2129 Broad-tailed Gecko 31 21 0 17 Pseudothecadactylus lindneri Z2135 Northern Giant Cave Gecko 3 Saltuarius cornutus Q2128 Northern Leaf-tail Gecko 1 0 0 1 Saltuarius salebrosus E2130 Rough-throated Leaf-tail Gecko 4 4 7 Saltuarius swaini E2687 Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko 13 9 6 5 Saltuarius wyberba T2001 Granite Leaf-tailed Gecko 10 1 8 18 Strophurus ciliaris K2053 Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko 17 28 8 42 Strophurus intermedius W2059 Southern Spiny-tailed Gecko 3 6 6 2 Strophurus taenicauda W2075 Golden Spiny-tailed Gecko 12 11 7 3 Strophurus williamsi E2078 Eastern Spiny-tailed Gecko 4 4 0 2 Underwoodisaurus milii U2138 Thick-tailed Gecko 89 64 38 88 Lialis burtonis U2170 Burton’s Snake-Lizard 7 7 Pygopus lepidopodus E2174 Common Scaly-Foot 6 4 Pygopus nigriceps G2175 Western Scaly-Foot 2 1 Data Input Error R0001 Data Input Error 2 0 0 0 Data Input Error R0003 Data Input Error 1 0 0 0 No reptiles held R0000 No reptiles held 1170 0 0 0 Varanus acanthurus G2263 Spiny-tailed Monitor 103 101 32 109 Varanus baritji K2733 Black-spotted Spiny-tailed Monitor 2 2 Varanus brevicauda Y2264 Short-tailed Pygmy Monitor 7 3 11 2 Varanus caudolineatus K2265 Stripe-tailed Monitor 1 1 Varanus giganteus Z2267 Perentie 8 9 5 5 Varanus gilleni Q2268 Pygmy Mulga Monitor 55 57 15 34 Varanus gouldii G2271 Sand Monitor 49 21 19 22 Varanus indicus Y2272 Mangrove Monitor 3 7 Varanus kingorum Q2284 Long-tailed Rock Moniotor 3 9 0 8 Varanus mertensi K2273 Mertens’ Water Monitor 17 14 0 13 Page 3 qryHoldings Number of Scientific_Name Species_Code Common_Name Acquired Bred Disposed licensees Varanus mitchelli M2274 Mitchell's Water Monitor 8 5 3 Varanus panoptes S2285 Yellow-spotted Monitor 5 3 1 Varanus primordius Q2276 Northern Ridge-tailed Monitor 3 2 2 1 Varanus rosenbergi W2287 Heath Monitor 6 3 5 Varanus spenceri W2279 Spencer's Monitor 22 37 11 9 Varanus storri Y2280 Storr’s Monitor 27 20 7 16 Varanus timorensis K2281 Spotted Tree Monitor 18 11 8 20 Varanus tristis M2282 Black-headed Monitor 34 28 15 51 Varanus varius Z2283 Lace Monitor 83 69 43 71 Acritoscincus platynotum A2464 Red-throated Skink 1 Anomalopus verreauxi W2295 Three-clawed Worm-skink 1 Carlia tetradactyla E2318 Southern Rainbow-skink 1 Carlia vivax Q2320 Tussock Rainbow-skink 1 Coeranoscincus reticulatus S2293 Three-toed Snake-tooth Skink 1 Cryptoblepharus virgatus W2331 Cream-striped Wall Skink 1 Ctenotus robustus W2375 Eastern Striped Skink 2 Ctenotus taeniolatus E2386 Copper-tailed Skink 3 3 Cyclodomorphus casuarinae M2574 Tasmanian She-oak Skink 9 3 0 3 Cyclodomorphus gerrardii Z2575 Pink-tongued Skink 80 80 102 134 Cyclodomorphus melanops T2007 Samphire Slender Bluetongue 1 Cyclodomorphus michaeli T2005 Mainland She-oak Skink 2 1 2 1 Cyclodomorphus venustus T2011 a slender bluetongue 1 Egernia cunninghami Y2408 Cunningham’s Skink 106 97 122 123 Egernia depressa K2409 Pygmy Spiny-tailed Skink 4 1 2 9 Egernia frerei W2411 Major Skink 9 5 4 0 Egernia hosmeri A2412 Hosmer’s Skink 8 11 26 9 Egernia inornata C2413 Desert Skink 1 0 0 0 Egernia kingii E2414 King’s Skink 5 3 5 Egernia major K2417 Land Mullet 44 17 16 18 Egernia mcpheei K2213 Eastern Crevice-skink 2 Egernia rugosa Y2424 Yakka Skink 2 7 8 Egernia saxatilis K2425 Black Rock Skink 3 4 6 2 Egernia stokesii Z2427 Gidgee Skink 21 23 11 11 Egernia striolata Q2428 Tree Skink 11 3 5 11 Egernia whitii E2430 White’s Skink 11 7 0 13 Eremiascincus richardsonii U2438 Broad-banded Sand-swimmer 19 38 42 24 Page 4 qryHoldings Number of Scientific_Name Species_Code Common_Name Acquired Bred Disposed licensees Eulamprus quoyii K2557 Eastern Water-skink 22 11 34 28 Eulamprus tenuis Z2559 Barred-sided Skink 1 Gnypetoscinous queenslandae Q2584 Prickly Forest Skink 1 10 Lampropholis delicata M2450 Garden Skink 3 2 4 Lampropholis guichenoti Z2451 Garden Skink 1 Saiphos equalis U2542 Yellow-bellied Three-toed Skink 1 Tiliqua multifasciata S2577 Centralian Blue-tongue 26 24 13 18 Tiliqua nigrolutea U2578 Blotched Blue-tongue 124 112 133 149 Tiliqua occipitalis W2579 Western Blue-tongue 13 25 10 8 Tiliqua scincoides Y2580 Common Blue-tongue 958 777 994 1047 Trachydosaurus rugosus Z2583 Shingleback 263 228 84 202 Boiga irregularis U2630 Eastern Brown Tree Snake 61 44 25 61 Cacophis krefftii M2646 Southern Dwarf Crowned Snake 1 1 Cacophis squamulosus Z2647 Golden-crowned Snake 2 2 Demansia psammophis Z2655 Yellow-faced Whipsnake 8 0 0 6 Denisonia devisi Y2660 De Vi’s Banded Snake 3 2 Drysdalia rhodogaster K2805 Mustard-bellied Snake 1 2 Furina diadema C2669 Red-naped Snake 1 0 0 0 Hemiaspis signata U2674 Black-bellied Swanp Snake 11 9 Suta dwyeri M2726 Dwyer's Snake 1 0 0 0 Acrochorous arafurae G2627 Arafura File Snake 4 3 Antaresia childreni G2619 Children’s Python 831 521 501 749 Antaresia childreni X A.

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