Wakefield - Knottingley 148 Wakefield - Knottingley 148A Wakefield - Knottingley 149 148 Wakefield - Knottingley Wakefield Bus Station, Union Street, Westmorland St, The Springs, Kirkgate, Doncaster Rd, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Weeland Road, Cow Lane, Roman Road, High Street, Whinney Ln, Wakefield Rd, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Rd, Marl Pit Hill, Wakefield Road, Southgate, Broad Lane, Horse Fair, Trinity Street, Northgate, North Baileygate, Mill Dam Lane, Ferrybridge Road, Mill Lane, Orchard Head Lane, Ferrybridge Road, Pontefract Road, Wordsworth Drive, Arncliffe Drive, Pontefract Road, Castleford Lane, Stranglands Lane, The Square, Fishergate, Ferrybridge Road, Hill Top, Headlands Lane, Spawd Bone Lane, Hazel Road, Windermere Drive. Knottingley - Wakefield Windermere Drive, Sycamore Avenue, Hazel Road, Spawd Bone Lane, Headlands Lane, Pontefract Road, Ferrybridge Road, Fishergate, Argyle Road, High Street, The Square, Stranglands Lane, Castleford Lane, Pontefract Road, Arncliffe Drive, Wordsworth Drive, Pontefract Road, Ferrybridge Road, Orchard Head Lane, Mill Lane, Ferrybridge Road, Mill Dam Lane, North Baileygate, Northgate, Horse Fair, Broad Lane, Southgate, Mill Hill Road, Wakefield Road, Marl Pit Hill, Wakefield Road, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Road, Whinney Lane, High Street, Roman Road, Cow Lane, Weeland Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, Bridge Street, Doncaster Road, Kirkgate, Lower Warrengate, The Springs, Westmorland Street, Northgate, Union Street, Borough Road, Wakefield Bus Station. 148A Wakefield - Knottingley Wakefield Bus Station, Union Street, Westmorland St, The Springs, Kirkgate, Doncaster Rd, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Weeland Road, Cow Lane, High Street, Whinney Ln, Wakefield Rd, Wentworth Road, Priory Road, Girnhill Lane, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Rd, Marl Pit Hill, Wakefield Road, Southgate, Broad Lane, Horse Fair, Trinity Street, Northgate, North Baileygate, Mill Dam Lane, Ferrybridge Road, Mill Lane, Orchard Head Lane, Ferrybridge Road, Pontefract Road, Wordsworth Drive, Arncliffe Drive, Pontefract Road, Castleford Lane, Stranglands Lane, The Square, Fishergate, Ferrybridge Road, Hill Top, Weeland Road, Common Lane. Knottingley - Wakefield Common Lane, Weeland Road, Hill Top, Pontefract Road, Ferrybridge Road, Fishergate, Argyle Road, High Street, The Square, Stranglands Lane, Castleford Lane, Pontefract Road, Arncliffe Drive, Wordsworth Drive, Pontefract Road, Ferrybridge Road, Orchard Head Lane, Mill Lane, Ferrybridge Road, Mill Dam Lane, North Baileygate, Northgate, Horse Fair, Broad Lane, Southgate, Mill Hill Road, Wakefield Road, Marl Pit Hill, Wakefield Road, Pontefract Road, Girnhill Lane, Priory Road, Wentworth Road, Wakefield Road, Whinney Lane, High Street, Cow Lane, Weeland Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, Bridge Street, Doncaster Road, Kirkgate, Lower Warrengate, The Springs, Westmorland Street, Northgate, Union Street, Borough Road, Wakefield Bus Station. 149 Wakefield - Knottingley Wakefield Bus Station, Union Street, Westmorland St, The Springs, Kirkgate, Doncaster Rd, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, Black Road, A655, Crossley Street, High Street, Cow Lane, Weeland Road, Wakefield Road, Wentworth Road, Priory Road, Girnhill Lane, Pontefract Road, Wakefield Rd, Marl Pit Hill, Wakefield Road, Southgate, Broad Lane, Horse Fair, Trinity Street, Horse Fair, Broad Lane, Southgate, South Baileygate, Bondgate, Knottingley Road, Pontefract Road, Hill Top, Chapel Street, The Croft, Marsh End, Fernley Green Road, Weeland Road, Womersley Road, Spawd Bone Lane, Hazel Page 1 Road, Windermere Drive. Knottingley - Wakefield Windermere Drive, Sycamore Avenue, Hazel Road, Spawd Bone Lane, The Ridgeway, Southfield Road, England Lane, Womersley Road, Weeland Road, Fernley Green Road, Marsh End, The Croft, Chapel Street, Hill Top, Pontefract Road, Knottingley Road, Bondgate, South Baileygate, Southgate, Broad Lane, Horse Fair, Trinity Street, Horse Fair, Broad Lane, Southgate, Mill Hill Road, Wakefield Road, Marl Pit Hill, Wakefield Road, Pontefract Road, Girnhill Lane, Priory Road, Wentworth Road, Wakefield Road, Weeland Road, Cow Lane, High Street, Crossley Street, A655, Black Road, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, A638, Doncaster Road, Bridge Street, Doncaster Road, Kirkgate, Lower Warrengate, The Springs, Westmorland Street, Northgate, Union Street, Borough Road, Wakefield Bus Station. Operated by: Arriva Yorkshire 0344 8004411 Arriva Customer Services Freepost ANG7624 Luton LU4 8BR Valid from 3 September 2018 Page 2 Monday to Friday Wakefield - Knottingley 148 148 149 149 148 148 149 149 148 149 Wakefield Bus Station 0520 0550 0605 0620 0635 0650 0705 0725 0735 0755 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 0616 0631 0716 0736 0806 Sharlston 0622 0637 0722 0742 0812 New Sharlston High Street 0535 0605 0650 0705 0750 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 0628 0643 0726 0746 0816 Featherstone Pontefract 0545 0615 0632 0647 0700 0717 0732 0752 0802 0822 Road Pontefract Bus Station 0601 0631 0648 0703 0716 0733 0748 0808 0818 0838 Ferrybridge Magnet 0615 0645 0730 0747 0832 Knottingley Common Lane 0703 0718 0803 0823 0853 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 0622 0652 0713 0729 0737 0754 0814 0834 0839 0904 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 Wakefield Bus Station 0815 0825 0835 0845 0855 0905 0915 0925 0935 0945 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 0826 0846 0906 0926 0946 Sharlston 0832 0852 0912 0932 0952 New Sharlston High Street 0840 0900 0920 0940 1000 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 0836 0856 0916 0936 0956 Featherstone Pontefract 0842 0852 0902 0912 0922 0932 0942 0952 1002 1012 Road Pontefract Bus Station 0858 0908 0918 0928 0938 0948 0958 1008 1018 1028 Ferrybridge Magnet 0922 0942 1002 1022 1042 Knottingley Common Lane 0913 0933 0953 1013 1033 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 0924 0929 0944 0949 1004 1009 1024 1029 1044 1049 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 Wakefield Bus Station 0955 1005 1015 1025 1035 1045 1055 1105 1115 1125 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 1006 1026 1046 1106 1126 Sharlston 1012 1032 1052 1112 1132 New Sharlston High Street 1020 1040 1100 1120 1140 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 1016 1036 1056 1116 1136 Featherstone Pontefract 1022 1032 1042 1052 1102 1112 1122 1132 1142 1152 Road Pontefract Bus Station 1038 1048 1058 1108 1118 1128 1138 1148 1158 1208 Ferrybridge Magnet 1102 1122 1142 1202 1222 Knottingley Common Lane 1053 1113 1133 1153 1213 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 1104 1109 1124 1129 1144 1149 1204 1209 1224 1229 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 Wakefield Bus Station 1135 1145 1155 1205 1215 1225 1235 1245 1255 1305 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 1146 1206 1226 1246 1306 Sharlston 1152 1212 1232 1252 1312 New Sharlston High Street 1200 1220 1240 1300 1320 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 1156 1216 1236 1256 1316 Featherstone Pontefract 1202 1212 1222 1232 1242 1252 1302 1312 1322 1332 Road Pontefract Bus Station 1218 1228 1238 1248 1258 1308 1318 1328 1338 1348 Ferrybridge Magnet 1242 1302 1322 1342 1402 Knottingley Common Lane 1233 1253 1313 1333 1353 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 1244 1249 1304 1309 1324 1329 1344 1349 1404 1409 Page 3 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 Wakefield Bus Station 1315 1325 1335 1345 1355 1405 1415 1425 1435 1450 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 1326 1346 1406 1426 1446 Sharlston 1332 1352 1412 1432 1452 New Sharlston High Street 1340 1400 1420 1440 1505 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 1336 1356 1416 1436 1456 Featherstone Pontefract 1342 1352 1402 1412 1422 1432 1442 1452 1502 1517 Road Pontefract Bus Station 1358 1408 1418 1428 1438 1448 1458 1508 1518 1537 Ferrybridge Magnet 1422 1442 1502 1522 1551 Knottingley Common Lane 1413 1433 1453 1513 1533 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 1424 1429 1444 1449 1504 1509 1524 1529 1544 1558 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 Wakefield Bus Station 1505 1515 1525 1540 1555 1605 1615 1625 1635 1645 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 1516 1536 1606 1629 1649 Sharlston 1522 1542 1612 1635 1655 New Sharlston High Street 1530 1555 1620 1640 1700 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 1526 1546 1616 1641 1701 Featherstone Pontefract 1532 1542 1552 1607 1622 1632 1647 1657 1707 1717 Road Pontefract Bus Station 1548 1558 1608 1623 1638 1648 1703 1713 1723 1733 Ferrybridge Magnet 1612 1637 1702 1727 1747 Knottingley Common Lane 1603 1623 1653 1718 1738 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 1614 1619 1634 1644 1704 1709 1729 1734 1749 1754 149 148 149 148 149 148 148A 149 148A 149 Wakefield Bus Station 1655 1705 1715 1725 1735 1745 1800 1815 1830 1900 Crossley St Elsicker Lane 1709 1729 1749 1826 1911 Sharlston 1715 1735 1755 1832 1917 New Sharlston High Street 1720 1745 1805 1815 1845 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 1721 1741 1801 1820 1836 1850 1921 Featherstone Pontefract 1727 1737 1747 1757 1807 1817 1824 1842 1854 1927 Road Pontefract Bus Station 1743 1753 1803 1813 1823 1833 1837 1855 1907 1940 Ferrybridge Magnet 1807 1827 1847 1850 1920 Knottingley Common Lane 1758 1818 1834 1838 1854 1857 1927 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 1809 1814 148A 148A 148A 148A Wakefield Bus Station 1930 2030 2130 2230 New Sharlston High Street 1945 2045 2145 2245 New Priory, Wentworth Rd 1950 2050 2150 2250 Featherstone Pontefract 1954 2054 2154 2254 Road Pontefract Bus Station 2007 2107 2207 2305 Ferrybridge Magnet 2020 2120 2220 Knottingley Common Lane 2027 2127 2227 Code: Adjoining or near Railway Station Page 4 Knottingley - Wakefield 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 148 149 Knottingley Simpsons Lane 0517 0545 0557 0615 0622 0635 0642 0655
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