GUELPH· ADVERTISEMENTS. OORJY-r:A..OK: Tailor and Clothier, keeps on hand a large and well assorted stock of Ca- nadian Tweeds,English, French and Scotch WOOLLENS, imported direct, which he will make to order in the best and latest styles. Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods in every variety, at JAS. CORMACK'S, No. I Wyndham St. Guelph,Ont. 2 Day's Block, Guelph. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST GOODS, AND LOWEST PRICES ""III IIlwa.l'H h(" fOIl .. d n' :\0. '!. J_ E_ :::JY-[cELDERRY H.h now 011 hand lhe best assorted and Cheapest Stock of GeneW'm,l {}:'rO'~~~i93~ ~~1i~Or~" CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS\VARE TO BE FOUND IX TOWX. :;if" Goods delivered promptly in any part o(the town upon receipt of order. No trnuhle to s.how good ... or quote price~ whether you buy or not. Note the add res... J. E. McELDERRV, '! I)... " .... l:Jodt:, ,Sh" :\"alt'd 1't"l' ~rore-. 2 (:UF.LPH AIJV£RTISEM£NTS. TRUNK& HARNESS DEPOT:J WYNDHAM STREET, GUELPH. ,IA~{lFACTFRF,R AND DEALER IN \/.'.L\\":) 0:-': .RAND--- A coon SCPPl.\' OF Ca!"l'iage and Team Harness, Saddles, Tl'unks, Collar's,Halt~rs, Rock~ell. Bits and Bpidles va,b~s, Satchels, . Whips, Brushes, Rubber Covers and Aprons, .-\ nd everything generally kept in a first-class estahlishment. (;oods made of,the best stock and hy the best workmen. (Irders promptly filled. Customers from a distance can order by mail and have goods expressed to any part of the Dominion. Travellers will find a complete assortme:H of all the best Trun/t.s, Valises and Bags (If latest styles, at "cry low pnces. GUELPH ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN HORSMAN, DIRECT GUELPH, ONTARIO. THE OLDEST HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTY of WELLINGTON ALL GOODS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT ?UARANTEED AS r-EPR~SENTED ~ Liberallnducerrtfnts Offered to First-class Wholesale f)uyers. A~D- GENTLE}'iENS' ~LOTHINGJfOUSE IN GUELPH. \VILLIA~I IMPORTER OF MILLINERY, CARPETS, &c. Dress Goods, Hosiery and Stays Speoialities. Desirable lines always in stoc"k. Value and styles cannot be surpassed. Buyers should visit and inspect before buying, GEN T L EM EIN S' CLOT H I N G. A selected stock of Cloths, Doeskins, Tweeds, imported and Canadian. Our ordered Suits are made up in the newest styles and by superior workmen, all being under the supenntendence of a competent Cutter. The stock of Dress Shirts, Oxford Flannels, Ties, Collars, Braoes, Socks, Hats & Caps, and Underolothing, In \nJuJ, merino and silk, are carefully selected in sizes and colors, and tbe PRICES '[ODER.\TE. \\'\f. STEvVART. DIRECI'ORY OF THE TOWN OF GUELPH 1873 COMPRISING THI<: NAMI<:, BUSINESS, AND PLACE OF RESIDE;\IU'; OF EACH ADULT :-tAI,E INHABITANT RESIDI:<rG WITHIN THE CORPORATION, WITH It BRIEf" SKIl:TCH OIT THE RISE AND PROGRESS m' THE TOWN AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. ALSO A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY ---_._-- COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY J. H. HACKING Editor and Proprietor of the Guelph ADVERTISER. GUELPH, ONT,: I'RIr.:TEV AT THE OFFICE OF THE GUI!LPH I, ADVERTISER," TI)WN OF GUELPH DIRECTORY. 6 ---- CONTENTS. Page Page Town of Guelph-general remarks Cricket Clull, .... .......•.•••.... 27 Early History .... , ......... ,..... 12 Base Ball Club... .......•....... 21 Modern History.. ..............• 16 Boating Club.. .• ... 27 Town 'Vards ... ' .. .. .. .. .. .....• .. 19 :Militia..... 28 Town and County Officers ...... , •. Cemeteries. , .... ' .. .. 29 Board of Trade.... • .....•....... Horticultural Society.......... 29 Churches.... .. .. 21 A,sociations and Societies. 30 Public Schools.. 24 Post Office. 33 Ho.. pital.... ..... .. .. 2S Railway and Stage Time·Tables... 34- Mechanics' Institute.. 25 Street Din:ctUT) ........... ,..... ::5 (~a ... Company...... .. 25 N ewspapero;;. .. •• •• . .. .• •• .• •. .• 39 Hanks.. ..•. .... ...... .. ...... ... 26 Name Directory ........ , ... 41 to 12Z 'relegraph and Express.. ...•.... 26 Classified Business Directory, 123 to 129 ('entraJ Exhibition.. .. 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Page Adverti"er .. .. .... •.......••.•.... 78 Holliday Thos ............ ' ....... 131 Armstrong 'Vrn. & Son.. .. •••. .... 80 Horsman John, ...... ' 3 Andcr~un J llhn...... .. .. .. •• .. .. 43 Howard George ............. ,.... 75 Bell Matthew. .••• .. 132 Howe Sewing" Machine...... ,..... 95 Bell Wm. & Co.. .. .. Back o(cover Hunter John.. ..... .......... .... 80 Bucham A. 0 .. Jack<;on John & Co... ..... .. ...... 40 Burr & Skinner.. ................ 51 Jacomb W. H ...... ' .,.......... 80 Campbell Robert................. 55 Kyle Mrs ........................ 99 Clayton R........................ 55 McCaffry Thos ... , .. ,' '."........ 75 Curmack JanIe.,..... ...•... ....... I McElderry J. E ............... ,.. 1 DayT.]. .............. 61 Deady Martin...... ............. 61 ~~~~~~rl H:~~·r;:":::::.:·, :'.:', :'.:', :', 79 Devereux D. E .................. 132 Mitchell & Tovell ........ , ........ '33 Drake H. L..................... 61 Elli<; 1'1105 .••.. , ...•••.••..•.•.•• 132 ~:i~i; ~~~~~ .. : ... ::.:::~::::::.: 13~ ~~~~~~atJf~'i~:::':':'::':'::::::::: :! Grange E. A. A.. .. .. .• .. .. .. •. 9 ~':dde~G~b~nA'''::: ~: .. .' .. .'::::: ::: l~; Harley & Heather ......... Front COver ~~n<;~ E:~:~PK~~~;di..::':::::::::::::. ~i Thomp~ol1 & Jackson., , ........ ,. 9 Hephurn W. D..... 8 Warner & Sutton ............ , .. ,. 8 Waters James T .. , '., ••.. , •... , .. 13 Hev,,'er Jame".. ......... ,. '" 75 1 PREFACE. In presenting to the public the first Directory of the Town of Guelph, the publisher feels justified in saying that he believes it will be found to be in every respect as correct and reliabl p as it is possible for any Directory to be. The fact of its being the first attempt of the kind in the town rendered the task a much more difficult one than it would have been were there a previous publication to refer to for data; but he has the satisfaction of claiming for it entire originality and whatever honor is therein due to the enter­ prise. The materials have been carefully gathered from the most reliable soun.es and the gre.ltest pains taken to secure the accuracy of the information. The historical portion, while claiming no special merit as a literary composition, is believed to embody a truthful account of the birth, growth and present status of the town, and will doubtless prove of interest to the present as well as future generations. Of the alphahetical portion, I may state that more than ordinary means have been adopted to guard against errors in either orthography, description or locality. Every house and place of business within the corporation was visited by competent agents, and the work of procuring the nec6sary information, it is believed, has been accomplished in a thorough and efficient manner. In compiling the slips and placing the names in alphabetical order, I examined each one critically, and where any doubts existed no pains were spared to have any errors or omissions corrected. Know­ ing, however, the constant round of change which is taking place by removals, etc., I humbly ask for reasonable allow­ ance to be made for' such contingencies. To a number of "old settlers" and others, I offer my thanks for their kindness in furnisting items of information and assistance in procuring many details: and to husiness­ men for their advertising patronage. AUVERTISER Office, July, r873- J. H. H. TO\\'X OF Cl'ELPH JJ!RECTuRL 8 ---------------- JAMES EWING, CAB OWNER, Please leave your orders At the Express Offioe or at Hugh Walker's Grooery Store. Carnage in attendance at the Railway Stations on arrival of Trains \V. D. HEPBURN & CO., Manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES Corner Wyndham St. and St. George's Square, GUELF:S:" ONTARIO_ \\',\I\':\ER & SUTTON, OONFOTIONERS:7 "",HldhHIIl Sf., ,~.,. door to Pt"trh'"!oi Drug Store. \~·'I~I<·. will l,,~ iouud ~d a~1 time.s a. full sUPP!y of ('a keN, IIhfcllitlii. l'rulbi1' • ulltht· ....Int! ,0\ cr~ t!>ITIl'; ill their hne of busmes$. During the summer month;; lh~ m'J~t d"li, l"\!~ l'l":t"r:q.,;,'" ""ill be dispensed from their neW Fountain. Also their IlIULJ..cdcIJr;\t.~d )1.", LJ..:EAi\I will be 1..ept constantly ready at all hours and served III Li:':l,r ' .•q.J.lI_I('lI~ 1':""'110 IIp·~t.lir'' '.vhere during the rail and winter months may he k,d 1 ~ >', ( .J! 1'1 I' .\I~ \ T-I'I~"" • )ysnws, &c. Bride and other Cakes made to ".' ILl" [,d. 'Ii ,j" 'n II, ,( ""'~ r, ~ C fP.!ln <.;upplied hy the quart • •rr" LC·II',.l' t· I" ,"" to '111'1,1'; PI, ~i,', .• ,,~ Private Parties. WARXER ,'\:. ~V ITo:\". TOWN OF CUELPH DIR£CTO}{Y. 9 E. A. A. GRANGE, ~' :to t ,to t* i tt ~ tll .s U l'g't;O n t Menlber of the Ontario Veterinary College. OFFICE-NO. 6 DA Y'S BLOCK, UP-STAIRS, GUELPH. N. B. -Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. -----------~.--- And General Passenger Agency, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, Gt:ELPH, O,\TARW. Agent for the hMAN STEAMSHIP CO. between New York and Liverpool, sailing Thursdays and SaturdaY5, and com­ prising sixteen magnificent Clyde built Iron Steamers. Fares as low as by any first-class line. Also for the Michi­ gan Central, Detroit and Milwaukee and Erie Railroads and their connections. United States Money and Drafts Bought and Sold on Best Terms. Time-tables and full information given on apj:lication to H. D. MOREHOUSE. ---------- THOMPSON & JACKSON, Z.1,!.Etd~1t6I.n '& GiI~t@!'al AIOntl Conveyancers, Commissioners in Queen's Bench, &c. MONEY TO LEND At moderate ratec; on Real Estate or good Personal Security, and MONEYS SAFEl.Y INVESTED. Oftl(>("---St. f~('org(,'!11 SqlUlN', lVYlIdh:nn-Sl. 2 Tu\i;-; OF l;lJ!,.i.PJI lJiKt.CIUI\.\- 10 r11.h4~F nsb~n:n~dde ',Y('sL 11:'nd DRESS, i\IILLINERY, r ND l'llANTLE fSTABLISHjV1ENT, Uppe\' Wyndhnn, St., Guelph. BUOFr-.A..~ ]l1\·ites the parti. ll:"r notice ?f ';Vl'rr Lariy to the \ ar;:.,,,, departments of his stock, willch are at all tnnes fully and C"o:nllktl'ly assorted with all the l";E\\"[~ST A~l) J1E:-. r GOt >1):~. Attention is directed to our stock of 'Clock and Colored Silks, Poplins and Japanese Silks, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Lustres and French M31'inoes, Skipts and Skirtings, Mantles and Mantle Matepials.
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