F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 V O L U M E 3 0, N U M B E R 2 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF AUSTIN Youth convention draws largest crowd ever ed about the event that brought we may say with confidence: opened for the sessions; par- youth ministry, music ministry BY JENNIFER KODYSZ about 2,200 people to the Waco ‘the Lord is my helper [and] ticipants eagerly awaited Mass, and much more. Workshops CORRESPONDENT Convention Center Jan. 20-22. I will not be afraid, what can prayer services, skits, entertain- included female and male only They came from more than 80 anyone else do to me?’” It was ment and keynote speakers Ennie sessions, sessions for adults only For months the excitement parishes throughout the diocese. also based on the message “Be Hickman and Jackie François. and workshops offered in Span- was mounting; a Twitter feed on This year’s conference drew not afraid,” from Blessed Pope In his keynote session on ish. On Saturday evening, teens the Austin Diocesan Catholic about 400 more participants John Paul II, and used an image Friday evening, Hickman of- who are seniors in high school Youth Conference (DCYC) web than DCYC in 2011. of the cruci x as its logo. fered a challenge for the week- had the opportunity to eat din- page kept participants informed, The theme “Unafraid,” was The excitement was evident end. For the first part of his ner with Bishop Joe Vásquez. urged them to pray and get excit- based on Hebrews 13:6, “Thus each time the conference doors challenge, he encouraged partici- Participants were also of- pants to “be intentionally quiet,” fered an opportunity to go to so they could hear God speaking the sacrament of reconciliation to them. The second part of at various times throughout the his challenge was to “give God weekend and experience Eucha- space,” to work in their lives; the ristic adoration Saturday eve- \ nal part of his challenge was to ning, which was led by Father “respond,” to God. Charlie Garza, associate pastor François used her musical of Santa Cruz Parish in Buda. talents to incorporate secular Father Garza used the con- and worship music into her ference theme of “Unafraid,” to keynote sessions where she dis- talk about fears and asking God cussed love, faith and what it to help us overcome our fears. means to be Catholic in our “When we offer our fears society. to God, they become trans- “We should never leave formed,” he said. Mass the same … every time Sunday morning concluded we leave Mass we should be with Mass celebrated by Bishop transformed by the body and Vásquez. He encouraged the blood of Christ,” she said. participants to take their expe- Saturday began with daily riences and what they learned Mass celebrated by Father Mi- over the course of the weekend, chael O’Connor, pastor of St. and go out and share it with John Vianney Parish in Round others. Rock. The day included mul- He also spoke about prayer tiple rounds of workshops in and told participants to “be the morning and afternoon. unafraid to pray … Jesus on the TEENS perform the hand motions to a song at the Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference, Participants were able to choose cross is our hope,” he said. which was held Jan. 20-22 at the Waco Convention Center. More than 80 parishes sent from workshops topics about teens and their adult sponsors to the event. (Photo by Jennifer Kodysz) saints, Scripture, social justice, See DCYC on Page 3 A TOUCH OF MEET OUR Periodical STAINED GLASS SEMINARIANS Postage Paid at Austin, Texas Windows in adoration Supplement introduces chapel bring deeper the men studying meaning to space. for the priesthood. Page 4 Pages 15–18 BISHOP’S CATHOLIC INTERVIEW BOSS Love, no matter the Waco Catholic type, involves sacri ce featured on national and commitment. television show. Page 20 Page 25 Austin Diocese 290 East 6225 Hwy. 78723 Austin, Texas 2 VOICES CATHOLIC SPIRIT THE MISSION OF THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT As the of cial newspaper for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin, the CATHOLIC SPIRIT is dedicated to providing infor- mation, education and formation for the Catholic community of Central Texas. This mission calls for the newspaper: • to provide readers with an understanding of our Catholic faith and traditions; I know I can hear, but do I listen? • to be a primary source of information on Catholic issues relevant to the community; the middle of the night, my eyes pop open, my • to be a unifying element for faith communities, both rural BY SHELLEY METCALF heart starts pounding and my feet hit the oor and urban, throughout Central Texas; CATHOLIC SPIRIT STAFF running. My response to God’s voice is rarely • to show respect for and appreciation of all cultural groups as signi cant. Although there are times when and traditions; I chuckled to myself as I listened to the I hear God calling to me and act immediately, • to emphasize topics af rming the Catholic community and \ rst reading on Jan. 15 where God is calling typically I feel him calling me but I refuse to life, while acknowledging the humanity of the community and examining, with courage, topics that challenge and encourage Samuel as he is sleeping in the temple. Poor recognize it is God. In fact, he usually has to growth in the faith; Samuel is confused and thinks it’s Eli calling repeat himself over and over again before I rec- • to carry a commitment to social justice that will support him time after time but nally Eli, the wise ognize him and listen to what he is telling me. the renewal of the church in Central Texas. man that he is, realizes what is going on. I think there are two lessons for me in all of “Then Eli understood that the LORD was this. One is that God is forgiving, patient and HOW TO SUBMIT INFORMATION calling the youth. So he said to Samuel, “Go persistent. He is going to keep calling me until I Deadline for submission of articles or information for the to sleep, and if you are called, reply, Speak, recognize it is him and listen with an open heart. CATHOLIC SPIRIT is the 10th of the month for publication in the LORD, for your servant is listening.” When And the other is that when my daughter following month’s edition. Samuel went to sleep in his place, the LORD calls “Momma?”, I should not answer with my Deadline for the March issue is Feb. 10. came and revealed his presence, calling out as typical exasperated “What?” Perhaps, my re- You can submit material in any of the following ways: before, “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel answered, sponse should be something like, “Speak, child, • E-mail to [email protected]. “Speak, for your servant is listening.” your mother is listening.” Or maybe I just need • Mail to CATHOLIC SPIRIT, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. For additional information, call (512) 949-2443 or e-mail Samuel grew up, and the LORD was with to give her lots of hugs and kisses and tell her us at [email protected]. CATHOLIC SPIRIT has him, not permitting any word of his to be how much I love her, which is probably why unrestricted editing rights. without effect,” 1 Sm 3: 3b-10, 19. she calls to me anyway. I have to admit this type of thing happens at my house all the time, but it’s not God who HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR SHELLEY METCALF lives in Cedar Park Readers are encouraged to express their opinions on is calling, or then again, maybe it is! My 4-year- with her husband and two children. articles published in CATHOLIC SPIRIT. Letters to the editor pro- old daughter has a habit of calling for me all the They are parishioners of St. Marga- vide a forum of discussion for the local Catholic community. time. When we are together, only a minute or ret Mary Parish. The views expressed in the letters do not necessarily repre- two can pass before I hear “Momma?” in that sent those of the editor or the publisher of CATHOLIC SPIRIT. sweet little voice and if I don’t answer, I hear Letters to the editor should be limited to 250 words. Name and full address of the writer must be provided, “Momma?” times four or ve or a thousand. though name will be withheld from publication on request. This little habit of hers can be annoy- Sister Palacios died at We reserve the right to edit or withhold all letters. Please ing, especially since most of the time she is e-mail to [email protected] or mail to Edi- not hurt or sick and she does not need me, age of 90 in Brenham tor, Catholic Spirit, 6225 Hwy. 290 E., Austin, TX 78723. she is just making sure I am within earshot. Poor Clare Sister Mary Joseph Palacios died Sometimes that little voice saying “Momma?” Jan. 22 at the age of 90. She was born in Oregon HOW TO SUBSCRIBE invades my dreams, kind of like God call- and prior to becoming a religious sister, she was Subscription rates are $12 for one year. To subscribe, ing Samuel as he slept. The voice startles me married and had three children. She joined the send check payable to Catholic Spirit to CATHOLIC SPIRIT, awake and I hurry to her room only to nd her Monastery of St.
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