Draft Deferments . Available Any male studentwishing the 2-S student draft deferment should request that the regis. trar's office report his enroll- ment at Highline to his local draft board. The student must also notify the dran board, in writing, that he is requesting this deferment. According to Dr. Robert Mc- Farland, registrar, the 2-S defer- ment is maintained as long as the student "makes satisfactory progress toward his career" and makes an annual report to the draft board. The student SOPHOMORE CLASS - Shown above are (lefl) Dwayne Welch, Sapb- should plan to completeat least omom Class Presidentelect, rad Cheryl Curcio, Sophomore Class Class President=elect, and Terry Cooper, Freshman Class Represents- 45 credit hours of study at the ReprestntativeElect. tiveelect. studying a draft of the new Student Body Constitution. end of one year. The Fall 1968 Elections Corn- Class as President was Hal Page, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Welch, dent was held and Alec Pollak, A student may also request to mittee announced last Friday sonof Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Sr. and a Highline High School son of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Pollak be reported on a 2-yearoccupa- the results of the 1968-69 Soph- Page, and a graduate of Wichita graduate as President. Serving and a West Seattle High School tional study plan and would be omoreand Freshman Class and High SchoolWest. Serving as asSophomore Representative graduate waschosen to serve. classified 2-A, rather that ZS. A.S.B. Vice-presidential Elec- Freshman Representative will will be Cheryl Curcio, daughter A portion of the lounge in the The 2-A classification does not tions, which were held October be Terry Cooper, son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Curcio T.U.B. was transformed into the eliminate the possibility of later 10th in the THUNOERBIRD Mrs. Arthur W. Cooper, anda and a Mt. Rainier High School Official Polling Station,which receivinga marriage deferment, Student Union Building. Five Tyee Senior High Schoolgradu- graduate. was open between the hours of as does the 2-S classification.. students were elected and will ate. Due to the resignation ofASB 800 and 4:00 for day students serve until theend of spring Vice President John E. Maass and 500 and ?:00 for evening If a student has forfeited the quarter. The SophomoreClass will be during the summer, a special students, and wasmanned by 2-S deferment by dropping out Eiected to serve the Freshman headed by Dwayne Welch, son election of A.S.B. Vice Presi- student volunteers. of college it is possible for him to receive the 1-S deferment on a year to year basisupon re- enrollment at Highline. Deposit Blood: Anystudent whohas trans- nferred to Highline from another college must request an official transcript from his former col- I Of life lege tobe sent toHighline so his Stirdents,faculty and staff total work can be reported. / are urged to donateblood on Highline Community College October 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 For more details on this or Vol. 8, No. 2 October. -.18, 1968 p.m. in Classroom Building No. other selective serviceinforma- 16, room 108. Our goal is 100 tion, contact Dr. Robert McFar- pints. land, Registrar: Highline' Communitp--. - bb""-.b - - suspended farrtspecified 'be- views disciplinary pnrrredings are .necessary .when ' time or dismissed subject assecondary to counseling. havior of the student inter- to the student's right of - guidance, advisement, example rupts the normal classroom appeal. andadmonition. When these procedure.When sanction . c. In all cases the student shall . preferred means fail to resolve may be so serious as to re- be advised of his rights by problems of studentconduct, sult in suspension, expul- reference to this section of proper disciplinary procedures sion, disciplinary proba- College regulations. are establishedto maintain tion or permanent notation IV. COLLEGE DISCIPLINE conditions conducive to the ef- on any current or prospec- COMMITI'EE fective performanceof its func- tive record, the instructor ACollege Discipline Com- tions, and to protect individual must report the infraction mittee will hear, de novo, and students from unfair imposition in writing to the Dean of makerecommendations on all of serious penalties. Students at the earliest disciplinary cases referred to it I.STUDEKT CONDUCT possible opportunity. by the Dean of Students or ap- a. Attendancea. at Highline 111. DISCIPLINARY pealed to it bystudents who Community College carries PROCEDURE have been disciplined by the with it thepresumption a. Disciplinary proceedings Dean. The Committee will be that thestudent will obey will be initiated by the Dean composed of thefollowing: the law.will comply with the of Students or his designate. 1. Amember of the faculty, rules.regulations and pro- At his discretion an ad- designated by the President cedures that are or may be visory panel of students of the College,who will established, and will main- andlor facultymay be asked act as chairman fora period to sit atthe initial interview. of one year. tain a high standard of in- 1.The student shall be ad- tegrity and honesty. There- 2. A member of the Instruc- vised of the charges tional Council appointed by fore. it is cxpected that stu- against him and of the dents will notengage in the chairman of that Coun- maximum penalty that cil foraone year term. such activities as cheating, might result from con- plagiarism,theft. assault, sideration of thedisci- 3. Amember of the Student By Jack Goldman destructionof property, plinary matter. Affairs Councilappointed Seattle is oneof thirty major cities which California grape forgery or alteration of b. After considering theevi- by the Director of Counsel- pickers hope will boycott theuse of all California tablegrapes. records; that they will not dence and interviewing the ing fora one year term. Local response to the boycott has been substantial. The most behave in such a manner as student the dean may take 4. A member of the counseling notablevictory for the came thus far has been the A & P food to interfere with the con- any of the following actions: staff appointedby the chain. A & P has taken all California grapes offtheir food ,duct of College activities or Director of Counseling for a counters. Support has also come from many churches in the area ' 1.Terminate the proceed- to disruptthe normal pro- ing, exonerating thestu- one year term. as well as theNAACP, and theAmerican Friends Service cedures of the College, and dent or students. 5. At the option of the student committee. that they will respect the 2. Dismiss the caseat'ter involved, two students. The Anyoneunder the impressionthat grape pickers are in the rights, privileges and prop counselingand advise- two students shall bethe high income bracket has the wrong idea. The highest hourly wage erty of other members of ment. President and Vice-Presi- in CoachellaValley (one ofthe larger grape Valleys inCalifor- the College community. 3.Impose minor sanctions dent of the Associated Stu- nia) is $1.40. Workers also geta piece rate of 15 to 25 cents a b. Failure observeto the suchas warning, repri- dent Body or their ap- box. above standards of conduct mand, disciplinary pro- pointees. Naturally there is catcha to all this.The "repacking shall subject the student to bation or fines subject to clause'' states that if one box of grapes in an entire truckload of penalties whichmay in- 6. In addition, in cases initi- the student's right of ap- ated byan instmctor for upto 600 boxes geta black mark, the entire loadmust be clude dismissalfrom the peal. The student will be repacked. This little chore usually takes from three to five hours. College. When violations of classroom infractions the notified in writing when a Chairman of the Division The pickersdo not receive a cent for repacking either. If the law are involvedthe Col- reprimand, disciplinary foreman cannot find any of the pickers to inform them they must lege reservesthe right to shall serveon the Com- probation or fine is im- mittee. repack the trucks, then the pickers do not even get paid. imposesanctions indepen- posed. If the student is a Cuimarra Vineyards in Delanawas one of the firstto be dent of action takenby other minor, written notice shall 7. The Dean of Students'is an struck by theworkers. late August 1,OOO out of 1,100 pickers civil authorities. be sent to the parents or ex officio member of the struck Cuimarra which is thelargest grower in the U. S. The 11. RESPONSIBILITY FOR guardian. Committeeexcept when it vineyard uses 7,500 acresfor grapes and 5,000 acresfor other DISCIPLINE 4. Refer the matter tothe sits in judgment on charges crops. Last year Guimarra grossed between $12 and $15 miliron in a. Determination of student College Discipline Com- brought by the Dean or his grades alone. 1 certainly feel sorry for poor Mr. Cuimarra misconduct is primarily the mittee for a recommenda- designate. Today migrant farm workers remain outcasts in labor. They responsibilityof the Dean tion tothe President of 8. No member of the commit- are ignoredby the National Labor RelationsAct. The workers of Studentsto administer the College. The student tee whohas previously . accordingto established. are laughed at when they try to organize into unions. shall be notified in writing participated in the particu- Anystudents wishing to further the cause of the striking * procedures. that the matter has been lar case or whowould ay- pickersshould contact theUnited Farm Workersoffice a1 2819 b. The instructor is responsi- referred to the Committee. pcar as a participant be- blc for conduct in the class- 5. Recommend to the Presi- First Avenue in Seattle. roomand is authorized to dent that the student bc [Csntinucd onPagc 5) IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY DON'T eat grapes -.
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